Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Specialized Business Information Systems: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Virtual Reality, and Other Specialized Systems

|At a Glance |

Instructor’s Manual Table of Contents

□ Chapter Overview

□ Chapter Outline

□ Chapter Principles and Objectives

□ Teacher Notes

□ Quick Quizzes

□ Teaching Tips

□ Further Readings or Resources

□ Discussion Questions

□ Projects to Assign

□ Key Terms

Chapter Overview

Artificial intelligence systems include the people, procedures, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that demonstrate characteristics of intelligence. Researchers, scientists, and experts on how humans think are often involved in developing these systems, the objective of which is not to replace human decision making completely, but to replicate it for certain types of well-defined problems. As with other information systems, the overall purpose of artificial intelligence applications in business is to help an organization achieve its goals.

Chapter Outline

|Lecture Topics |Page # |

|An Overview of Artificial Intelligence |11-4 |

|An Overview of Expert Systems |11-5 |

|Virtual Reality |11-8 |

Chapter Principles and Objectives

|Principles |Learning Objectives |

| | |

|Artificial intelligence systems form a broad and diverse set of |Define the term artificial intelligence and state the objective |

|systems that can replicate human decision making for certain |of developing artificial intelligence systems. |

|types of well-defined problems. |List the characteristics of intelligent behavior and compare the |

| |performance of natural and artificial intelligence systems for |

| |each of these characteristics. |

| |Identify the major components of the artificial intelligence |

| |field and provide one example of each type of system. |

| | |

|Expert systems can enable a novice to perform at the level of an |List the characteristics and basic components of expert systems. |

|expert but must be developed and maintained very carefully. |Identify at least three factors to consider in evaluating the |

| |development of an expert system. |

| |Outline and briefly explain the steps for developing an expert |

| |system. |

| |Identify the benefits associated with the use of expert systems. |

| | |

|Virtual reality systems have the potential to reshape the |Define the term virtual reality and provide three examples of |

|interface between people and information technology by offering |virtual reality applications. |

|new ways to communicate information, visualize processes, and | |

|express ideas creatively. | |

| | |

|Special-purpose systems can help organizations and individuals |Discuss examples of special-purpose systems for organizational |

|achieve their goals. |and individual use. |

Teacher Notes

An Overview of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems include the people, procedures, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that demonstrate characteristics of intelligence. The objective in developing contemporary AI systems is not to replace human decision making completely but to replicate it for certain types of well-defined problems.

From the early AI pioneering stage, the research emphasis has been on developing machines with the following characteristics of intelligent behavior:

| | |

|Characteristics of |Ability to learn from experience and apply the knowledge acquired. |

|Intelligence: |Ability to handle complex situations and solve problems which may be missing important pieces of information. |

| |Ability to determine what is important. |

| |Ability to react quickly and correctly to a new situation. |

| |Ability to use heuristics. |

AI is a broad field that includes several specialty areas, such as:

| | |

|Components |Expert systems - hardware and software that stores knowledge and makes inferences. |

|of AI: |Robotics - developing mechanical or computer devices that perform tasks requiring a high degree of precision. |

| |Vision systems - include hardware and software that permit computers to capture, store, and manipulate visual images |

| |and pictures. |

| |Natural language processing systems - allows a computer to understand and react to statements and commands made in a |

| |“natural” language. |

| |Learning systems - a combination of software and hardware that allows a computer to change how it functions or react |

| |to situations based on feedback it receives. |

| |Neural networks - a computer system that can act like or simulate the functioning of a human brain. |

Quick Quiz

1. What component of AI is used to enable a computer chess game to become a better player after each match?

ANSWER: Learning system

2. What component of AI can 'see' the defects in a part on an assembly line?

ANSWER: Vision system

3. What type of system allows a machine to approximate the way a human sees, hears, and feels?

ANSWER: Perception system

4. The ability to learn from experience is an example of what?

ANSWER: Intelligent behavior

5. How can robotics, natural language systems, and learning systems be classified?

ANSWER: Artificial intelligence.

An Overview of Expert Systems

Expert systems, which behave similarly to human experts in a particular field, have been developed to diagnose problems, predict future events, and solve energy problems. They have also been used to design new products and systems, determine the best use of lumber, and increase the quality of healthcare. Like human experts, computerized expert systems use heuristics, or rules of thumb, to arrive at conclusions or make suggestions.

Expert systems have a number of characteristics and capabilities, including the following:

| | |

|Expert System |Can explain reasoning or suggested decision. |

|Characteristics: |Can display "intelligent” behavior. |

| |Can draw conclusions from complex relationships. |

| |Can provide portable knowledge. |

| |Can deal with uncertainty. |

Even though these characteristics of expert systems are impressive, there are others that limit their current usefulness:

| | |

|Expert System |Not widely used or tested. |

|Drawbacks: |Difficult to use. |

| |Limited to relatively narrow problems. |

| |Cannot readily accept “mixed” knowledge. |

| |Possibility of error. |

| |Difficult to maintain. |

| |May have high development costs. |

| |Can raise legal and ethical concerns. |

Capabilities of an Expert System

Expert systems can be used to solve problems in every field and discipline and can assist in all stages of the problem-solving process. Past successes have shown that expert systems are good at:

| | |

|Capabilities of an |Strategic goal setting |

|Expert System: |Planning |

| |Design |

| |Decision Making |

| |Quality Control and Monitoring |

| |Diagnosis |

Components of an Expert System


A diagram of a typical expert system is shown in the figure above. The knowledge base holds the data, rules, and relationships while the inference engine provides a mechanism for retrieving the stored knowledge. The explanation facility allows users to see how the decision was constructed and the user interface enables users to interact with the system. Finally, the knowledge acquisition facility allows new knowledge to be added.

Expert Systems Development

Expert systems can be developed using expert system shells, traditional high-level languages, or specialty AI languages such as PROLOG or LISP. The steps involved in the construction process include:

| | |

| |Determining requirements |

|Steps in an Expert |Identifying experts |

|System Development |Constructing expert system components |

|Process |Implementing results |

| |Maintaining and reviewing the system |

Quick Quiz

1. What participant in expert systems development is responsible for obtaining knowledge from the expert?

ANSWER: Knowledge Engineer

2. What part of the expert system allows the user to see why a particular conclusion was developed?

ANSWER: Explanation facility

3. What are rules that suggest particular conclusions?

ANSWER: If-then statements

4. What is the term used to describe a collection of software packages and tools used to design, develop, implement, and maintain expert systems?

ANSWER: Expert system shell

5. True or False: Expert systems can be integrated with other organizational computing systems such as TPSs, DSSs, or MISs.


Virtual Reality

Virtual reality, a term coined by Jaron Lanier, is used to describe a system that enables one or more users to move and react in a computer-simulated environment. Virtual reality systems require special interface devices that transmit the sights, sounds, and sensations of the simulated world to the user. These devices can also record and send the speech and movements of participants to the simulated world. This means that users are able to move and react in a virtual environment and manipulate virtual objects much as they would those in the real world.

The term virtual reality can also refer to applications that are not fully immersive, such as three-dimensional graphical games, stereo viewing via special glasses, and others. Some virtual reality systems can also project simulated objects onto real environments. This technology can be applied in a variety of areas, such as education and training, real estate marketing, and computer generated-images.

Quick Quiz

1. Which type of virtual reality results in a world that is fully scaled and relates to the user’s true size?

ANSWER: Immersive

2. What does a user generally wear to see a virtual world?

ANSWER: Head-mounted display (HMD)

3. True or False: In a virtual environment, users can sense and manipulate virtual objects much as they would real objects in the real world.


Other Specialized Systems

In addition to artificial intelligence, expert systems, and virtual reality, a number of other interesting and exciting specialized systems have appeared. One system claims to use brain waves to control a computer and it has been reported that by wearing a red plastic cap embedded with electrodes, Cathal O’Philbin was able to concentrate and use willpower to enter three words into a computer screen: “Arsenal football club.” Some believe that the technology, called adaptive brain interface technology, might eventually assist many disabled people.

Accenture Technology Labs is developing a small, wearable device called a personal awareness assistant (PAA), which can be used to continuously record interactions and store them for future recall. With the PAA, you could record your entire life, store it electronically, and recall it at any time.

A number of special-purpose telecommunications systems are also being developed. Apparent Technologies, a company formed by Eastman Kodak, is developing small radio transceivers that can be placed in other products, like cell phones. The radio transceivers will allow cell phones and other devices to connect to the Internet, cellular phone service, and other devices that use the technology.

Quick Quiz

1. The ____ uses defined phrases, such as “nice to meet you,” to trigger its recording system for conversations.

ANSWER: personal awareness assistant (PAA)

2. Microsoft and _____ are developing automotive telematics software and services to allow cars and trucks to be connected to the Internet and corporate networks.

ANSWER: Accenture

3. What is the name of the personal transporter that made its debut in 2001?

ANSWER: Segway

Teaching Tips

• Demonstrate AI software in class. Many of these systems are available from the vendor as demo disks or directly on the Web.

• Obtain sales videos of commercially available AI software packages. Use these in class.

• Invite a business user of expert systems to discuss their implementation with the class.

• Invite a computer science professor to discuss AI and its applications in business.

• Implement a student Internet search for AI-based technology demos that can be downloaded. For example, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and expert system shell demos can all be located.

• Have students create a simple set of production rules for some decision they are familiar with.

Further Readings and Resources


Kurzweil, R. 2000. Age of Spiritual Machines : When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence. Penguin USA.

Informational on-line sites

Discussion Questions

Some interesting topics of discussion in this chapter include the following:

➢ How is the Web affecting AI?

➢ Will machines ever be smarter than humans?

➢ How are expert systems different from DSSs?

➢ What would it take to create a robot smart enough to replace a human?

Projects to Assign

1. Assign Review Questions: 1, 3, 8, and 10.

2. Assign Problem Solving Exercise 1.

3. Assign Team Activity 3 or Web Exercise 2 or Case 2.

Key Terms

➢ Artificial intelligence systems - include the people, procedures, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that demonstrate characteristics of intelligence.

➢ Backward chaining – the process of starting with conclusions and working backward to the supporting facts.

➢ Forward chaining - The process of starting with the facts and working forward to the conclusions.

➢ Fuzzy logic - a special research area in computer science that allows shades of gray and does not require everything to be simple black or white, yes/no, or true/false.

➢ Inference engine - part of the expert system that seeks information and relationships from the knowledge base and provides answers, predictions, and suggestions the way a human expert would.

➢ Knowledge user - an individual who has training or experience in the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of an expert system.

➢ Neural network - is a computer system that can act like or simulate the functioning of a human brain.

➢ Perceptive system - A system that approximates the way a human sees, hears, and feels objects.


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