APB Large Book 4 22 08 - The Association of the Precious Blood

Precious Blood


Jesus Daily Devotional

A Prayer Book

Written, edited and compiled by The Adorers of the Precious Blood


NIHIL OBSTAT: Rev. Fr. Stephen Obiukwu Censor Deputatus Chairman, Doctrine and Faith Committee Archdiocese of Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria 1 July 1999

CONTACT US: For more information and to purchase this book and other sacramentals Association of the Precious Blood P.O. Box 15851 Tallahassee, FL 32317-5851 USA Phone (850) 577-0607 Fax: (850) 576-3392 E-mail: PreciousBloodAmerica@ Web:

Please contact us with details about all miracles, large and small, or any unusual phenomenon associated with this devotion.


Compiled entirely from Church-approved sources.

ISBN: 0-9770978-0-3

? 2007 by the Adorers of the Precious Blood The "Patricia A. Fason version" - your guarantee of an authentic and accurate translation.

We gratefully acknowledge the editing assistance provided by Fr. Anthony Anokete and the graphics and proofing work done by Tomisha Eaton and our staff.

May God bless you all!

All Biblical quotations taken from the DouayRheims 1899 Edition, by the John Murphy Company, Baltimore, Maryland.

All rights reserved. Permission is granted by the Adorers of the Precious Blood for the copying and distribution of the prayers in this book under the following conditions: No additions, deletions or changes are to be made to the text in any way and the copies may not be sold for profit.


Table of Contents Pope John XXIII on the Precious Blood ..... 6 How to Pray this Devotion ......................... 10 The Holy Rosary ........................................... 19 Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary................ 28 Chaplet of the Precious Blood ...................... 32 Litany of the Precious Blood ........................ 41 Consecration to the Precious Blood.............. 46 Consolation Prayers ...................................... 48 Adoration Prayers ......................................... 57 The Anguished Appeals ................................ 70 The Mystical Prayers .................................... 97 Reparation Prayer to the Eternal Father...... 110 Prayer of Divine Praise and Adoration ........111 Reparation Prayer for the Precious Blood ...111 Original Prayer to St. Michael .................... 112 Powerful Invocation of Protection .............. 115 Prayer for the New Israel ............................ 116 Atonement with the Crown of Thorns ........ 118 Prayer for the Control of the Tongue .......... 123 Crown of Thorns Offering .......................... 123 Blessing of the Archangel Michael ............. 124 Third Friday Reparation.............................. 125 The Roses of the Glorious Reign ................ 128 Litany of the Saints (in Latin & English).... 136 An Alert for the Twelve Tribes of Israel ..... 146 Prayer Appendix.......................................... 150 The Promises ............................................. 154



To Our Lady of Guadalupe whose virginal blood mingled with the most Precious Blood of her Holy Son during her divine gestation. May her powerful prayers save all the unborn from the holocaust of abortion and assist us in the rapid spread of this devotion to all her children in the world in order to save as many souls as possible from the destructive power of the evil one.

And to our beloved Pope John Paul II, of blessed memory, who warned us of the coming trials during his pontificate. Help us with your prayers to teach this devotion to the whole world before the fearful hour comes. Please intercede for us, for the safety of the Church and her people.



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