
C-SPAN Presidential Historians Survey Rating Activity Political Science 122 Policy Making Mr. Moran NamePublic PersuasionCrisis LeadershipEconomic ManagementMoral AuthorityInternational RelationsAdministrative SkillsRelations with CongressVision/ AgendaSettingPursued Equal JusticePerformance within Context of Times123456789101112131415C-SPAN Presidential Historians Survey Rating Activity1. Read the provided criteria used by the 2. Go to the website click around and review the overall presidents’ ratings by historians3. Click Around and review the ratings (on the left side) of the individual leadership characteristics ratings by historians4. Go to and review and think about what you see.5. Go to and review and think about what you see.6. Go to or or and review and think about what you see.7. Then rate former President of the United States Barak Obama on the above individual leadership characteristics. Rate him on a1-10 scale 1=poor 10=excellent scale for each criteria ................

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