
FACE Adult Education Resources August 2019Adult Education Teacher ToolsReadingWe Are Teachers25 Anchor Charts that Nail Reading Comprehension Change AgentResources for teaching adult education with articles written by students Free Resources That Will Improve Your Writing Skills (Smashing Magazine)Free resources for writers ranging from grammar rules, to guidelines for types of writing, to links for free online writing classes Literacy CoalitionInstructional math videos with tracking sheet to check off as they are viewed; click on additional resources in literacy and technology on site map Content AreasOpen Education Resources CommonsFree lessons and videos to use for educational purposes Excellence in Adult LiteracyJust Write! Guide and Math Works! Guide to download FieldtripsResources, mostly in the area of science, for electronic fieldtrips. and Distance Learning Adult Education ResourcesCourses for adult learners. /CareerEmployability Skills Framework, Perkins Collaborative Resource Network & Office of Career, Technical, and Adult EducationDescription of essential workplace skills to guide instruction for students with career goals EventsFeedlyOrganizes news feeds and blogs from multiple sources Country Media NetworkNews and information site source Mobile Instruction ResourcesResource list of computer and mobile applications for instruction Technology and Mobile LearningLinks to numerous resources for instructional technology and more Resources for Instructors who Work with AdultsLessons in math, language, health, and games using Excel DocsSeveral people create, edit, and share documents PressFree website building site website building site collaborative space to share information and blog MonkeyA free platform to create and share surveysVimeoFree platform to store and share videos collaborative space to share information and blog for sending messages to students on any device’s Make MusicOpen-source program for musicians site for recording Learning MediaFree videos on current topics. Register to access videos. Assessment SystemWebsite for required online course to become a CASAS Assessment Administrator study tools and quizzes (Northwest Evaluation Association)Online resources create formative assessments quizzes for students and platform to design your own quizzes DifferencesLearning Disabilities OnlineWebsite with comprehensive information about learning disabilities in adults and children are Some Characteristics of LD in Adults Printable list from the Learning Disabilities Association of Minnesota Design Tool KitResources to help students learn. LearningBuck Institute for EducationWebsite with resources and videos for Project-Based Learning OrganizersGraphic OrganizersMultiple links for graphic organizers DevelopmentLINCSA website for adult education teachers with online courses in the learning portal, resources to download, and online communities to join Testing ServiceResources and webinars for teaching GED for the Study of Adult LiteracyWebsite with resources for teaching reading and for students who are learning to read on Adult Basic Education (COABE)Webinars for adult education teachersArchived webinars webinars and MaterialsAccent Learning EnvironmentsTraditional teaching products. BooksNative books and supplies. Voices BooksTraditional and contemporary Native books. ................

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