
Application: HRMS

Module: Payroll

Business Process: Adminster Post Confirm Processing

Requirement Number: PY460

Requirement Title: Renumber Checks Post-Confirm if in Retirement/Other Purpose # Range

Module Leads: Nancy Ribes, Josh Woodrum

1. Requirement Description

Describe the requirement (gap). Include a description of the delivered PeopleSoft functionality.

After the Pay Confirm process assigns the Paycheck Numbers, there will need to be a process to run and verify that the Check Numbers do not overlap with the Check# range that is reserved for Retirement and other purpose checks. Since the 5000000 – 9999999 range is reserved for Retirement and other purposes, and one of the existing requirements is increasing the check # from a seven to an eight digit field (concatenate a ‘1’ on to the front of the assigned check #), whenever the check numbers reach 14999999, the next number assigned should be 20000001 (concatenate a ‘2’ on to the front of the assigned check #), and so on. These changes will also have to be made to the Paycheck Register, Advice Register, Paycheck Print, and Advice Print programs. The Installation record will be used to retrieve the last Check Number that was assigned, and the Installation record will have to be updated should the program require any check renumbering. New fields would need to be added to a custom record to hold the Leading Check and Leading Advice fields to use during processing.

2. Business Need

Provide a justification for the requirement. Include information about frequency, volume, number of users impacted, etc.

The Treasurer’s Office is requesting that the Check # field be changed from seven to eight digits. The impact of this change, along with the existing business practice of allocating check numbers 50000000 thru 9999999 for Retirement and other purposes requires that this change be added to allow for unique check numbers to be distributed. The users will not be impacted by this change, assuming that the renumbering program runs after the Pay Confirm process, and no reporting is done on the assigned check numbers until after this process is completed. This new renumbering program should be added to the schedule after the confirm process and run each pay period. The volume of transactions affected by this program will be dependent on the check number range that is being confirmed in the pay period.

3. Required By: (Y/N)

Federal _N___ Agency __Y__ Bargaining Unit __N__

State Statutory _N___ State Regulatory __N__ State Procedural __Y__

4. Requirement Priority

_Medium__ (High, Medium, Low – please see “Requirements Prioritization Criteria”)

5. Recommended Solution

Enter an “X” next to the appropriate category

______ Process Solution

___ Option Number

___X___ Application Modification

_1__ Option Number

6. Explanation for Recommendation

Provide reasons for recommendation. Please do not re-state the description of the solution itself.

This modification will contribute to the accuracy of data, by assuring unique check numbers are assigned and the check number range allocations are followed.

7. Organizational Impact of Recommendation

Describe the changes to the organization that result from the recommended solution. Include a description of any role, process, statute, or bargaining unit agreement affected.


8. Process Solutions

Describe the possible Process Solutions. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1. Prior to the Pay Confirmation of a pay period where the Last Check Number Assigned is approaching the Retirement and other purpose check# range, users could manually adjust the field to not process in the Retirement and other purpose range. Users would have to investigate the number of checks that are being processed to ensure that the total number does not fall in the Retirement and other purpose check# range. The benefit of this approach is that is would avoid check numbers being assigned in the Retirement and other purpose check# range. The drawback is that this will not address the issue of making the check# that is printed on the checks and advices to be an eight digit number instead of a seven digit number.

9. Application Modifications

Describe the possible Application Modifications. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1.

Modification Type: Batch and On-line

Complexity: Difficult

Description: Create a new program to renumber the check numbers after the confirm process (if necessary) and modify the Paycheck Register, Advice Register, Paycheck Print, and Advice Print programs to adjust the check numbers to populate an eight digit check # field (instead of seven) and avoid assigning check numbers that are in the allocated Retirement and other purpose range. Changes to the Paycheck Print and Advice Print programs will be included as part of Requirement PY453 and changes to Paycheck Register will be included in PY457. A new table would need to be created to hold the two new fields for the Leading Check and Leading Advice numbers to be used during the check and advice print and register processes. As part of the new program to renumber the check numbers, the Installation record will also have to be updated during the process, should the last check number used be modified.




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