
– GRAMMAR - Lesson TopicsAP SUMMER WORK = do activities highlighted in yellow – plus any that you feel you need practice on. Show All ?|? Collapse AllUnit One Gender of Nouns IGender of Nouns IINumbers: 1-10Plural Forms of NounsDef. & Indef. ArticlesThe Verb Form "hay"Subject PronounsReg. Verbs IReg. Verbs IIReg. Verbs IIIAdjectives IAdjectives IIDays of the WeekNumbers: 11-30Unit Two Ser and Estar ISer and Estar IISer and Estar IIISer and Estar IVNegationQuestionsPoss. AdjectivesTener, venirTener que / Hay queExp. with "Tener"Weather ExpressionsThe Personal "a"ContractionsUnit Three Stem-Changing Verbs: o:ueStem-Changing Verbs: e:ieStem-changing verbs: e:iEstar, Ir, Dar"Ir a" + infinitiveAcabar deVolver aOrdinal NumbersMonths, Seasons, and DatesComparisons of InequalityComparisons of EqualitySuperlatives HYPERLINK "" Unit Four HYPERLINK "" Pronouns as Objects of PrepositionsDir. Object Pronouns IDir. Object Pronouns IIDir. Object Pronouns IIIInd. Object Pronouns IInd. Object Pronouns IIInd. Object Pronouns IIIDO and IO Pronouns TogetherVerbs Like GustarPresent ProgressiveVerbs with Irregular 1st PersonsUnit Five Saber vs Conocer / Pedir vs PreguntarNumbers: 31-1000Telling TimePor and ParaIrreg. ComparativesDemonstrativesTime Expressions With HacerPossessive PronounsReflexive Verbs IReflexive Verbs IIDefinite Article IIUnit Six Pret. vs Imp. IPreterite IImperfect IPreterite IIImperfect IIPret. vs Imp. IIPreterite IIIImperfect IIIPreterite IVPreterite VPreterite VIPret. vs Imp. IIIPret. vs Imp. ReviewUnit Seven "Hace ..." to mean "ago"Formation of AdverbsSubjunctive I: IntroductionSubjunctive II: Conjugating regular and stem-changing verbsSubjunctive III: Verbs that change orthographicallySubjunctive IV: Irregular verbsSubjunctive V: DesireSubjunctive VI: Ignorance, doubtSubjunctive VII: Impersonal ExpressionsSubjunctive VIII: Actions not yet completedUnit Eight Rel. Pronouns - queRel. Pronouns - quienRel. Pronouns - el que and lo queRel. Adjective - cuyoRel. Pronouns and Adjectives - ReviewFormal CommandsInform. Commands - túIrreg. Commands - túUsing Object Pronouns with CommandsCommands Review IInformal Commands - vosotros1st Person Commands - nosotrosIndirect CommandsCommands Review IIUnit Nine FuturePast ParticiplePresent PerfectPast PerfectFuture PerfectConditional ................

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