IXL Skill Alignment - IXL Learning

IXL Skill Alignment

1st grade alignment for Reading Wonders Reading/Writing

Workshop and Your Turn Practice Book

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This document includes the IXL? skill alignments to McGraw-Hill's Reading Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop and Your Turn Practice

Book curriculum. IXL provides skill alignments as a service to teachers, students, and parents. The skill alignments are provided by IXL and

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Reading Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop and Your Turn Practice Book - 1st grade

Unit 1

Getting to Know Us

Textbook section

IXL skills

Week 1: At School

Reading comprehension

1. Which could happen in real life? EZB

Spelling and phonics

2. Choose the short a word that matches the

picture A57

3. Complete the short a word LWH

4. Identify each sound in a word ZUQ

5. Which two words start with the same

sound? 2UE

Grammar and mechanics

6. Capitalize the first letter of a sentence 7WN

Week 2: Where I Live

Reading comprehension

1. What will happen next? 6XA

Words to know

2. Select the best preposition to match the

picture CEM

Spelling and phonics

3. Choose the short i word that matches the

picture 87T

4. Complete the short i words NSX

5. Which two words end with the same sound? J2G

Grammar and mechanics

6. Complete the sentence 6LS

Week 3: Our Pets

Reading comprehension

1. Order images in a story J5D

2. Read along with fantasy Z6B

Spelling and phonics

3. Which letter does the word start with? EAD

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Reading Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop and Your Turn Practice Book - 1st grade

4. Complete the word with the right initial

consonant blend B9P


5. Complete the sentence with an action verb to

match the picture DVJ

Grammar and mechanics

6. Is it the naming or action part of the

sentence? 8NR

7. Capitalize the names of people and pets C7P

Week 4: Let's Be Friends

Reading comprehension

1. What is the picture about? CGN

Words to know

2. Put the letters in ABC order 2NX

3. Choose the picture that rhymes with the

word X6Q

4. Read sight words: be, does, good, they, too,

what EYP

5. Read sight words: come, down, make, not, out,

up 95B

Spelling and phonics

6. Choose the short o word that matches the

picture MFT

7. Complete the short o word QHE

8. Choose the short o sentence that matches the

picture UKW

Grammar and mechanics

9. Identify exclamations CX2

10. Identify questions GPT

Week 5: Let's Move!

Reading comprehension

1. Which feeling matches the picture? ZS9

2. Read along about science and nature 23A

Spelling and phonics

3. Choose the short i sentence that matches the

picture EH5

4. Complete the word to match the picture: -ss, -ll,

-ff, -zz, -ck R88

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Reading Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop and Your Turn Practice Book - 1st grade


5. Add descriptive details to sentences NTL

Grammar and mechanics

6. Identify statements WPP

7. Identify commands 8YH

8. Unscramble the words to make a complete

sentence UDZ

9. Select the possessive noun that matches the

picture WNY

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Reading Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop and Your Turn Practice Book - 1st grade

Unit 2

Our Community

Textbook section

IXL skills

Week 1: Jobs Around Town

Reading comprehension

1. Read along with realistic fiction Y2M

Spelling and phonics

2. Complete the short e word HXK

3. Choose the short e sentence that matches the

picture U73

Grammar and mechanics

4. Is the noun a person, animal, place, or

thing? JCV

5. Identify nouns in a sentence 8CR

6. Form and use the regular past tense HA6

Week 2: Buildings All Around

Reading comprehension

1. Choose the picture that matches the setting or

character RYS

Words to know

2. Use number words 5L4

Spelling and phonics

3. Choose the picture that matches the short u

word VKE

4. Complete the short u word EGH

5. Choose the short u sentence that matches the

picture SSP


6. Identify time-order words K72

Grammar and mechanics

7. Regular plurals: select the word that matches

the picture WE7

8. Form pronoun-verb contractions RW7

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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