PRETERIT IMPERFECT - Spanishland School


PRETERIT Describe un evento que sucedi? en el pasado, una acci?n que comenz? y termino en el pasada y que sucedi? solo una vez. The preterit is used to describe punctual events.


1) An activity or state of limited duration Estuve enferma ayer, pero hoy me siento mejor. I was sick yesterday, but today I feel better.

IMPERFECT Describe una acci?n que sucedi? en el pasado pero que se repiti? varias veces durante un periodo de tiempo espec?fico. Is used to describe states and ongoing activities in the past. USOS:

1) Habitual or repeated action (I used to...) Visitaba a mis abuelos todos los Diciembres I used to visit my grandparents every December.

2) A single instantaneous event or action ?O?ste ese ruido? Did you hear that noise?

2) To talk about a future moment from the perspective of the past

Sab?amos que iba a ser una gran fiesta. We knew that it was going to be a great party.

3) A series of completed events (each one completed before the next begins)

Me levant? a las 8, despu?s me duch?, desayune y luego sal? para el trabajo. I got up at 8, after that took a shower, had breakfast and then left for work.

4) an action repeated a specific number of times

Me llam? cinco veces anoche. He /She called me five times last night.

5) A reaction showing a beginning/ end of a state or activity

Cuando vi a Juan y a Ana juntos, me puse feliz When I saw Juan and Ana together, I became happy.

3) To describe states of being or an ongoing activity

Le?a una revista cuando son? el tel?fono. I was reading a magazine when the telephone rang.

Some expressions of time:

-A menudo -Rara vez -Generalmente -Algunas veces -De vez en cuando -En aquella ?poca -Varias veces -Todos los a?os -Con frecuencia -Siempre

Often Rarely Usually At times Once in a while At that time Several times Every year Frequently Always

Some expressions of time:



-Una vez

One day/ Once


The day before yesterday


Last night

-La semana pasada Last week

-Hace 3 dias

Three days ago.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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