
PHILOSOPHY 151.02 Introductory Logic Spring 2020

Dr. Craig Vasey. Dept of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion. University of Mary Washington. cvasey@umw.edu. 654-1342. Office: Trinkle 235. Hours: M-Th, 2-3 PM.

Introduction to Logic is a course that every student should take during the first year of college. No other course will be as dedicated to the task of understanding and sharpening analytical abilities and skills in general; the benefits of studying this material will show up throughout your college career, and beyond college.

Logic is the field concerned with evaluating reasoning. To a great degree, this means the analysis of arguments, but argument analysis presupposes appreciation of numerous conceptual distinctions and analytical techniques. We will be covering those basic conceptual foundations of Logic, as well as Informal Fallacies, Categorical Logic, Sentential Logic, and offering an introductory look at Predicate Logic. Although it is a Philosophy course, Logic can be thought of as a “practical skills” course. Success in a practical skills course requires practice, regular practice. The ideas or concepts themselves are not difficult to grasp, but the mastery of them only comes through the practice of applying them. Students are often tempted to think that since the concepts can seem easy and obvious, little work is needed in the course. Daily homework is assigned and reviewed in class to provide the opportunity for practice; it is not collected. Doing well or not doing well in this course is very largely a matter of whether the student takes responsibility for reviewing the concepts and practicing their implementation.

This section of the course is offered online. However, there is also a face-to-face section, meeting TR at 3:30 PM. You are welcome to attend that class if you would like discussion beyond what is available at . The chapters at the website are arranged in the order of the syllabus, and contain Powerpoint reviews of material as well as homework exercises for daily and weekly practice. Due dates for all assignments are the same for both sections; this means that you will have to foresee potential conflicts if you do not have a usual academic schedule; turning in assignments early is always an option; turning them in late is not without cost.

Course Goals: Students will learn how to pay analytical attention to what is going on in language, to distinguish arguments from non-arguments, and inductive reasoning from deductive reasoning; how to identify fallacies of everyday reasoning; and how to interpret, represent, and determine consequences regarding arguments in three symbolic modes (categorical, propositional, predicate). This course satisfies a General Education requirement in the area of Quantitative Reasoning.

Schedule of assignments. Note bolded items: exams, quizzes, papers, TA’s.

Week 1

1. Jan 14 CH 1. Introduction. CH 2. Arguments: premises and conclusions

2 . Jan 16 CH 3. Non-arguments. Use vs mention, sense vs reference.

Canvas quiz 1 due by Saturday midnight.

Week 2

3. Jan 21 Quiz 1. (1. List, identify seven non-arguments; 2. Define “argument.” 3. Identify conclusions of arguments. 4. The use/mention distinction. 5. Sense without reference, reference without sense.) You are allowed 30 minutes to complete a Quiz; do not access it from Canvas until you are ready to work on it; Canvas keeps a record of when you open and submit files. This will be accessible at noon, and due by 11 PM.

CH 4. Deduction and induction : Valid/ invalid, Sound/ unsound; Strong/ weak, Cogent/ uncogent.

4. Jan 23 CH 5. Validity: Counter-examples.

Canvas quiz 2 due by Saturday midnight.

First TA (Text Analysis) due by 5 PM Sunday Jan 26: King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail. See end of syllabus for detailed directions.

Week 3

5. Jan 28 Finish Counterexamples.

CH 6. Informal Fallacies of relevance and induction.

Quiz 2. (1. Define “argument” 2. List 11 inductive and deductive argument forms. 3. List seven non-arguments. 4. Identify four passages as inductive/ deductive, use evaluative terminology.). 5. Refutation by counter-example. Available at noon, due by 11 PM.

6. Jan 30 First short paper due by Noon. Informal Fallacies of presumption and ambiguity

Canvas quiz 3 due by Saturday midnight

Week 4

7. Feb 4 CH 7. Categorical Logic: Propositions – Quantity, Quality, Distribution; AEIO

8. Feb 6 CH 7.1 Practice on Standard Form for propositions.

Canvas quiz 4 due by midnight Saturday.

TA 2 due by 5 PM Sunday Feb 9: Socrates/ Plato, Apology 1.

Week 5

9. Feb 11 Quiz 3. (1. List 21 informal fallacies. 2. Provide one example from memory from each family of fallacies. 3. List seven non-arguments. 4. Provide a refutation by counter-example.) Available at noon, due by 11 PM.

CH 7.2 Immediate Inferences, diagrams, and the Square of Opposition.

10. Feb 13 CH 7.3 Categorical Logic: Syllogisms – Major, Minor & Middle Terms; Mood, Figure, Form.

Canvas quiz 5 due by midnight Saturday.

Week 6

11. Feb 18 Standard form for syllogisms.

12. Feb 20 Two tests for validity: Venn Diagrams and Syllogism Rules. Second short paper due by Noon.

Week 7

13. Feb 25 Truth table definitions of operators, calculating truth-values. CH 8.1 CH 8. Propositional Logic: symbols, translations.

14. Feb 27 Exam 1. Due by 5 PM[1]

Canvas quiz 6 due by midnight Saturday

TA 3 due by 5 PM Sunday, March 8: Socrates/Plato, Apology 2

Week 8

15. March 10 Propositional Logic: Truth tables for classifying and comparing propositions CH 8.2 Truth tables for arguments. CH 8.3

16. March 12 CH 9. Propositional Logic: Natural Deduction: Rules of Inference: MP, DS, HS, MT

Canvas quiz 7 due by midnight Saturday.

Week 9

17. March 17 CH 9.1 SM, CN, AD, CD

Quiz 4 Available at noon, due by 11 PM.

18. March 19 CH 9.2 CH 9.3

Canvas quiz 8 due by midnight Saturday.

Week 10

19. March 24 CH 9.4 Rules of Equivalence or Replacement: DM, DN, CM, AS, IMP Third short paper due by Noon.

CH 9.4 Rules of Replacement: EQ, DIST, TAUT, EXP, TRAN.

20. March 26 CH 9. 5 Conditional Proof

Canvas quiz 9 due by midnight Saturday.

Week 11 Fourth TA due by 5 PM Sunday March 29: Beauvoir: The Second Sex

21. March 31 Quiz 5 Available at noon, due by 11 PM.

CH 9. 5 Conditional Proof

CH 9.5 Indirect Proof

22. April 2 CH 9.5 Indirect Proof

Canvas quiz 10 due by midnight Saturday.

Week 12

23. April 7 Exam 2 Due by 5 PM

24. April 9 CH 10. Predicate Logic: quantifiers for A, E, I, O; translation Canvas quiz 11 due by midnight Saturday.

Fifth TA due by 5 PM Sunday April 12: Descartes, Letter to the faculty of sacred theology

Week 13

25. April 14 CH 10.1 Proofs in predicate logic: UI, EI, UG, EG Fourth short paper due by Noon.

Quiz 6 Available at noon, due by 11 PM.

26. April 17 Continue with proofs.

Canvas quiz 12 due by midnight Saturday.

Week 14

27. April 21 CH 10.2 Quantifier Negation rule

28. April 23 Using QN in proofs

Review for final exam. Canvas quiz 13 due by midnight Saturday.

Final Exam April 28 3:30-6 PM[2]

Work for the Course:

100 points Final exam (cumulative)

50 points Exam 1

50 points Exam 2

60 points Twelve on-line quizzes (completed by Saturday midnight weekly) (5 pts each)

60 points Six in-class quizzes (10 pts each)

30 points Three 1-page papers

50 points Five text analysis exercises

400 points possible

Course grades: A 360-400 B 320-359 C 280-319 D 240-279

Comments/ details on course work:

Each short paper is worth 10 points, and 30 points of the final grade comes from papers. To be turned in via email attachment by deadline (to cvasey@umw.edu). Save your file as “name Paper 1,” etc. DO NOT SEND ME A FILE THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN YOUR NAME.

You must write at least three short papers, and may write a fourth for extra credit. These may not exceed one page (double-spaced, TNR 12 pt); do not waste space with headings –all that is needed at the top is your name. Points are lost for misspellings, incorrect punctuation, faulty sentence structure, but of course, the main issue is clarity and accuracy with respect to Logic. Post these to Canvas in the appropriate Discussion Forum. Here are the topics and due dates:

1) In your own words, explain what a counterexample is, when it is appropriate to construct one, what it shows (if successful), and how it shows it (how you know if it is successful). Provide an example to illustrate: an example that you make up yourself, not one you find in another source. Due by January 30, noon.

2) In Categorical Logic, what is distribution? Explicate this concept, adhering carefully to the use/mention distinction, and provide two examples that show the relevance of distribution to validity. Due by February 20, noon.

3) What is a truth table? These tables are used in logic for five distinguishable purposes; explicate at least four of these, and provide your own examples of each. (This “five purposes” reference is not a reference to the five operators; that is one purpose. Don’t write about the five operators unless you want a zero.) Due by March 24, noon.

4) In your own words, how are rules of inference different from rules of replacement? How does one know when to use one of the latter rather than one of the former? Provide an example to make the distinction clear by writing up your own set of (at least three) justified steps, beginning from ~ (D ( ~C). Due by April 14, noon.

Each TA (Text Analysis) exercise is worth 10 points, and 50 points of the final grade comes from them. Your task is to read and analyze five 1-2 page passages from texts provided, for arguments and non-arguments:

1. You must identify at least two arguments in each text, and

2. a total of 5 distinct “things done with words.”  Identify them with highlighting.

3. In identifying arguments, you must give a reason why it is inductive or deductive (preferably identifying it by type). Make sure your claim of what a passage is really matches the definition, and that you can defend it; every misidentification costs a point.

4. For the arguments, explanations, conditionals, explications, and illustrations, you must create a footnote (in “References” on the toolbar) in which you spell out the details or provide your paraphrase:[3]

1. for the Arguments, present them as a numbered series of premises followed by a conclusion;

2. for the Explanations, identify the explanans and the explanandum;

3. for the Conditionals, identify the antecedent and consequent;

4. for the Explications, identify the explicated point and the meaning of it;

5. for the Illustrations, identify the claim and the example(s).

6. Reports, Opinions and Warnings: the footnote need only say it is what it is.

Copy the text from the website to a Word document (not PDF), add your highlighting and footnotes; save it with your name and “TA 1” or “TA2,’ etc., in the filename. DO NOT SEND ME A FILE THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN YOUR NAME. To be turned in via email attachment by Jan 26, Feb 9, March 8, March 29 and April 12 no later than 5 PM .

No late assignments will be accepted. You always have the option of not waiting until the last minute, and even turning something in ahead of the due date.

No quiz or exam can be made up unless a letter/ note from a medical or other professional explaining the inevitability of the absence is provided promptly to, and accepted by, Dr. Vasey. “Leaving early for spring break” is an explanation, but not a justification, for absence.

Quizzes. The on-line quizzes (called “Canvas Quiz” in the syllabus) will be made available on Fridays and must be completed by Saturday midnight. These are timed passive, multiple-choice and true/false quizzes. They are “low stakes,” but a good check for whether you are keeping up with the material. A second quiz on the same material will be available on the following Tuesday, due Wednesday; your grade will be the higher of the two. The Quizzes will not be passive exercises, but will show to what degree you are mastering the material (listing distinctions, defining terms, solving problems, etc.). You are allowed 30 minutes to complete a Quiz; do not access it from Canvas until you are ready to work on it; Canvas keeps a record of when you open and submit files (yes, you are under surveillance). Quizzes are made available in Canvas at noon and are due at 11 PM.

Honor Code

Mary Washington’s Honor Code governs all work in this course. Students’ signatures on any and all coursework convey a pledge of neither giving nor receiving aid on work. Students having questions regarding the application of the Honor Code to a particular assignment should consult with me. Cheating can cost you your reputation as well as expulsion.

Students with Disabilities

The Office of Disability Resources (ODR) has been designated by the University as the primary office to assist students with disabilities. If you receive services through ODR and require accommodations for this class, please come see me as soon as possible. Any information you share is strictly confidential. If you have not made contact with ODR and have reasonable accommodation needs (note-taking assistance, extended time for exams) I will be happy to refer you. The ODR will require appropriate documentation of disability.


[1] If you have a work conflict for this deadline, be in touch with me to make other arrangements.

[2] If this time conflicts with your work schedule, contact me to make another arrangement.

[3] Take note: You insert the footnote number after the relevant passage or sentence.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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