March 2019


Executive Summary and List of Recommendations


Chapter 1 Introduction



Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Professional Development of Teachers

Review and Consultation

Chapter 2 Professional Ladder for Teachers


Current State of Play in Teachers' Professional Development

Professional Ladder for Teachers in Other Regions

Views of Stakeholders

The Task Force's Deliberation and Recommendations

Chapter 3 All-graduate Teaching Force


Current State of Play

Views of Stakeholders

The Task Force's Deliberation and Recommendations

Chapter 4 Advancing Teachers' Career Prospects, Enhancing


School Management Ranking and Deployment


Current State of Play in Teachers' Career Progression and School Management Ranking Arrangements

Views of Stakeholders and the Task Force's Deliberation and Recommendations

I. Manpower Arrangement of Senior Teachers (a) Primary Schools (b) Secondary Schools (c) Senior Teacher Deployment Arrangement

II. Ranking Arrangement of Principals and Vice-principals (a) Salaries for School Heads and Deputy Heads in Primary Schools (b) Ranking of Principals in Secondary Schools (c) Ranking of Principals in Special Schools

III. Manpower of Vice-principals (a) Manpower of Vice-principals in Primary and Secondary Schools (b) Manpower Arrangement for Vice-principals in Special Schools

Chapter 5 Commendation on Outstanding Teachers


Current State of Play

Views of Stakeholders

The Task Force's Deliberation and Recommendations

Chapter 6 Conclusion


Appendix 1 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Task Force 76 on Professional Development of Teachers

Appendix 2 Summary of Preliminary Recommendations in the


Consultation Document of the Task Force

Executive Summary and List of Recommendations

The Government is committed to nurturing talents and enhancing the quality of education, and has invested substantially to implement various improvement and support measures. In 2017, the Chief Executive announced in her Policy Address that education experts would be invited to conduct reviews on eight key areas in education, including the professional development of teachers, so that the formulation of education policies would be led by professionals.

2. The Task Force on Professional Development of Teachers (the `Task Force') was set up in November 2017 to study feasible options for establishing a professional ladder for teachers; the ranking arrangement of school management in primary, secondary and special schools; and the timetable for an all-graduate teaching force. The Task Force considers that the establishment of a Professional Ladder for Teachers is the cornerstone of teachers' professional growth. The other two areas including the review of the ranking arrangements of school management and the timetable for an all-graduate teaching force, on the other hand, will be effective measures to support and promote the Professional Ladder. The Task Force has holistically considered these three areas in an integrated manner and formulated strategic and practicable recommendations from the perspective of overall effectiveness and benefits to the education sector.

3. The Task Force has examined the current state of play in the professional development of teachers in Hong Kong, and undertaken research and literature reviews to learn about the systems and practices in other regions. The Task Force has proactively reached out to, and interacted with the education sector to consult stakeholders' views extensively, so as to better understand the challenges faced by schools


and gauge feedback which has provided useful reference for the Task Force's reviews and formulation of recommendations.

4. After completing an extensive consultation in September 2018, the Task Force submitted to the Government, in the first instance, its recommendations on the timetable for full implementation of the all graduate teaching force policy. These have subsequently been accepted by the Government and the policy will be fully implemented in public sector secondary and primary schools as from 2019/20 school year. The 2018 Policy Address has also announced that, in tandem with the implementation of whole-day primary schooling and the all-graduate teaching force policy, there is a need to rationalize the salaries for the school heads and deputy heads and strengthen the middle management level in primary schools. The Task Force has thus accorded priority to the deliberation of the two issues, and in November 2018 submitted to the Government an Interim Report with its recommendations on these areas, so that early consideration and follow-up could be made.

5. After thorough studies, extensive consultation and careful and iterative deliberation, the Task Force has since completed all the reviews under its Terms of Reference and formulated an entire suite of recommendations for enhancement of teachers' professional development in Hong Kong. This is the full Report which has been prepared to set out in detail the Task Force's consideration and all of its recommendations. Set out below is the list of Recommendations.



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