A Race Against the Clock - Leon County Schools


Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to help you understand what you read.

A Race Against the Clock

Lian admired the giant redwood trees towering overhead. Her family's

10 vacation to Northern California had been full of fun activities and historic

22 sites. Getting to see the giant redwoods was icing on the cake.


Lian's father interrupted her thoughts. "Shake a leg everyone," he said,

45 clapping his hands. "We don't want to miss our flight."


Lian and her older brother Shing hurried back to the family's rental car.

68 Their mother was in the front passenger seat. She impatiently tapped her

80 fingers on the center console. Lian knew her mother was worried about

92 missing their flight home. Mrs. Yee thought they should stay close to the

105 airport. The rest of the family wanted to see the giant redwood trees, so

119 she finally gave in.


"We have two hours before we need to check in at the airport,"

136 Mr. Yee said. "We'll have plenty of time to spare."


After a few moments on the road, Shing said, "Hey, Dad, I think

159 you were supposed to turn there." He pointed over his shoulder at a

172 road marker.


"Good catch, Shing," replied Mr. Yee. It took several minutes to find

186 a place to turn around on the narrow road. They retraced their route and

200 tried again. This time, Lian and Shing kept their eyes peeled watching

212 for markers.

Copyright ? The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Practice ? Grade 5 ? Unit 1 ? Week 2 13


Comprehension and Fluency

An hour after they left the park, Lian was startled by a loud "Bang!"

Her side of the car sagged low to the ground.

Mr. Yee calmly slowed down and pulled the car to the side of the road.

He turned on the hazard lights and got out to inspect the car. "The axle is

damaged," he reported when he came back.

Mrs. Yee called the rental car company. It was decided that a taxi would

take the Yees to the airport while a tow truck would pull the car to a repair

shop. Lian was on pins and needles while they waited. What would happen

if they missed their flight? She was still nervous when the taxi arrived.

The driver was upbeat. "I'll have you folks at the airport in two

shakes of a lamb's tail," he said. "Traffic shouldn't be a problem at this

time of day."

Unfortunately, traffic was a problem. A line of slow-moving cars

clogged the road to the airport. The taxi came to a halt three blocks away

from the main terminal. Mr. Yee groaned.

"Kids, grab your things. If we hurry, we can still catch our flight,"

Mrs. Yee said. Mr. Yee paid the

driver. Mrs. Yee, Lian, and Shing

got their luggage from the trunk.

Suitcases in hand, they jogged past

the line of stopped cars.

The Yees hurried through the

airport and made it to their gate with

just minutes to spare. As they caught

their breath before boarding the

plane, Mrs. Yee looked at her family

and grinned. "Next time, we stay near

the airport," she said.

The Yee family raced toward the airport.

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14 Practice ? Grade 5 ? Unit 1 ? Week 2


Comprehension: Problem and Solution and Fluency

A. Reread the passage and answer the questions. 1. What is the Yee family's main problem?

a. They are having trouble getting to the airport on time. b. They cannot get a taxi. c. Mrs. Yee does not want to go look at the redwoods.

2. What is the first big thing that goes wrong? a. Mr. Yee calls the rental car company. b. There is a traffic jam near the airport. c. The rental car's axle is damaged.

3. How does the Yee family finally catch their plane? a. The taxi driver takes them to the main terminal. b. They jog the last three blocks to the main terminal. c. Mr. Yee drives them to the main terminal.

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud. Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute. Fill out the chart.

First Read Second Read

Words Read


? ?

Number of Errors


Words Correct Score



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Practice ? Grade 5 ? Unit 1 ? Week 2 15


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