Great THE Controversy

[Pages:450]GreTHE at Controversy


The Lives and Struggles of Christians

through the Ages

? And the Impending Crisis


E.G. White

The complete book plus 58 Bible, historical, and promise sections,

and 4 indexes

Harvestime Books


HB-101 Great Controversy

by E.G. White Plus supplementary material

Harvestime Books Altamont, TN 37301

Printed in the United States of America

Cover and text copyright ? 1998

This book is a reissue of the 1884 edition of that remarkable classic, Great Controversy

This book: This 1884 edition includes the complete original book of 37 chapters (an edition which had no author's introduction). Nothing the author wrote has been omitted or changed. In addition, you will find an introduction to each chapter, fifty-eight Bible and historical charts, four indexes, and, within brackets, approximate paging notations to the 1888 and 1911 editions of this book.

Explanation of bracketed numbers on page tops: These refer to comparable paging in the standard 1888 and 1911 editions. Because of compacted size, each page in this book is equivalent to parts of two or three pages in those later editions. A double hyphen within brackets ( [--] ), on a page top, indicates the material on that page is not in the 1888 or 1911 editions.

Additional copies: For additional copies of this book at remarkably low prices in boxful quantites, write to Harvestime Books, Altamont, TN 37301. When you write, ask for a copy of our "Missionary Book Order Sheet," containing low-cost boxful prices of this and other books, such as Desire of Ages, Ministry of Healing, Christ's Object Lessons, Bible Readings, etc.


1 Like a Blazing Volcano --

The Destruction of Jerusalem 9

Charts: Jerusalem Taken by Titus 26 / Rebellion and Capture 27 / The Prophecy of Matthew 24 28

2 Whiter than Snow --

Persecution in the First Centuries 29

Charts: The Apostasy Predicted 38 / Revelation 12: Predicting the Persecution 39

3 All the Steps Down --

The Roman Church 40

Charts: The Mystery of Iniquity 51 / 48 Steps Down 52-53

4 Faithful unto Death --

The Waldenses 54

Chart: Pagan Origins 69-70

5 Nearing the Daybreak --

Early Reformers 71

Chart: The Great Falling Away Predicted 78

6 The Man who Shook Kingdoms --

Luther's Separation from Rome 79

Charts: Why Do God's People Suffer? 98 / Declared to be Divine and Infallible 99

7 Here I Stand --

Luther before the Diet 100

Charts: Trusting in the Lord 119 / The Only Authority 120


The Great Controversy

8 Luther Disappears --

Progress of the Reformation 121

Chart: The Roman Channel of Grace 130-131

9 The Turning Point --

Protest of the Princes 132

Chart: An Official Position 143

1 0 A Great Cloud of Witnesses --

The Later Reformers 144

Chart: Salvation in Christ 158

1 1 Reap the Whirlwind --

The Two Witnesses 159

Charts: The 1260 Year Prophecy 162 / The Amazing 1260 Year Prophecy 163 / The Importance of Prayer 166 / Centuries of Persecution 167

1 2 An Upward Path --

God Honors the Humble 168

Chart: God, Our Refuge 173

1 3 Opening the Prophecies --

William Miller 174

Chart: Supplying Our Needs 189

1 4 From Land to Land --

The First Angel's Message 190

Chart: Awaiting His Coming 195

1 5 A Warning Rejected --

The Second Angel's Message 196

Chart: Searching the Word of God 204

1 6 The Waiting Ones --

The Tarrying Time 205

Chart: The Plan of Redemption 210

Table of Contents


1 7 Go Out to Meet Him --

The Midnight Cry 211

Chart: Obedience by Faith 218

1 8 The Tabernacle of Prophecy --

The Sanctuary 219

Charts: The 2300 Year Prophecy 222-223 / The Earthly Tabernacle 224-225 / Christ, Our Mediator?1 230

1 9 The Intercession of Christ --

An Open and Shut Door 231

Chart: Christ, Our Mediator?2 234

20 The Mark of the Beast --

The Third Angel's Message 235

Charts: The Prophecy of Revelation 13 238 / The Law of God 244 / The Law of God as Changed by Man 245 / The Law of God in the New Testament 246 / The Seal and the Mark 247 / The Three Angels' Message 250

2 1 Pathways to Eternity --

The Third Message Rejected 251

Charts: The Weekly Cycle 256-257 / Catholicism Speaks 258-259 / Protestantism Speaks 260-261

2 2 When the Fire Goes Out --

Modern Revivals 262

Chart: Healthful Living 271

2 3 Judgment before the End --

The Investigative Judgment 272

24 Fall from Paradise --

The Origin of Evil 279

Chart: The Gospel and God's Standard 285


The Great Controversy

2 5 The First Prophecy --

Enmity between Man and Satan 286

Chart: Resisting the Snares 291

26 In Christ We Conquer --

Agency of Evil Spirits 292

Chart: Biography of Satan 296

2 7 Sixty-five Snares in His Toolbox --

The Snares of Satan 297

2 8 The First Lie --

The First Great Deception 308

Chart: Eternal Life Only in Christ 322

29 Satan's Masterpiece --

Spiritualism 323

Chart: Beware of Wicked Spirits 330

30 Collision Course --

Aims of the Papacy 331

Charts: The Number and the Mark 345-347 / How the Sabbath Was Changed to Sunday 348-352

3 1 Satan's Master Plan --

The Coming Conflict 353

Chart: Faith to Overcome 363

3 2 Build on the Rock --

The Scriptures, a Safeguard 364

Chart: The Importance of the Bible 371

3 3 The Final Warning --

The Loud Cry 372

Charts: Keeping the Truth 379 / The Test of Loyalty 380

Table of Contents


34 Beyond Probation --

The Time of Trouble 381

Chart: Christ, Our Shelter 397

3 5 The Coming of the King --

God's People Delivered 398

Chart: The Second Coming of Christ 411

3 6 The Thousand Years --

Desolation of the Earth 412

Charts: The Millennium 416 / The Biblical Millennium 417

3 7 An Eternity with Christ --

The Controversy Ended 419

Chart: Living Forever with Christ 432

Appendix and Indexes --

Chart: Historical Timeline 434

Source Index 435

Chart Index 440

Scripture Index 441

General Index 444

Additional Information 447


The Great Controversy

"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus."

--Revelation 12:17

"Here is the patience of the saints: Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."

--Revelation 14:12

"And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

"And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb."

--Revelation 15:2-3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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