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Project Manager: Susan S. Bradley

Content Architect: Rui Maximo

Chapter Lead: Dustin Hannifin

Technical Reviewers: Rui Maximo, Alex Hehmeyer, Brian R. Ricks, Cameron Parker, Cindy Kwan, Greg Anthony, Patrick Kelley, Randy Wintle, Samantha Woogerd

Lead Editor: Kelly Fuller Blue

Art Manager: Jim Bradley

Production Editor: Kelly Fuller Blue

Table of Contents

Contributors 4

SharePoint Integration Scenarios 6

Viewing Presence with SharePoint Site Collections 6

Performing Skill Searches 6

Displaying SharePoint Pictures in Lync 2010 8

Exporting a Meeting Recording to a SharePoint 2010 Asset Library 9

SharePoint Integration Internals 10

SharePoint Presence Internals 10

Skill Search Internals 10

SharePoint Picture Integration Internals 16

Configuring SharePoint Integration 17

Configuring Presence Awareness Integration with SharePoint 17

Configuring Skill Search Integration 17

Configuring Lync 2010 to Use SharePoint Pictures 19

Publish Meeting Recordings to a SharePoint Asset Library 21

Summary 23

Additional Resources 23


Microsoft® Lync™ 2010 communications software now integrates with Microsoft SharePoint® Server. This chapter covers Lync 2010 and SharePoint out-of-the-box integration features. These products have been originally designed with integration in mind, needing no special installations or customizations to take advantage of these integration features. Most integration features are compatible with both Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

SharePoint Integration Scenarios

Integration of Lync 2010 with SharePoint Server provides users a seamless experience with the following SharePoint features:

• Presence within SharePoint site collections

• Skill search

• SharePoint pictures displayed in Lync 2010

• Export meeting recordings to SharePoint asset libraries

Viewing Presence with SharePoint Site Collections

Presence information is displayed next to an individual’s name within a SharePoint site. Presence is seen when a person browses the site by using Microsoft Internet Explorer®. The presence indicator displays the present status of the person based on the status set within their Lync 2010 client. Figure 1 shows how presence information appears in a SharePoint 2010 site collection.


Figure1  Presence information in SharePoint 2010 site collection

Performing Skill Searches

Skill searches are straightforward—users simply select the Skill option when they perform a search from Lync 2010. This option appears above the Lync 2010 Search box. Users can find people based on keywords such as skills, interests, knowledge, and so on. Search results are returned to Lync 2010. Users can select a link within the Lync 2010 search results to display them within the native SharePoint search experience. The results of a skill search performed within Lync 2010 is shown in figure 2.


Figure 2. Results of a skill search performed within Lync 2010

Displaying SharePoint Pictures in Lync 2010

Pictures from SharePoint profiles can be displayed within Lync 2010. SharePoint provides its profile pictures to Active Directory® Domain Services, which in turn can be used to provision the picture that is displayed within Lync 2010. When users click their own picture, they go to the Lync 2010 My Picture property sheet. From here, they can choose between their corporate picture from Active Directory Domain Services, a picture from a public URL, or to display no picture. The ability to sync pictures from SharePoint to Active Directory Domain Services allows SharePoint profiles to become the authoritative source for user photos within the organization. This ensures consistency between SharePoint, Active Directory Domain Services, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Lync Server 2010. Figure 3 shows how SharePoint profile pictures are displayed in the Lync 2010 client.


Figure 3. SharePoint pictures displayed in Lync 2010

Exporting a Meeting Recording to a SharePoint 2010 Asset Library

Lync Server 2010 meeting recordings can be saved directly to a SharePoint 2010 asset library. This feature allows Lync Server meeting recordings to be saved so that they can have metadata attached for indexing, have the access to the asset library controlled by using security permissions, and ensure that corporate digital asset management policies are applied.

SharePoint Integration Internals

Lync 2010 and SharePoint integration provides a rich experience for users by allowing them to take advantage of specific SharePoint features from within the Lync 2010 client. In this section, technical details of the integration capabilities between SharePoint and Lync 2010 are discussed in depth. All SharePoint integration features use Lync 2010 settings and out-of-the-box SharePoint capabilities. No special configuration is required within the Lync Server 2010 infrastructure or to SharePoint servers.

SharePoint Presence Internals

SharePoint presence status is displayed through a client-side setting by using a dynamic link library called name.dll. This file is installed with Microsoft Office 2010. Office 2007, and Office 2003 and is located in the Office installation directory (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 14). The name.dll file is an ActiveX® control that calls the Lync API directly to request and display presence status within SharePoint site collections.

Presence is enabled in SharePoint by default; there are no configuration steps for the SharePoint administrator to perform. Each SharePoint page includes Microsoft JScript® code, which enables presence for that site. JScript uses name.dll to call the Lync API and pull presence for users names who appear on the site. JScript uses the users’ SIP URI to pull presence for names that are listed on the site. The following JScript code is an example of presence being pulled for a user named Bob Kelly, whose SIP URI is bobkelly@. The SIP URI is added by using variables to the JScript when the script is loaded and presence is being pulled.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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