



Competency Standard 1: To apply the concept of physics quantities and its measurement

|Basic Competency |Bloom’s Taxonomy|Material Learning |Learning Activity |Indicator |Bloom’s Taxonomy |Evaluation |Time Allocation |

|3.1 Analyzing the |C4 |The optical instrument|Identification of function and |Cognitive |Evaluation in affective and |10 x 45’ |Loo Kwook Way, Purwoko, Bob |

|optics instrument | |: |optics instrument part of eyes, |Analyzing of image formation for |cognitive domain using lab | |Foster, Marten K |

|qualitatively and | |The function and |eyes glasses, microscope, |magnifier, eyes glasses, |activities report, cognitive| |

|quantitatively | |optics instrument part|telescope, in a group. |microscope, and telescope. (C4) |domain using written test | |ssci/Phys/Class/BBoard.html#1dkin|

| | |sub as eyes, eyes |Draw the rays tray in the image |Describe the function in the optics|and quiz, and affective | |

| | |glasses, camera, |formation of optics instrument |instrument part of eyes, eyes |domain using observation. | |plets/applets |

| | |microscope and |(magnifier, eye glasses, |glasses, microscope, and telescope.| | |

| | |telescope. |microscope, telescope for eyes with|(C2) | | |view/Main/WebHome |

| | |The principle of image|maximum accommodation and without |To know the different between the | | |

| | |formation of optics |accommodation) |observation with maximum | | |tions/Physlets.aspx |

| | |instrument. |Analyzing the principle of image |accommodation and without | | |

| | | |formation and magnification on eyes|accommodation.(C2) | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | | |glasses, magnifier, microscope, |To determine the lens strength of | | |

| | | |telescope in classroom discussion. |eyes glasses for myopic and | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | | | |hyperopic eyes. (C2) | | |

| | | | |To calculate the magnification of | | |plets/applets.html |

| | | | |Magnifier, Microscope and | | |

| | | | |telescope. (C4) | | |plets/applets.html |

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| | | | |Afective | | |px?VideoID=2144 |

| | | | |Affective | | |

| | | | |Religious, Honesty, discipline, | | |/powerpoint/index.asp |

| | | | |coriouscity, hard work, and | | |Student work-sheet written test, |

| | | | |creative. | | |paper, home work laboratory |

| | | | | | | |activities report. |

| | | | | | | |Glasses, loupe, simple |

| | | | | | | |telescope, microscope, and LCD |

| | | | | | | |Projector |

|Basic Competency |Bloom’s Taxonomy|Material Learning |Learning Activity |Indicator |Evaluation |Time Allocation |Source & Equipment |

|4.1 Analyzing the |C4 |Heat phase changes and |Conducting experiment on the effect|Cognitive |Evaluating all domains |4 x 45’ |Loo Kwook Way, Purwoko, Bob |

|effect of heat on some| |heat expansion |of heat to materials (for example: |Analyzing the effect of heat to the|using written test. | |Foster, Marten K |

|materials. | | |ice or margarine is heated). While |temperature change of the object. | | |

| | | |observing the chance of temperature|(C4) | | |ssci/Phys/Class/BBoard.html#1dkin|

| | | |and its phase. |Analyzing the effect of the | | |

| | | |Applying heat equation Q = m . c . |temperature changed of the object | | |plets/applets |

| | | |∆t ( heat absorbed or released) |to the object size (heat expansion)| | |

| | | |Analyzing the effect of the |(C4) | | |view/Main/WebHome |

| | | |temperature and the size of object |Analyzing the effect of heat to the| | |

| | | |and it phase through problem |phase changed of the object. (C4) | | |tions/Physlets.aspx |

| | | |solving in classroom discussion. | | | |

| | | | |Psychomotor | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | | | |Using a thermometer to measure of | | |

| | | | |object temperature (P3) | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |Affective | | |plets/applets.html |

| | | | |Curiosity, hard work, and creative | | |

| | | | | | | |plets/applets.html |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |px?VideoID=2144 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |/powerpoint/index.asp |

| | | | | | | |Student work-sheet written test, |

| | | | | | | |paper, home work laboratory |

| | | | | | | |activities report. |

| | | | | | | |Heater (three pot heater), |

| | | | | | | |breaker glass, thermometer, |

| | | | | | | |margarine, ice cube, LCD |

| | | | | | | |Projector |

|Basic Competency |Bloom’s Taxonomy|Material Learning |Learning Activity |Indicator |Evaluation |Time Allocation |Source & Equipment |

|To formulate the |C2 |Electrics Measuring |To practice using measuring instrument|Cognitive |Performance evaluation |12 x 45’ |Loo Kwook Way, Purwoko, Bob |

|quantity of a simple | |instrument |voltmeter , ampere meter, and multi |To formulate electric current in |(behavior & practice), | |Foster, Marten K |

|electric loop | |How to use voltmeter, |meter in group |simple circuit (C2) |assignment and written | |

| | |and ampere meter | |To formulate resistance quantities|test | |ssci/Phys/Class/BBoard.html#1dkin|

| | |How to read |Measuring electric current , |in series connection (C2) | | |

| | |measurement of ampere |resistance and voltage in simple |To Formulate voltage quantities in|Individual and group | |ssci/Phys/Class/BBoard.html#1dkin|

| | |meter and voltmeter |circuit in group |simple circuit using Kirchhoff’s |assignment | |

| | | |To formulate and analyze ohm’s Laws, |Laws I and II (C2) | | |plets/applets |

| | |Ohm’s Laws and |voltage, resistance in, and | |Assessment of performance | |

| | |Kirchhoff’s Law |Kirchhoff’s Laws, in discussion class.|Identifying the application of |( and attitude of | |view/Main/WebHome |

| | |Ohm’s Law about | |direct current in daily life (C1) |practice), written test | |

| | |electric current and |To make list of use of direct current | | | |tions/Physlets.aspx |

| | |electric resistance |and alternating current and its source|Identifying the application of | | |

| | |Series resistor |( dry cells, generator, and others) in|alternating current in daily life | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | |Kirchhoff’s Laws I and|daily life at own house |(C1) | | |

| | |II |( for example: lamp, TV, | | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | | |phone, and the others) |Psychomotor | | |

| | |AC and DC electrics in| |Using multi tester to measure | | |plets/applets.html |

| | |daily life |To identify the characteristic of |voltage, current, and resistance | | |

| | |Use of direct current |series – parallel resistor in |in closed circuit (P3) | | |plets/applets.html |

| | |and alternating |electrics web | | | |

| | |current | |Affective | | |px?VideoID=2144 |

| | |Energy and power of |To calculate the used of electrics |Student can practice self | | |

| | |electricity |energy at home every month |confidence, honesty, teamwork, and| | |/powerpoint/index.asp |

| | | | |communication | | |Student work-sheet written test, |

| | | | |Student can show their | | |paper, home work laboratory |

| | | | |responsibility, tolerance, | | |activities report. |

| | | | |discipline, and self assessment | | |Heater , calorimeter, metal cube,|

| | | | | | | |thermometer, LCD Projector |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

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Standard Competency: 6. Understanding concept and principal of electromagnetic waves

|Basic Competency |Bloom’s Taxonomy|Material Learning |Learning Activity |Indicator |Evaluation |Time Allocation |Source & Equipment |

|6.1 Description of |C2 |spectrum of |To Description the characteristic |Cognitive |Individual and group |5 x 45’ |Loo Kwook Way, Purwoko, Bob |

|spectrum | |electromagnetic waves |spectrum of electromagnetic waves in |To find and search literature of |assignment | |Foster, Marten K |

|electromagnetic wave | | |presentation group |electromagnetic waves | | |

| | | | | |Assessment of performance | |ssci/Phys/Class/BBoard.html#1dkin|

| | | | |To arrange the row of |( and attitude of | |

| | | | |electromagnetic waves base on |practice), written test | |ssci/Phys/Class/BBoard.html#1dkin|

| | | | |frequency or wave length (C1) | | |

| | | | | | | |plets/applets |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |To identification the used of | | |view/Main/WebHome |

|6.2 Mention the | |electromagnetic waves |Collect the information of used of |electromagnetic waves (like | | |

|application of |C1 |in our daily life |electromagnetic waves in our daily |infrared rays, ultraviolet, laser,| | |tions/Physlets.aspx |

|electromagnetic waves | | |life in the field communication, |etc) in communication, health and | | |

|In our daily life | | |health, industry , etc. |industry. (C1) | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |To description the used of |To explain difference of the used | | |o/Experiment_731.html |

| | | |electromagnetic waves in daily life in|range of frequency/waves length in| | |

| | | |presentation group |communication, radar, phone, etc. | | |plets/applets.html |

| | | | |(C2) | | |

| | | | | | | |plets/applets.html |

| | | | |Affective | | |

| | | | |Student can practice self | | |px?VideoID=2144 |

| | | | |confidence, honesty, teamwork, and| | |

| | | | |communication | | |/powerpoint/index.asp |

| | | | |Student can show their | | |Student work-sheet written test, |

| | | | |responsibility, discipline, and | | |paper, home work laboratory |

| | | | |self assessment | | |activities report. |

| | | | | | | |Heater , calorimeter, metal cube,|

| | | | | | | |thermometer, LCD Projector |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

Semarang, January 2012

Approved by

the Principle of SMA 3 Semarang Physics teacher

Drs. Hari Waluyo, MM Saroji, M. Pd.

EN. 196402071988031016 EN. 197507212008011007


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