172181698500 5-A-SIDE LEAGUESEASON 2016/17HOSTED BY PIETA’ GROUNDSWe are proud to announce a new Football Competition. – GAL (Goalline Amateur League) which will be hosted by Pieta’ Grounds.This newly competition will be held in Pieta’ Grounds and the winning team will take home €1000 in CASH. We are willing to give a professional service to all football passionates, a rewarding prize and a place where our passion (football) can be practiced. For more information kindly visit our official facebook page - HYPERLINK "" goallineleague Constitution Rules. Each team will play the other teams in their division twice during the season.At the end of each season (if we will have two sections) the top 2 teams from each division will be promoted and the bottom 2 teams will be relegated (may vary).Teams will receive 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and zero for a loss. League placing’s will be decided by points gained, followed by (i) goal difference, (ii) goals scored, and (iii) aggregate result between the two teams in question. All players must be registered by completing the necessary forms prior to competing for any team. Teams may register up to 18 players and no player can be registered to more than one team on the same league night. Players may only transfer their registration to another team during the transfer market against a €20 fee. During the transfer market each team can change/register a maximum of 5 players.Transfer Market Window- The transfer market will be open for three weeks during the league season (dates to be determined). All teams can access these players from our website in the Transfer Market SectionAll players playing on a particular day must be named on the team sheet prior to kick off and a copy of this line up must be handed to the opponent and to the organiser. All players must keep their own kit number throughout the league.Players playing in the Malta Football Association (MFA) Premier League cannot be registered, although ONE player who plays in the MFA 1st Division can be registered. Futsal players, amateurs, and 2nd and 3rd Division players can be registered. Any suspended players by any local Football Association can be registered and each team will be allowed to register only ONE player..Foreign teams and players are welcome in our league. Should a player be caught playing in the Premier League, First Division or FA Trophy,he will be automatically disqualified from the competition and the team will be fined €50.If a player picks up a YELLOW or a RED card a fee has to be paid prior the next game. If a player picks up four yellow cards he will be suspended for one match, while a straight red card means a one suspended match. For the first two yellow cards the player will not be fined, but he will be fined €10 for each yellow card recieved from the third yellow card onwards. Red Cards fee will remain €10.Any team playing an unregistered or suspended player will automatically lose the match 3-0 and be deducted 3 points. Players playing whilst suspended will have a further three match ban.and a €25 fine.A passport size photo and a copy of an ID card of each player taking part in the Goalline Amateur League has to be presented upon enrollment. The managment will give a copy to each team of all the players taking part in the league.Participating fee for every season will be of €850 and must be paid upon registration. Apart from this a €100 (refundable deposit) must be paid upon enrollment. These will be used to cover all expenses during the league seaon (i.e Yellow, Red Cards, Suspensions etc..) This fee will cover all League Competion (League, Knock-Out, Throphy and Goalline Cup). League Setup – The League will consist of:League – Each team will play the other teams in their respective division twice during the season. Knock-Out Cup – The knock-out competition will take place after finishing the first round of the league. All teams from all divisions will be playing in the Knock-Out Cup and a draw will be held infront of every team organizer/manager at the Pieta’ Grounds on a particular day.This is a type of elimination tournament where the loser of each bracket is immediately eliminated from winning the championship or first prize in the event.To avoid strong team competing with each other in the initial rounds we will be using this type of format explained down here. Strong teams based on their previous league performances are selected to keep at appropriate places in the fixture. First seed is kept on the top of Upper half ? Second seed is kept on the bottom of Lower half ? Third seed is kept on the bottom of Upper half ? Fourth seed is kept on top of Lower Half and so on ? Remaining teams are kept in the fixture by lotsTrophy Cup – The Trophy competition will be played between the four top teams of the league and will take place after finishing the Goalline league. A draw will be held infront of these four team organizer/manager at the Pieta’ Grounds on a particular day.ExampleGoalline Super Cup – The Goalline Cup competition will be played between the League Winner against the Trophy Competition Winner and will be played as the first game of the next season. If the same team wins the League and the Trophy, the Super Cup will be played between the League Winner against the Trophy Runner Up.Prizes:- Season 2016/2017League Winner 1st Division League Cup (to be kept for 1 year)€1000 in CashTrophy and Gold MedalsLeague Runner Up 1st Division Plaque and Silver MedalsLeague Winner 2nd Division (if applies)League Cup (to be kept for 1year)€500 in CashTrophy and Gold MedalsLeague Runner Up 2nd Division (if applies)Plaque and Silver MedalsTrophy WinnerCup Trophy and Gold MedalsTrophy Runner UpPlaque and Silver MedalsKnock Out WinnerCup and Gold MedalsKnock Out Runner UpPlaque and Silver MedalsThe Goalline CupCup and Gold MedalsThe Goalline Cup (Runner Up)Plaque and Silver MedalsAt the end of each season we will be determining which players will recieve an award based on attitude, dedication and hard work. While Goalline Amateur League may not boast football stars who are worth millions, there is nothing from stopping us from organising our own show to recognise the achievements of the players. Goalline Organisers will be rewarding players, coaches and officials. The event is endorsed by Goalline Managment.There will be four nomination awards in each division that will be – Goalline Golden Ball (given to the player who is best overall) Goalline Golden Boot ( given to the top scorer), Goalline Golden Gloves (given to the best goalkeeper) Goalline Fair Play Award (given to the team with the best record of fair play).The Golden Ball Award is based on votes from coaches and captains of all participating teams. All team captains and coaches will be asked to determine their vote by naming three best players. Upon registration Each team will be giving a ONE FREE TRAINING SESSION and a further discount on training sessions held at the Pieta’ Grounds. Teams are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled kick off times. Games will be played every Friday at the Pieta’ Grounds; 1st game starts at 8:00pm and 2nd game starts at 9:15pmTeams must be on the pitch and ready to begin the match at the appointed kick-off time. If a team is more than 10 minutes late (without a proper excuse) their opponents may claim a 2-0 head start, and at the referees discretion a 3-0 win (and deduction of 3 points to the losers).Teams failing to appear for their designated fixture or not giving notice the day before of cancellation, will be ejected from the League immediately and have to pay a €100 fine. We will not permit any matchfixing !! In the event that a team refuses to complete a match which has already started, the match will be awarded to the other team 3-0 and the team refusing to complete the match will be deducted 3 points. If the score at the time produces a goal difference greater than 3-0 then those scores will stand and fined €50.All fixtures are to be played unless adverse weather conditions make the pitches unplayable. Any decision to cancel a game can only be made by Goalline League Managment. Postponements are not allowed, except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of Goalline League Management.A fixture list will be issued at the start of each season and will be displayed on the organiser’s website. All league results will be displayed on the branch notice boards and the website or facebook page.Goalline Amateur League Managment believes that effective communication is a key interpersonal skill and learning how we can improve our realationship. We suggest that both the League organizers and the team leaders will have frequent meetings, so that we will discuss and and improve our league. From time to time we will be organising social activities at our club house to all team organizers/leaders with a discounted prices Playing Rules2. The Ball – A Givova Size #4 FIFA Inspected will be used in all matches.2.1 For every match each team may field four outfield players and a goalkeeper on the pitch at any one time 2.2 Substitutions are unlimited during the game, can only be made when the ball is dead and only with the Referees consent. Outgoing substitutes must leave the field of play before the replacement enters the playing area. The oncoming players are active immediately and can receive the ball. Substitutes must stand outside the pitch perimeter and spectators must not enter the field of play under any circumstances.2.3 NO screw in studded footwear or blades is permitted to be worn by any player. Only training shoes, moulded soles and synthetic boots may be worn. All Players must wear shin pads. The wearing of any form of jewellery (including, without limitation, watches) is not permitted during play... Referees may refuse to allow players to play with inappropriate footwear, without shin pads and/or are wearing any form of jewellery.2.4 Duration of the Game: Two equal periods of 25 minutes with 5 minutes Half Time2.5 Every team will be able to have on the touchline 2 Officials (ex Team Coach and Team Organizer)2.6 The first half will begin with one team taking a centre; the second half will begin with the other team taking a centre. After a goal has been scored the game will be re-started by the team who conceded the goal taking a centre.2.7 A goalkeeper can recieve a backpass, but can’t touch the ball with his hands. Thus a goalkeeper can score a goal only if he’s playing with his feet. Goalkeepers are unable to score directly with a hand throw, unless the ball is touched by an outfield player.2.8 No Goal Kicks. Goalkeepers must return the ball into play by hand. If the ball is returned any other way a free-kick will be given to the opposition two meters outside the area2.9 A goal may be scored from any point within the field of play. 2.10 Slied tackles are allowed, although a sliding tackle from behind is not permitted. Infringement of this rule will lead to a yellow card and a free kick being awarded against the offending players’ team.2.11 Professional fouls will be penalized with a red card and the guilty player may face disciplinary action. 2.12 Offside – There is no offside in 5v5.2.13 Throw in – A kick-in will be taken in place of the throw-in2.14 Free Kicks- The referee will decide between direct and indierect free kick.2.15 – Penalty Kick – To be taken from the penalty mark. All players must be out of the penalty area.2.16 Opposition players must be at least five metres from where any free-kick is taken. If opposing players do not retreat the required five meters the kick may be moved forward one meter. If a free kick is awarded on or near the goal area it can be moved up to five meters backwards to allow defenders to be five meters from the ball.2.17 The Goal keeper must be on the goal line when a penalty is being taken. 2.18 These League Rules are not exhaustive and may be added to or amended at any time.2.19 The Referees decision on all on-field matters is final and no discussions will be entered into eitherer on or off the field with him about any decision. The Referees jurisdiction on disciplinary matters will apply until players have entered the changing rooms. Players repeatedly disputing decisions may have further disciplinary action taken against them.2.20 Protests: (€25) Refundable in case of winning the ProtestA protest will only be considered on breaches of Competition Rules & Regulations. Such protest must be in writing, stating the game played upon which the protest is lodged. A protest of any game, must be submitted within forty-eight (48) hours of the date of the match to which it relates. In the event that the protest is mailed, the post-mark shall be taken as the limiting date in all cases. The protest shall be signed by the team coach or manager. The protest fee must accompany the protest when filed with Goalline Management.A copy of the protest shall be forwarded by Goalline Management to the opposing team within two (2) working days after the receipt of the protest. The complaint should be addressed to the Goalline Management via email – info@ , by post or by hand who will forward it to the Management Board. DISCIPLINARY RULESMain Referee Duties: Enforce the laws, apply the advantage rule, keep a record of all incidents before, during and after game, stop game when deemed necessary, caution or expel players guilty of misconduct, violent conduct or other ungentlemanly behavior, allow no others to enter the pitch, stop game to have injured players removed, signal for game to be restarted after every stoppage, decide that the ball meets with the stipulated requirements.Players shall be cautioned (i.e., shown yellow card) when: ? a substituting player enters the pitch from an incorrect position or before the player he is substituting has entirely left the pitch ? he persistently infringes the Laws of the Game ? he shows dissent with any decision of the refereePlayers shall be sent off (i.e., shown the red card) for: ? (a) serious foul play ? (b) violent conduct ? (c) foul or abusive language ? (d) second instance of cautionable offense (i.e., second yellow card) ? (e) intentionally impeding a clear goal opportunity (e.g. through a "professional foul") ? (f) intentionally impeding a clear goal opportunity in the penalty area by handling the ball3.1 The player sent off (shown a red card) is out for the rest of the game and is not even permitted to sit on the reserves' bench. The team of the player sent off can substitute for that player after 2 minutes of playing time or after the opposing team scores -- which ever comes first. The 2-minute punishment shall be checked by the referee.The substitute cannot come on until the ball is out of play and he has a referee's consent.3.2 A player sent off for a second offence will be suspended for a minimum of 1 game. In the case serious foul play, foul or abusive language the suspension will be extended to 2 games or longer should Goalline League Managment deem this necessary. 3.3 A player can be given a red card even off the field of play (for unacceptable conduct on the sideline), 3.4 If a match is abandoned for any reason the team at fault will receive a 3-0 defeat and be deducted 3 points unless the opposing team already has a greater advantage in which case the score will stand. If both teams are judged to be at fault the game will be void and no points will be awarded3.5 Violent conduct on or off the pitch will result in the immediate suspension of the individual and could result in a ban from all Goalline Sports Events. The Managment reserve the right to ban an individual or team from further participation in all competitions. Teams not cooperating with the organisers will be removed from the league programme. This will carry a €100 fine.3.6 Referees must be treated with respect from all teams. Teams found guilty of abusing Referees will be removed from the Leagues, as will Teams in material or persistent breach of these Rules.3.7 The decision of Goalline League Management in all matters pertaining to the administration of the league is final.3.8 Goalline league management may overturn any rule if they feel a team is deliberately using an interpretation of the rules to gain an unfair advantage.3.9 Sportsmanship – Players, coaches and spectators are expected to act in the nature of good sportsmanship at all times. Abuse of of the referees will not be tolerated. Any instance of such conduct will lead to ejection without refund for the offending team.FAQWhen and where are the leagues held?Every Friday Evening from 8pm till 10:30pm at the Pieta’ GroundsCan I choose what night of the week I play?No. Once fixtures are published must be respected according unless informing us 24 hours prior match day in case of an genuine excuse.Do I need to have a team already or can you team me up with players?It is better if you have a team, but if not we can place your details on our ‘Find A Player’ system? and try to match you up with other players or a current team looking for players.Are referees included?Every league match is refereed by affiliated referees.How many teams are there in each division?We offer a full range of league competitions. Most consist of divisions of twelve, although some leagues do vary from this standard size.How long is a season?The standard league season sees all teams play each other twice besides other competitions.Is there promotion and relegation at the end of each season?At the end of each season, there is the added excitement as teams battle to gain promotion or to avoid relegation. Most of our leagues feature two-up and two-down promotion and relegation.What facilities are provided at the venue?At Pieta Grounds, high quality dressing rooms and hot showers make changing all part of the enjoyment, and to rerun that sublime one-two or the perfect nutmeg, there’s a sports lounge with a great selection of beers and big screen football.? There is also free wi-fi available so you can start sharing the post match banter straight away.How many players can my team use for a match?All the 18 registered players may be used.How many players can my team use throughout a season?Teams may register up to 18 players and no player can be registered to more than one team in the same league division. Players may not transfer their registration to a team in the same division during the course of a season unless during the transfer window. We will be having aswell an interactive league website.Do my players need to wear shin guards?Yes, shin guards are compulsory for leagues play.What footwear should we wear?Training shoes, moulded soles or synthetic boots - NO screw in studded footwear or blades.Do we need to wear matching strips?All teams must have their own football kit with numbers. Although we will not giving free football kits, we are happy to inform you that all teams participating in Goalline League will enjoy a massive discount when buying their kit direct from us. All kits will be either Givova or Joma (Original) and these can be purchased direct from us with no extra costs. Complimentary with the kits we will be doing all shirt numbers and GAL Logo. What do the winners and runners up of each division win?The winner of Section A (if applies) receive €1000 in cash, the league cup and both the winners and runners-up receive individual medals.What other prizes are available and when do they get presented?One player in every division is awarded the prestigious ‘Player of the Season’, ‘The Top Scorer Trophy’, ‘Best Goalkeeper’ and ‘Fair Play’ award at the end of season Presentation Night.How do I go about joining Goalline Amateur league?It couldn’t be easier, give us a call on 79440677 , email us info@ or drop by the centre.Where can i find all the information about Goalline Amateur League?You can visit our official facebook page goallineleague or contact us on 79440677 ................

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