
-485775-83883500-571500180340Welcome BackWe welcome back to a new year and decade, we hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and we wish you a happy new year. We have some very exciting activities planned with brand new topics based on fairy tales over the next 6 weeks, It promises to be a very busy term and the first of 2020, and as always, if you have any resources which will enhance and support our topics, we would love to have them. 00Welcome BackWe welcome back to a new year and decade, we hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and we wish you a happy new year. We have some very exciting activities planned with brand new topics based on fairy tales over the next 6 weeks, It promises to be a very busy term and the first of 2020, and as always, if you have any resources which will enhance and support our topics, we would love to have them. 2219324257175Meet our Preschool TeamPreschool Leader: Sam ScottKeyworkers: Katie, Kelly, MichellePlay Assistant: AnitaWe all wish you a Happy New Year ahead.00Meet our Preschool TeamPreschool Leader: Sam ScottKeyworkers: Katie, Kelly, MichellePlay Assistant: AnitaWe all wish you a Happy New Year ahead.-561975238760SafeguardingSafeguarding is very important to everyone at Lovat Hall Pre-School. We review our policies annually and keep up-to-date with new legislation and requirements. Policies are always available to view in the corridor located in the polices folder. OUR SAFEGUARDING OFFICERS AT Lovat Hall Pre-School: Samantha Scott (Leader) on 07950 791952 or Michelle Brett (Senior Keyworker) on 07950 791952and Suzanne Price (Our off site designated officer who is a member of the committee management team) on 07950 791952 or email is very important to everyone at Lovat Hall Pre-School. We review our policies annually and keep up-to-date with new legislation and requirements. Policies are always available to view in the corridor located in the polices folder. OUR SAFEGUARDING OFFICERS AT Lovat Hall Pre-School: Samantha Scott (Leader) on 07950 791952 or Michelle Brett (Senior Keyworker) on 07950 791952and Suzanne Price (Our off site designated officer who is a member of the committee management team) on 07950 791952 or email 371475238760IMPORTANT - MedicationIf your child has prescribed medication, could we ask that you please ensure we have a permission letter signed and dated, with details of the dosage and times to be given. The medicine should be in a labelled bottle or box with child’s name.Also, a reminder that it is important that at least TWO EpiPen’s are given to a member of staff to be kept in a safe place, whenever a child is attending Preschool, and NOT left in their bag in the corridor. Also, Inhalers also need to be given into staff and not left in bags in the corridor.00IMPORTANT - MedicationIf your child has prescribed medication, could we ask that you please ensure we have a permission letter signed and dated, with details of the dosage and times to be given. The medicine should be in a labelled bottle or box with child’s name.Also, a reminder that it is important that at least TWO EpiPen’s are given to a member of staff to be kept in a safe place, whenever a child is attending Preschool, and NOT left in their bag in the corridor. Also, Inhalers also need to be given into staff and not left in bags in the corridor.-495300-76263500-390525-88646000-600075247015Term Dates:Autumn Term – Re-open @ 9.20am- Monday 6th Jan 2020 9.20am Close @ 2.50pm Fri 14th Feb 2020 Spring Half Term Holiday- Close @ 2.50pm - Friday 14th Feb 2020Open @ 9.20am - Monday 24th Feb 2020 DATES IN THE DIARY00Term Dates:Autumn Term – Re-open @ 9.20am- Monday 6th Jan 2020 9.20am Close @ 2.50pm Fri 14th Feb 2020 Spring Half Term Holiday- Close @ 2.50pm - Friday 14th Feb 2020Open @ 9.20am - Monday 24th Feb 2020 DATES IN THE DIARY2762250285116Activities this half termDuring this half of the term we shall be doing. w/c 1 6th Jan - Cinderellaw/c 2 13th Jan - Goldilocksw/c 3 20th Jan – Enormous Turnipw/c 4 27th Jan – Jack & The Beanstalkw/c 5 3rd Feb – Princess and The Peaw/c 6 10th Feb – Red Riding Hood/ValentinesIf you can help support these topics and would like to come in for show and tell/ bring in Your family pet, a variety of resources & photographs, please speak to a member of staff.00Activities this half termDuring this half of the term we shall be doing. w/c 1 6th Jan - Cinderellaw/c 2 13th Jan - Goldilocksw/c 3 20th Jan – Enormous Turnipw/c 4 27th Jan – Jack & The Beanstalkw/c 5 3rd Feb – Princess and The Peaw/c 6 10th Feb – Red Riding Hood/ValentinesIf you can help support these topics and would like to come in for show and tell/ bring in Your family pet, a variety of resources & photographs, please speak to a member of staff.-590550191136Open Door PolicyWe are always happy for parents to stay with their children if they feel it would be beneficial, but if you need to discuss your child’s settling in with us at any time please feel free to approach any member of staff and we will do our best to help. Our newest children are settling in but the transition can be made so much easier for your child simply by making drop off a positive time for them. We all know what an anxious time it can be but try asking lots of questions “Can you do me a picture today?”“Do you think the bikes will be out?”“What do you like for snack?”Will all help to distract your child, as will statements such as “When Mummy picks you up, we can….” So, they have something positive to focus on.00Open Door PolicyWe are always happy for parents to stay with their children if they feel it would be beneficial, but if you need to discuss your child’s settling in with us at any time please feel free to approach any member of staff and we will do our best to help. Our newest children are settling in but the transition can be made so much easier for your child simply by making drop off a positive time for them. We all know what an anxious time it can be but try asking lots of questions “Can you do me a picture today?”“Do you think the bikes will be out?”“What do you like for snack?”Will all help to distract your child, as will statements such as “When Mummy picks you up, we can….” So, they have something positive to focus on.-571500182881REPORTING ABSENCE AT PRESCHOOLIf your child is unable to attend Pre-School due to illness, medical appointments or holidays. You MUST inform the Pre-School leader or a member of staff via phone, email or in person. CONTACT DETAILS FOR Lovat Hall PRE-SCHOOL: 07950 791952 &*PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE*00REPORTING ABSENCE AT PRESCHOOLIf your child is unable to attend Pre-School due to illness, medical appointments or holidays. You MUST inform the Pre-School leader or a member of staff via phone, email or in person. CONTACT DETAILS FOR Lovat Hall PRE-SCHOOL: 07950 791952 &*PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE*530542574383900-535940-762000-552450180340Can you help us at Pre-SchoolPlease help us to continue to provide the care and education your child deserves by supporting our high adult to child ratios at Lovat Hall Pre-School. By giving us just one hour of your time to help with the washing up, snack preparation, art activities or just playing with the children, you can free up a member of staff to HELP your child develop further. Please let a member of staff know.00Can you help us at Pre-SchoolPlease help us to continue to provide the care and education your child deserves by supporting our high adult to child ratios at Lovat Hall Pre-School. By giving us just one hour of your time to help with the washing up, snack preparation, art activities or just playing with the children, you can free up a member of staff to HELP your child develop further. Please let a member of staff know.2705100180341UP & COMING EVENTSAll Parents who have leavers at preschool this July, must have submitted their school places application no later than 15th January 2020 with the Milton Keynes Council00UP & COMING EVENTSAll Parents who have leavers at preschool this July, must have submitted their school places application no later than 15th January 2020 with the Milton Keynes Council-581025210184Resources: PLEASE CAN YOU HELP?If you have any items we could borrow or you would like to donate, related to the topics that we have planned this term, such as costumes or unwanted fancy dress, audio story books, small world play, binoculars, magnifying glasses, art materials such as unwanted paper, egg boxes, toilet and kitchen rolls, small boxes this would be fantastic, and please feel free to bring in any items for show and tell. Please ask a member of staff if you are unsure, we are always wanting to provide every opportunity for all our children in supporting their learning and by making donations or any unwanted items helps us to keep our costs down.00Resources: PLEASE CAN YOU HELP?If you have any items we could borrow or you would like to donate, related to the topics that we have planned this term, such as costumes or unwanted fancy dress, audio story books, small world play, binoculars, magnifying glasses, art materials such as unwanted paper, egg boxes, toilet and kitchen rolls, small boxes this would be fantastic, and please feel free to bring in any items for show and tell. Please ask a member of staff if you are unsure, we are always wanting to provide every opportunity for all our children in supporting their learning and by making donations or any unwanted items helps us to keep our costs down.2657475182245REMINDER: COLD SEASON Please ensure your child has a scarf, hat and gloves and you leave these on their peg. Please put your child’s wellies on the floor, under their peg, to make it easier to access independently. By leaving their items under their peg, we are encouraging them to be independent. This also means the staff are not spending lengthy periods searching through everyone’s bags looking for all their outdoor clothing, when they could be helping your child to go outside. Can we also please remind everyone to name their child’s belongings (coat/shoes/uniform) – children often have the same or similar items and unless they are named it is difficult to ensure that the children have the correct items. Thank you00REMINDER: COLD SEASON Please ensure your child has a scarf, hat and gloves and you leave these on their peg. Please put your child’s wellies on the floor, under their peg, to make it easier to access independently. By leaving their items under their peg, we are encouraging them to be independent. This also means the staff are not spending lengthy periods searching through everyone’s bags looking for all their outdoor clothing, when they could be helping your child to go outside. Can we also please remind everyone to name their child’s belongings (coat/shoes/uniform) – children often have the same or similar items and unless they are named it is difficult to ensure that the children have the correct items. Thank you5400675782891500292417518415Other Committee NewsThe Trustees met one a term, and the safeguarding subgroup also. We have been working hard in particular focussing on our action plans which address the improvements required following our Ofsted inspection. We have also been undertaking a series of audits to ensure we are meeting best practice in all areas of our work. In addition we have specifically been working on: Individual planning for children Restructure and upskilling of the trusteesReviewing our compliance with the EYFS statutory frameworkDevelopment of new outdoor spaceEnsuring preschool is GDPR compliant.Re-designing and updating the preschool’s webpage.Looking for new trustee membersChristmas Fundraising Many of our trustees have stepped down since the AGM. We really need new members to come forwards and join us now to help us keep up the momentum of all the work being done. Please talk to any staff or trustees for more information or if you would like a committee welcome pack.00Other Committee NewsThe Trustees met one a term, and the safeguarding subgroup also. We have been working hard in particular focussing on our action plans which address the improvements required following our Ofsted inspection. We have also been undertaking a series of audits to ensure we are meeting best practice in all areas of our work. In addition we have specifically been working on: Individual planning for children Restructure and upskilling of the trusteesReviewing our compliance with the EYFS statutory frameworkDevelopment of new outdoor spaceEnsuring preschool is GDPR compliant.Re-designing and updating the preschool’s webpage.Looking for new trustee membersChristmas Fundraising Many of our trustees have stepped down since the AGM. We really need new members to come forwards and join us now to help us keep up the momentum of all the work being done. Please talk to any staff or trustees for more information or if you would like a committee welcome pack.-381000-635Committee NewsThank you to everyone that supported the preschool. Our Fundraising Events over last term Christmas LightsGreen Park Christmas FayreChristmas Play and Grand Prize DrawTogether raised approximately ?1000 for the our wonderful preschool.Outdoor garden project (attached to preschool room) is well underway, details to follow00Committee NewsThank you to everyone that supported the preschool. Our Fundraising Events over last term Christmas LightsGreen Park Christmas FayreChristmas Play and Grand Prize DrawTogether raised approximately ?1000 for the our wonderful preschool.Outdoor garden project (attached to preschool room) is well underway, details to follow-333375315595PRESCHOOL LIBRARYWe have a children’s library at preschool, if your child would like to take a book home, please see Katie our Preschool Librarian.We also have a Library available for our parents too on many different topics in the world of parenting, these books can also be borrowed and are displayed in our book stand in our entrance area.00PRESCHOOL LIBRARYWe have a children’s library at preschool, if your child would like to take a book home, please see Katie our Preschool Librarian.We also have a Library available for our parents too on many different topics in the world of parenting, these books can also be borrowed and are displayed in our book stand in our entrance area.5124450731139000-342900478790If you do have any questions, worries, concerns or ideas you would like to share with us please feel free to pop and see me or any of the team.Sam, Michelle, Kelly, Katie & Anita00If you do have any questions, worries, concerns or ideas you would like to share with us please feel free to pop and see me or any of the team.Sam, Michelle, Kelly, Katie & Anita ................

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