
Topic: Pre-Algebra- ProportionsObjectives: Apply knowledge about ratios and proportions to compare the earth to the moonMaterials:Play Dough StringToolbox RulersEarth to Moon WorksheetHomework: Pizzazz Worksheet with word problems to be solved my proportionsNotes to Self: Only 45 minute class todaySolve for x using cross multiplication then reduce both fractions to their lowest terms10x=69 or Student TaskHomework Review:Cut up homework problems from last nightGive some students the answers and some students the questionsAllow about 5-7 minutes for students to find their partnerSit together (will become groups for group project) or Student TaskGroup ActivityDivide the students into groups. Each group needs a ball of clay.Direct the students to break the clay into 50 equal sized ballsHave each group choose a ball of average size and combine the remaining balls into one large ball. This gives the students the volume ratio of the earth to the moon which is about 49:1Students should measure the diameter of their moon diameter and their earth diameter and put that number as a ratio (they should get about 3.7)Have a representative from each group tell their measurements for their earth and moon diameter and have students record them on their paper. Find the average of each column.Have the students answer the questions on the worksheet using proportionsExtension Question: A satellite usually orbits earth at a distance about 1/40th of earth’s diameter. Calculate where you should put a satellite on your earth and moon scale model. or Student Task (Think-Pair-Share) If I were to draw a solar system on my paper and my earth was x in diameter, where would my moon go?If time: Life-Size Solar SystemAllow students to go out in the hall to the solar systemAsk them to find the numbers listed on the papers about how far away one planet is from another.We will come back and discuss whether their ratios are correct or if they are a little off or Student TaskCalendar:Midterms are soon, be sure to check your grades and get passports finishedThis Friday is a Monday/ Wednesday scheduleThis week we are going 1-8 classes until FridayBring books for the book drive ................

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