Guida al corso CLIL4UIl progetto ha sviluppato un corso CLIL per docenti di contenuto e di lingua. Il corso si compone di tre parti: Un pre-corso che combina insegnamenti linguistici con contenuti CLIL, un corso CLIL principale strutturato in un percorso misto con incontri in presenza e unità di lavoro da svolgere online, ed un post-corso, che tratta la certificazione linguistica secondo quanto espresso dal QCER (CEF).Pre-corso/ corsi di linguaCorso CLIL principale e unità di lavoro onlinePost-corso/ certificazione linguisticaPre-corso/ Corsi di linguaEnglish Language Pre-courseDanish Language Pre-courseGreek Language Pre-coursePre-corso in lingua italianaMaltese Language Pre-courseSpanish Language Pre-courseThe English Language Pre-courseThe English pre-course / language course is made up of 10 web-based modules. The approach used on this language course attempts to allow teachers to experience CLIL for themselves. Each Unit describes one aspect of CLIL. In this way, teachers will be reading about Content, which is linked to the Language they will be learning and practicing.1. Teachers first engage with a text about an aspect of CLIL. This has been placed in CLILStore (an online tool developed by TOOLS), where the text is linked to multiple dictionaries for ease of reading. There is also audio for each text.The text for each Unit was especially written to highlight a particular language Point which would then be focused on later in the Unit.The texts were also interwoven within the Guidebook.The first step is therefore:Getting to know about CLIL whilst developing:reading skillslistening skillsbuilding up vocabularyhelping with pronunciation2. Teachers then read a Language Focus, which tells them more about the language point covered in the Unit. This aims to help content teachers understand an area of Grammar which they do not know much about.This second step aims to develop Language Knowledge.3. Teachers can then practice the language point using interactive exercises written and designed to consolidate understanding of the Language Focus and practice it.This third step provides interactive practice with immediate feedback for teachers reading through the website. In this way, there is no need for any trainer input.4. For further practice, there are also links to other websites where teachers can read more about the language point, or do further practice. The course is suitable even for language teachers who wish to develop and practice the language.Try the course here: Language Pre-courseThe Danish Language Pre-course comprises 12 units based on the texts from the Danish "CLIL Guidebog". All words in the texts are linked to online dictionaries in more than 100 languages to help the non native user to learn new words and understand the content:CLIL Guidebog: TerminologiEn introduktion til CLILHvorfor CLIL?CLIL L?rernes FAQs (Ofte stillede sp?rgsm?l)FAQs for elever og Hvordan involveres for?ldreneDe fem C’erTilgangen til CLILZonen for n?rmeste udvikling (ZPD) og stilladseringL?ringsautonomi, Interaktion og l?rerens tid til refleksionerEksempler p? CLIL lektionerEvalueringCLIL bed?mmelse i praksisGreek Language Pre-courseThe Greek Language Pre-course comprises 12 units based on the texts from the Greek "ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ CLIL". All words in the texts are linked to online dictionaries in more than 100 languages to help the non native user to learn new words and understand the content:ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ CLIL: Ορολογ?αΕισαγωγ? στο CLILΓιατ? CLILΣυχν?? Ερωτ?σει? Εκπαιδευτικ?ν / 2.2.1. FAQs for TeachersΣυχν?? Ερωτ?σει? Μαθητ?ν & 2.2.3. Π?? να εμπλ?κονται οι γονε??Τα 5CsΗ Προσ?γγιση CLILΖ?νη Επικε?μενη? Αν?πτυξη? (ΖΕΑ) και Ικρι?ματα (Σκαλωσι??)Η Αυτονομ?α του Εκπαιδευ?μενου, Αλληλεπ?δρασηΔε?γματα Μαθημ?των CLILΑξιολ?γησηΑξιολ?γηση CLIL στην Πρ?ξηPre-corso in lingua italianaIl Pre-corso in lingua italiana comprende 12 unità didattiche basate su testi tratti dalla “”GUIDA CLIL” in italiano. Tutte le parole contenute nei testi sono collegate tramite link a dizionari online in più di 100 lingue, al fine di aiutare i corsisti non madreligua ad apprendere nuove parole e comprendere meglio i contenuti.TerminologiaUn’introduzione al CLILPerché il CLIL?FAQ per docentiFAQ per studenti & Come coinvolgere i genitoriLe 5 “C”L’approccio CLILLa Zona di Sviluppo Prossimale (in inglese ZPD - Zone of Proximal Development) e lo scaffoldingL’autonomia dello studente / Interazione / Tempo di riflessione per gli insegnantiEsempi di lezione CLILValutazioneValutazione del CLIL nella praticaMaltese Language Pre-courseThe Maltese Language Pre-course comprises 12 units based on the texts from the Maltese "Il-Gwida texs g?all-CLIL". All words in the texts are linked to online dictionaries in more than 100 languages to help the non native user to learn new words and understand the content:Terminolo?ijaL-Ewwel Kapitlu: Introduzzjoni g?al CLILG?aliex CLIL?Mistoqsijiet li jag?mlu l-g?alliemaMistoqsijiet li spiss jag?mlu l-istudentiIl-5 KIl-Metodu CLILThe Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) u ScaffoldingL-Awtonomija tal-Istudent & Interazzjoni & Il-?in tal-?sieb tal-G?alliemaKampjun tal-lezzjonijiet CLILEvalwazzjoniL-Assessjar tal-CLIL fil-PrattikaSpanish Language Pre-courseThe Spanish Language Pre-course comprises 12 units based on the texts from the Spanish "GU?A CLIL". All words in the texts are linked to online dictionaries in more than 100 languages to help the non native user to learn new words and understand the content:TerminologíaIntroducción al CLIL?Por qué CLIL?Preguntas más frecuentes de los profesores:Preguntas frecuentes de los estudiantes & Cómo involucrar a los padresLas 5CsEl enfoque CLILLa Zona de Desarrollo Próximo (ZDP) y el andamiajeAutonomía del estudianteEjemplos de clases CLILEvaluaciónEvaluación del CLIL en la práctica.Corso CLIL principale e unità di lavoro onlineQuesto corso è stato creato allo scopo di aiutare i docenti interessati al metodo CLIL ad approcciarsi al metodo stesso:I docenti attraverso ciascuna delle 10 unità di lavoro online :Scopriranno un aspetto dell’insegnamento attraverso il metodo CLIL.Scaricheranno un Learning Diary utilizzando il quale avranno modo di svolgere determinati compiti; potranno tenere di questi compiti un registro elettronico. Questo sarà il loro e- portfolio.Struttureranno una bozza di una lezione CLIL utilizzando il PAPeR, prima di partecipare all’incontro in presenza.Avranno modo di riflettere su quanto appreso, e - attraverso il corso CLIL4U stesso - potranno confrontare le proprie esperienze con altri docenti.Dopo aver completato la fase di lavoro online i partecipanti si incontreranno per la fase in presenza (Face2Face), durante la quale avranno modo di: Discutere e chiarire eventuali dubbi emersi durante la fase di lavoro online.Definire la programmazione della loro lezione CLIL.Gli insegnanti potranno poi continuare il loro lavoro attraverso il post-corso:Dopo aver programmato e svolto la loro lezione, verrà chiesto loro di avviare una rilessione sulla stessa, utilizzando un modulo di Riflessione Guidata.I partecipanti saranno incoraggiati a condividere le loro lezioni online, ed anche a confrontarsi con gli altri insegnanti durante la fase di riflessione, attraverso la piattaforma online Corkboard.Vai ai 10 moduli online: / certificazione linguisticaSeguendo il nostro Corso CLIL4U principale, potrete continuare a sviluppare le vostre conpetenze lessicali e di lettura; inoltre partecipando alla fase in presenza di questo corso potrete fare pratica sia nella lettura che nella conversazione.In alcuni paesi, gli esami per le certificazioni linguistiche possono essere sostenuti presso centri autorizzati, potrete perciò aver bisogno di scoprire quali possibilità offre in tal senso il vostro paese.In alternativa, vi sono numerosi esami finalizzati all’attestazione del livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese. Per ciascuno di essi si rende necessario dedicare tempo alla preparazione dell’esame stesso, a famigliarizzare con la tipologia del test e ad apprendere le strategie necessarie per sostenerlo.Tutti gli esami hanno specifiche tipologie di domande e coprono differenti aree della lingua inglese. Perciò il primo passo consiste nello scoprire il proprio livello di conoscenza della lingua e scegliere l’esame di certificazione più idoneo.Potrete fare ciò semplicemente cliccando qui () , sostenendo il test Lessico & Grammatica e il test di Comprensione orale, per scoprire quale sia il vostro livello di lingua.Potrete poi verificare quali certificazioni sono disponibili per il vostro livello.Tenete presente che alcuni esami richiedono di sostenere più parti per essere superati.Di seguito troverete una panoramica degli esami di certificazione linguistica disponibili.English tests / examsDanish tests / examsGreek tests / examsGerman tests / examsItaliano test/esamiMaltese tests/ examsSpanish test / examsEnglish tests / exams1. IELTS – This test consists of 4 papers – Reading (R), Writing (Wr), Listening (L), Speaking (Sp).You will need to sit for all exams to get a global score. The good thing is that you sit for one exam, and you do not pass or fail. You simply get a score from 0 to 9.You can also choose to do a General English Module or an Academic Module (which is what universities require students to have).Read more about IELTS and take some practice tests here.? ?The IELTS homepage.?2. Cambridge Exams – These tests consist of 3 to 5 papers depending on level. You will need to sit for all the papers to get a score.For the lower levels, only Reading/Writing, Listening & Speaking are tested.For the upper levels, there are 5 papers:R, Wr, L, Sp & Use of English (Grammar & Vocabulary)For these exams, you sit for an exam at a certain level which you aim for, and you either pass or fail the exam.Read more about the Cambridge Exams and take some practice tests here. ??The Cambridge ESOL Exams homepage.?3. TOEIC – In this test, you can choose to do R & L (together) or Wr & Sp (together) or both.Like IELTS, there is just one exam, where you do not fail – you simply get a score (level) for your performance.Read more about TOEIC and take some practice tests here.? ???The TOEIC homepage.??4. TOEFL – This is an exam which is greatly favoured by American Universities, whereas the other exams above are favoured by Europe and Australia.TOEFL tests have these papers - R, Wr, L & Sp.Like IELTS and TOEIC, there is just one multilevel exam, where you do not fail – you simply get a score (level) for your performance.Read more about TOEFL and take some practice tests here.? ????The TOEFL homepage.??5. Pearson Tests – These consist of 2 different exams:The Academic Exam (R, Wr, L & Sp) which like IELTS, TOEIC and TOEFL, is a multilevel exam.The General English Exam consists of only a written paper and a speaking interview.However, it is set at 6 different levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, so once you choose a level, you either pass or fail.Read more about Pearson Tests and take some practice tests here. ? ??6. LCCI Exams – These are another branch of Pearson Tests.This exam can be taken separately, that is, a candidate can choose whichever exams to take from R, Wr, L & Sp, and a score will be given for each paper taken. Like in IELTS, there is a scale, so no pass or fail. You achieve a score based on your performance for each paper you take.Read more about LCCI ELSA English Exams here(see Page 19).?The LCCI Qualifications homepage.?? Read more about exams and CEF certification from: tests / examsDansk 3: The test labelled “dansk 3” matches CEF level B2. The test comprises a written part (with reading and writing) and an oral part (with listening and conversation). Read more about the “dansk 3” test: i “dansk 3”: Pr?ve i Dansk 3 best?r af en skriftlig og en mundtlig del:1. Den skriftlige del indeholder b?de en pr?ve i l?seforst?else og en pr?ve i skriftlig fremstilling. L?seforst?else varer 1 time og 30 minutter. Den best?r af to delpr?ver, hvor du skal besvare sp?rgsm?l ud fra en tekst. For at forst? teksterne skal du have et vist kendskab til det danske samfund.? Pr?ve i skriftlig fremstilling varer 2 timer og 30 minutter, og den best?r ogs? af to delpr?ver. Du skal skrive en uformel eller formel henvendelse og en l?ngere fremstilling om et givent emne. 2. Den mundtlige del indeholder en pr?ve i mundtlig kommunikation, hvori lytteforst?else ogs? indg?r. Pr?ven varer?15 minutter og indeholder to delpr?ver. Man g?r op til pr?ven individuelt.Delpr?ve 1 best?r af en pr?sentation af et tildelt emne og et interview, der er relateret til emnet.? Delpr?ve 2 best?r af en?beskrivelse af en situation og et opf?lgende interview. Studiepr?ven: The test labelled “studiepr?ven” matches CEF level C1. The test is mandatory for foreign students who want to study in most of the Danish universities. It comprises a written part (with reading and writing) and an oral part (with listening and conversation). Read more about the “Studiepr?ven”: Pr?ve i Studiepr?ven best?r af en skriftlig og en mundtlig del:1. Den skriftlige del indeholder b?de en pr?ve i l?seforst?else og en pr?ve i skriftlig fremstilling. L?seforst?else varer 1 time og 30 minutter. Den best?r af tre delpr?ver, hvor du skal besvare sp?rgsm?l ud fra et st?rre tekstgrundlag. Denne del kr?ver, at du har et godt kendskab til det danske samfund.Pr?ve i skriftlig fremstilling varer 3 timer. Du skal skrive en l?ngere sammenh?ngende fremstilling om et emne inklusiv en analyse. Der er i alt tre opgaver, og du skal besvare én af dem.?2. Den mundtlige del best?r af pr?ve i lytteforst?else og pr?ve i mundtlig kommunikation. Lytteforst?else varer ca. 70 minutter og best?r af to delpr?ver. Der vil blive l?st informerende tekster op, og du skal kunne forst? og uddrage information og detaljer. Mundtlig kommunikation varer 30 minutter. Du f?r udleveret tre emner efter pr?ve i lytteforst?else, og du skal forberede et opl?g om hvert emne. Til selve pr?ven i mundtlig kommunikation tildeles du et af emnerne. Greek tests / examsAccording to the Examinations Office of the Directorate of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus and following the CEFR, the examinations offered by the ministry are named as follows:Εξετ?σει? Πιστοπο?ηση? Βασικ?? Γν?ση? Ελληνικ?? Γλ?σσα? για Μεταν?στε?/Αλλοδαπο?? (Επ?πεδο Α2)Certification Exams Basic Knowledge Greek Language for Immigrants / Foreigners (Level A2) Εξετ?σει? Πιστοπο?ηση? Πολ? Καλ?? Γν?ση? τη? Ελληνικ?? Γλ?σσα?Certification Exams very good knowledge of Greek Language (Level C1)Furthermore, the Office shall exam in cooperation with other Government Departments, Agencies, Organisations and Municipalities. The organization of these examinations is shared while ‘thematothetisi’, the scoring of written and exporting the results are the sole responsibility of the Examinations Office. The tests carried out can find Good Greek Language Knowledge, Very Good Greek The validity and reliability of these services has been established in the consciousness of the Cypriot citizen and this is evidenced daily from soaring tests conducted in recent years by the Examinations Office on behalf of Government Departments, Private and Parastatals and Services of the Public Sector Language Knowledge, and Fluency in Greek Language.The first examination as given above provides the examinee with three different examination papers that check all four skills of the language (listening, reading comprehension, writing and speaking) of an hour each, and an oral examination that takes about 10-15 minutes. The successful candidate must get the 50% of the whole mark for all parts of the examination. According to the CEFR the level of the examination should be A2. The exam aims at giving a certificate to the candidate of a good basic knowledge of the language. The exam costs € 25,00 for each candidate. The second examination named above is aligned with the objectives set for the level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference Council of Europe about the following: Understanding wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning.Using the language efficiently and flexibly in social, professional or academic life.Spontaneous and comfortable expression, without creating the impression that the user is looking for words. The user is also able to speak on complex subjects, well-structured, indicating that the user has control of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive discourse.Each candidate is examined in the following areas: Writing - Written partReading and reading comprehension - Written partGrammatical and syntactic exercises - Written partOral ExamThe Exam fees are set by the Ministry of Education and Culture and € 25,00 for the written examination and € 25,00 for the oral examination.The results of the Certification Exam for the Very Good Greek Language Knowledge are published by the number of each candidate on the website of the Examinations Office.Successful candidate is considered the one who gets at least 50 percent of the score of the written examination . The candidate who acquires 50 percent of the score in the oral examination only, is not granted with the certificate of success while the candidate who acquires 50 percent of the score of the written examination is granted the certificate of success only for the written examination.For more information on the material tested and sample papers for the first examination named above go to: more information on the material tested and sample papers for the second examination named above go to: tests / examsUm festzustellen, wie gut Ihr Deutsch ist, k?nnen Sie den Einstufungstest des Goethe Instituts machen: Für jedes Niveau (A1-C2 des Referenzrahmens) finden Sie Informationen auf der Internetseite des Goethe Instituts: Beschreibung der Voraussetzungen, Prüfungsteile sowie ?bungs-und Infomaterial. Das Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 ist eine Deutschprüfung für Erwachsene. Es best?tigt ganz einfache Sprachkenntnisse und entspricht der ersten Stufe (A1) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: Das Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Start Deutsch 2 ist eine Deutschprüfung für Erwachsene. Es setzt elementare Sprachkenntnisse voraus und entspricht der zweiten Stufe (A2) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: Das Goethe-Zertifikat B1 ist eine Deutschprüfung für Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Es best?tigt eine selbstst?ndige Verwendung der deutschen Sprache und entspricht der dritten Stufe (B1) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: Das Goethe-Zertifikat B2 ist eine Deutschprüfung für Erwachsene. Es best?tigt ein fortgeschrittenes Sprachniveau und entspricht der vierten Stufe (B2) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: Das Goethe-Zertifikat C1 ist eine Deutschprüfung für Erwachsene. Es best?tigt ein weit fortgeschrittenes Sprachniveau und entspricht der fünften Stufe (C1) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: Das Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Gro?es Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS) ist eine Deutschprüfung für Erwachsene. Es best?tigt ein sehr weit fortgeschrittenes Sprachniveau und entspricht der h?chsten Stufe (C2) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: Der TestDaF ist eine Sprachprüfung auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau. Er umfasst die Niveaustufen B2 bis C1 auf der sechsstufigen Skala des Gemeinsamen europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).Wenn Sie den TestDaF in allen vier Prüfungsteilen mit der TestDaF-Niveaustufe 4 abgeschlossen haben, gilt das Zeugnis als Sprachnachweis für die Zulassung in fast allen F?chern und Studieng?ngen an deutschen Hochschulen.Die Sprachprüfung TestDaF ist auch ein international anerkannter Nachweis Ihrer Deutschkenntnisse für wissenschaftliche Projekte und akademische Berufe.Fachwissen ist für die Prüfung nicht erforderlich.Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: BULATS Deutsch-Test für den Beruf ist ein Deutschtest für Erwachsene, mit dem Sprachkenntnisse am Arbeitsplatz festgestellt werden.BULATS ist ein computerbasierter Test. Mithilfe moderner Technologie stellt das Programm innerhalb von 60 bis 90 Minuten schnell und individuell Ihren Sprachstand fest. Der Test ist unter dem Namen BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) international bekannt. Er basiert auf dem Gemeinsamen Europ?ischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER) und wurde gemeinsam vom Goethe-Institut, Cambridge English Language Assessment, der Alliance Fran?aise und der Universidad de Salamanca entwickelt. Der Test ist neben Deutsch auch auf Englisch, Spanisch und Franz?sisch verfügbar. Beschreibung und Demotest:: Zertifizierungen A1-C2 bietet in ?sterreich das ?SD an.Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: steht für The European Language Certificates – die Europ?ischen Sprachenzertifikate. telc-Zertifikate (A1-C2) dokumentieren Sprachkompetenzen für Ausbildung, Studium und Beruf in elf Sprachen.Für Deutsch bietet telc auch Zertifikate für bestimmte Fachbereiche, z.B. Pflege (B1-B2), Medizin (B2-C1); Hochschule (C1).Beschreibung und ?bungsmaterialien: test/esamiItalian language certification. There are 4 Certifications officially recognized by law by the Italian Ministry of Education. They are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning Teaching, Assessment of the Council of Europe and the ALTE Framework.These Certifications are:CELI (University for Foreigners of Perugia)CILS exams (University for Foreigners of Siena)PLIDA exams (Società Dante Alighieri).Certificato IT exams (University of Tor Vergata – Rome)A legally recognized Certification is valid for:enrolling to Italian Universities without having to pass the Proficiency Language Exam teaching Italian in primary and secondary schools in Italybeing listed in the European Language Portfolio. being listed in C.V. for job search as a legally recognized Certification of knowledge of the Italian language.being Internationally recognized by International Institutiobeing easily comparable with other international Language Certification, according to the ALTE Framework.CELICost: 150€ ??(approximately). There are 5 levels of exams:Common European Framework ofCouncil of EuropeALTE?frameworkCELI?EXAMSElementary levelA1 ElementaryBreakthrough levelA2 Pre intermediateLevel 1CELI 1Intermediate levelB1 IntermediateLevel 2CELI 2B2 Upper intermediateLevel 3CELI 3Advanced levelC1 Pre-AdvancedLevel 4CELI 4C2 AdvancedLevel 5CELI 5CILSCost: 40 – 160 €The certification system of CILS follows the guidelines laid out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:?the European standard for evaluating linguistic competence. There are six recognized levels of competence, each of which is autonomous and complete, and?adapted to the?social, professional and intellectual needs of different students. CILS A1 and CILS A2 are aimed at those who are taking their first steps in the process of learning Italian. The A1 level indicates that the student has just begun to engage with Italian as a second language, while the A2 level indicates a slightly more involved engagement and?increased competencies?still in?formation. Neither level assumes an autonomous communicative ability. Preparation for both A1 and A2 of the CILS certification process is in modular format, differentiated according to the needs and circumstances of the student. There are modules aimed at the children of immigrants who live in Italy, modules aimed at the adults whose first language is markedly different from Italian (Japanese, Chinese, etc.) and for children of emigrants from Italy who now live abroad. The examination at these levels lasts approximately two hours. Livello Uno (First Level), which corresponds to the B1 level as indicated in the European Framework, assesses the user's basic level of competence in using Italian with autonomy in authentic everyday contexts. The examination lasts approximately three hours. Livello Due (Second Level) corresponds to B2 of the Framework and is an intermediate level. Individuals at this level of competence? demonstrate the ability to use the?basics of the language in a wide variety of contexts and situations. At this level, users are capable of using Italian to communicate effectively while staying in Italy, be it for?study, work or pleasure. Possession of the certificate at this level allows students from outside the EU to register for university courses without having? to undertake?further assessment of their Italian. The exam lasts about four hours. Livello Tre (Third Level) is equal to C1 in the European Framework and represents? superior?compentences in using the Italian language. The user at this level is able to use Italian effectively in a much wider range of contexts, including atypical situations, formal contexts, in dealing with public and commercial agencies. The examination lasts about five hours. Livello Quattro (Fourth Level), corresponding to?C2 in Framework, is an advanced level approaching "native speaker". The user has a mastery of Italian in all formal and informal situations and the capacity to effectively use the language in professional contexts. The examination lasts about five and?half hours.?European Framework LevelsCILS LevelBasic UserA1 CILS A1 A2 CILS A2 Independent User B1 CILS Uno - B1 B2 CILS Due - B2 Proficient UserC1 CILS Tre - C1 C2 CILS Quattro - C2 Certificazione di conoscenza della lingua italianaEsistono 4 certificazioni ufficialmente riconosciute dal Ministero dell’Istruzione Italiano. Si basano sul Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue?(QCER), in inglese?Common European Framework of Reference for Languages?(CEFR).Queste certificazioni sono: CELI?(Università per stranieri di Perugia) CILS (Università per stranieri di Siena) PLIDA (Società Dante Alighieri).Certificato IT (Università di Tor Vergata – Roma)Una certificazione legalmente riconosciuta è valida per:iscriversi alle università italiane senza dover sostenere l’esame di lingua a livello proficiency (padronanza della lingua)insegnare lingua italiana in scuole primarie e secondarie in Italiaessere elencata nel portfolio europeo delle lingueessere elencata nel CV per la ricerca di lavoro come certificazione legalmente riconosciuta di conoscenza della lingua italianaessere riconosciuta internazionalmente da istituzioni internazionaliessere facilmente comparabile ad altre certificazioni di lingua internazionali, in accordo con il quadro di riferimento dell’ALTE CELI Costo approssimativo 150 €Il?CELI,?acronimo?di?Certificato di conoscenza della?Lingua?Italiana, è una valutazione della conoscenza della?lingua italiana. Gli esami possono essere sostenuti in Italia presso l'Università per stranieri di Perugia?e i centri d'esame con essa convenzionati, e all'estero presso gli?Istituti italiani di cultura all'estero.Ci sono 6 livelli del CELI:CELI – ImpattoCELI 1CELI 2CELI 3CELI 4CELI 5l?Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca italiano?ha stabilito che il CELI 3 è sufficiente per attestare la conoscenza della lingua necessaria per iscriversi all’università in Italia (ferma restando l’autonomia delle istituzioni universitarie); ha inoltre riconosciuto il CELI 5 come unico titolo valido per attestare la conoscenza della lingua italiana necessaria per insegnare nelle scuole ed istituti, statali e non, con lingua di insegnamento italiana. CILSCosto 40-160 €La?Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera?- CILS è una certificazione rilasciata dall' Università per stranieri di Siena,?per stranieri che studiano la?lingua italiana, suddivisa in diversi livelli di competenza. Ci sono 6 livelli del CILS:CILS A1CILS A2CILS Uno – B1CILS Due – B2CILS Tre – C1CILS Quattro – C2La certificazione è riconosciuta dal ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano?ed è spesso usata per attestare la conoscenza dell'italiano adeguata per l'iscrizione all'università?in?Italia.I Livelli del?CEFR / QCERIl Quadro comune di riferimento europeo distingue tre ampie fasce di competenza ("Base", "Autonomia" e "Padronanza"), ripartite a loro volta in due livelli ciascuna per un totale di sei livelli complessivi, e descrive ciò che un individuo è in grado di fare in dettaglio a ciascun livello nei diversi ambiti di competenza: comprensione scritta (comprensione di elaborati scritti), comprensione orale (comprensione della lingua parlata), produzione scritta e produzione orale (abilità nella comunicazione scritta e orale).A - Base A1 -?Livello base La persona comprende e usa espressioni di uso quotidiano e frasi basilari, tese a soddisfare bisogni di tipo concreto. Sa presentare se stessa e gli altri ed è in grado di fare domande e rispondere su particolari personali, per es. dove abita, le persone che conosce e le cose che possiede. Sa interagire in modo semplice, purché l’altra persona parli lentamente e chiaramente e sia disposta a collaborare.A2 -?Livello elementare La persona è in grado di comunicare in attività semplici e di abitudine che richiedono un semplice scambio di informazioni su argomenti familiari e comuni. Sa descrivere in termini semplici aspetti della sua vita, dell’ambiente circostante e sa esprimere bisogni immediati.B - Autonomia B1 -?Livello intermedio o "di soglia" La persona comprende i punti chiave di argomenti familiari che riguardano la scuola, il tempo libero ecc. Sa muoversi con disinvoltura in situazioni che possono verificarsi mentre viaggia nel Paese di cui parla la lingua. ? in grado di produrre un testo semplice relativo ad argomenti che siano familiari o di interesse personale. ? in grado di esprimere esperienze e di parlare di avvenimenti, sogni, speranze e ambizioni e di spiegare brevemente le ragioni delle sue opinioni e dei suoi progetti.B2 -?Livello intermedio superiore La persona comprende le idee principali di testi complessi su argomenti sia concreti che astratti, comprende le discussioni tecniche sul proprio campo di specializzazione. ? in grado di interagire con una certa scioltezza e spontaneità, rendendo possibile un'interazione naturale con i parlanti nativi, senza sforzo per l'interlocutore. Sa produrre un testo chiaro e dettagliato su un'ampia gamma di argomenti e spiegare un punto di vista su un argomento, fornendo i pro e i contro delle varie opzioni.C - Padronanza[ C1 -?Livello avanzato o "di efficienza autonoma" La persona comprende un'ampia gamma di testi complessi e lunghi e ne sa riconoscere il significato implicito. Si esprime con scioltezza e naturalezza. Usa la lingua in modo flessibile ed efficace per scopi sociali, professionali e accademici. Riesce a produrre testi chiari, ben costruiti, dettagliati su argomenti complessi, mostrando un sicuro controllo della struttura testuale, dei connettori e degli elementi di coesione.C2 -?Livello di padronanza della lingua in situazioni complesseLa persona comprende con facilità praticamente tutto ciò che sente e legge. Sa riassumere informazioni provenienti da diverse fonti sia parlate che scritte, ristrutturando gli argomenti in una presentazione coerente. Sa esprimersi spontaneamente, in modo molto scorrevole e preciso, individuando le più sottili sfumature di significato in situazioni complesse.Maltese tests / examsAccording to the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE), Malta, the Maltese language has not been formally referenced?to the CEF yet. ?Malta’s NQF, however,? has 8 levels of? qualifications and is compatible with the European Qualifications Framework and the Framework of Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. The table below shows the 8 levels of the MQF:The Malta Qualifications Framework8Doctoral Degree7Master’s DegreePostgraduate DiplomaPostgraduate Certificate6Bachelor’s Degree5Undergraduate Diploma Undergraduate CertificateFoundation Diploma VET Higher Diploma4Matriculation Certificate Advanced Level Intermediate LevelVET Diploma3General Education Level 3 SEC Grade 1-5VET Level 32General Education Level 2Secondary School Certificate and Profile (B)VET Level 21General Education Level 1 Secondary School Certificate and Profile (A)VET Level 1Maltese Language CertificationThe main Maltese language certfication body is the Matriculation and Secondary Education Certificate (MATSEC) Examination Board established in 1991 and entrusted by the University of Malta with the development of an examination system to replace the GCE Ordinary and Advanced level examinations set by UK examination boards. With?effect from the September 2012?examination session, each year candidates from sixth forms and private candidates will be allowed to sit for as many subjects of the Matriculation Certificate (at Intermediate and Advanced Levels) as they wish in the May session and, due to time-table constraints, as many of the following examinations in the September session:??Any one subject at Advanced level; and??Any one subject from Group 1 at Intermediate level; and??Any one subject from Group 2 at Intermediate level; and??Any one subject from Group 3 at Intermediate level; and??Any one subject from Group 4 at Intermediate level; and??Systems of Knowledge.All candidates will be allowed to obtain the Matriculation Certificate within a period of?five years, i.e. when such candidates accumulate?sufficient points in six subjects at levels and within the groups specified in the?Matriculation Certificate Examination Regulations,?they will be awarded the Matriculation Certificate.?Candidates need not register for the May session of examinations in order to be allowed to sit for Matriculation Certificate examinations in September.Since the whole certification process is an on-going one with legal notices issued as required, for information about examinations and certification at Intermediate and Advanced levels, one should visit the site below to find their way to the method of certification held at present. regarding application forms, fees and conditions can be accessed on: ___ ___The Maltese Secondary Education Certificate examination consists of two papers, each of two hours’ duration: Paper I and Paper II as specified in the respective syllabi.The papers are structured as follows: (a) Paper I is the core paper to be taken by all candidates registered for the examination in the subject, and may include an oral/aural/coursework/practical component; (b) Paper IIA comprises more demanding questions than those in Paper IIB. Candidates are required to indicate on their application form which of Paper IIA or Paper IIB they wish to sit for.Grades are awarded on a seven-point scale, according to the criteria laid down in the table below. Grade 1 is awarded for the highest level of achievement, whereas Grade 7 indicates the minimum satisfactory performance.Grade 1: Indicates an overall excellent grasp of the subject and the level of attainment that is expected of the ablest candidates. Grade 2: Indicates a very high level of achievement overall. Grade 3: Indicates a high level of achievement but falls below this level in certain sections of the examination. Grade 4: Indicates a good overall level. Grade 5: Indicates a good level, but not overall, and is the minimum level acceptable for further studies in the subject. Grade 6: Indicates a general grasp of the subject but not a sufficiently deep understanding of it. Grade 7: Indicates a low level of attainment, and is the minimum certifiable grade.Candidates sitting for Paper I and Paper IIA may qualify for Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. The results of candidates who do not obtain at least Grade 5 shall remain unclassified and shall be denoted as U.Candidates sitting for Paper I and Paper IIB may qualify for Grade 4, 5, 6 or 7. The results of candidates who do not obtain at least Grade 7 shall remain unclassified and shall be denoted as U.Only candidates who have completed their studies in Form V of secondary education or who attain the age of sixteen by 31 December of the year of certification shall be allowed to register for the Examination.___ ___ ___On terminating the Secondary level of education, students are awarded the School Leaving Certificate and Profile (SLC&P). This is issued by the Ministry of Education and is awarded to students that sit for the School leaving Examinations, therefore completing their fifth year of secondary school. The new certificate now gives credit not solely to students’ academic performance and general conduct during their years of schooling, but also to worthwhile activities they might embark on during their spare time at school and – this is the main change – outside school hours.There are three levels of Secondary School Certificate & Profile: Levels 0, 1 or 2. - Levels 1 and 2 correspond to the Malta Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning VET Level 1 and VET Level 2 and are recognised by the National Commission for Further Higher Education (NCFHE).- Level 0 does not carry the recognition of the NCFHE. In order to qualify for the Secondary School Certificate & Profile Levels 1 or 2 the student must: - obtain a pass in Mathematics, English, Maltese and another two subjects in the SPMC School Leaving Examinations. (Pass = Grades A, B & C in the SLE Exams) - 85% school attendance during the last three scholastic years (this is not valid in case of ill health covered by a valid medical certificate) - at least two informal activities (activities held outside school hours) - two non formal activities during the last three years of secondary education. (Certain conditions apply.)Regarding Personal Qualities awarded by the School, the requirements may vary during the years, every year the Directorate sends the updated handbook.More information on the SSC&P is available on : tests / examsDELE Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language The different levels with the required conditions can be found Sample examination papers can be accessed (as a PDF file) using the following links: documents and resources In this section, teachers of Spanish interested in preparing candidates for the DELE examinations can find useful information and resources.Sample examination papers and audio materials For all the levels, Instituto Cervantes has the DELE diplomas and previous period sample examinations at the applicants disposal. They are available in PDF and audio formats.Preparation courses and school for DELE exams ................

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