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Christ Covenant Preschool



Office: 225-925-2291

Fax: 225-925-2295

Christ Covenant Preschool is a teaching ministry of Christ Covenant Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We have served the Baton Rouge area since 1958 as Southside Baptist Preschool. Although our name has changed, our special loving environment has not. We are still a developmentally-appropriate, play-based preschool.


Christ Covenant Preschool is a Christian program run by a loving, nurturing, and professional staff. Our goal is to be an extension of the family where children can develop socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually in a loving and secure environment. We seek to provide a safe, secure, and fun environment that includes rich learning experiences in order to foster an enthusiasm for learning. Children are encouraged to be creative and imaginative in their learning experiences, and we desire that they experience God’s love. We also seek to come alongside parents as they “rear their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.”

Our curriculum, teaching strategies, and environment reflect research-based knowledge about the way children develop and learn. We want to connect what they learn with past experiences and current interests and provide opportunities for children to explore and play. All of our classes provide age-appropriate learning activities to enhance the growth of intellectual development, motor skills, social development, self-help skills and language development. The activities in our developmentally-appropriate preschool program are based on the positions of the NAEYC and research-based goals and objectives. Our teachers at CCP are able to integrate concrete learning experiences through the following:

● LANGUAGE & LITERACY: Adults read and sing to children every day, sometimes one-on-one and other times in a group. They invite children to join in while reading (or singing) books, poems, and rhymes with repetitive words and phrases, and they engage children in discussions about the characters, setting, and plot. Throughout the day, children talk with adults and with other children. Children will begin to experiment with writing, at times making scribbles (for example, under a picture) that they identify as writing. Some children can write their names or other short words; others are not ready to do so. Teachers plan learning experiences that help children hear distinctions and patterns in language sounds and begin to make letter-sound connections.

● MATH & SCIENCE: When children construct with blocks, they learn about measurement (how many small blocks in a line does it take to equal a bigger block?) and physics (whether things will balance, for example). Children learn to count, compare and sort objects, build patterns, etc. They talk about the weather, go on nature walks, measure and record the changes in the environment and more!

● SOCIAL STUDIES: Children learn about their communities and about local, national, and events of interest to them. Planned activities help children develop an understanding of chronological and historical thinking skills. Teachers plan experiences that make these events meaningful to children.

● CREATIVE ARTS: We encourage self-expression through a variety of media including art, music, and drama. Music is taught 1-4 times a week outside of the classroom and integrated into the classroom through daily activities.

● HEALTH AND SAFETY: Throughout the year, we learn good health habits (teeth care, etc.) and promote an understanding of safety rules (stay with your teacher, don’t climb over the fences, etc.).

● RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY: Children learn to take responsibility for the care of equipment and materials, and this instills an attitude of appreciation for the things with which we are entrusted. We promote habits of neatness and encourage completion of tasks. Students will be taught to be respectful of others. They will follow directions, take turns, be patient, and interact in appropriate ways.


● Registration fee for the school year is $200.00 (non-refundable, but only accepted when your student has secured a spot at CCP; no money taken if you’re on the wait list)

● Registration is at the end of January first for active members of Christ Covenant Church and for those families currently enrolled in the school, then for children and siblings of alumni.

● Registration will then be open to the public. Details concerning registration will be made available in early January.

● To enroll a child in a specific age group, the child must have reached that age BY September 30. We offer a Transitional Kindergarten class for children who are five by September 30th and would like to remain an extra year prior to entering Kindergarten. This opportunity is beneficial and provides the child with the “gift of time.” Dotty Loar is our TK teacher and would be happy to talk with parents about the benefits of TK.

● CCP offers a Summer Session in June and July Monday-Thursdays from 9-1:30 PM. Registration for the summer session is held during the month of March. Summer school is offered first to current students of Christ Covenant Preschool. There is no registration fee for our summer program, but tuition is due when you register for the summer (we staff according to interest).


We have 2 program times at CCP, Core and Encore. Core students stay from 9-12. Encore students stay from 9-2. (C and EC, respectively). Our 2 year old program meets 3 days a week; 3s meet 4 days a week; 4s,TK, and K meet 5 days a week (Friday is a half day for both C and EC students).

● 2s meet T/W/Th: Core $210/mo, and Encore $310/mo

● 3s meet M-Th: Core $260/mo and Encore $360/mo

● 4s meet 5 days a week: Core $300/mo and Encore $400/mo

● TK meets 5 days a week: Encore $425

● K meets 5 days a week: Encore $425

*Fees and tuition listed are for the 2019-2020 school year.


● Tuition is due the first of each month.

● $15.00 late fee is added if tuition is paid after the 7th of the month

● Full tuition is due each month. There are no adjustments made for absences.

● If you withdraw your child during the school year, you must provide a written notice of your intentions two weeks prior to the child’s last day of school.

● There is a 5% discount on tuition for families with more than one child enrolled in CCP. The lesser tuition will be discounted.

● There is a 20% discount for Christ Covenant Church members.

● All tuition for the 2019-20 school year will be auto-drafted. Paying in full in August is still an option, but monthly payments will be on auto-draft.

● If special problems exist concerning the date or amount of payment, please contact the Director to make arrangements. Continual failure to pay tuition will result in automatic removal of a child from school.


● $75.00 per child school supply fee is due with September tuition

(covers a CCP tote for 2 & 3 yr. olds, group picture, art plate and all supplies needed in the classroom—from markers to Kleenex!)

● ALL 2 & 3 yr. olds are required to use CCP totes.

● Pre-K and TK are asked to bring standard sized booksacks/backpacks.


(See attached Carpool Map)

● Enter the parking lot from Sweetbriar Street and exit onto Palm Street.

● Two year olds are dropped off at the second door from Sweetbriar and picked up at the gate of the little play yard furthest away from the building. Encore 2s (staying to lunch and nap) will be picked up at the third awning.

● Three year olds are dropped off and picked up at the gate on the side nearest the building on the large play yard. 4s, TK, and K are dropped off and picked up at the gate on the side of the large play yard away from the building.

● If you are picking up children from both play yards, go to the one from which you are picking up the most children, pull up beyond the gate and the teacher from the other yard will walk that child to your car.

● Rainy Days~ Pre-K and TK will be dropped off and picked up under the large canopy/drive through awning closest to Sweetbriar. Three year olds will be dropped off and picked up at the last door of the building. Two year olds will be dropped off and picked up at the second door from Sweetbriar. Those picking up and dropping off two and three year olds need not drive through the large canopy to get in line.

● Please drive directly to your door and stay to the left of the car picking up and then proceed to the door when the preceding car has exited.

● If your child rides in a carpool, the names of the drivers, days of pick up and the children involved must be submitted to the school as soon as the carpool is formed.

● Due to Liability reasons, teachers are NOT allowed to buckle kids in the car. You are responsible for bucking your children in the car. Please pull out of the carpool line, park, and buckle your child in.

● PLEASE DO NOT PARK BY THE DOORS AT ANY TIME. If you visit during the day, park in the center of the parking lot.

● Please display your carpool sign with your child’s from your rear view mirror to help the teachers keep the carpool lines moving quickly (a child’s pants hanger works great for this). Teachers will provide this at your Meet-N-Greet.

● Be courteous of those in the carpool line and keep things moving efficiently. Limit conversations to quick exchanges with the teacher only.

● Please send a written note in the event your child will be riding home with someone other than you. Anyone (other than the parents) picking up a child must be listed on the emergency form.


● Our school day begins at 9:00 am and ends at either 12:00 pm or 2 pm.

● Instruction begins at 9:15 AM with our morning meeting. If you bring your child to school later than 9:15, you MUST be sure that your child is with the appropriate class before you leave. If your child’s class is inside already, please walk your child into their classroom.

● Our Pre-K , TK, and K classes will go in every morning at 9:45. It is important for them to arrive on time in order to give them adequate time for outside play.


● Pick up time is 12:00 pm for Core classes and 2:00 pm for Encore classes. All children will be out on the playground by 11:50 am or 1:50 pm to be ready for pick up.

● A $5 late fee will be charged if you arrive after children have been taken inside. Children remaining after this time can be picked up in the preschool office.

● 2 year olds only will be on an abbreviated schedule the first week of school. The first week will be 9-11 a.m. The second week will begin the regular schedule for the two’s from 9-12 or 9-2 (Core or Encore)


● Teachers organize a snack schedule for their classes in which parents provide snacks for the class once every few months. Of course, you’re welcome to bring cupcakes, cookies, fruit, etc., for your child’s birthday as well. Just coordinate everything through your specific teacher.


● Several Enrichment Classes are offered during or after school for an additional fee. Some include Teams of Tomorrow (TOT), Teddy Tennis, Art, Music, Young Rembrandts, Soccer Shots, and Spanish. Information will be provided at your meet-n-greet in August. Contact Information to register your child is also available on our website ()


● Parents of enrolled students must provide a current immunization record by the first day of school. Please bring yours to your meet-n-greet (or have it faxed to us by your pediatrician’s office) Fax: 225.925.2295

● If a parent has chosen to invoke their right for exemption from immunization under Louisiana Revised Statute 17:170 Section E, a signed statement such must be given on the child’s first date of school. In the event of an outbreak of a vaccination preventable disease at CCP, the Preschool, under the recommendation of public health officials, shall have the right to exclude children without immunization from attendance until the incubation period has expired or until the parent presents evidence of immunization.

● COMMUNICABLE DISEASE: For the protection of your child, as well as the rest of the children, if your child shows the following symptoms, including, but not limited to, sore throat, fever, nausea, diarrhea, or rash, you must keep your child at home. The child must be symptom free for 24 full hours without medication prior to returning to school. If your child has to go home sick during the school day, he/she should remain at home a full school day before coming back to school.

● Health information and Emergency Cards will be kept on file, and this form will include any medical conditions, allergies or other pertinent health information as well as signed permission from parents or guardians for the school to provide or obtain emergency medical care. Parents are to notify the school of any changes necessary to keep records current.

● In the event of serious medical emergency or injury, 911 will be called, taking into consideration the severity of the circumstances and well-being of the child. Designated school personnel will accompany any student transported by ambulance, in the absence of a parent or guardian. Any expense incurred will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian.


● We believe that discipline is necessary for happy and safe children. We ensure that each child is aware of our expectations. The staff at CCP uses a Positive Discipline approach for student discipline.

The focus of this program is to teach children to be confident, responsible members of society by developing good communication and problem

solving skills. Through this approach, CCP students will learn the social skills necessary for success in the world in which they live. In addition to learning social skills, students will also strengthen their academic and language skills, attentiveness, critical-thinking skills, decision-making skills, and problem solving skills. Using the Positive Discipline approach creates a whole new school environment where discipline is positive, where students are included in problem solving with parents and teachers, where teachers help each other brainstorm options for dealing with difficulties, and where encouragement is the foundation. Your help and support with this program will create a safe, orderly, and pleasant school environment for all students. Each class determines its own rules for behavior inside the classroom. Once those rules have been set, every classroom follows the same basic set of rewards and consequences. These include:


Verbal positive praise

Positive notes sticker rewards/stamps/notes

(I made a good choice today, good listener, etc.)

Positive phone calls

Positive self-image


1. Warning

a. Reflection time

b. Personal Improvement Plan

2. Thinking Chair (time away from the others to think about ways to improve

his/her behavior)

3. Telephone call or note home to parent or guardian

4. Director’s office

a. parent will be called and/or student will be sent home

b. behavior contract

c. parent meeting


● Room Mothers/Fathers: Please feel free to be a part of your child’s experience at CCP. We will provide the names and contact information of the room mothers/fathers shortly after Open House for your reference.

● Volunteer: Let your child’s teacher know how you want to help out.

● Substitute: Call the office and let us know if you are willing to serve on our substitute list.

● Silent Auction/Art Show: If you would like to help organize and plan for our Silent Auction/Art Show for the school, please let the office know.

● You will be able to sign up for any of the above opportunities at your meet-n-greet in August, at our annual Open House or through the Preschool Office.

● Email will be our primary way of communication. Therefore, please be sure we have your correct email address on file.

● You will receive frequent “CCP Connections” in your email inbox from the director. She will keep you informed of things going on at CCP, community events, Christ Covenant Church events/opportunities, and child-rearing information.


● Individual pictures in black and white are scheduled to be taken in September or early October by Amy K’s Photography and will be available for purchase. You may sign up for siblings to take pictures together at the meet-n-greet in August.

● Class pictures will be taken in the spring by Amy K and all students will receive an 8x10 print. The cost for the group picture is included in your beginning of the year supply fee.

● Photos may be taken by teachers for display in the school or church or for our CCP website, Facebook page, or Instagram.

● An Internet Waiver will be provided to you at your meet-n-greet. If you do NOT want your child’s picture posted, indicate that on the waiver. We will only post pictures, no names, of children.


● Birthdays may be celebrated at school. Please discuss this with your child’s teacher in advance so that two refreshments will not be served on the same day.

● Children with summer birthdays may celebrate an “unbirthday” or a “half birthday” any time you choose.

● Invitations may be handed out at school if the entire class OR all boys/all girls are invited.


● Dress your child in appropriate clothes for school that can be easily washed.

● Please label all items of outerwear that come to school with your child.


● Teachers will follow an emergency plan in the event of an emergency. Parents will be notified via email or phone to pick up their children at a designated location on school grounds.

● Fire drills will be held periodically and escape routes are posted near classrooms

● The school will observe most public school holidays and school closures due to bad weather. You will be notified via email in the event of a school closure.

● School closures will also be posted on our website once the decision is made to cancel school.

● All visitors must report to the office and sign-in prior to entering the classroom. Visitors are required to show proof of Identification.


● See attached calendar and our website calendar for school holidays.

● We consolidate information from surrounding and feeder schools (St. Aloysius, the Lab School, and the general EBR calendar) concerning holidays since we have many siblings attending those particular schools.

● Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held at the end of January for 4PK and TK students. 4PK and TK children will not attend on these days. Please make arrangements for your child so that you can meet with your child’s teacher.


● Occasionally a field trip opportunity presents itself. A permission slip signed by a parent or guardian allowing their child to take part in the activity will be required. It will be due NO LATER than the DAY BEFORE the activity.

● Parents shall be responsible for their own child’s transportation to and from the destination. Teachers will meet the children at the designated location and will stay until all children have been picked up.

● Several chaperones from each class will be needed. No siblings please. Volunteers who stay to help must make provisions for their younger or older children.

● Parties away from school, such as Easter and end-of-the-year parties are considered field trips and fall under the field trip policy.


Christ Covenant Preschool admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally afforded or made available to students at the school.




Two Year Old Staff (T/W/Th)

Kelli Bankston C Aide

Amy Black EC

Toni Deranger EC

Laura Griffin C

Sarah Pittman EC

Three Year Old Staff (M-TH)

Melissa Burns EC

Niel Cheong EC

Laurie Ginn EC Aide

Gerry McArthur EC

Michelle Palmisano EC Aide

Elise Williams C

Four Year Old Pre-K Staff (M-F)

Nancy Cuccio EC

Elaine Dupuy EC

Chelsea Fourrier C Aide

Transitional Kindergarten (M-F)

Dotty Loar EC

Kindergarten (M-F)

Paige Gendron EC

Other Staff

Ann McDuff Administrative Asst.

Christine Shipley Director

Terry Spiller Music Teacher


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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