Letter to santa template printable black and white

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Letter to santa template printable black and white

Letter to santa template free printable black and white.

Are your kids excited to share with Santa what they want for Christmas this year? Then, you'll want this free printable Letter to Santa Activity! It's just one of the 25 Days of Christmas Activities that will help your children to work on writing and fine motor skills during the holiday season! Letter to Santa Activity: While creating this Christmas craft, your kids will color, cut out, and glue Santa Claus to a pocket envelope. It's a fun, hands-on way for them to develop their fine motor skills. They will also work on letter formation, spelling, punctuation, and much more as they write their letter to Santa. It gives your kids a chance to express their ideas through their written words and work on writing mechanics. Getting Ready To Use The Letter to Santa Activity: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure here. What's Included: Santa Claus Craft Template (with 3 different skin tones) 4 Letters to Santa Templates 2 Letter Envelope Templates What Else Is Needed: To prepare this writing activity for your kids, click on the button below and fill out the form. After receiving the email with your printables, download and print the Santa Claus craft, letter, and envelope templates that you want to use. All of the templates are in color and black and white. How To Use The Letter to Santa Activity: If you are using the black and white craft template, your kids will color the parts of Santa including his head, hat, beard, arms, legs, and boots. After coloring all of the pieces, your children will cut out the parts of Santa and glue them onto a pocket envelope. While the glue dries, your kids will write their letters to Santa. There are four different letter templates so it is easy to differentiate this activity for your children. After writing their letter to Santa, your kids will fold it and put it in the pocket envelope. There are also envelope templates included if your children would rather use one to send their letter to Santa. To assemble the envelope, your kids will cut it out and fold the tabs. They will then glue the two rectangle tabs to attach the front and back of the envelope together. After putting their letter in the envelope, they can fold the tab over and tape it. Your kids can then address the letter to Santa and send it off to the North Pole. This Letter to Santa Activity is a fun and festive way for your kids to work on writing and fine motor skills this holiday season! Pin It For Later: Do you want to save this Christmas writing activity for later? Pin this to your Christmas activities board on Pinterest and it'll be here for when you're ready! You May Also Like: These Christmas Morning Tubs are an entertaining and engaging way to start the day. This set of December morning tubs includes 5 literacy and 5 math morning tubs for children in preschool through first grade. Click on the picture to learn more about this bundle! More Christmas Literacy: Tree's Wish Comprehension Activity Gingerbread Man Writing Activity 5 Senses Christmas Book Download The Freebie: Writing a letter to Santa about the items on your Christmas wish list is a wonderful tradition. My kids write a letter to Santa every year and they're so fun to look back on. I've created several free, printable Letter to Santa templates for you and your kids to enjoy this holiday season.What are the Free, Printable Letters to Santa?The Letters to Santa are simple and straightforward and leave plenty of room for personalization by each child. The child can write in their age, where they live, and the items they'd like from Santa this year for Christmas. Finally, they can sign their name at the end. There are four different versions to download, both colorful and black and white. My hope is that there is a template that everyone will love!What to do with Your Child's Letter to SantaThere are a few options of what to do with your child's Letter to Santa. In years past, we have kept them but this year, we might go the extra step and mail them to Santa. I will be sure to at least take a picture of our Letters to Santa to look back on.If you want to mail your letter through the post office, the USPS will actually provide a reply to your child's Letter to Santa with a North Pole Postmark. The USPS provides the steps to make this happen on their website. I think it's an adorable idea.Additionally, Macy's also accepts Letters to Santa and will donate $1 to the Make-a-Wish Foundation (up to $1 million) for every letter submitted in their stores or online.I have never tried either of these options, but if you have, I'd love to hear about it! Comment below. Get Your Free PDF Letter to Santa TemplateTerms and Conditions:By downloading the Letter to Santa PDF, you accept these terms and conditions. The Letters to Santa templates were created by Hey Kelly Marie to be used for personal and personal classroom use. The PDF is copyright protected. ? 2020 Hey Kelly Marie and all rights reserved.The Letters to Santa may not be sold, hosted, stored, or reproduced on any other site or blog.Adult supervision should be provided for children's activities. It is up to the child's caretakers to determine what is developmentally appropriate and safe for their child. Caretakers have full responsibility for child safety and development.DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE LETTERS TO SANTA PDF HERESubscribe to Hey Kelly Marie emailsIf you'd like to know what printable resources and content are new on the blog, be sure to subscribe to Hey Kelly Marie emails. Subscribers also have access to an entire Printable Resources page with lots of great resources. Subscribe here.Pin this post!Check out these other awesome Christmas posts!I've rounded up our favorite Toys for Preschoolers. They make great gifts. Check them out!I also have free, printable Alphabet Christmas Coloring Sheets.Let me know what you think of the Letter to Santa Templates!I love hearing from readers. Did you and your kids enjoy these Letters to Santa? Leave a comment below.Disclaimer: The information published in this blog is for information and entertainment purposes only. I am not an expert and you should look elsewhere for advice. I am not liable for any damages resulting from using the information on this blog. All activities for children should be done with adult supervision. For further information, see the Disclaimer page.Affiliate info: I sometimes publish endorsements and advertisements, which means that if you purchase something through one of the links here, I might receive a percentage of the sale, with no added cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. For further information, see the Affiliation Information Page.

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