The Gospel: Part CThe MessiahReviewPart A: 1. Messiah = Christ = Anointed2. Jews awaited two Messiahsa. Messiah ben Joseph: Suffering Servant(Isa. 53; Zech. 9:9)b. Messiah ben David: Conquering King(Ps. 2; Dan. 7:13-14)3. Jesus is botha. Two comings, not two kings4. The Messiah is always a Kinga. Only kings called "the" messiahb. Suffering Servant was a Kingc. Conquering King was a King Part B: Gospel Jesus Preached1. Kingdom of Goda. Used 79 times in 68 chapters of synoptic Gospelsb. Talked about after Jesus rose (Acts 1:3)c. Will be preached until the end (Matt. 24:14)d. "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand"1. Was Jesus' Gospel (Matt. 4:17; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 4:43)2. Same Gospel for those he sent (Matt. 10:7; Luke 10:9)2. Importance of "Christ, the Son of God"a. Begins Mark's Gospel (Mark 1:1)b. Purpose of John's Gospel (Jn. 20:31)c. Yet Jesus only wanted apostles to know (Matt. 16:20)d. Demons tried to expose who he was (Luke 4:41)e. Began the revealing of Suffering Servant (Matt. 16:16-21; Mark 8:29-31; Luke 9:20-22)f. Got him killed (Matt. 26:63-66)THE GOSPEL THE APOSTLES PREACHEDI. The Kingdom and the ChristA. What is the difference between preaching ...1. The Kingdom of God?2. The Christ (King), the Son of God?B. "Kingdom of God"1. Found 79 times in synoptic Gospels(79 times in 68 chapters; more than once per chapter)2. Found twice in John's Gospel3. Found 19 times from Acts to Revelation(19 times in 171 chapters; once per 9 chapters)C. Christ1. Found 35 times in synoptic Gospels(every other chapter)2. Found 471 times from John to Revelation(almost 2 ? times per chapter)D. Change of emphasis from the Kingdom to the King1. Jesus couldn't let it be known2. Apostles couldII. Witnesses of the ResurrectionA. Central role of the Twelve1. "You will be my witnesses" (Acts 1:8)2. "Witness to the resurrection" (Acts 1:22)3. "We are all witnesses" (Acts 2:32)4. "To this we are witnesses" (Acts 3:15)5. apostles testifying to resurrection (Acts 4:33)6. "We are witnesses to these things" (Acts 5:32)7. Appeared only to chosen witnesses (Acts 10:40-41)8. Paul: "They" are witnesses (Acts 13:31)B. Resurrection proves Jesus is Christ1. Acts 2:32-362. Acts 13:32-382. Acts 17:312. Rom. 1:1-4III. What Does It Mean to Believe?A. Jesus is the Christ (Jn. 20:31)B. Resurrection proves he is Christ and Lord (Acts 2:32-36, Rom. 1:1-4)C. The revelation of the Suffering Servant is given only to those who have already received the revelation of the Conquering King (Matt. 16:16-21; Mark 8:29-31; Luke 9:20-22)The teaching that Jesus died for our sin is given only to those who believe that he rose from the dead as Christ and Lord.D. Romans 10:9-101. Used as justification for sinner's prayer2. But completely misses point(Lord/resurrection, not Savior/death)E. We are justified by faith, apart from works (Rom. 3:28)1. Faith in what?2. That Jesus rose from the dead3. Thus, he is the Christ, the Son of GodIV. Did the Apostles really preach the resurrection and the Christ, the Son of God?Acts 2:14-39Acts 10:34-43Acts 3:12-26Acts 13:16-41Acts 4:8-12Acts 17:22-31Acts 5:29-33 ................

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