Trivia questions about the USA

[Pages:6]Due to the popularity of the USA among all over the world, nearly every people want to know about USA, there are too many history and quiz questions exist on the internet about America, By keeping the requirement of the readers in mind, we crafted this post specially for our readers. In which we included new questions for you. Most of the information given in this post is unique and totally new for you. Crafting a trivia questions about the USA is not an easy task for our writers. They done a lot of research while crafting this quiz questions about USA. If found this article useful and want the second version of this article. Then please do let us know in comment section. We will create more quiz questions about America for you in future.

Trivia questions about the USA

1. The US fought the war of 1812 against which country? Great Britain

2. California became the state on which year? 1850

3. Who was the first US president live in white house? John Adams

4. Do you know the meaning of colors of American flag? Red means hardiness and valor, white means purity and innocence, blue color represents vigilance, perseverance and justice

5. 3 US presidents death aniversires are 4th july. Do you know remember the name of those 3 presidents?

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Monroe 6. The community of Seward Alaska celebrate the fourth of July in a different way, what does they do?

They participate in a 6 miles foot race to the top of mount Marathon

United States geography trivia questions and answers

7. In USA on 8 places the flag must be flown 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, do you know the places?

a) Washington Monument b) United States Marine Corp Memorial c) The white house d) The flag house square e) Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine f) On the green of the

town of Lexington g) United States customs ports of entry h) Ground of the national Memorial Arch 8. In Washington which peninsula contain Olympic Mountains? Olympic Peninsula 9. In which US state Denali Mountains are exist? Alaska 10. Statue of liberty exist in which city of USA? New York 11. In 1803 US purchase Louisiana territory from which city? France 12. Which land bridge connect Siberia to Alaska? Beringia

The USA trivia

13. The first US president appeared on TV was? Franklin Delano Roosevelt

14. Springfield is the capital of which state? Illinois

15. Down-Easters is the nickname of the people belong from which state? Maine

16. Swamp fox was another name of which American Revolutionary war general? Francis Marion

17. The war of American Revolution ended after which treaty? The treaty of Paris

18. True or false: In revolutionary was the battle of Saratoga was the American major victory? Yes

19. In US founding fathers called to which leaders? Leaders of American Revolution

20. In 1790 what was the population of the US? Only 4 millions

Funny American quiz questions

21. During WWI US declared war on Germany in which year? In 1917

22. In which year the women's obtained the rights to vote? In 1920

23. What was happened in Wall Street crash of 1929? On 24 October 1929 the stock market crash and that day was also known as Black Thursday.

24. On which year Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? In 1941

25. The Soviet Union dissolved on which date? 26 December 1991

26. Congress first celebrate Independence Day as holiday in which year? In 1870

27. In which year the political party Whig formed? In 1834

American history trivia questions and answers printable

28. Which act gave the settler's 160 acres of land for 5 years? Homestead Act

29. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is the famous phrase of which president? Theodore Roosevelt

30. The main focus of "Know-Nothing" party was on which issue? Immigration

31. The USA first subway line was open in which city and in which year? In 1897, in the city of Boston

32. Women rights movement leading by which famous lady? Susan B. Anthony

33. The very first Olympics in USA hosted by which city?

St. Louis 34. The oldest higher learning institute of the USA?

Harvard University 35. In US constitution, what is the first amendment?

Freedome of speech 36. President John F. Kennedy die in which city?

Dallas 37. What was the name of Franklin Roosevelt's wife?

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt 38. On May 4, 1970 which college 4 students were killed during anti-war demonstrations?

Kent State University Ohio

Trivia questions about the United States

39. In the USA first earth day was celebrate on which date? 22 April 1970

40. Who was the first American president who resigned? Richard Nixon's

41. In which Olympics games and in which year Terrorists murder 11 Israeli athletes and coaches? In 1972, Munich Olympics

42. While complaining for president which governor from Southern State shot and paralyzed in 1972?

George Wallace, Alabama 43. In 1978 what was the reason behind the evacuation of Niagara Falls, NY residents?

Due to dangerous Toxic chemicals 44. On March 28, 1979 which nuclear power plant had a radioactive leak?

Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania 45. The US supreme court legalized abortion on which date?

22 January 1973 46. Who was the author of 1930's newspaper column titled "My Day"?

Eleanor Roosevelt 47. Santa Maria is the name of what?

The name of one of Columbus's ships 48. What was the reason behind the migration of England pilgrims to America?

Seeking freedom for their religion 49. America recognized as a country in which year?

1777 50. John Lennon was murdered on which year?

1980 51. English Language become the national language of America on which year?


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