Project Profile Model

If buttons in this document do not activate, please try double clicking them

|Program/Project name | |

|(Note previous name if it has changed since last review) | |

|Multi-Year Strategy (MYS) – ID | |

|Program/Project type | |

|Department, Agency or GBE name | |

|Sponsor Department name | |

|Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) contact details |Name: | |

| |Position/Title: | |

| |Address: | |

| |Telephone: | |

| |Email: | |

|Program/Project Manager details |Name: | |

| |Position/Title: | |

| |Address: | |

| |Telephone: | |

| |Email: | |

|Primary contact point for administration of a Gateway review |Name: | |

|within your Department | | |

| |Position/Title: | |

| |Address: | |

| |Telephone: | |

| |Email: | |

|If a program, please list the names of constituent projects. | |

|If a project, please give name of overarching program | |


|As currently determined in nominal (escalated) dollars | | |

|E.g.: $120,000 $135,000,000 $1,250,000,000 | | |

|For acquisition projects – Expected contract/service length | |

|in years | |

|Name of Responsible Minister | |

|Has the SRO reviewed the completed Project Profile Model? |1 = "1" "(" "(" ( Yes 0 = "1" "(" "(" ( No (A0_1) |



|Question |Selection |

|(1) Has a strategic assessment been completed? |Error! No document variable supplied.|

| |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(2) Has the Minister or Treasurer requested a Gateway Review? |Error! No document variable supplied.|

| |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(3) Is the expected service contract longer than ten years? |Error! No document variable supplied.|

| |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(4) Does the project/program involve “Service Transformational Information Communication Technology” or an ICT |Error! No document variable supplied.|

|component greater than 25 per cent of the TEI? |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(5) Does the project/program involve multiple agency delivery? |Error! No document variable supplied.|

| |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(6) Does the project/program require an Environmental Effects Statement or approval from Heritage Victoria? |Error! No document variable supplied.|

| |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(7) Is there a risk that the cash flows from the investment might be less than expected? |Error! No document variable supplied.|

| |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(8) Could a non-traditional procurement methodology be suitable for delivery of the program/project? Click here and|Error! No document variable supplied.|

|here for further information. |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(9) Will the project/program generate material dis-benefits for any stakeholder group? |Error! No document variable supplied.|

| |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(10) Has there been a Ministerial announcement regarding the project/program or significant regional or statewide |Error! No document variable supplied.|

|media exposure? |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

|(11) Is the delivery of an essential service, legislative requirement or major government policy initiative |Error! No document variable supplied.|

|dependant on this project/program? |= "1" "(" "(" ( Yes Error! No |

| |document variable supplied. = "1" "("|

| |"(" ( No |

= "1" "A detailed assessment is required - please complete Part B." = "0" "Part B detailed assessment is not required."



|Table B1: Problem Definition and Proposed Solution |

|Question |Options | |

|(1) Has a strategic options analysis been |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Facilitated by an independent, experienced and |1 |

|completed (in accordance with the |qualified third party.(B1_1) | |

|Investment Management Framework)? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Internally prepared and reviewed by an independent |3 |

| |third party. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Internally prepared and reviewed. |5 |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Strategic options assessment not completed. |10 |

|(2) Have staging or flexible delivery |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Staged and/or flexible delivery options, pilot |1 |

|options been considered for the |initiative undertaken (or will be prior to commencement).(B1_2) | |

|investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Staged and/or flexible delivery options which can |3 |

| |be readily varied to meet changes in assumptions. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited opportunity for scope variation once |5 |

| |project/program commences delivery phase. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Fixed project or program scoping and staging with |10 |

| |pre-defined output specification. | |

|(3) To what extent does this investment |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The project/program in no way commits the |1 |

|proposal commit the Government to |Government to further investment.(B1_3) | |

|additional unfunded investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The project/program may commit the Government to |3 |

| |further investment. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The project/program will likely commit the |5 |

| |Government to further investment. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The project/program will definitely commit the |10 |

| |Government to further investment. | |

|(4) Are the identified benefits achievable|Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The investment is the sole contributing source to |1 |

|and directly attributable to the |the identified benefits.(B1_4) | |

|investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The investment is one of multiple initiatives which|3 |

| |will contribute directly to the achievement of the identified benefits. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The investment will make a small, measurable |5 |

| |contribution towards achievement of the identified benefits. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The contribution of the investment to achieving the|10 |

| |identified benefits is indirect and largely dependent on delivery of other projects/programs. | |

|(5) Are the identified benefits aligned to|Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The benefits are directly aligned to the core |1 |

|the core business and strategic objectives|business and strategic objectives of the organisation.(B1_5) | |

|of the organisation? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The benefits are directly aligned to core business |3 |

| |and strategic objectives of the organisation but will also deliver benefits beyond the organisation. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The benefits are broadly aligned to core business |5 |

| |and strategic objectives of the organisation but will deliver major benefits beyond the organisation. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The benefits to be delivered are outside the core |10 |

| |business and strategic objectives of the organisation. | |

|Table B2: Political and Stakeholder |

|Question |Options | |

|(1) What is the political or public |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Local member awareness of project with some local |1 |

|profile of the investment? |community interest.(B2_1) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Ministerial awareness of project and significant |3 |

| |local media/community attention. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Senior Ministerial initiative and/or significant |5 |

| |regional media attention. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Statewide and/or National initiative with community|10 |

| |and/or major policy interest. | |

|(2) What is the level of potential |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Widespread and unanimous support for the |1 |

|opposition to the investment? |investment.(B2_2) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( There is widespread support for the initiative but |5 |

| |a low level opposition is expected. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Large number of people (>1000) may be negatively |10 |

| |impacted by the investment OR a high likelihood of opposition. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Large number of people (>1000) to be negatively |20 |

| |impacted by the investment and well organised and active opposition likely to gain publicity. | |

|(3) What is level of external approvals |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No external approvals are required.(B2_3) |1 |

|(planning, environmental etc.) required | | |

|for the investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Some approvals required, with approval requirements|3 |

| |that are routine, simple, well defined and understood. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Multiple approvals are required from various levels|5 |

| |of government and/or agencies that are well defined and understood. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Multiple approvals are required from various levels|10 |

| |of government and/or agencies that are complex and not well understood. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Complex cross-jurisdictional approval requirements |20 |

| |across various levels of government and/or agencies. | |

|(4) What is the degree of business change |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Some process re-engineering, impacting fewer than |3 |

|required to implement the investment? |250 employees.(B2_4) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Involves some process re-engineering, impacting |5 |

| |more than 250 employees. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Major organisation wide changes with complex change|10 |

| |implementation program necessary OR more than a 10% change to the structure/size of the workforce. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Major organisation wide changes, complex change |20 |

| |implementation program necessary and more than 10% change to the structure/size of the workforce. | |

|Table B3: Challenge and Complexity |

|Question |Options | |

|(1) What is the degree of new |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Proven, stable technology with which the |1 |

|technologies or innovation required for |organisation has had a successful track record in a similar operating environment.(B3_1) | |

|the investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Proven, stable technology previously used in a |5 |

| |similar operating environment but new to the organisation. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Proven, stable technology being implemented in a new|5 |

| |environment. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( New, untested technology being deployed in an |10 |

| |environment well understood by the organisation. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( New, untested technology being deployed in an |20 |

| |unknown and untested environment. | |

|(2) What is the likely degree of |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No environmental or heritage impact.(B3_2) |1 |

|environmental or heritage impact by the | | |

|investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( There will be some impact of local significance but |3 |

| |manageable through proven management approaches. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Initiative will have a significant impact on an |5 |

| |environmental or heritage site. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Initiative will have a significant impact on a |10 |

| |matter of national environmental or heritage significance. | |

|(3) What is the level of impact on |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No impact or risk to service delivery during |1 |

|maintaining existing services during |implementation.(B3_3) | |

|implementation? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Clear segregation of project works from service |3 |

| |delivery areas on the same site. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Temporary suspension of service delivery during |3 |

| |implementation with no alternatives in place (i.e. timeframe less than 30 days). | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Temporary suspension of service delivery during |5 |

| |implementation with no alternatives in place. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Requirement to continue existing services during |10 |

| |construction, implementation, testing and/or commissioning. | |

|(4) What is the proportion of Information|Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No ICT required.(B3_4) |1 |

|and Communication Technology (ICT) | | |

|required within this investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited, off the shelf proven software and/or |5 |

| |technology required. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Extensive off the shelf proven ICT solution spanning|10 |

| |single site and organisation. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Extensive specialist ICT solution required spanning |20 |

| |single site and organisation. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Extensive specialist ICT solution required spanning |40 |

| |multiple sites and/or user organisations/groups. | |

|(5) What is the relative contribution of |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No ICT required.(B3_5) |1 |

|ICT to expected benefits? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Application of contemporary best practice ICT to |5 |

| |support delivery of stated benefits. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Delivery of stated benefits is strongly ICT enabled.|10 |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Delivery of stated benefits is |20 |

| |predominantly/exclusively ICT enabled. | |

|(6) To what extent are benefits dependent|Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No dependencies.(B3_6) |1 |

|on other projects or programs? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Partial dependency but limited impact on benefit |3 |

| |realisation. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Strong dependency on a low value/low risk initiative|5 |

| |but high degree of certainty that dependent projects/programs will be delivered without impacting benefit | |

| |realisation of this investment. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Strong dependency on a high value/ high risk |10 |

| |initiative but high degree of certainty that dependent projects/programs will be delivered without | |

| |impacting benefit realisation of this investment | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Strong dependency on another initiative with |20 |

| |reasonable risk that the dependent projects/programs will not be delivered impacting benefit realisation | |

| |of this investment. | |

|(7) What is the degree and condition of |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Site/system does not require interface to |1 |

|interface with new/existing services or |new/existing infrastructure.(B3_7) | |

|utilities? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Site/system requires limited interface to |3 |

| |new/existing infrastructure. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Significant interface required with new/existing |5 |

| |infrastructure. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Significant interface required with new/existing |10 |

| |infrastructure however condition is unknown. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( High level of interface required with new/existing |20 |

| |infrastructure in a complex/unknown environment. | |

|Table B4: Financial and Delivery Arrangements |

|Question |Options | |

|(1) What is the basis on which the costs|Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Tendered price/schedule of rates.(B4_1) |1 |

|(TEI) have been developed? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Independent cost development or review by specialist | |

| |quantity surveyor based on functional/detailed specifications with appropriate contingency. | |

| |If value $100M score = 5 | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Independent cost development or review by specialist | |

| |quantity surveyor based on concept specifications with appropriate contingency. | |

| |If value $100M score = 10 | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Comparison to similar projects. | |

| |If value $100M score = 20 | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Order of magnitude estimates only. | |

| |If value $100M score = 40 | |

|(2) Has the value of the proposed |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Yes (go to question 3) (B4_2) |(2) |

|benefits been quantified in dollar |Go to next question (B4_3) | |

|value? | | |

| |0 = "1" "(" "(" ( No (go to question 4) |(1) |

| |Skip next question and go to following one (B4_4) | |

|(3) If yes, please indicate the cost to |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( = 1 | |

|(4) If no, on what basis has value for |0 = "1" "(" "(" ( Contribution toward meeting defined KPIs.(B4_4) |5 |

|money been determined? | | |

| |0 = "1" "(" "(" ( Benchmarking against alternatives that deliver benefits. |5 |

| |0 = "1" "(" "(" ( Other. |10 |

| |0 = "1" "(" "(" ( Not determined. |20 |

|(5) To what degree are the benefits |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No dependence – internal only.(B4_5) |1 |

|impacted by supply and demand | | |

|conditions? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited dependence with agency being the sole |5 |

| |provider of services. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited dependence being in a regulated market and |10 |

| |environment with certainty regarding returns on investment. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Highly dependent, with viability and benefits |20 |

| |realisation exposed to open market conditions. | |

|(6) What is the degree of certainty and |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Funding secured subject to obtaining relevant project|1 |

|complexity of the funding arrangements? |approval within the Department.(B4_6) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( All funding being sought is dependent on State |10 |

| |Government budget process. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Complex funding environment with multiple funders |10 |

| |required (with no conditional committed funding required). | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Complex funding environment with multiple funders |20 |

| |required (with some conditional committed funding required). | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Complex funding environment with multiple funders |40 |

| |required (obtaining required committed funding is uncertain). | |

|(7) What is the degree of complexity in |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Not yet assessed.(B4_7) |10 |

|the proposed procurement approach? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No major asset/service procurement (e.g. output |1 |

| |funding). | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Use of existing preferred provider panels. |3 |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Open market – traditional procurement. |5 |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Partnerships Victoria. |10 |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Alternative procurement methodology (i.e. alliance). |20 |

|(8) Is the supplier market capable of |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Well-developed local competitive supplier market with|1 |

|providing a competitive tender outcome? |extensive experience in similar projects.(B4_8) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Well-developed sub-contractor market is available to |5 |

| |work under an experienced head contractor. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited local experience requiring |20 |

| |national/international experienced head contractor or consortium. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Sole source supplier. |30 |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited market experience/capability in a national or|40 |

| |international market place. | |

|Table B5: Governance and Project Management |

|Question |Options | |

|(1) Are the benefits entirely within the |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Yes(B5_1) |1 |

|domain of a single department or agency? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No |10 |

|(2) Are the project governance |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Yes(B5_2) |1 |

|arrangements operating? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No |10 |

|(3) Is the SRO responsible for the |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Yes – a single SRO will be responsible for the full |1 |

|planning, delivery and operational phases|lifecycle.(B5_3) | |

|of the investment? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No – the investment will involve a handover from a |10 |

| |planning/delivery SRO to an operational SRO. | |

|(4) What level of experience does the SRO|Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Extensive experience in the delivery of similar |1 |

|have? |projects within the current delivery environment (internal and external).(B5_4) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Extensive experience in the delivery of similar |10 |

| |projects but in a different delivery environment. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited experience in the delivery of similar |10 |

| |projects but extensive experience delivering other projects of a similar scale in the delivery | |

| |environment. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Limited experience in the delivery of similar |20 |

| |projects and in the delivery environment. | |

|(5) Does the organisation have a stable |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Stable organisation with successful track record in |1 |

|history and an established track record |delivering initiatives of similar scope and/or scale. (B5_5) | |

|in delivering initiatives of similar | | |

|scope and/or scale? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Stable organisation, but limited experience in |10 |

| |delivering initiatives of similar scope and/or scale. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( New or special purpose authority established for the|20 |

| |purpose of initiative delivery. | |

|(6) Is the project team fully resourced |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Project Team is appointed with all positions filled.|1 |

|with all key positions filled? |(B5_6) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Project Team is partially established with other key|10 |

| |posts dependent on funding. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Project delivery team to be appointed. |20 |

|(7) Has a project/program risk management|0 = "1" "(" "(" ( A risk management plan has been documented and a risk register prepared. [please attach |1 |

|plan been prepared and key risks assessed|items to email] (B5_7) | |

|and documented? | | |

| |0 = "1" "(" "(" ( A preliminary risk assessment has been completed identifying key risks and their |5 |

| |management. [please attach item to email] | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( There is no documented risk management plan or |20 |

| |register. | |

|(8) Is delivery of the benefits by the |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( There are no critical or urgent delivery dates for |1 |

|stated delivery date realistic? |the benefits.(B5_8) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The timelines are realistic and achievable based on |5 |

| |project resources, dependencies and delivery environment with sufficient contingency factored into | |

| |timelines. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( There is a critical delivery date but with best |10 |

| |practice project management delivery is achievable | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( The delivery date is challenging with little scope |20 |

| |for unknowns such that special project management arrangements will be required to ensure delivery. | |

|(9) Are stakeholders well understood? |0 = "1" "(" "(" ( A stakeholder engagement specialist is part of the project management team and a |1 |

| |documented stakeholder identification and engagement plan has been prepared [please attach items to | |

| |email].(B5_9) | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( A stakeholder engagement specialist is part of the |5 |

| |project team but a documented stakeholder identification and engagement plan is yet to be formalised. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( There is no stakeholder engagement specialist on the|10 |

| |project team but a documented stakeholder identification and engagement plan has been prepared. | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( There is no stakeholder engagement representative on|20 |

| |the project team and a documented stakeholder identification and engagement plan is yet to be formalised. | |

|(10) Has a project manager been |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Yes(B5_10) |1 |

|appointed? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No |5 |

|(11) Has a project director been |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( Yes(B5_11) |1 |

|appointed? | | |

| |Error! No document variable supplied. = "1" "(" "(" ( No |5 |

False = "True" "


|Section |Score |

|B1: Problem Definition & Proposed Solution | |

|B2: Political & Stakeholder | |

|B3: Challenge & Complexity | |

|B4: Financial & Delivery Arrangements | |

|B5: Governance & Project Management | |


= "0" "Part B detailed assessment is not required" "Error! Unknown document property name. = "0" “This project/program does not meet the criteria for a High Value / High Risk (HV/HR) investment.”Error! Unknown document property name. = "1" “This project/program qualifies as a High Value High Risk (HV/HR) investment.” Error! Unknown document property name. = "2" “This project/program qualifies as a High Value High Risk (HV/HR) investment.” Error! Unknown document property name. = "3" “This project/program qualifies as a High Value High Risk (HV/HR) investment.” = "0" "Part B detailed assessment is not required.""

Next steps

1. Please verify that all the questions have been answered and have the form locked to ensure no further changes can be made by others. You can do this by clicking the Verify completion and lock this form button on the toolbar at the top of the screen if you are using Word 2003 or in the Add-Ins tab if you are using Word 2007 or Word 2010.

2. Email your locked PPM document to the Gateway Unit, DTF at and your organisation’s Gateway Review Administrator by clicking on the Attach PPM to Email button or via your email software. Don’t forget to include any additional attachments with your email.

3. Have a discussion with the Gateway Unit. Gateway reviews are mandatory for HV/HR projects. It is the responsibility and obligation of the departments and agencies to ensure that all qualifying projects undertake the full array of Gateway review requirements throughout project lifecycle.


If you are a Senior Responsible Owner or Project Manager and think that your project might fall into the High Value/High Risk categories, or if you are not sure if your project should undergo a Gateway Review, you should:

• Complete the PPM for your project; and

• have a discussion with the Gateway Unit.

A representative from the Gateway Unit will then validate the results of the PPM, discuss the results with you, and determine whether a Gateway Review is required.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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