International Headquarters, Lagos.

Programme of Events for SCHOOL OF ANOINTED LEADERS ---

21st – 22d November, 2011

|TIME | DAY 1 |


| | |(Lecture 14) Theology of Music – Pastor (Sis) Oyinkansola Akinselure |

|8.00 | | |

| 9.00 |(Lecture 1) |(Lecture 15) Apprenticed to Leadership – Pastor Moses Adebowale |

| |Wanted: God’s Kind of Leaders – G.O. | |

| |(Lecture 2) |(Lecture 16) Greatest Assets of Leadership – Pastor L.A. Audu |

|10.00 |Leader’s Preparation – G.O. | |

|11.00 |(Lecture 3) |(Lecture 17) How to Study the Bible – Pastor S.M. Adesanya |

| |100 Attributes of a Leader – G.O. | |

| |(Lecture 4) Five Fold Ministry Gifts – Pastor Philip Olanrewaju |(Lecture 18) God’s Release of Women – Pastor (Sis) Folashade Olukoya |

|12.00 | | |

| |(Lecture 5) Developing the Leader in You – Pastor Kayode Ifebajo |(Lecture 19) The Heaven-bound Minister – Pastor S.A. Laoye |

|13.00 | | |

|14.00 |(Lecture 6) The Price of Leadership – Pastor Timothy Akano |(Lecture 20) Building a Dynamic Team – Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |

|15.00 |(Lecture 7) Men for This Business – Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde | |

| | |BREAK |

| |(Lecture 8) Give My Servant Understanding Heart – Pastor Abiodun |(Lecture 21) Growing a Healthy Church – Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |

|16.00 |Ladejola | |

|17.00 |BREAK |(Lecture 22) Prayer and Fasting for Results – Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |

| |(Lecture 9) Spiritual Warfare – Pastor Timothy Akano |(Lecture 23) The Leader: Agent of Change – Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |

|18.00 | | |

|19.00 |(Lecture 10) Power of Healthy Leadership – Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |(Lecture 24) Leader’s Homes/Children of Leaders – Pastor Clement Imoru |

|20.00 |(Lecture 11) Pitfalls Christian Leaders Must Avoid – Pastor Felix |(Lecture 25) Prophetic Intercession – Pastor Wole Ajibade |

| |Peters | |

|21.00 |(Lecture 12) Basics of Christianity – Pastor Ade Adetayo |(Lecture 26) |

| | |Anointed Preaching G.O. |

|22.00 |(Lecture 13) Achieving Your Potentials – Pastor Lekan Akinbo |FINAL EXAMS |


International Headquarters, Lagos.

Programme of Events for SCHOOL OF SUPER DELIVERANCE --- 21st – 22nd Nov., 2011

|TIME | DAY 1 DAY 2 |


| | |(Lecture 14) When God uses the enemy – Pastor Abiodun Ladejola |

|7.00 | | |

| 8.00 | |(Lecture 15) The Spirit of Anti-Christ – Pastor Abiodun Ladejola |

| |(Lecture 1) Introduction and objectives of the School –G.O. |(Lecture 16) 100 Facts about Familiar Spirits – Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |

|9.00 | | |

| |(Lecture 2) |(Lecture 17) The Victim Syndrome – Pastor Tony Eziashi |

|10.00 |What is Deliverance? – G.O. | |

| |(Lecture 3) Dealing with Ghosts – Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |(Lecture 18) The Spirit of Laziness – Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |

|11.00 | | |

| |(Lecture 4) The Cult of Self – Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |(Lecture 19) Golden Tips for Deliverance – Pastor (Sis. ) Esther Abolarin |

|12.00 | | |

|13.00 |(Lecture 5) Different Kinds of Prayers – Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan|(Lecture 20) Generational Sins – Pastor Lekan Akinbo |

| |(Lecture 6) 100 Facts about Witchcraft – Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |(Lecture 21) Bible and Deliverance – Pastor Samuel Adesanya |

|14.00 | | |

|15.00 |(Lecture 7) Children Under Attack – Pastor Wole Ajibade |BREAK |

|16.00 |(Lecture 8) Spiritual Weapons – Pastor L.A. Audu |(Lecture 22) |

| | |Demons in the Music Ministry - |

|17.00 |BREAK |(Lecture 23) Spiritual Geography – Pastor Samuel Yilu |

|18.00 |(Lecture 9) Dealing With Abuses – Pastor Moses Adebowale |(Lecture 24) Lies From Satanic Kingdom – Pastor Femi Ajila |

|19.00 |(Lecture 10) Five Secrets of Satanism – Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |(Lecture 25) Counseling in Deliverance – Pastor Samuel Yilu |

|20.00 |(Lecture 11) Can a Christian Have Demons – Pastor Kayode Ifebajo |(Lecture 26) |

| | |Tactics to Disgrace Demons – G.O. |

|21.00 |(Lecture 12) Dark Forces of the Marine Kingdom – Pastor Tony |FINAL EXAMS |

| |Eziashi | |

|22.00 |(Lecture 13) Prophetic Praying – Pastor Wole Ajibade | |


International Headquarters, Lagos.

Programme of Events for SCHOOL OF SUCCESS --- 22nd - 25th November, 2011

|TIME | DAY 1 | DAY 2 |DAY 3 |DAY4 |


| | |(Lecture 12) Unbreakable Laws of |(Lecture 24) The Power of Character – Pastor |(Lecture 36) Prayers that |

|7.00 | |Success – Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |Kayode Ifebajo |bring Success – Pastor |

| | | | |Kehinde |

| |(Lecture 1) Importance of Sermons, |(Lecture 13) |(Lecture 25) |(Lecture 37) The Principles |

|8.00 |Conferences and Related Courses – G.O. |The Bible on Success – Pastor Felix |The Mystery of Vision – Pastor Ladejola |of A Strong Team – Pastor |

| | |Peters | |K. Adegbolahan |

| |(Lecture 2) Introduction & Objectives |(Lecture 14) 100 Benefits of Record |(Lecture 26) 21 Habits of Highly Successful |(Lecture 38) |

|9.00 |of the School of Success – G.O. |Keeping – Pastor Femi Ajila |People – Pastor Phillips |The Excellent Spirit – Pastor L.A.|

| | | | |Audu |

| |(Lecture 3) |(Lecture 15) |(Lecture 27) |(Lecture 39) The |

|10.00 |100 Facts About Success – G.O. |Counterfeit Success – Pastor Gbesan |The 7 C’s of Success – Pastor Omotesho |Mystery of Opportunities – G.O. |

| | |Adebambo | | |

| |(Lecture 4) What is Success? – G.O. |(Lecture 16) The Power of Favour – |(Lecture 28) |(Lecture 40) |

|11.00 | |Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |Constructive Thinking – Felix Peters |The Principle of Divine Connection – |

| | | | |G.O. |

| |(Lecture 5) Marketing Your Potentials |(Lecture 17) |(Lecture 29) Jesus on Success – Pastor Wole |FINAL EXAM |

|12.00 |For Uncommon Success – Pastor Kehinde |The Abortion of Success- Pastor Phillip |Ajibade | |

| |Adegbolahan | | | |

|13.00 |(Lecture 6) Characteristics of An |(Lecture 18) The Anatomy of a Leader – |(Lecture 30) Tapping Your Potentials for | |

| |Excellent Life – Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |Pastor Tony Eziashi |Uncommon Succes – Pastor Jegede | |

|14.00 |LUNCH BREAK |(Lecture 30) Tapping Your |

| | |Potentials for Uncommon Succes – |

| | |Pastor Jegede |

| |(Lecture 7) The Laws of Success – |(Lecture 19) The School of Failure – |(Lecture 31) Building Blocks of Success – | |

|15.00 |Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |Pastor Tayo Olatunji |Pastor Yilu | |

| |(Lecture 8) The Two Chapters of Your |(Lecture 20) Spiritual Intelligence – |(Lecture 32) Essential Qualities of A Leader – | |

|16.00 |Life – Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |Pastor S.M. Adesanya | |

|17.00 |(Lecture 9) |(Lecture 21) Generation of Losers – |(Lecture 33) | |

| |Goal Setting – Pastor Innocent Ubong |Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |The Pacesetters – Pastor Ladejola | |

|18.00 |(Lecture 10) The Demon Called Average –|(Lecture 22) 10 Habits of Highly |(Lecture 34) Igniting Your Creativity or How to| |

| |Pastor Kunle Adesanya |Successful Families – Pastor Mrs. Olukoya|Fire up Your Imagination – Pastor Femi Ajila | |

|19.00 |(Lecture 11)The Pursuit of Success – |(Lecture 23) The Successful Minister’s |(Lecture 35) The Secrets of Greatness – Pastor | |

| |Pastor Moses Adebowale |Wife– Pastor Mrs. Olukoya |Wale Olumuyiwa | |


International Headquarters, Lagos.

Programme of Events for

SCHOOL OF ADVANCED DISCIPLESHIP – 23rd - 24th November, 2011

|TIME | DAY 1 |DAY 2 |


|7.00-8.00 | |(Lecture 13)Churchhold Wickedness – |

| | |Pastor Abiodun Ladejola |

|8.00-9.00 |(Lecture 1) Introduction and Objectives of the School of Advanced |(Lecture 14)Power Against Stagnation, Frustration and Limitation in |

| |Discipleship – G.O. |Ministry – Pastor Moses Adebowale |

|9.00-10.00 |(Lecture 2)What is Discipleship? – G.O. |(Lecture 15)The Reading Allergy – |

| | |Pastor (Mrs.) Folashade Olukoya. |

|10.00-11-00 |(Lecture 3)“Me First” Disciples – G.O. |(Lecture 16)The Principles of Discipleship – |

| | |Pastor Femi Ajila |

|11.00-12.00 |(Lecture 4)Discipleship Preparation – |(Lecture 17)The School of Discipline – |

| |Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |Pastor Kunle Adesanya |

|12.00 – 1.00 |(Lecture 5)Triplet Lectures – |(Lecture 18)Characteristics of a Disciple – |

| |Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |Pastor Moses Adebowale |

|1.00 – 2.00 |(Lecture 6)The School of Loneliness – |(Lecture 19)Essentials for Discipling – |

| |Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |Pastor Philip Olanrewaju |

|2.00- 3.00 LUNCH | BREAK |

|3.00-4.00 |(Lecture 7)Dynamics of Spiritual Gifts – |(Lecture 20)Scriptural Fasting – |

| |Pastor Yilu |Pastor S.M. Adesanya |

|4.00-5.00 |(Lecture 8)The 7 Pharisees – Pastor L.A. Audu |(Lecture 21)Leaders Destroyers and Leaders Repairs – Pastor Clement Imoru |

|5.00-6.00 |(Lecture 9)Discipleship Famine – |(Lecture 22)The Secret Disciple – |

| |Pastor Sis. Esther Abolarin |Pastor Wole Ajibade |

|6.15-7.15 |(Lecture 10)Power of Meditation – |(Lecture 23)Counterfeit Christianity – |

| |Pastor Felix Peters |Pastor Timothy Akano. |

|7.15-8.15 |(Lecture 11)Oracles of God – |(Lecture24)The Problem of Double Portion – G.O. |

| |Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan | |

|8.15-9.15 |(Lecture 12)The Salt and the Light – |FINAL EXAMINATION |

| |Pastor Kayode Ifebajo | |


International Headquarters, Lagos.

Programme of Events for SCHOOL OF DEEP DELIVERANCE

--- 24th - 26TH Nov., 2011

|TIME | DAY 1 | DAY 2 |DAY 3 |


| | |(Lecture 15) Deliverance of Conscience and Mind |(Lecture 30) Healing of Human Spirit |

|7.00 | |– Pastor Femi Ajila |– Pastor Wale Adeolumuyiwa |

|8.00 |(Lecture 1) Introduction and objectives of Deep |(Lecture 16) Children and Deliverance |(Lecture 31) Spiritual Warfare and Dreams – |

| |Deliverance – G.O. |– Pastor (Sis) Esther Abolarin |Pastor Femi Ajila |

|9.00 |(Lecture 2) The Prophet and the Waters – G.O. |(Lecture 17) Spirit of Christmas |(Lecture 32) Soul Ties |

| | |– Pastor S.M. Adesanya |– Pastor Wale Olumuyiwa |

|10.00 |(Lecture 3) 100 Facts about Water Spirits |(Lecture 18) The House of Life |(Lecture 33) Deep Secrets of the Enemy |

| |– G.O. |– Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |– Pastor Phillips |

| |(Lecture 4) The Secrets of Deep Deliverance |(Lecture 19) Healing of Relationships |(Lecture 34) We Wrestle |

|11.00 |– G.O. |– Pastor (Sis) Folashade Olukoya |- Pastor Phillips |

|12.00 |(Lecture 5) Deep Secrets of Witchcraft |(Lecture 20) Seven Major Doors of Demonisation |(Lecture 35) The Wounded Soldier |

| |– G.O. |– Pastor Felix Peters |– Pastor Sunday Omotesho |

|13.00 |(Lecture 6) The Mystery of Spiritual Sex |(Lecture 21) The Secrets of Dark Control |(Lecture 36) Analysis of Insanity |

| |– Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |– Pastor Felix Peters |– Pastor Moses Adebowale |

|14.00 |LUNCH BREAK |(Lecture 22) Evil Spirits of the Mind – Pastor Abiodun |LUNCH BREAK |

| | |Ladejola | |

|15.00 |(Lecture 7) The Mystery of Whoredom |(Lecture 23) The Tragedy of Anger |(Lecture 37) The Agenda of Lucifer |

| |– Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan |– Pastor Abiodun Ladejola |– Pastor Moses Adebowale |

|16.00 |(Lecture 8) Power Against Sexual Lust |LUNCH BREAK |(Lecture 38) The Pastor’s Clinic |

| |– Pastor K. Adegbolahan | |– Pastor Tony Eziashi |

|17.00 |(Lecture 9) Escaping the Fire of Sexual Sins |(Lecture 24) The Mystery of Hypnosis |(Lecture 39) Alcoholism and Drug Abuse |

| |– Pastor K. Adegbolahan |– Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |– Pastor Wole Ajibade |

|18.00 |(Lecture 10) Dealing with the Mentor of Sexual |(Lecture 25) Deliverance Pharmacy |(Lecture 40) War Against Breast Cancer and Stroke |

| |Perversion – Pastor Gbesan Adebambo |– Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |– Pastor Tony Eziashi |

|19.00 |(Lecture 11) Candidates of Deep Deliverance |(Lecture 26) Ashtoreth |(Lecture 41) War against Heart Disorder and |

| |– Pastor Kayode Ifebajo |– Pastor Lawrence Olaseinde |Cancer – Pastor Tony Eziashi |

|20.00 |(Lecture 12) Sects of the World |(Lecture 27) Satanic Ritual Abuse |(Lecture 42) |

| |– Pastor Samuel Yilu |– Pastor LA Audu |*War against Fibroids – Pastor Tony Eziashi |

|21.00 |(Lecture 13) The Origin of Spiritual Conflict |(Lecture 28) Mystery of Vagabond |(Lecture 43) |

| |– Pastor Kunle Adesanya |– Pastor L.A. Audu |Journey back to the womb – G.O. |

|22.00 |(Lecture 14) The Power of Discernment |(Lecture 29) Babylonian Spirits | |

| |– Pastor Kunle Adesanya |– Pastor L.A. Audu |FINAL EXAM |

|23.00 | | |(Lecture 44) |

| | | |*Transfiguration/Mountain Slumber – G.O. |

| |Lecture 45) |

| |*Satanic Introjects – G.O. |

| |(Lecture 46) |

| |A-Z of Spiritual Weapon and Warfare – G.O. |

| |(Lecture 47) |

| |*Can Christians be demonized? – G.O. |

| |(Lecture 48) |

| |Dictionary of demon entities – G.O. |

| |(Lecture 49) |

| |Biblical Healing Principles – G.O. |

| |(Lecture 50) War Against Kidney, Bladder, Liver |

| |Disease – G.O. |

| |(Lecture 51) The Water cure - G.O. |

| | |








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