
Reading (50 points)

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

|5 |Getting Ready for Tomorrow |

|10 |Can you imagine a world where 3-D printers cook our food, sew our clothes and even build houses? Or a city which has driverless cars, buses |

|15 |and trucks? It might seem like these things are all part of the distant future, but according to futurists, they might soon be part of our |

|20 |daily lives. |

| |Futurists are professionals who study the future. Their purpose is to help us understand the future and be prepared for it. David Passig |

| |from Israel is one of the most respected futurists in the world. According to Passig, being a futurist isn’t about instincts; it’s about |

| |knowledge. He explains that in order to understand the future, we must understand the past. |

| |Futurists must also understand the latest trends in technology, culture, psychology, education and politics. In short, they must know a lot |

| |about everything. Because of their comprehensive understanding of all these subjects, there is great demand for their advice. Today, |

| |futurists are taken very seriously by politicians and world leaders. They make predictions about politics, culture and education. According |

| |to futurists, we will lose over two billion jobs in the next 30 years, but new professions will be created. For example, bus drivers in the |

| |future will be replaced by “traffic designers”. |

| |Futurists also play an important role in large companies. They predict solutions to problems society has right now. Sometimes the solutions |

| |they predict result in new products and inventions. For example, in 2007, car accidents were a major concern. Today, most new cars are |

| |fitted with computer systems and warning signals. According to the futurists’ latest predictions, soon there will even be special roads for |

| |“driverless cars”. |

| |Today our world is changing so fast, it’s difficult for us to understand all the trends. Experts say that humanity will change more in the |

| |next 20 years than in all of human history. Luckily, we now have futurists helping us get ready for all these big changes. |

1. In lines 1-4, the writer gives examples of things that … .

a. we’ll have 100 years from now

b. we read about in science fiction novels

c. we would all like to have

d. will soon be available to everyone

(5 points)

2. Complete the sentence. (lines 5-8)

David Passig is mentioned because he helps people


(5 points)

3. World leaders turn to futurists for advice because they … . (lines 9-15)

a. know a lot about the past

b. are expert psychologists

c. are experts in many subjects

d. know about the latest fashions

(5 points)

4. According to David Passig, being a futurist is about knowledge (line 7). List four areas a futurist focuses on. (lines 9-15)





(4 x 1 = 4 points)

5. According to futurists, two billion people will lose their jobs in the next 30 years. (lines 9-15) What solution do futurists predict?

(6 points)


In lines 9-15, being a …………………… is used as an example of a job that might disappear,

whereas being a …………………… is an example of a job of the future.

(5 x 2 = 10 points)

7. In lines 16-20 the writer says that futurists predict solutions to problems that society has right now.

1. What problem is mentioned in lines 16-20?

2. How was it solved?

(5 x 2 = 10 points)

8. The purpose of the text is to … .

a. warn against futurists

b. raise concern about the future of society

c. inform us about the contribution futurists make

d. criticize the work of futurists

(5 points)

Vocabulary (20 points)

A Circle the correct answers. (10 points)

1. Do you remember your position / childhood / case as a happy time?

2. My hat fell into the river and drowned / surrounded / floated away.

3. The two witnesses told the identical / exhausted / distant story at the trial.

4. If you’re so tired, why don’t you play tricks / take a nap / toss and turn for an hour?

5. The training session / bond / healing for the new computer software will take place next week.

6. My history lessons are so psychic / available / dull that it’s hard not to fall asleep.

7. Jack and Eric usually turn out / come across / head for the basketball court to play a game after school.

8. If you want to go to London, you will have to contribute / overcome / satisfy your fear of flying.

9. Properly / Restlessly / Apparently she left early because she had an argument with her boss.

10. She missed the shadow / instrument / appointment because she forgot to write it on the calendar.

B Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. (10 points)

anxiety environment skeptical owe unconscious in an attempt to

comprehensive disappointing attend actually

1. I thought Emma was from London, but she’s …………………… from Cambridge.

2. My sister was filled with …………………… as she waited for her final test grades.

3. Call Peter and tell him that we will …………………… his party.

4. She just joined the health club, but I’m …………………… about her going there regularly.

5. I am still waiting for you to pay back the money you …………………… me.

6. The boy was still …………………… when the ambulance arrived at the hospital.

7. Debby has started to exercise at the sports club …………………… lose some weight.

8. Most people work better in a quiet …………………… .

9. The researchers conducted a …………………… study about teenagers and their cellphones.

10. We read good reviews about the hotel, but our stay there was …………………… .

Language (20 points)

A Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. (5 points)

1. “I walked the children to school,” Judy explained.

Judy explained that she the children to school.

2. “The television is making a funny noise,” the boy reported.

The boy reported that the television a funny noise.

3. “Nick has just called for a taxi,” Dad said.

Dad said that Nick for a taxi.

4. “I will go swimming tomorrow,” said Erica.

Erica said that she day.

5. “We can’t remember all the material,” the students complained.

The students complained that they all the material.

B Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. (5 points)

1. “The tickets will be sold out by tonight,” said Mike.

2. “How often does the bus leave?” the man wanted to know.

3. “Did you buy a new car?” my neighbor asked me.

4. “The sale has already ended!” exclaimed Sharon.

5. “It is getting late,” Ziv warned us.

C Circle the correct answers. (10 points)

1. If we had caught an earlier bus, we … the train.

a. didn’t miss b. wouldn’t miss c. wouldn’t have missed

2. I would take a warm coat if I … you.

a. was b. were c. had been

3. … you his camera if you had asked him?

a. Will Matti lend b. Would Matti lend c. Would Matti have lent

4. I … him if I had his number.

a. call b. would call c. would have called

5. What would your friend say if he … the truth?

a. knew b. had known c. would know


6. If Gal … sick, she would have come with us to the restaurant.

a. were b. had been c. hadn’t been

7. I wouldn’t be so tired if I … to bed earlier.

a. went b. had gone c. would go

8. He never … the device if he had known that it was such poor quality.

a. bought b. would buy c. would have bought

9. If he … his dog so much, it wouldn’t be so fat.

a. fed b. didn’t feed c. hadn’t fed

10. The actor would be more successful if he … his lines.

a. didn’t forget b. wouldn’t forget c. hadn’t forgotten

Writing (10 points)

Write an entry on your blog about a difficult situation (real or imaginary) where you wanted to give up and how a person or an event changed your mind. Write 80-100 words. Edit your writing and correct the mistakes.

You may write about the following points:

• what the difficult situation was

• why you wanted to give up

• who / what helped you and how

• how you felt in the end


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