Espanol 4

Español 4—Hood River Valley High School



La ciudad de Toledo, España

Course Description

At the end of this course, students should be at Proficiency Stage 4 (Intermediate –Low). Students at Stage 4 can identify main ideas and some supporting information on familiar topics. Students communicate using rehearsed and original sentences and questions, to exchange ideas and to obtain and provide information. This includes participating in simple conversations and getting some needs met in the target culture. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in local and global communities. This course is aligned with our school’s Mission Statement, which is to educate and support every student, every day, for success now and in the future.

Profe Mudry

541-386-4500 ext. 4618

What Students Will Learn

Repaso: Talk about yourself, your family, your summer, your childhood; continents, Spanish-speaking countries and nationalities.

Grammar: present, preterite, imperfect tenses; adjectives of nationality

Vocabulary: descriptive adjectives, daily activities, continents, countries, nationalities

Relaciones con la familia y con los amigos (Lección 3): How you get along with family

and friends.

Grammar: formal commands, present subjunctive with verbs of will and influence

Vocabulary: verbs like: recomendar, sugerir, aconsejar, querer, rogar, mandar, insistir

La Naturaleza (Lección 4)

Grammar: present subjunctive with verbs of emotion, doubt, disbelief, denial and


Vocabulary: features of nature, contamination, conservation, recycling, expressing emotion and opinion regarding environmental issues

En La Ciudad (Lección 5)

Grammar: Familiar and formal commands, nosotros commands, past participles used as adjectives

Vocabulary: places/businesses in the city, errands, shopping, banking, post office

El Bienestar (Lección 6)

Grammar: Present perfect, past perfect, present perfect subjunctive

Vocabulary: Health, well-being, nutrition, physical exercise

El Mundo del Trabajo (Lección 7)

Grammar: future, future perfect

Vocabulary: professions, the work place, job interview

World Languages Proficiency-based Grading Policy 2012-13

Hood River Valley High School

In order to maximize student performance in second language, the World Languages Department at Hood River Valley High School has implemented a program of testing in which the student is to demonstrate proficiency of the Second Language Standards in order to be awarded credit for the course. These standards are aligned with national and state standards and are available for viewing here.

The semester grade is categorized as follows:


Speaking Assessments - 50% of grade

Students will be given an Oral Achievement Test (OAT) several times during each term. These will assess the students’ ability to understand and respond effectively and appropriately in real-life situations reflecting communication in which students engage in direct oral communication with others. These are “two-way” communication activities. Preparation will include tasks such as conversing face-to-face, describing picture situations, giving personal opinions, and asking and answering questions. OATs are re-doable during the current semester until proficiency level is met.

Written Assessments- 30% of grade

Students will be given a Written Achievement Test (WAT) several times during each term. These will assess the students’ ability to present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of readers. Examples of this “one-to-many” mode of communication include posting to a blog, writing a short article for a newspaper, or writing letters to specified people/groups. WATs are re-doable during the current semester until proficiency level is met.

Reading, Listening, Viewing Assessments - 10% of grade

Students will be given several opportunities throughout each term to demonstrate understanding of spoken and written communication within appropriate cultural contexts. Examples of this kind of “one-way” reading or listening include interpretations of printed texts, videos, online texts, movies, radio and television broadcasts, and speeches. These activities are not re-doable.

Other Course Work - 10% of grade

All work done outside of the other categories will count as 10% of student’s grade. This will include occasional homework assignments, practice worksheets, in-class practice, small vocabulary and verb quizzes, listening practice, video questions, partner work, in-class oral presentations, etc..

Homework Policy

Homework will either be discussed/corrected in class and turned in for evaluation or completed and submitted online through the Supersite. .

Students are expected to complete homework and class work on time. All work must be legible and include name, date, and assignment title/page. Late homework can be turned in for ½ credit until the end of the current quarter. If the end of the quarter is also the end of the semester, late homework will only be accepted up until two weeks before the end of the semester.

It is expected that the student will practice daily, reviewing vocabulary and grammar from the current unit as well as from past units. Studying activities may include:

• Practicing the vocabulary via Quizlet

• Making practice flashcards

• Reciting vocabulary aloud

• Self-quizzes

• Reviewing hand-outs, notes

• Listening to Spanish on the radio (Radio Tierra 95.1), TV, movies, internet, BBC Mundo,

• On-line games, activities, and websites


Quizzes (Other Coursework category) will be given often throughout a unit. They are not re-doable, but ½ of the points missed on any quiz may be made up by coming in for a documented tutoring session with either the teacher or pre-approved tutor.

Absences and Interventions

If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed (go to my teacher page at HRVHS website) and make up any required tasks/assignments. Quizzes, proficiency assessments and some assignments will require coming in outside of class time. Intervention times will be offered and posted for students to make-up work and/or get extra help. All assignments, quizzes, and assessments can be made-up for full credit in the case of absence.

Note: All make-up work/quizzes/assessments must be completed and turned in two weeks before the end of the current semester.

Textbook and Required Materials

Descubre 2 is the text for this course. Textbooks are used by students in class and handouts of essential information are provided to students for home use. Each student will have access to the Supersite website where they will be able to complete practice activities. Students are responsible for creating and maintaining their account. Students with previous access codes will continue to use the same account.

Please bring the following supplies to class daily:

• A spiral notebook specifically for this class

• A section in a 3-ring binder or some sort of organizer to hold handouts, etc.

• Hand-outs and materials provided to you throughout the year

• Pencils and pens

• Spanish-English dictionary (I do not have dictionaries in class for student use)

Items to bring for general classroom use:

• 2 glue sticks

Classroom Behavioral Expectations

Respect, Responsibility, Regard for Others

1. Don’t do anything that impedes my teaching or others’ learning.

2. Arrive on time, ready to learn.

3 tardies = warning; 4 tardies = classroom community service; 5 = referral

3. Turn off your cell phone and other tech items. Do not use them in class.

*1st offense—tech item is taken away and must be picked up in the main

office at the end of the day (4th and 8th period must do classroom

community service instead)

*2nd offense—parent must pick up item in main office

*3rd offense—referral and parent must pick up item in main office

4. Food/drinks must be consumed outside of the classroom before the bell rings.

5. Keep your desk and our classroom clean. Violators will do classroom

community service.

6. Treat your profe and your classmates as you would like to be treated.

Look out for each other! We are a TEAM!

Unexcused Absence = Referral

Hall Passes = 3 per semester. You must ASK to leave and then SIGN OUT. Please ask to leave only during partner or group work. You will have 5 minutes. Do not abuse this privilege or you will lose it.


(A copy of this sign-off form was given to your student in class to take home for parent/guardian signature. Please have your student bring the signed form back to the next class. Thank you.)This syllabus is available for viewing on-line on Mrs. Mudry’s Teacher Page on the HRVHS website. Paper copies are also available from Mrs. Mudry.

I, (print student’s name) _________________________________ have read and

understood the Spanish 4 Syllabus. I will do my best to meet the academic and behavioral expectations.

Student signature: ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name (print): ________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature: ___________________________________________

Phone (h): _______________________________ (w) _______________________

Parent/Guardian Email (please print clearly): _____________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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