
Exam 3 Part A. Your Name:Please TYPE your answers in an MS Word Document. When complete send your exam answers as an ATTACHMENT to an Email to Dr. Kravitz. Exam 3 Part A is due Friday October 16 by 12midnight. No late papers accepted. Also, academic honesty is totally active here. Please do your OWN work! Use AS MUCH SPACE as you wish in your answers! This EXAM is open note. Please use EKG WEB Page and YOUTUBE videos to guide your answers.Class, due to the UNIQUENESS of EKG, most, if not ALL, of upcoming EXAMS will be integrated with the YOUTUBE videos.Questions 1 - 16 Covered on the EKG Primary Review YOUTUBE video. (138 pts)1. Answer below (18 pts)Calibration:Mean QRS:Rwave Trans/Classif:Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:2. Answer below (12 pts)Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:3. Answer below (12 pts)Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:4. Answer below (12 pts)Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:5. What is this rhythm? (4 pts)6. What is this rhythm? (4 pts)7. What is this rhythm? (4 pts)8. What is this rhythm? (4 pts)9. What is this rhythm? (4 pts)10. What is this rhythm? (4 pts)11. Why is the T wave positive? (4 pts)12. Answer below (12 pts)Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:13. Answer below (12 pts)Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:14. Answer below (12 pts)Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:15. What is this rhythm? (4 pts)16. Mean QRS Classifications (16 pts)Normal Axis:Left Axis deviation:Right Axis deviation:Extreme Right Axis deviation:EKG Worksheet #1. Interpret rhythms 1-5 and TAKE a picture of your Interpretations and INSERT in Exam or ATTACH to email. (60 pts)Questions 17 - 18 Covered on the Introducing the PAC YOUTUBE video. Please download Worksheet #2 to answer #17.17. Answer below (18 pts). Put your 12 Lead EKG Interpretation below, and then Check your work on the EKG PAC YOUTUBE video.Calibration:Mean QRS:Rwave Trans/Classif:Rhythm:Rate:P waves:PRI (sec):QRS (sec):Interpretation:18. Please download Worksheet #3. Go through your Rhythm, Rate, P Wave, PRI and QRS on your own and interpret these rhythms below. LOOK CLOSELY FOR PACS. For this practice please just report your INTERPRETATION below. (10 PTS each for 40 pts)A) INTERPRETATION: B) INTERPRETATION:C) INTERPRETATION:D) INTERPRETATION:19. Class, download Worksheet #4 (need two copies) and complete the following EKG interpretations from your TEXTBOOK Rhythm Strips on each Worksheet. Please just write on each worksheet with a pen or pencil. Take a picture of your completed worksheets and attach to your email or insert into this exam. (12 pts each for 240 pts)Note the Strips beginning with a ‘6’ start on page 51 and the Strips beginning with a ‘7’ start on page 103 in your text,6-2, 6-5, 6-16, 6-17, 7-2, 7-8, 7-11, 7-12, 7-16, 7-20, 7-33, 7-36, 7-37, 7-56, 7-60, 7-63, 7-65, 7-67, 7-69, 7-79It is OK to check your answers with the author in the back of the book!End of Exam ................

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