Hoy es lunes, el 14 de septiembre

- Tarea para hoy: No había tarea para hoy (

- Tarea para miércoles: No hay tarea para miércoles (

Daily Objective: (1) Review & master how to conjugate the regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs in the present indicative tense


1) Warm-up: Present Tense; Fill-in-the-blank

2) Quick Review of Notes from last week: Present Tense Verb Conjugations

3) Finish Conjugation Quiz from last class

4) Conjugation BINGO

5) Pair Practice: Exercises 4, 6, & 8 on pgs. 50-52

6) Discuss Hispanic Heritage Month Project

Key concepts/vocabulary: The Present Indicative


1) Warm-up – Fill-in-the-blank: Warm-ups should be written on same sheet of paper throughout the week, will be collected at the end of the week: For today’s warm-up, fill-in-the-blank with the correct present tense conjugation form of the verb provided in parenthesis. You DO NOT need to write out the entire sentence; only the verb conjugation.

Por ejemplo: Nosotros [pic] en Zaragoza. (vivir) ( vivimos

Por ejemplo: Ustedes [pic] más tiempo. (necesitar) ( necesitan

1. Nosotros [pic] los periódicos. (comprar)

2. Ellas [pic] muy bien. (bailar) 

3. Este hombre [pic] verduras. (vender)

4. Muchos extranjeros [pic] español. (aprender) 

5. Los empleados [pic] información acerca de la compañía. (recibir)

6. Nosotros [pic] todas las noches. (salir)

2) Quick Review of Notes from last week: Present Tense Verb Conjugations: Review PPT presentations below for a review of how to conjugate regular -ar, -er, and –ir verbs in the present tense




3) Finish Conjugation Quiz from last class: On a separate sheet of paper, due at the end of class, fill in the blanks with the correct present tense conjugation of the verb in parenthesis. You do not need to write out the complete sentence, just the subject pronoun (yo, tu, el/ella, nosotros, ellos, ellas, ustedes) and the verb conjugation

|1.  |Nosotras (mandar)_________ el libro por correo. |

| | |

|2.  |Tú (sufrir)_________ de los nervios. |

| | |

|3.  |La profesora y yo (sufrir)_________ de muchos dolores. |

| | |

|4.  |Amanda y yo (trabajar)_________ en el hospital. |

| | |

|5.  |Las profesoras (romper)_________ el juguete. |

| | |

|6.  |Ustedes (llevar)_________ los perros al parque. |

| | |

|7.  |María (comer)_________ en el comedor. |

| | |

|8.  |Tú (mandar)_________ muchos recuerdos. |

| | |

|9.  |Rosa (entrar)_________ el edificio. |

| | |

|10.  |Ustedes (vivir)_________ en California. |

| | |

|11.  |Yo (desear)_________ que la guerra termine. |

| | |

|12.  |María y Juan (firmar)_________ la petición. |

| | |

|13.  |La señora Peña (preparar)_________ una buena cena. |

| | |

|14.  |Tú (preparar)_________ una buena cena. |

| | |

|15.  |María (buscar)_________ a Rosita todo el día. |

| | |

|16.  |Tú (conversar)_________ poco. |

| | |

|17.  |Yo (discutir)_________ de política. |

| | |

|18.  |Tú (andar)_________ cada día. |

| | |

|19.  |El hombre (preparar)_________ muchísima comida. |

| | |

|20.  |Ustedes (bailar)_________ muy bien. |

| |Conjugation BINGO: In partners, use an A4-sized paper to create a BINGO card w/ 25 squares (5x5). Atop the card, replace the |

| |letters B-I-N-G-O with the five persons & subject pronouns in Spanish: |

| | |

| |B = Yo |

| |I – Tu |

| |N = El/Ella/Usted |

| |G = Nosotr@s |

| |O = Ell@s/Ustedes |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

Then, as a class, we will choose four verbs to conjugate and place in their appropriate box, in addition to the verb ‘ir’, which is the first verb that we will use:


1. Ir





4) Pair Practice: Exercises 4, 6, & 8 on pgs. 50-52: To be completed with a partner and done on a separate sheet of paper, to be submitted at the end of class

Exercise 4 - Fill-in-the-blank with the correct present tense conjugation form of the appropriate verb provided in parenthesis. You DO NOT need to write out the entire sentence; only the verb conjugation.

Exercise 6 – Follow the examples provided for parts A & B and identify people you know who participate in the activities provided for #’s 1-6.

1. el ajedrez

2. el equipo de natación

3. el coro

4. el equipo de hockey

5. el club de boliche

6. la banda

Exercise 8 – Write three phrases to describe what yo do after school, conjugating all three verbs in the ‘yo’ form.

Then, interview three students and ask them what they do after school, and write their responses in the third person singular (el/ella).

Lastly, identify two people that participate in the same after school activities/hobbies as you and write out your sentences in the first person plural.

5) Discuss Hispanic Heritage Month Project

- Tarea para miércoles: No hay tarea para miércoles (


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