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Selection Test B/C


Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer. (6 points each)

1. The slave traders showed that they wanted to keep the captives alive when they

A. kept the captives below deck

B. separated captives of the same nation

C. forced the captives to eat

D. chained captives to the boat

2. Which part of the narrative has details that most effectively explain why Equiano feared the sailors?

A. the description of the odors in the lower level of the ship

B. the anecdote of the beating and death of a white sailor

C. the anecdote of the captives who jumped overboard

D. the description of the way the sailors caught fish on the boat

3. What idea from the slave narrative helps you understand the culture shock that Equiano experienced?

A. Equiano encountered a group of people from his own nation onboard the ship.

B. The horrors of slavery and slave trading included the separation of families.

C. An explanation of how the ship stopped

led Equiano to believe that the sailors were spirits.

D. The people who brought Equiano on board the ship attempted to revive him after he fainted.

4. Equiano was surprised at the cruelty of the sailors when they

A. discarded food instead of giving it to the captives

B. took the chains off of the young, sick captives

C. told the captives where to go with a drum

D. made the captives row to move the boat

5. What did Equiano find most disturbing about the slave markets?

A. the signal to begin moving B. the eagerness of the buyers C. the examination of slaves

D. the separation of families

Resource Manager Unit 1 139

American Literature

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Choose the answer that best explains the meaning of each underlined word. (6 points each)

6. Countenance means

A. language used in everyday speech

B. appearance, especially the expression of the face

C. body language that demonstrates interest

D. gestures, especially when speaking

7. Pestilential means

A. deadly

B. annoying C. dangerous D. frustrating

8. What does copious mean?

A. at strange angles

B. of a disgusting nature

C. in large amounts

D. within set boundaries

9. A scruple is

A. the knowledge that allows a person to live

a successful life

B. a feeling of uneasiness that keeps a person from doing something

C. a behavior that interferes with accomplishing a task

D. the thought process that helps a person understand an idea

10. What does nominal mean?

A. within a numbered sequence B. in proportion to the situation C. without a worry or a care

D. in name but not in reality

Written Response

Short Response Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of the narrative. Write a sentence or two on a separate sheet of paper. (10 points each)

11. How did the sailors seem to show compassion for Equiano when he first boarded the boat?

12. Why did the captives become more terrified when they reached the slave market?

Include two details from the narrative in your response.

Extended Response Answer one of the following questions based on your knowledge of the narrative. Write one or two paragraphs on a separate sheet of paper. (20 points)

13. What did Equiano’s questions about the sailors and the ship reveal about him? Explain your answer using specific questions from the narrative.

14. Challenge Assess which two details that Equiano includes in his slave narrative are most effective in developing his criticism of slave traders. Explain why you think the two details you choose are the most effective.

140 Unit 1 Resource Manager

American Literature

Answer Key

Selection Test B/C

p. 139


1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. D


6. B

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. D

Short Response

11. Responses will vary. Students may say that

any of the following are examples that seem to show the sailors’ compassion for the captives:

A. The sailors allowed the other Africans to try to calm Equiano’s fears (line 18), and one sailor brought Equiano liquor to revive him (lines 21–24).

B. The sailors allowed some of the captives to remain on deck for the fresh air while they were still at port (lines 76–77).

C. The sailors brought Equiano and other sick captives to the deck (lines 86–89).

D. The sailors allowed Equiano to remain unchained while on the deck (line 87).

12. Responses will vary. Students should explain that the captives felt more terrified because they were confused and badly treated at the

slave market. Students may include two of the following details to support this response:

A. The buyers rushed into the yard where the slaves were confined (line 107). This action increased the captives’ fear because many strange people were running around them.

B. Captives were sold in parcels or groups (line 108). This action increased the captives’ fear because they were herded

away in groups to an unknown destination.

C. The slave buyers were noisy and eager (lines 108–112). The slave buyers represented death and unknown dangers to the captives.

D. Families were separated and cried at parting

(lines 112–116). Family members were

most likely the only thing the captives clung to on the voyage, and now this was being taken away, most likely forever.

Extended Response

13. Responses will vary. Students may say that Equiano knew little about the world outside his village. Students may use any two of the

following questions to support their responses:

A. He asked other captives what was going to happen (lines 47–48). This question

indicates that he was unaware of the slave trade in other countries.

B. He asked whether the sailors lived on the ship (lines 59–61). This question indicates that he had little knowledge of world geography.

C. He asked whether there were female white people and where they were (lines 62–64). This question indicates that he was afraid of the white people and confused.

D. He asked how the boat could move (lines

64–68). This question indicates that he had never lived near oceans or seen a ship sail.

14. Responses will vary. Students may say that Equiano paints a picture of men with little concern for their captives and characterized by savage brutality. Students may say that any two of the following details are the most effective in developing Equiano’s criticism of slave traders:

A. Equiano was roughly handled as he was brought onto the ship (line 4). This detail shows that the sailors were unconcerned

about the child’s fear and saw him simply as more cargo.

B. When Equiano refused to eat, he was beaten (lines 36–39). This detail shows that the sailors were unconcerned about Equiano’s health and fear.

Answer Key

C. The sailors packed captives in so tightly

they could barely move (lines 78–85). This detail shows that the sailors were

unconcerned about the comfort and health of the captives.

D. The chains produced sores on the captives (line 84). This detail highlights the cruelty and lack of concern that the sailors had for their captives.

E. The crew caught fish and threw the excess overboard rather than allowing the captives to have any (lines 91–95). This detail effectively shows the cruelty and lack of concern that the sailors felt for the captives.

F. The slave traders separated families when selling the captives (lines 112–116). This detail shows that the slave traders refused to consider the feelings of their captives or try

in any way to ease the horrors of slavery.


Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company



Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Copyright by McDougal Littell , a division of Houghton Mifflin Company.

Copyright by McDougal Littell , a division of Houghton Mifflin Company.


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