May - August 2004

Tu 14 Holy Cross Day St John, Onoway; Thomas Dean, Rector (s. Linda).

We 15 St Mary, Ponoka; Doreen Scott, Voc. Deacon.

Th 16 St Aidan & Ste Hilda, Rexboro; Coleen Lynch, Rector (s. Mike); St Mary the Virgin, Sangudo; Charles Mortimer, Priest (s. Lois).

Fr 17 St Matthew, St Albert; Lee Bezanson, Rector (s. Bernadine)

Sa 18 St. John, Sedgewick; Chelsy Stevens, Rector.

Su 19 Pentecost 17 Diocese of the Arctic; Rt. Rev. Andrew Atagotaaluk, Bishop; Rt. Rev. Larry Robertson & Rt. Rev. Ben Arreak, Suffragans;

St Mary, Vegreville; Chelsy Stevens, Rector.

Mo 20 St Thomas, Sherwood Park; Lori Calkins, Interim Priest in Charge (s. Jim); Colleen Sanderson, Interim Assoc. Priest; Bruce Aylard, Hon. Asst. (s. Audrey).

Tu 21 St. Matthew the Evangelist St Augustine, Spruce Grove; Quinn Strikwerda, Rector (s. Maddie); Madeleine Urion, Assoc. Priest in Mission (s. Quinn); John Rushton, Hon. Asst. (s. Elizabeth).

We 22 Holy Trinity, Tofield; Colleen Sanderson, Interim Priest-in-Charge.

Th 23 St Saviour, Vermilion & Christ Church, Mannville; Canon Keith Marsh, Rector.

Fr 24 St. Matthew, Viking: Chelsy Stevens, Rector.

Sa 25 St Thomas, Wainwright; Dana Dean, Rector (s. Vera); Jacques Vaillancourt, Hon. Asst. (s. Bobbi).

Su 26 Pentecost 18 Diocese of Athabasca: The Rt. Rev. Fraser Lawton, Bishop; Immanuel, Wetaskiwin & St. John, Millet; Ted Eden, Rector (s. Pamela).

Mo 27 St Patrick, Whitecourt; Rene Faille, Rector (s. Ruby).

Tu 28 Pray for the Diocesan Cursillo Secretariat.

We 29 St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Chaplain at the University of Alberta Hospital: Ronald Hörst (s. Maude Parsons-Hörst).

Th 30 Anglican Chaplain to the University of Alberta; Sue Oliver; Chris Dowdeswell (s. Krista).


Fr 1 Our chaplains to the Armed Forces; Capt. Rev. Eric Davis (s. Tamara); Capt. Rev. Steele Lazerte; Maj. Rev. Michelle Staples (s. Chuck). Maj. Rev Jacques Vaillancourt (s. Bobbi).

Sa 2 Examining Chaplains; our theological students, and postulants for ordination.

Su 3 Pentecost 19 Diocese of Brandon; Rt. Rev. James Njegovan, Bishop; The Chaplaincy to Edmonton’s Young Offender’s Centre; Christine Herman.

Mo 4 Pray for the children’s & young peoples’ ministries throughout the Diocese.

Tu 5 Inner City Pastoral Ministry; Rick Chapman, Pastor (s. Bernedene).

We 6 Our Archdeacons: Kathy Bowman, Michael Rolph and Michael Sung.

Th 7 Our Regional Deans: Bob Peel (Battle River); David Lehmann (Cold Lake); Michael Williamson (Edmonton West); Tim Chesterton (Whitemud); Joseph Walker (Yellowhead).

Fr 8 Our Canon Pastors: Maureen Crerar, responsible for the newly ordained; Keith Marsh, responsible for rural ministry; Dan Van Alstine, responsible for the retired clergy and clergy widows/widowers. Our Canon Missioner: Travis Enright, responsible for indigenous ministry.

Sa 9 We give thanks for the Anglican Church Women; Beth-Anne Exham, Diocesan President.

Su 10 Pentecost 20 Diocese of British Columbia; Rt. Rev. James Cowan, Bishop; Pray for the Diocesan Summer Camps: Mark Armstrong, Chair.

Mo 11 Thanksgiving Day Pray for Eileen Conway, Diocesan Ecumenical Officer.

Tu 12 Pray for stewardship ministries in the Diocese of Edmonton.

We 13 Pray for all lay employees in parishes throughout our Diocese.

Th 14 Pray for the Coordinator of Hospital Visitors, Joanne Neal.

Fr 15 Pray for Diocesan Lay Reader Coordinator, Cameron Burns.

Pray for the Diocesan Barnabas Initiative Coordinator, Thomas Brauer.

Sa 16 Our House Addiction Recovery Centre & all outreach ministries, Edmonton.

Su 17 Pentecost 21 Diocese of Caledonia; Rt. Rev. William Anderson, Bishop; For the retired clergy of the Diocese: Bruce Aylard (s. Audrey); Gwen Bright; Allan Challacombe; Richard Conrad; Eileen Conway; Cecil Dawkins (s. Wendy); Terry Dunn (s. Joanne); Bishop Ken Genge (s. Ruth); Donald Gray; and Gordon Ingram; Peter Heritage (s. Lois).

Mo 18 St. Luke the Evangelist For the retired clergy of the Diocese: Carol Canton; Ray Canton; Ed Kostyk (s. Gloria); Tom Leadbeater (s. Betsy); Tom McKnight (s. Ivy); Brian Melbourne (s. Gillian); Charles Mortimer (s. Lois); Joshua Phillpotts; Jim Plambeck (s. Olga); Tom Rayment (s. Shirley); Paul Robinson (s. Pat); Nancy Selwood; James Shuel; Anne Wightman (s. Peter); Frank Wilson (s. Dorothy); Pat Hill; David Prowse, & Nancy Rutter (s. Don).

Tu 19 For the retired clergy of the Diocese: Carl Bergstrom; Bruce Cowley; Stanley Hanes; Martin Hattersley (s. Florence); Sheila Hagan-Bloxham (s. John Bloxham); Andrew Irving (s. Audrey); Bryson Randall (s. Catherine); Gavin Rumsey; John Rushton (s. Elizabeth); Robert Wild & Michael Wimmer (s. Patricia).

We 20 For the Clergy of the Diocese on a leave of absence; and the Interim Ministry Team.

Th 21 For David Ashdown, our Metropolitan.

Fr 22 For the staff of the Diocesan Synod Office: The Rt. Rev. Jane Alexander, Bishop; Brian Popp, Executive Officer; David Connell, Planned Giving Officer; Jeannette Madill, Treasurer; Sarah Kemp, Bishop’s Administrative Assistant; Margaret Marschall, Communications Director.

Sa 23 St Mary Abbots, Barrhead, St Peter, Lac La Nonne & St Philip, Westlock; Donna Willer, Rector; Charles Mortimer (s. Lois), Hon. Asst.

Su 24 Pentecost 22 Diocese of Calgary; Rt. Rev. Derek Hoskin, Bishop;

Emmanuel, Gibbons; Holy Trinity, Bon Accord; St Mary, Redwater; Ronald Hörst, Rector (s. Maude Parsons-Hörst).

Mo 25 St Columba, Beaumont; Canon Susan Storey, Rector.

Tu 26 St Andrew, Camrose; Maj. Rev Jacques Vaillancourt (s. Bobbi).

We 27 St John the Evangelist, Cold Lake, and St John the Baptist, St Paul; William Patterson, Rector (s. Brenda); Doug Giles (Lutheran Pastor) Hon. Assistant.

Th 28 St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles St George, Devon: Emma Vickery, Rectory (s. Donovan Jannaway).

Fr 29 All Saints’, Drayton Valley & St Paul, Evansburg; Sean Devlin, Rector (s. Cynthia).

Sa 30 St Mary, Edgerton; Dana Dean, Rector (s. Vera).

Su 31 Pentecost 23 Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior; Rt. Rev. Barbara Andrews, Bishop; All Saints’ Cathedral, Edmonton; Neil Gordon, Dean & Rector (s. Susan Bercov); Travis Enright, Vicar; Joanne Neal, Voc. Deacon; Terry Dunn (s. Joanne); Donald Gray, Peter Heritage (s. Lois), & Joshua Phillpotts, Hon. Assts.; Chris Dowdeswell, Theological Student (s. Krista); Sudanese Community: Pastor Akon Akon (s. Elizabeth).


Mo 1 All Saints Day St Augustine, Edmonton; Robert Peel, Rector (s. Patricia); Wayne Masliuk (s. Diane), Voc. Deacon.

Tu 2 Christ Church, Edmonton; Archdeacon Michael Rolph, Rector (s. Cora); Myron Penner, Assoc. Priest (s. Jodi); Martin Garber-Conrad (Lutheran Pastor); Hon. Asst.; Pat Hill, Hon. Deacon Asst.

We 3 St David, Edmonton; Cameron Burns, Rector (s. Andrea).

Th 4 St Faith, Edmonton; Wendy Ainsworth, Rector.

Fr 5 St Peter, Edmonton; Stephen Hallford, Rector (s. Nancy); Kathy Hutchinson, Parish Evangelist; Arthur Dyck, Barnabas Initiative Team Member (s. Joy).

Sa 6 St George, Edmonton: Sue Oliver, Rector; Eileen Conway, Interim Associate Priest.

Su 7 Pentecost 24 Diocese of Central Newfoundland; Rt. Rev. David Torraville, Bishop; Good Shepherd, Edmonton; Maureen Crerar, Rector.

Mo 8 Holy Trinity, Edmonton; Chris Pappas, Rector (s. Elisabeth Thompson); Jonathan Crane, Asst. Curate (s. Megan); Thomas Brauer, Hon. Asst. (s. Cheryl).

Tu 9 St John the Evangelist, Edmonton; Don Aellen, Rector (s. Carolyn); Mary Charlotte Wilcox, Associate Priest; Matthew Oliver, Hon. Asst. (s. Bev).

We 10 Holy Trinity, Riverbend; Archdeacon Michael Sung, Rector (s. Agnes); Sheila Hagan-Bloxham, Hon. Asst. (s. John); Jonathan Connell, Priest (s. Fiona).

Th 11 St Luke, Edmonton; Canon Dan VanAlstine, Rector (s. Carolyn Skinner); Penny Bruce & Stuart Ravnsborg (s. Sharleen), Hon. Assts.

Fr 12 St Margaret, Edmonton; Tim Chesterton, Rector (s. Marci).

Sa 13 St Mary, Edmonton; Elizabeth Metcalfe, Rector.

Su 14 Pentecost 25 Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador; Rt. Rev. Cyrus Pitman, Bishop; St Matthias, Edmonton; Kevin Kraglund, Rector (s. Brenda); Martin Hattersley (s. Florence), Hon. Asst.

Mo 15 St Michael & All Angels, Edmonton; Stephen London, Rector (s. Stephanie); Stephanie London, Hon. Asst. (s.Stephen).

Tu 16 St Patrick, Edmonton; Archdeacon Kathy Bowman, Rector (s. David Kinloch); Mark Vigrass, Voc. Deacon; Joanne Chambers (s. Don); Carl Bergstrom, Hon. Assts.

We 17 St Paul, Edmonton; Michael Williamson, Rector (s. Janet); Regula Brandle; Roy Dickson (s. Yvette); Associate Priests.

Th 18 St Stephen, Edmonton; John Gifford, Rector (s. Juanita Rodgers); Tom McKnight (s. Ivy); Hon. Asst.

Fr 19 St Timothy, Edmonton; Joseph Walker, Rector (s. Alisa); Alexandra Meek Sharman, Asst. Curate (s. Scott).

Sa 20 Trinity Mar Thoma Church, Edmonton; Reji John, Rector.

Su 21 Last Sunday after Pentecost: The Reign of Christ Diocese of Edmonton; Rt. Rev. Jane Alexander, Bishop; St Catherine, Edson & St Columba, McLeod Valley; Joyce Mellor, Rector.

Mo 22 St George, Fort Saskatchewan; David Lehmann, Rector.

Tu 23 St Francis of Assisi, Hinton: Julio Martin, Rector (s. Imelda).

We 24 St Mary & St George, Jasper; Julio Marin, Rector (s. Imelda); David Prowse, Hon. Asst.

Th 25 St Paul, Leduc; Joanne Webster, Rector (s. Jeremy).

Fr 26 St Andrew, Morinville; Allan Bonertz, Rector (s. Marg).

Sa 27 St John, Onoway; Thomas Dean, Rector (s. Linda).

Su 28 Advent 1 Diocese of Fredericton; Most Rev. Claude Miller, Archbishop; St Mary, Ponoka; Doreen Scott, Voc. Deacon.

Mo 29 St Aidan & Ste Hilda, Rexboro; Coleen Lynch, Rector (s. Mike); St Mary the Virgin, Sangudo; Charles Mortimer, Priest (s. Lois).

Tu 30 St. Andrew the Apostle St Matthew, St Albert; Lee Bezanson, Rector (s. Bernadine)


We 1 St. John, Sedgewick; Chelsy Stevens, Rector.

Th 2 St Mary, Vegreville; Chelsy Stevens, Rector.

Fr 3 St Thomas, Sherwood Park; Lori Calkins, Interim Priest in Charge (s. Jim); Colleen Sanderson, Interim Assoc. Priest; Bruce Aylard, Hon. Asst. (s. Audrey).

Sa 4 St Augustine, Spruce Grove; Quinn Strikwerda, Rector (s. Maddie); Madeleine Urion, Assoc. Priest in Mission (s. Quinn); John Rushton, Hon. Asst. (s. Elizabeth).

Su 5 Advent 2 Diocese of Huron; Rt. Rev. Robert Bennett, Bishop; Rt. Rev. Terry Dance, Suffragan; Holy Trinity, Tofield; Colleen Sanderson, Interim Priest-in-Charge.

Mo 6 St Saviour, Vermilion & Christ Church, Mannville; Canon Keith Marsh, Rector.

Tu 7 St. Matthew, Viking: Chelsy Stevens, Rector.

We 8 St Thomas, Wainwright; Dana Dean, Rector (s. Vera); Jacques Vaillancourt, Hon. Asst. (s. Bobbi).

Th 9 Immanuel, Wetaskiwin & St. John, Millet; Ted Eden, Rector (s. Pamela).

Fr 10 St Patrick, Whitecourt; Rene Faille, Rector (s. Ruby).

Sa 11 Pray for the Diocesan Cursillo Secretariat.

Sun 12 Advent 3 Diocese of Keewatin; Most Rev. David Ashdown, Metropolitan; Rt. Rev. Lydia Mamakwa, Area Bishop; Anglican Chaplain at the University of Alberta Hospital: Ronald Hörst (s. Maude Parsons-Hörst).

Mo 13 Anglican Chaplain to the University of Alberta; Sue Oliver; Chris Dowdeswell (s. Krista).

Tu 14 Our chaplains to the Armed Forces; Capt. Rev. Eric Davis (s. Tamara); Capt. Rev. Steele Lazerte; Maj. Rev. Michelle Staples (s. Chuck).

We 15 Examining Chaplains; our theological students, and postulants for ordination.

Th 16 The Chaplaincy to Edmonton’s Young Offender’s Centre; Christine Herman.

Fr 17 Pray for the children’s & young peoples’ ministries throughout the Diocese.

Sa 18 Inner City Pastoral Ministry; Rick Chapman, Pastor (s. Bernedene).

Su 19 Advent 4 Diocese of Kootenay; Most Rev. John Privett, Archbishop; Our Archdeacons: Kathy Bowman, Michael Rolph and Michael Sung.

Mo 20 Our Regional Deans: Bob Peel (Battle River); David Lehmann (Cold Lake); Michael Williamson (Edmonton West); Tim Chesterton (Whitemud); Joseph Walker (Yellowhead).

Tu 21 Our Canon Pastors: Maureen Crerar, responsible for the newly ordained; Keith Marsh, responsible for rural ministry; Dan Van Alstine, responsible for the retired clergy and clergy widows/widowers. Our Canon Missioner: Travis Enright, responsible for indigenous ministry.

We 22 We give thanks for the Anglican Church Women; Beth-Anne Exham, Diocesan President.

Th 23 Pray for the Diocesan Summer Camps: Mark Armstrong, Chair.

Fr 24 Pray for Eileen Conway, Diocesan Ecumenical Officer.

Sa 25 The Birth of the Lord: Christmas Day Pray for stewardship ministries in the Diocese of Edmonton.

Su 26 Christmas 1 Diocese of Montreal; Rt. Rev. Barry Clarke, Bishop;

Pray for all lay employees in parishes throughout our Diocese.

Mo 27 St. John the Evangelist Pray for the Coordinator of Hospital Visitors, Joanne Neal.

Tu 28 The Holy Innocents Pray for Diocesan Lay Reader Coordinator, Cameron Burns. Pray for the Diocesan Barnabas Initiative Coordinator, Thomas Brauer.

We 29 Our House Addiction Recovery Centre & all outreach ministries, Edmonton.

Th 30 St. Stephen the Martyr For the retired clergy of the Diocese: Bruce Aylard (s. Audrey); Gwen Bright; Allan Challacombe; Richard Conrad; Eileen Conway; Cecil Dawkins (s. Wendy); Terry Dunn (s. Joanne); Bishop Ken Genge (s. Ruth); Donald Gray; and Gordon Ingram; Peter Heritage (s. Lois).

Fr 31 For the retired clergy of the Diocese: Carol Canton; Ray Canton; Ed Kostyk (s. Gloria); Tom Leadbeater (s. Betsy); Tom McKnight (s. Ivy); Brian Melbourne (s. Gillian); Charles Mortimer (s. Lois); Joshua Phillpotts; Jim Plambeck (s. Olga); Tom Rayment (s. Shirley); Paul Robinson (s. Pat); Nancy Selwood; James Shuel; Anne Wightman (s. Peter); Frank Wilson (s. Dorothy); Pat Hill; David Prowse, & Nancy Rutter (s. Don).

Daily Prayer Cycle

Diocese of Edmonton

Anglican Church Of Canada

“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers…” Philippians 1.3

September 1 to December 31, 2010

The names and situations in this cycle are always changing, so please alert Synod Office to any changes in time for the next publication.

—Margaret Marschall, editor.


We 1 The Beheading of St. John the Baptist St Matthias, Edmonton; Kevin Kraglund, Rector (s. Brenda); Martin Hattersley (s. Florence), Hon. Asst.

Th 2 St Michael & All Angels, Edmonton; Stephen London, Rector (s. Stephanie); Stephanie London, Hon. Asst. (s. Stephen).

Fr 3 St Patrick, Edmonton; Archdeacon Kathy Bowman, Rector (s. David Kinloch); Mark Vigrass, Voc. Deacon; Joanne Chambers (s. Don); Carl Bergstrom, Hon. Assts.

Sa 4 St Paul, Edmonton; Michael Williamson, Rector (s. Janet); Regula Brandle; Roy Dickson (s. Yvette); Associate Priests.

Su 5 Pentecost 15 Primate of Anglican Church of Canada: Most Rev. Fred Hiltz; St Stephen, Edmonton; John Gifford, Rector (s. Juanita Rodgers); Tom McKnight (s. Ivy); Hon. Asst.

Mo 6 St Timothy, Edmonton; Joseph Walker, Rector (s. Alisa); Alexandra Meek Sharman, Asst. Curate (s. Scott).

Tu 7 Trinity Mar Thoma Church, Edmonton; Reji John, Rector.

We 8 St Catherine, Edson & St Columba, McLeod Valley; Joyce Mellor, Rector.

Th 9 St George, Fort Saskatchewan; David Lehmann, Rector.

Fr 10 St Francis of Assisi, Hinton: Julio Martin, Rector (s. Imelda).

Sa 11 St Mary & St George, Jasper; Julio Marin, Rector (s. Imelda); David Prowse, Hon. Asst.

Su 12 Pentecost 16 Diocese of Algoma; Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews, Bishop; St Paul, Leduc; Joanne Webster, Rector (s. Jeremy).

Mo 13 St Andrew, Morinville; Allan Bonertz, Rector (s. Marg).


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