Lesson Format-CDEC 2386

Lesson Format

Subject Area: Language Arts Related Subject Areas: Music, Social-Personal

Source or Website: self

Age Group: Pre-K Group Size: 22

Learning Objectives for Students (stated in measurable terms):

1. Discuss classroom rules and appropriate conduct indoors (Personal/social)

2. Identify rhyming sounds in familiar words.

3. Recognize the association between spoken and written words by following the print as it is read aloud

4. Sing a song related to the topic of the book

Limits to be Stated in Advance (use positive terms, avoiding “no or not”):

* Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called upon

* Wait till the end of the story before making your comments

Materials Needed:

• Book-Wag a Tail by Lois Ehlert

• Chart/marker

Introduction or Guiding Questions:

Do we act the same way indoors and we do when we go to the play ground?

Lesson Sequence (in numbered steps):

1. Teach refrain of song, “My Dog Rags”

2. Sing entire song w/children joining in on the refrain

3. Read Story Book

4. Identify rhyming words students remember. Record on Chart using marker.

5. Ask students, “How should we act indoors?” Record on chart.

Practice or Application Activity (if desired):

Review/ Sing song together:

I have a dog, his name is Rags

He eats so much that his tummy sags

His ears flip-flop and his tail wig-wags

And when he walks he zigs and zags.


Flip-flop, Wig-wag, zig-zag

Flip-flop, Wig-wag, zig-zag

He doesn’t have any pedigree,

Bit I love him and he loves ME!

Closing Comments, Conclusion:

The next time you are indoors, can you remember how to be considerate of others?

Clean-Up (Student Involvement Here):

Return book to shelf; post charts.


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