Prekindergarten Special Education Daily Lesson Plan

Prekindergarten Daily Lesson Plan for Autistic Self Contained Classroom

ESOL strategies will be used for children potentially identified as English Language Learners based on the Home Language Survey. The ESOL strategies in Appendix D-2 will be included in the daily lesson plans with the names of potential English Language Learners.

ESOL Strategies throughout the day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 19 and The HighScope Adult/Child Interaction Strategies

English Language Learners ____________________________________________________________________

Greeting Time/Shared Reading: Teacher, Assistant Teacher and parents engage with children to transition them from home to school, creating a community of learners. Conscious Discipline strategies are used to give the children a Brain Smart Start. Adults introduce literacy concepts and skills in a systematic, interactive mode. Teacher and teacher assistants will introduce literacy concepts and skills to the children in a systematic, interactive mode. The four instructional components of the literacy program are: Vocabulary Development, Language Comprehension, Phonological Awareness, Alphabetic Principle, and Concepts about Print. Adults read a Big Book to promote print awareness, and book knowledge.

*Objectives: Children will … 1. Participate in the group life of the class. 2. Gain meaning by listening.

3. Participate in group music experiences 4. Demonstrate self-concept

4. Begin to develop knowledge about letters and sounds (Alphabetic Principle).

5. Speak clearly enough to be understood without contextual cues. (Use gestures and pictures effectively)

6. Demonstrate phonological awareness. 7. Show beginning understanding of concepts about print.

ESOL Strategies: 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 23


Teachers and children engage in meaningful conversations.

Teacher introduces rhymes, finger plays, and songs to promote phonological awareness.

Teacher reads a big book to promote print awareness and book knowledge.

Adaptations: Physical assistance, choice boards, voice output devices, and adapted writing instruments as needed.

Small Group Time: Teacher and Assistants work with a determined group of children to introduce materials and techniques to use materials. Through the process vocabulary, math, literacy, science, social studies’ concepts and skills are taught and applied in an integrated method. The focus is for children to increase their conceptual development by representing their ideas through various media: crayons, markers and paint, clay, blocks, drama etc.

*Objectives: See lesson plan for specific objectives for today’s lesson. ESOL Strategies: 8, 10, 12, 13, 18, and 20

Adaptations: Use of gestures, task cards, pictures, modeling, physical assistance, teacher proximity, give directions in small steps as needed.

3:1 Activity: Teacher and assistants work with a small group of children encouraging students to complete a task as adults assist them in organizing their ideas and how to accomplish it.

*Objectives: See lesson plan for specific objectives for today’s lesson.

ESOL Strategies: 1,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,18

Adaptations: Use of gestures and verbal cues, planning boards, pictures, proximity, and voice output devices as needed.

Work Time: Children work in the learning environment to accomplish their goals. Teacher and Assistants provide the necessary assistance for each child to be successful. Adults use a variety of teaching strategies to build on children’s language, literacy, math, science, and social studies concepts and skills.

*Objectives: Children will…

1. Attend to tasks and seek help when encountering a problem. 2. Demonstrate visual ability to facilitate learning.

3. Use classroom materials carefully. 4. Manage transitions.

5. Interact easily with one or more children. 6. Participate in the group life of the class.

7. Show empathy for others. 8. Seek adult help when needed to resolve conflicts.

9. Represent ideas and stories through pictures, dictation and role play.

Focus: Work with individual students on IEP Objectives benchmarks / skills not mastered.

ESOL Strategies: 8, 10, 12, 17, 18, and 20

Clean Up Time: Teachers prepare children for the transition to clean-up time letting them know that work time will end soon. Children and adults will put materials away in a collaborative mode.

*Objectives: Children will …

1. Follow simple rules and routines. 2. Sort objects into subgroups that vary by one or two attributes.

ESOL Strategies: 10, and 23

Adaptations: Use of gestures, pictures, modeling, hand over hand, and proximity control as needed.

Recall Time: Adults reflect with children on the work done during work time in the same small group format as Planning Time. It is a conversation and exchange of ideas and possibilities. Each adult guides the group to discuss and extend on children’ work or accomplishments during work time.

*Objectives: Children will …

1. Show some planning and reflection. 3. Gain meaning by listening.

2. Use expanded vocabulary and language for a variety of purposes. 4. Demonstrate self confidence.

Materials: Teachers ask children to bring what they did during work time.

Activities: Teachers converse with children about their work, encouraging them to build on each other’s ideas as individual children show their work to the group. The teacher and group provoke the child to add more details to his/her work. If child agrees, the work is placed on the “Work in Progress” shelf to continue the next day.

ESOL Strategies: 8, 10, 11, and 20

Adaptations: Use of gestures, pictures, voice output devices, proximity control as needed.

Large Group Time/Phonological Awareness: Children and teachers come together to sing songs, move to music, and enjoy reading stories.

*Objectives: Children will…

1. Interact easily with familiar adults. 5. Participate in the group life of the class.

2. Follow two or three step directions. 6. Comprehend and respond to stories read aloud.

3. Participate in group music experiences. 7. Show awareness of what it means to be a leader.

4. Coordinate movements to perform simple tasks. 8. Participate in creative movement, dance, and drama.

ESOL Strategies: 18, 21, 22, and 23

Adaptations: Physical assistance, gestural and verbal cues, proximity control, voice output devices, and choice boards as needed.

Lunch: Children eat lunch in a supportive setting, converse with adults and work on their language, social, feeding and self-help skills.

*Objectives: Children will…

1. Follow basic safety rules. 2. Perform some self care tasks independently.

3. Make wise food choices.

Outside Time: During outside time, children decide with whom and what they wish to play. Teachers introduce new games, materials, and how to use them.

*Objectives: Children will… 1. Move with balance and control. 2. Coordinate movements to perform simple tasks.

3. Participate in physical fitness activities

ESOL Strategies: 12, 20, and 23

Adaptations: Use of gestures and verbal cues, pictures, modeling, physical assistance, and teacher proximity as needed.

Story Time: Adults read storybooks in a variety of interactive modes, modeling appropriate reading behaviors.

*Objectives: Children will …

1. Show appreciation for books and reading. 3. Show beginning understanding of concepts about print.

2. Begin to develop knowledge about letters. 4. Comprehend and respond to stories read aloud.

ESOL Strategies: 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, and 23

Adaptations: Use of verbal and gestural cues, pictures, modeling, physical assistance, and proximity control as needed.

Rest Time: A time to recharge, for quiet, solitary, on your own mat play

*Objectives: Children will… 1. Show that basic needs are met.

Snack: Children eat a snack provided by the parents and work on language, social, feeding and self-help skills.

*Objectives: Children will… 1. Perform some self care tasks independently.

Closing Circle: Children come together in a large group for closing of the day’s activities, converse about the day, sing community building songs and finger plays, and get ready to go home.

*Objectives: Children will…

1. Follow basic safety rules. 2. Perform some self care tasks independently.

3. Participate in the group life of the class.

ESOL Strategies: 20, 21, and 22

Adaptations: Physical assistance, gestures and verbal cues, proximity control, and voice output devices as needed.


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