SUBJECT: PRESIDENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July, 1992 REVISED: January, 1999, November 1999, August 2003, July 2012, August 2014 REVIEWED: November, 2001, March 2008, September 20091.The President will be the Chief Executive officer of the Association and will, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, supervise and administer the affairs of the Association.2.Shall preside at meetings of members and the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for executing of policies determined by the Board of Directors, and shall act as spokesperson for the Association.3.The President shall represent the Association at meetings of other organizations or designate an alternate to serve in his/her absence.4.The President shall in consultation with the President Elect, nominate members to be appointed and approved by the Board of Directors for all committees not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws. The President will appoint committee chairs with approval of the Board of Directors.5.The incoming President will finalize selections of committee chairpersons by November Board of Directors meeting. The President shall be the ex-officio member of all committees except nominating committee.6.The President may terminate any committee chairperson who is ineffective with approval of Board of Directors.7.The President prepares and submits agenda items to be presented for discussion at board meetings. The board meeting agenda is completed in conjunction with the President-elect, with supporting documents to be sent to Board members at least two weeks prior to meeting.8.Requests Committee Action Plans and Budget Proposals from Chairpersons by January 15th.9.Prepares a Presidential message for each issue of “Here’s the Score”. Goals for forthcoming year should be published in the first issue.10.Maintains ongoing file of correspondence regarding activities and communication of the affairs of the Association; this file should be forwarded to incoming President.11.The President shall coordinate officer and committee chair handbooks to be issued at the first Board meeting.12.Maintains close communication with the President-Elect to assure smooth transition of office.13.Prepares a report outlining goals achieved; this should be presented at annual state seminar.14.Acquires and presents outgoing Board of Directors gifts and CPAN/CAPA recognition at annual state seminar.15.Receives and disseminates all ASPAN correspondence. Forwards membership roster from ASPAN to the secretary, treasurer, and District Representatives.16.The President shall serve a one-year term from time of induction into office. SUBJECT: VICE PRESIDENT/PRESIDENT ELECT RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July, 1992 REVISED: July 1998, April 2004, August 2014 REVIEWED: November 2001, August 2003, March 2008, September 2009, July 20121.Assist the President in completing the Board meeting agenda.2.Functions as parliamentarian and serves as Chairperson of Bylaws Committee (See Section III-3) and Chairperson of Nominating Committee (See Section III-7).3.The goals and strategic plan are reviewed with President for accomplishments and planning for upcoming year.4.In collaboration with current President, prepares to assume the duties of President for coming year.5.Acquires outgoing Presidential gift and presents at annual state seminar.6.Shall perform other duties as the Board of Directors or the President may delegate.7.Maintains ongoing file of correspondence to be submitted to successor of office.8.The Vice President/President Elect shall serve a one-year term as Vice President and a full two-year term as President for a total of four years in office. SUBJECT: IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July, 1992 REVISED: July 1998, April 2004 REVIEWED: November 2001, March 2008, September 2009, July 2012, August 20141.Serves as consultant and resource person to the LAPAN Board of Directors; not an official member of LAPAN Board of Directors.2.Assumes duties as designated by the current President.3.Reports to President and LAPAN Board of Directors as necessary.4.Maintains ongoing file of correspondence to be forwarded to successor. SUBJECT: SECRETARY RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July, 1992 REVISED: January, 1999, August 2014 REVIEWED: November 2001, August 2003, March 2008, September 2009, July 20121.Attends and records minutes for all general membership and Board of Director Meetings of the association.a.An audio tape is made, when possible; the tape is maintained until approved of the minutes.b.Provides a copy of the minutes to Board members within 30 days after said meeting.c.Provides the minutes of the previous meeting to be read at all meetings.d.Shall have a copy of LAPAN Bylaws available at such meetings for reference.2.Maintains other records of the Association and updates accordingly:a.Articles of Incorporation and Seal of Associationb.Bylawsc.Membership roster classified according to category of membership and forwards to secretarial support designee, membership committee chairperson, and publication committee chairperson and District Representatives as received from ASPAN.d.Names and addresses of Board Members, Committee Chairpersons, and District Officerse.Official correspondent with ASPAN. Shall advise the National Headquarters Office with reasonable promptness of any change in Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the Association.f.Keeps CE certificates for 3 years. After 3 years, the certificates will be placed in the LAPAN storage facility. Transferring of CE certificates will take place at the November Board meeting.municates job responsibilities to secretarial support designee, and assures compliance.5.Assumes other responsibilities as directed by the President or Board of Directors.7.Maintains ongoing file of correspondence to facilitate communication regarding affairs of the Association, to be forwarded to successor.8.Serves as member of LAPAN Membership committee. SUBJECT: TREASURER RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July 1992 REVISED: January, 1999, July 2012, August 2014 REVIEWED: November 2001, August 2003, March 2008, September 20091.Shall receive, disburse, manage and account for funds, assets, and securities of the Association as directed by the Board of Directors.2.Monitors all expenditures, including Committee expenditures and initiates proper requests and action for approval of non-budgeted expenses or expenses which exceed approved budget limits.3.Prepares annual budget to be presented at the January Board meeting.4.Provides members, officers, and Board Members with financial reports at each Board Meeting and/or membership meeting.piles financial statistics relating to Annual Seminar (income/expenses), and reports to the Board of Directors and Seminar Committee. This financial analysis will be used in planning subsequent seminars.6.Institutes and follows through on all financial policies and procedures outlined in the Bylaws, approved by the Board, or as listed in the guidelines of the Policy and Procedure Manual.7.Shall be responsible for the following disbursements:a.Pays incorporation document renewal.b.Renews Bonding insurance (should be adjusted according to Treasury balance)c.Renews permits and pays any taxes as applicable.8.Serves as Chairperson of Finance Committee and as Advisor to Ways and Means Committee.9.Prepares and submits agenda items to be presented for discussion or action at LAPAN Board meetings.10.Receives current membership roster from LAPAN President and disseminates dues to districts within 14 days of receiving funds from ASPAN. 11.Maintains a file of correspondence and budget information to be forwarded to successor. 12. The treasurer shall reconcile the check register/bank account quarterly with a board member that does not have the ability to withdraw or deposit in the account. SUBJECT: ASPAN REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July, 1992 REVISED: July 1998 REVIEWED: November 2001, August 2003, March 2008, September 2009, July 2012, August 2014Purpose:To identify the role and responsibilities of the ASPAN Representatives. The duties of this individuals is not limited to those listed but only serves as a guide.1.The ASPAN Representatives shall be the President and the Vice President/President Elect.2.The Representatives serve as the liaison between LAPAN and ASPAN.3.Attends meetings of ASPAN’s Representatives Assembly, or assures the attendance of an alternate to represent LAPAN at the Representative Assembly meetings. In preparation for attending the Representative Assembly meetings, reads all agenda items and supporting correspondence in order the facilitate a plan to further discuss issues as well as vote on the issues being presented.4.Acts as a resource person for LAPAN members requesting information regarding ASPAN activities such as Certification, Standards of Care, Resource Library Materials, and Educational Opportunities at the national level.5.The Representatives share the responsibility for keeping LAPAN members advised of all changes in ASPAN policies and procedures as they occur.6.Reviews the personal and professional data of nominees for ASPAN elections as it is provided, reports data to the LAPAN Board of Directors and members; receives input regarding LAPAN’s choice for election. Votes as directed by the LAPAN Board of Directors at the annual ASPAN Representative Assembly.7.The above duties are shared by both representatives. The President shall have these additional duties:A)Presents a report of ASPAN activities and information at each meeting of the LAPAN Board of Directors and submits a report to “Here’s The Score” for publication in each issue.B)Assumes responsibility for sharing information received from ASPAN with the Vice President/President Elect as it pertains to the Representative Assembly. In the event that an Alternate is selected to attend the Representative Assembly, this information will be shared with the Alternate.8.The following duties will be assumed by the Vice President/President Elect:A)Promotes Society membership by displaying membership information at the LAPAN annual seminar. The Representative will also be available to answer questions regarding ASPAN and related activities. The ASPAN display should be obtained from National Headquarters in advance of the seminar date to assure its arrival in a timely manner.B)Notifies the ASPAN Secretary, in writing, by October 31st of each year, of any changes in the ASPAN Representatives. The resignation of a Representative is reported immediately. If an alternate to the Representative Assembly is designated, or a new Representative is appointed or elected, this information must be provided to the ASPAN Secretary immediately.C)Assumes responsibility for the participation of LAPAN at Component Night during the National Conference. Reserves space as requested and oversees all activities such as sales, entertainment and publicity.9.Shall have been an active association member for the previous two years and shall have had a minimum of 2 years of PeriAnesthesia practice experience.10.Maintains an ongoing file correspondence which includes an ASPAN file, to be forwarded to succeeding Representative.11.Must serve as member of LAPAN committee or as Chairperson of a committee during term of office. SUBJECT: DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July, 1992 REVISED: July 1998 REVIEWED: November 2001, August 2003, March 2008, September 2009, July 2012, August rms LAPAN Board of Directors about District activities.2.Shall attend(or alternate) 3/4 of board meetings to assure full voting privileges and to be considered in good standing. Should provide a full summation of district activities at each Board of Directors Meetings.3.Prepares and submits agenda items to be presented for discussion or action at Board of Directors meetings.4.Reviews and submits to Bylaws Committee Chairperson, amendments of District Bylaws.5.Reports changes in elected officers of the district to LAPAN Secretary along with the name and address of newly elected officers.6.Serves as liaison between LAPAN and District.a.Prepares a report of LAPAN activities quarterly, for a report to members. An annual report is prepared and submitted to Historical Chairperson by July 1.b.Promotes ASPAN membership at all District meetings and seminars by displaying membership information, as well as being available to answer questions pertaining to LAPAN/ASPAN.c.Responds promptly within stated guidelines to requests from LAPAN Officers or committees for information and/or reports.d.Serves as resource for membership to facilitate communication of LAPAN/ASPAN activities and changes in policy and procedures.7.Submits necessary information to "Here's the Score".a.Submits a written report of District activities to the Newsletter Editor quarterly.b.Submits educational articles to "Here's the Score" Editor as requested.c.Notifies "Here's the Score" Editor of date of any District seminars or educational offerings as soon as known.8.Will precept incoming district representative.9.Prepares and submits agenda items for discussion or action at LAPAN Board of Directors meetings.10.Serves as member of LAPAN committee or Chairperson of a committee while representing District.11.Maintains ongoing file of correspondence to be forwarded to successor. SUBJECT: COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: July, 1992 REVISED: July 1998, August 2003, July 2012 REVIEWED: November 2001, March 2008, September 2009, August 20141.Submits Action Plan to the President by December 15th following first Board meeting.2.Submits proposed budget to Treasurer by December 15th following first Board meeting.3.Provides President and "Here's the Score" Editor with quarterly reports.4.Provides committee members with the Action Plan, identifying goals and estimated date of goal attainment, and individual committee member responsibilities.anizes and directs general activities of all committee members. Provides guidance in obtaining goals as set by committee.6.Prepares and submits agenda items for Board meetings as appropriate.7.Assures that President and President Elect receive quarterly and all pertinent committee correspondence.8.Attends Board of Director meetings when requested by the President.9.Maintains an ongoing file of correspondence regarding committee activities and communication; this should be forwarded to successor.10.The committee Chairperson should serve a one year term. SUBJECT: SECRETARIAL SUPPORT RESPONSIBILITIES APPROVED: April 29, 1995 REVISED: July 1998, Feb 2000, August 2014 REVIEWED: November 2001, March 2008, September 2009, July 2012Purpose:To identify the role and responsibilities of the Secretarial Support person. The duties of this individual is not limited to those listed but only serves as a guide.1.Assist with preparation for the annual seminar:a.Print mailing labels, process, and mail annual seminar brochures as directed by Education Committee.b.Process registration information and forward to LAPAN Treasurer.c.Process and print registrant and speaker name tags.d.Type syllabus information.e.Provides Committee Responsibility posters and Committee Sign-up Sheets2.Attend LAPAN Board of Directors meeting at the President’s request.3.Assist Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons as requested. ................

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