Fifth Avenue Baptist Nursery and Preschool Preschool ...

[Pages:8]Fifth Avenue Baptist Nursery and Preschool

Preschool Lesson Plan

Classroom: Pre-K

Subject Area


Library/ Language

Story time

Music/ Movement



Story time



Story time

Week of: 6/4-8/18



Story time

Story time




Fine Motor/ Art


Open-ended art

Open-ended art

Open-ended art

Open-ended art

Outdoor matching game

Open-ended drawing

Open-ended drawing Open-ended drawing

Open-ended drawing

Open-ended drawing

Science/ Cooking

Dramatic Play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Center play

Making bubbles

Center play

Center play

Social Emotional Development Math

Welcoming our new friends


Welcoming our new friends

Counting bears

Welcoming our new friends



Center play


Center play

Center play

Welcoming our new friends

Working together as a team

Categorizing Center play

How many matching cards? How many bubbles can you blow?

Center play

Sand/ Water

Sensory table

Splash day

Sand box

Sensory table

Making Bubbles







Gross Motor Play

Ships across the ocean

Small Groups

Stars wars

Duck, Duck, Goose Grassy play ground

Sack race Ring toss

Large Group Time/Circle Time Topics

Classroom safety rules

Community safety rules

Cross walk rules

1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469


Field Day

Preschool Lesson Plan


Subject Area

Week of: 6/4-8/18

Plans for Enriching the Area

Library/ Language

Music/ Movement

Fine Motor/ Art

This week we will have the children choose a favorite book either from home or from the class library and read them during story time. This helps the children

engage in reading and stay interested in books. During center time the children have an opportunity to engage in music and dance. Gonoodle helps children use their body and express themselves through

movement. During the week the children will have an opportunity to enhance their fine

motor skills by using different art materials.


During center time the children are encouraged to draw and write whatever they choose.

Science/ Cooking

We will observe and describe changes in materials and cause-effect relationships during bubble play.

Dramatic Play

During center play the children will be able to express themselves using their imagination and creativity in assuming roles.

Social Emotional Development Math

Blocks/ Construction

This week we will welcome new friends to our classroom and go over classroom and community safety rules.

During field day the children will be able to count "how many?", match, and correctly name shapes regardless of size.

The block area will be open-end which means the children can imagine and create whatever structure, city, building, ramp for cars, tunnels, etc.

Sand/ Water

This week the children will have the opportunity to play with water and sand during center play.

Technology During center play the children are able to use the computer to answer questions they may have such as "Where can you find fossils?"

Gross Motor During field day the children will develop motor and balance control for a range


of physical activities such as hopping, running, climbing, etc.

Small Groups

During center time the teacher will observe and scaffold to enhance the children's play when needed.

Large Group Time/Circle Time Topics

During large group we will go over safety rules and talk about all the different activities we will do this summer.

1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469

Fifth Avenue Baptist Nursery and Preschool

Preschool Lesson Plan

Classroom: Pre-K

Subject Area


Library/ Language

Story time

Music/ Movement



Story time



Story time

Week of: 6/11-15/18



Story time

Story time




Fine Motor/ Art


Tye-dye shirts Using dye to color a


Open-ended drawing

Open-ended art Open-ended drawing

Heritage farm Open-ended drawing

Open-ended art

Open-ended drawing

Outdoor matching game

Open-ended drawing

Science/ Cooking

Dramatic Play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Making bubbles Center play

Social Emotional Development


Working on participating in a variety of classroom

activities Puzzles

Working on participating in a variety of classroom activities

Counting bears

Working on participating in a variety of classroom activities


Working on participating in a

variety of classroom activities


Working on participating in a variety of classroom

activities Adding and subtracting objects


Center play


Sand/ Water

Using dye to color a shirt


Center play Splash day

Center play Sand box

Center play

Center play

Sensory table

Making Bubbles

Movie Day

Gross Motor Play

Small Groups

Scooter race

Water play

Heritage farm

Grassy play ground

Kick ball

Large Group Time/Circle Time Topics

Classroom safety rules

Community safety rules

Cross walk rules

1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469


Field Day


Subject Area

Week of: 6/11-15/18

Plans for Enriching the Area

Library/ Language

Music/ Movement

Fine Motor/ Art

This week we will have the children choose a favorite book either from home or from the class library and read them during story time. This helps the children

engage in reading and stay interested in books. During center time the children have an opportunity to engage in music and dance. Gonoodle helps children use their body and express themselves through

movement. During the week the children will have an opportunity to enhance their fine

motor skills by using different art materials.


During center time the children are encouraged to draw and write whatever they choose.

Science/ Cooking

We will observe and describe changes in materials and cause-effect relationships during bubble play.

Dramatic Play

During center play the children will be able to express themselves using their imagination and creativity in assuming roles.

Social Emotional Development Math

Blocks/ Construction

This week we will be working on participating in a variety of classroom activities.

During center play the children will be able to count "how many?", and learn to add and subtract objects

The block area will be open-end which means the children can imagine and create whatever structure, city, building, ramp for cars, tunnels, etc.

Sand/ Water

This week the children will have the opportunity to play with water and sand during center play.


During center play the children can use the computer to answer questions they may have such as "Where can you find fossils?"

Gross Motor At Heritage Farm the children will develop motor and balance control for a


range of physical activities such as hopping, running, climbing, etc.

Small Groups

During center time the teacher will observe and scaffold to enhance the children's play when needed.

Large Group Time/Circle Time Topics

During large group we will go over safety rules and talk about all the different activities we will do this summer.

1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469

Fifth Avenue Baptist Nursery and Preschool

Preschool Lesson Plan

Classroom: Pre-K

Subject Area


Library/ Language

Story time

Music/ Movement



Story time



Story time at the library @10:30am

Week of: 6/18-22/18



Story time

Story time




Fine Motor/ Art


Stringing beads

Open-ended drawing

Open-ended art

Cut and paste

Open-ended art Open-ended art

Open-ended drawing Open-ended drawing

Open-ended drawing

Open-ended drawing

Science/ Cooking

Dramatic Play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Center play Center play

Social Emotional Development


Working on participating in a variety of classroom

activities Puzzles

Working on participating in a variety of classroom activities

Counting bears

Working on participating in a variety of classroom activities


Working on participating in a

variety of classroom activities


Working on participating in a variety of classroom

activities Adding and subtracting objects


Center play


Sand/ Water

Sensory table


Gross Motor Play

Small Groups

Grassy play

Center play

Center play

Center play

Center play

Splash day

Sand box

Sensory table

Sensory table

Water play

Movie day @ 9am Incredibles 2

Walk to the library

Grassy play

River front play ground

Large Group Time/Circle Time Topics

Classroom safety rules

Community safety rules

Cross walk rules

1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469


Show and tell


Subject Area

Week of: 6/18-22/18

Plans for Enriching the Area

Library/ Language

Music/ Movement

Fine Motor/ Art

This week we will have the children choose a favorite book either from home or from the class library and read them during story time. This helps the children

engage in reading and stay interested in books. During center time the children have an opportunity to engage in music and dance. Gonoodle helps children use their body and express themselves through

movement. During the week the children will have an opportunity to enhance their fine

motor skills by using different art materials.


During center time the children are encouraged to draw and write whatever they choose.

Science/ Cooking

We will observe and describe changes in materials and cause-effect relationships during center/outside play.

Dramatic Play

During center play the children will be able to express themselves using their imagination and creativity in assuming roles.

Social Emotional Development Math

Blocks/ Construction

This week we will be working on participating in a variety of classroom activities.

During center play the children will be able to count "how many?", and learn to add and subtract objects

The block area will be open-end which means the children can imagine and create whatever structure, city, building, ramp for cars, tunnels, etc.

Sand/ Water

This week the children will have the opportunity to play with water and sand during center play.


During center play the children can use the computer to answer questions they may have such as "Where can you find fossils?"

Gross Motor During outside play the children will develop motor and balance control for a


range of physical activities such as hopping, running, climbing, etc.

Small Groups

During center time the teacher will observe and scaffold to enhance the children's play when needed.

Large Group Time/Circle Time Topics

During large group we will go over safety rules and talk about all the different activities we will do this summer.

1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469

Fifth Avenue Baptist Nursery and Preschool

Preschool Lesson Plan

Classroom: Pre-K

Subject Area





Music/ Movement


Fine Motor/ Art


Open-ended art

Open-ended drawing

Science/ Cooking

Dramatic Play

Center play Center play

Social Emotional Development


Learning to show empathy and care for others. VBS






Week of: 6/25-29/18



Story time

Story time





Open-ended art

Cut and paste

Open-ended art Open-ended art

Open-ended drawing Open-ended drawing

Center play

Center play

Open-ended drawing

Center play

Open-ended drawing

Ice cream social

Center play

Center play

Center play

Center play

Learning to show empathy and care for others. VBS

Counting bears

Learning to show empathy and care for others. VBS


Learning to show empathy and care for others.


Learning to show empathy and care for others.

Adding and subtracting objects


Center play


Sand/ Water

Sensory table


Center play Splash day

Center play Sand box

Center play Sensory table

Center play Sensory table

Gross Motor Play

Small Groups

Grassy play VBS

Water play

Grassy play



Camden park Grassy play

Large Group



Time Topics



1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469

Show and tell


Subject Area

Week of: 6/25-29/18

Plans for Enriching the Area

Library/ Language

Music/ Movement

Fine Motor/ Art

This week we will have the children choose a favorite book either from home or from the class library and read them during story time. This helps the children

engage in reading and stay interested in books. During center time the children have an opportunity to engage in music and dance. Gonoodle helps children use their body and express themselves through

movement. During the week the children will have an opportunity to enhance their fine

motor skills by using different art materials.


During center time the children are encouraged to draw and write whatever they choose.

Science/ Cooking

We will observe and describe changes in materials and cause-effect relationships during center/outside play.

Dramatic Play

During center play the children will be able to express themselves using their imagination and creativity in assuming roles.

Social Emotional Development Math

Blocks/ Construction

This week we will be work on showing empathy and care for others during VBS.

During center play the children will be able to count "how many?", and learn to add and subtract objects

The block area will be open-end which means the children can imagine and create whatever structure, city, building, ramp for cars, tunnels, etc.

Sand/ Water

This week the children will have the opportunity to play with water and sand during center play.


During center play the children can use the computer to answer questions they may have such as "Where can you find fossils?"

Gross Motor During outside play the children will develop motor and balance control for a


range of physical activities such as hopping, running, climbing, etc.

Small Groups

During center time the teacher will observe and scaffold to enhance the children's play when needed.

Large Group Time/Circle Time Topics

During large group we will participate in VBS

1135 5th Ave. Huntington WV, 25701 Phone 304-525-5441 Fax: 304-697-8469


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