New Jersey

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 1 |Ask and answer questions about fiction and non-fiction that can be |Ask and answer questions about informational or fictional text using |VU: Fiction, non-fiction; |

|CCSS: RL.3.1; RI.3.1; |supported with evidence both written and orally, offering elaboration and|information from text using a graphic organizer and/or word bank. | |

|SL.3.3 |detail. | | |

|WIDA: 2 - 5 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Verbs and transitional phrases, |

| | | |formulate questions |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall |Partner Work | |

| |Template |Template |Template | | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work |Partner Work | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Gestures |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | | | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 2 |Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse |Retell from a variety of genres and identify the theme using a storyboard. |VU: Retell, characters, beginning, middle, |

|CCSS: RL.3.2 |cultures and determine the central message, lesson, or moral. | |end, moral |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Past tense verbs; perfect aspect |

| | | |(present & Past) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Story Map |Story Map |Story Map | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | |

| |Template |Template |Template | | |

| |Sentence Frames |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 3 |Explain how key details in the text convey central message, lesson, or |Explain how details convey the main idea, lesson or moral using a story map. |VU: Theme, details, explain |

|CCSS: RL.3.2 |moral. | | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Verb forms; conjunctions |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Story Map |Story Map |Story Map |Story Map | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work |Partner Work | | |

| |Sentence Frames |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 4 |Explain how different aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what |Explain how the illustrations reflect the mood in a story using visuals. |VU: Illustration, mood |

|CCSS: RL.3.7 |is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., to create mood). | | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Subject-verb agreement |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work |Adapted text | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Visuals | | |

| |Adapted text |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Visuals |Adapted text | | | |

| | |Visuals | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 5 |Identify the main idea of a text and recount key details. |Identify the main idea and supporting details of a text using a graphic |VU: Identify, main idea, details, |

|CCSS: RI.3.2 | |organizer. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Verb forms; declarative sentences, |

| | | |complex sentences, transitional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Gestures |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Choice Questions | | | | |

| |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 6 |Provide an explanation of how key details support the main idea. |Explain the connection between the main idea and details using a graphic |VU: Explain, main idea, details |

|CCSS: RI.3.2 | |organizer. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Verb form; indicative verbs; |

| | | |declarative sentences; |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | | |

| |Triads or Small Groups |Triads or Small Groups |Triads or Small Groups | | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Model |Model | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 7 |Apply information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and |Answer comprehension questions by applying information gained from |VU: Illustrations, Diagrams, Drawings, |

|CCSS: RI.3.7 |the words in the text to understand informational text (e.g., where, when, |illustrations and the text using an outline and taking notes. |photographs |

|WIDA: 2 - 5 |why, and how key events occur). | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LFC: Subject verb agreement |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Outlines |Outlines |Outlines | | |

| |(partially completed) |Notes (partially completed) |Notes (modeled) | | |

| |Adapted Text |Adapted Text |Adapted text | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Gestures | | | | |

| |Choice Questions | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 8 |Identify and know the meaning of the most common grade-level prefixes and |Identify and know meaning of words containing affixes using an affix word |VU: prefix, suffix, un-, re-, dis-, -er, |

|CCSS: RF.3.3 a |suffixes (e.g. |wall/bank. |-ful, -ly |

|WIDA: 2 |un-, re-, dis-, -er, -ful, -ly) | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Base Words; Prefixes; Suffixes |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs |Adapted text | | |

| |L1 support |Sentence Frames | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 9 |Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. |Read grade level irregularly spelled words with fluency and accuracy using a |VU: Irregularly words; specific to text |

|CCSS: RF.3.3.d | |word wall/bank. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Simple sentences |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs |Word Wall |Word Wall | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall | | | |

| |L1 support | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 10 |Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. |Read grade-level text with purpose and comprehension using a graphic organizer. |VU: Purpose; specific to text |

|CCSS: RF.3.4.a | | | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentence structure |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Adapted Text |Adapted Text |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Outlines | | |

| |Choice Questions |Sentence Frames |Word Wall |Outlines | |

| |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | | | |

| |Outlines |Outlines | | | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 11 |Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, |Read prose and poetry with fluency, accuracy and expression with a partner. |VU: Different poetry forms, haiku; specific|

|CCSS: RF.3.4.b |and expression | |to text |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentence structure and specific |

| | | |vocabulary, Rhyming words, Rhythm, |

| | | |syllabication |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Model |Model |Model |Partner Work | |

| |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings |Partner Work | | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work |Manipulatives | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Manipulatives |Manipulatives | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 12 |Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, |Use context to confirm and demonstrate oral reading skills by self-correcting |VU: Context clues, confirm, self-correct |

|CCSS: RF.3.4.c |rereading as necessary |when necessary using a checklist. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with context clues |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Guiding questions checklist |Guiding questions checklist |Guiding questions checklist |Guiding questions checklist | |

| |Guided group with teacher |Guided group with teacher |Triads or Small Groups | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Adapted text | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Adapted text |Adapted Text | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 13 |Produce an organized piece of writing that introduces a topic or text. |Produce an organized writing task that introduces a topic using a model. |VU: Opinion, introduction |

|CCSS: W.3.1.a | | | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Model |Model |Model |Model | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Sentence Frames |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 14 |Produce an organized piece of writing that states an opinion and provides |Produce an organized persuasive essay using an outline and a model essay. |VU: Opinion; evidence |

|CCSS: W.3.1.b |reasons supporting the opinion. | | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Complex sentences with transitional |

| | | |phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Outlines |Outlines |Outlines |Outlines | |

| |Model |Model |Model | | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Word Strips |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 15 |Produce an organized piece of writing that provides a concluding statement.|Produce an organized writing assignment that provides a concluding statement |VU: Conclusion |

|CCSS: W.3.1.d | |following a model. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Declarative sentences with |

| | | |transitional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Model of concluding sentence |Model of concluding sentence |Model of concluding sentence |Model of concluding sentence | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Sentence strips with concluding |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |sentences Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 16 |Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for |Use linking words and phrases to connect opinions and reasons using transitional|VU: Linking words; linking phrases; |

|CCSS: W.3.1.c |example) to connect opinion and reasons. |phrases following a template. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with transitional words |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Template |Template |Template |Template | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Sentence Frames |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 17 |Produce a written narrative with an organized sequence of events. |Produce a narrative with an organized sequence of events using a graphic |VU: First, second, etc. finally, then |

|CCSS: W.3.3.a | |organizer. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Adverbs of time; relative clauses; |

| | | |transitional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |

| |Template |Template |Template | | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |L1 support |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 18 |Use temporal words and phrases to establish a situation and introduce a |Write a narrative story introducing a narrator or character using temporal words|VU: Temporal words, narrator |

|CCSS: W.3.3.c |narrator and/or |and phrases following a model shared story. | |

|WIDA: 2 |character when writing a narrative. | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Adverbs of time; relative clauses; |

| | | |transitional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Model shared story |Model shared story |Model shared story |Model shared story | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings |Visuals | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Sentence Frames |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 19 |Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop|Describe actions, thoughts, and feelings and use dialogue to develop experiences|VU: Dialogue, characters, quotations. |

|CCSS: W.3.3.b |experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations. |and events or show character responses in a narrative essay using a graphic | |

|WIDA: 2 | |organizer and/or character web. | |

|Writing | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Using quotation marks |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | |

| |Web |Web |Web | | |

| |Shared writing |Shared writing |Shared writing | | |

| |Sentence Frames |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs | | | | |

| |Manipulatives | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 20 |Provide a sense of closure to a written narrative based on real or imagined|Write a closing for a narrative based on real or imaginary experiences or events|VU: Closing, ending |

|CCSS: W.3.3.d |experiences or events |using a shared model, and word bank (i.e. choose from suggested words such as: | |

|WIDA: 2 | |in summary, the character learned, the lesson learned, etc.) | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |LFC: Temporal words; transitional phrases |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Shared writing model |Shared writing model |Shared writing model |Shared writing model | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank |Word Wall | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Word Bank | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Cloze sentences | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 21 |With guidance and support, write a piece demonstrating development and |Write a narrative essay demonstrating development and organization appropriate |VU: Narrative, task, purpose, |

|CCSS: W.3.4 |organization appropriate to task and purpose. |to task and purpose using a graphic organizer. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Complex sentences; increasing |

| | | |specificity of sentence structure. |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | |

| |Shared writing |Shared writing |Shared writing | | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Illustrations/Diagrams/Drawings |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Cloze sentences | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 22 |With guidance and support, recognize and apply the steps of the writing |Write a composition applying the steps of the writing process (planning, |VU: Plan, prewrite, revise, edit, draft, |

|CCSS: W.3.5 |process (planning, revising, and editing) to develop and strengthen writing|revising, and editing) to develop and strengthen writing skills using a graphic |rewrite. |

|WIDA: 2 |as needed. |organizer or template. | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentence structure, verb forms, |

| | | |subject-verb agreement, correlative |

| | | |conjunctions. |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer |Graphic Organizer | |

| |Template |Template |Template | | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 23 |Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering |Ask questions about information from a speaker using notes. |VU: Clarifying question words |

|CCSS: SL.3.3 |appropriate elaboration and detail. | | |

|WIDA: 1-5 | |Answer questions offering elaboration and detail using a word wall and notes. | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

| | | |LCF: Formulate questions, elaborated |

| | | |responses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Speaking protocol to elaborate |Speaking protocol to elaborate responses|Speaking protocol to elaborate responses |Speaking protocol to elaborate | |

| |responses |Outlines |Outlines |responses | |

| |Outlines |Model sentences |Model sentences |Partner Work | |

| |Model sentences |Partner Work |Partner Work |Triads or Small Groups | |

| |Partner Work |L1 support |Triads or Small Groups | | |

| |L1 support |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs | | | | |

| |Gestures | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 24 |Explain the function of nouns and pronouns in general and their functions |Explain the use of nouns and pronouns in general and how they are used in |VU: Nouns, pronouns, referents |

|CCSS: L.3.1.a |in particular sentences. |specific sentences using charts or model sentences. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LCF: Use of referents |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Noun/pronoun chart |Noun/pronoun chart |Noun/pronoun chart |Noun/pronoun chart | |

| |Model sentences |Model sentences |Model sentences | | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work |Partner Work | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Gestures | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 25 |Apply and use regular and irregular plural nouns correctly |Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns correctly using a plural noun |VU: Nouns, plural |

|CCSS: L.3.1.a | |chart. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LCF: Subject-verb agreement |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Plural noun chart |Plural noun chart |Plural noun chart |Plural noun chart | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 26 |Use sentence-level context clues to determine the meaning of a word or |Determine and clarify meaning of unknown words and phrases by using sentence |VU: Synonyms, antonyms, context |

|CCSS: L.3.4.a |phrase. |level context clues, cognates and building schemata. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with context clues |

| | | |(restatement, punctuation) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall |Schema | |

| |Teacher modeling |Teacher modeling |Partner Work | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Schema | | |

| |Cognates |Cognates | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Gestures |Schema | | | |

| |Schema | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 27 |Use knowledge of a known affix added to a known word to determine the |Determine meaning of a new word formed when a known affix is added to a known |VU: Prefixes, suffix, affix, root/base |

|CCSS: L.3.4.b |meaning of the new formed word (e.g., heat/preheat). |word using a affix definition chart. |words, parts of speech |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Combining meanings, identify parts of |

| | | |speech |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Affix definition chart |Affix definition chart |Affix definition chart |Affix definition chart | |

| |Word Wall |Word Wall |Word Wall | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 28 |Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the |Determine meaning of an unknown word that has a known root word using a teacher |VU: Prefixes, suffixes, root/base words |

|CCSS: L.3.4.c |same root (e.g. company, companion). |created Word Generation chart and word games. | |

|WIDA: 2 | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with increasing specificity |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Teacher created word generation |Teacher created word generation chart |Teacher created word generation chart |Teacher created word generation chart|Teacher created word generation chart |

| |chart |Word games |Word games |Word games | |

| |Word games |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Word Wall | | | |

| |Gestures | | | | |

| |Word Wall | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 29 |Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to |Determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases by using |VU: Guide words, alphabetizing |

|CCSS: L.3.4.d |determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. |glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, English and | |

|WIDA: 2 -5 | |bilingual. | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Dictionary genre sentences |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Bilingual Dictionary |Bilingual Dictionary |Bilingual Dictionary |Bilingual Dictionary |Bilingual Dictionary |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Partner Work |Partner Work | |

| |Pictures/Photographs |Pictures/Photographs | | | |

| |Gestures |Teacher guided group | | | |

| |Teacher guided group | | | | |


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