Powershell 5.0 download windows 2012 r2


Powershell 5.0 download windows 2012 r2

In this article we will show how to update your Windows PowerShell version to the latest 5.1 and install (upgrade to) PowerShell Core 7.1. In a previous article we told that there are currently two versions of PowerShell : a classic Windows PowerShell (the latest version is 5.1 and it is no longer developed) and a new PowerShell Core platform (version 7.1 is available now). Despite that PowerShell version numbering goes on from 5.1 (6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, etc.), these are two different products. So we'll show how to update both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core. Upgrading to Windows PowerShell 5.1 Let's try to update Windows PowerShell version to 5.1 on Windows Server 2012 R2. By default, Windows Server 2012 R2 (Windows 8.1) is installed with PowerShell 4.0. First of all, check the current PowerShell version (the screenshot shows PowerShell 4.0 is installed): $PSVersionTable.PSVersion To update your PowerShell version to 5.1, install Windows Management Framework 5.1, which requires the .NET Framework 4.5.2 (or newer). Make sure that .NET 4.5.2 or higher is installed using this command: (Get-ItemProperty `HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full' -Name Release).Release In my case, the release version 378675 means that .NET Framework version 4.5.1 is installed. So I have to download and install a latest .NET Framework 4.8 (here is the link to an offline installer: -- ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe). Install .NET 4.8 (you will have to reboot your computer): Download WMF 5.1 for Windows Server 2012 R2 -- Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3191564-x64.msu ( . Install Windows Management Framework 5.1. After the server restart, open the PS console and make sure that the PowerShell version has been updated to 5.1. How to Install or Update to PowerShell Core 7? Note that the latest Windows PowerShell version installed in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 is PowerShell 5.1. Microsoft started to develop a cross-platform PowerShell Core version instead. Currently, PowerShell Core 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0 and 7.1 are available. PowerShell Core is essentially a new platform that is installed on the computer along with Windows PowerShell. It means that you cannot upgrade PowerShell 5.1 to PowerShell Core 7.1. PowerShell 7 is installed on a computer apart from Windows PowerShell 5.1. If you have PowerShell Core 6.0 installed, you can update the PowerShell version on your computer to the latest PowerShell 7.1 Core (or you can install PowerShell Core 7.1 together with Windows PowerShell 5.1). In this example, we will try to update PowerShell Core in Windows 10 2004. There are two ways to upgrade: You can download the PowerShell Core MSI installer manually from GitHub; You can download and install (update) it right from the PowerShell console. If you want to install PowerShell Core using an MSI package, go to the project page find the latest release. By the time this article has been written, it was v7.1.0 Release of PowerShell as of November, 11, 2020. The higher preview Release of PowerShell v7.2.0 is also available, but you'd better wait for a more stable version. Expand the Assets list and find a package for your Windows version (PowerShell-7.1.0-win-x64.msi or PowerShell-7.1.0-win-x86.msi). Download the MSI file and install it. You can update PowerShell right from the PS cli. Let's update (install) the latest PowerShell Core version using the command: iex "& { $(irm } -UseMSI" This command downloads the PowerShell 7.1 MSI distribution file from GitHub and runs the installation, then the installation in the MSI Installer starts. After the installation is finished, the PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe) window appears. Check the PowerShell version here to make sure it is PoSh 7.1.0. If you have Chocolatey package manager installed, you can install or update your PowerShell version using the following commands: choco install powershell -y choco upgrade powershell -y Note that the name of the PowerShell executable has changed. In PowerShell Core it is c:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe. It has its own icon in the Start menu. To run .NET Framework based Windows PowerShell, the powershell.exe command is used To run .NET Core based PowerShell Core, use pwsh.exe It means that you have both versions on your computer: Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell Core 7.0. If you do decide to install PowerShell 5.1, I've created a technical how-to with some scripts to automate this process for you. Disclaimer: All code mentioned in this post is as-is. Some may work, some may not work in your environment but, if you have nothing, to begin with, it will act as a template for you to start with. If you need help finding what version of PowerShell you're running, I recommend checking out How to Check your PowerShell Version (All the Ways!). Step #1: Discovery Step #1 in performing an enterprise-wide PowerShell upgrade is discovery. What's the landscape currently look like? You can't change something without first understanding it, and surprisingly, lots of organization don't have any idea what they have! Existing Operating Systems The first task is understanding what operating systems you currently have where you'd like to get up to PowerShell 5.1. Although, on some systems, you may already have decided to install PowerShell 5.1 and not know it. PowerShell 5.1 was released as a bundled tool in Windows 10 Anniversary Update and in the RTM version of Windows Server 2016 so if you've got either of those operating systems or newer you're already good to go. For the others, be sure to gather up a list. Don't have a system management tool like SCCM? No problem! Use PowerShell to help PowerShell! If you have Active Directory, here's a quick one-liner to get a bird's eye view of what's out there. PS> Get-ADComputer -Filter "OperatingSystem -like 'Windows*'" -Properties OperatingSystem | group operatingsystem | sort name Count Name Group ----- ---- ----- 922 Windows 10 Enterprise XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 714 Windows 7 Enterprise XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 23 Windows 7 Professional XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4 Windows 7 Ultimate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2 Windows 8 Consumer Pre... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1 Windows 8 Enterprise XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX What does your environment look like? Do you have any old Windows XP or Server 2003 machines? If so, you're out of luck. The best you're going to do there is PowerShell v2, but if you've still got some of those in your environment, PowerShell is the least of your concerns! For any operating system that has Windows 7 SP1/Windows Server 2008R2 SP1 or higher, PowerShell 5.1 can be installed. Building a Prerequisite Target List On applicable operating systems, PowerShell 5.1 has a few prerequisites and requirements to meet before it works. At least .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed. This isn't an installation requirement, and the install will still proceed, but some features will not work so just do it already!PowerShell 5.1 Preview must not be installedOn Windows 7 or Server 2008R2 machines with PowerShell v3 installed, you must either save the value of PSModulePath or first upgrade to v4 first.On Windows 7 or Server 2008R2 machines if using DSC, be sure to enable WinRM.The installation will need a reboot so be sure you schedule this Because I'm lazy and I intend for you to be the same, here's a small script I whipped up to get you started figuring out what kind of prereq work is ahead of you. For the WinRM requirement, you could include code from this script of mine in there as well as you're touching each machine. Although, know that this approach requires that each computer have PowerShell Remoting enabled. ## This could be Active Directory, a text file, a SQL database, whatever$computers = Get-AdComputer -Filter *foreach ($c in $computers.Name) { try { $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $c $icmParams = @{ Session = $session } $output = @{ ComputerName = $c } ## In case they're running Powerhell v3 $icmParams.ScriptBlock = { $env:PSModulePath; [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", "Machine") } $output.PSModulePath = (Invoke-Command @icmParams) -split ';' | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object ## Grab the existing version $icmParams.ScriptBlock = { $PSVersionTable.BuildVersion.ToString() } $output.PSModulePath = Invoke-Command @icmParams ## Check .NET Framework 4.5.2 if (Get-ChildItem -Path "\$c\c$\windows\\Framework" -Directory | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '^v4.5.2.*' }) { $output.DotNetGood = $true } else { $output.DotNetGood = $false } [pscustomobject]$output } catch { } finally { Remove-PSSession -Session $session -ErrorAction Ignore } Ensure existing scripts will run with PowerShell 5.1 Even though members of the PowerShell team themselves have told me that all scripts should work with PowerShell 5.1, that's not necessarily the case all the time. For any code that's running critical business processes, I always recommend installing 5.1 on the same operating system of another machine and running through all testing that way just to be sure. Step #2: Deployment Once you've got all of the prereqs out of the way and you're ready to begin rolling out PowerShell 5.1, the next step is doing it! Rolling out 5.1 is similar to other software deployments. How you go about this is dependent on the tools you already have. For example, if you have Active Directory and would like to use GPOs, you could go that route, SCCM would work likewise. I try to be product agnostic here so here's how I would do it with PowerShell of course! First, I'll create a folder on my local machine called C:\PowerShellDeployment. Next, I'll download the appropriate version(s) that I need into that folder and grab a copy of psexec while I'm at it. Next, since PowerShell cannot upgrade itself, we need to fall back on good ol' VBScript. Here's a little script I created long ago that will get you started. I'll save it to C:\PowerShellDeployment\installPs.vbs. Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strWorkingDir = oFso.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName) 'Change this to whatever file name it is psInstallerPath = strWorkingDir & "\Windows6.1-KB2819745-x86-MultiPkg.msu" Set swbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") Set swbemServices = swbemLocator.ConnectServer(".", "Root\CIMV2") if oFSO.GetFileVersion("c:\windows\system32\windowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe") = "6.0.6002.18111" then Set colArchs = swbemServices.ExecQuery("SELECT SystemType FROM Win32_ComputerSystem",,48) For Each objArch in colArchs if InStr(objArch.SystemType,"x64based PC") > 0 Then oShell.Run "wusa.exe " & psInstallerPath & " /quiet /norestart",0,True Else Wscript.Quit(10) End If Next End if Once you've got the VBS saved on your local machine, create a PowerShell script like this and keep it somewhere. ## Again, doesn't have to be AD$computers = GetAdComputer -Filter *foreach ($Computer in $Computers) { if (Test-Connection -Computername $Computer -Quiet -Count 1) { $folderPath = 'C:\PowerShellDeployment' Copy-Item -Path $folderPath -Destination "\$Computer\c$" psexec \$Computer cscript "$folderPath\installPs.vbs" Remove-Item "\$Computer\c$\PowerShellDeployment" -Recurse -Force Restart-Computer -Computername $Computer -Force} Execute the above script, and it should check to see if the computer is online, copy the PowerShell installer and the VBS to the remote computer, execute it, clean up after itself and restart the computer. As always, schedule this in a maintenance window! Installing PowerShell requires a reboot, and this will just do it without remorse.

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