-243840-28194000 Year Group: 4 Week beginning: 29/6/20This week, year 4 will continue with their learning on fractions in maths. In English, they will start the week with a comprehension about gladiators with the opportunity to do some further research on them. In grammar, they will be finding out about collective nouns. Year 4’s writing this week will be based on a short animation entitled ‘Catch It’; they will be using this to write descriptions and a report on meerkats. In science, the children will be investigating how distance affects sound, in RE they will be finding out about Hinduism, in PE they will be learning some gymnastics skills and in art they will be looking at Andy Goldsworthy. Finally, this week they will be doing some French and computing: in French they will learn the names of the colours and in computing they will be finding out how the internet and search engines work.DayMaths ActivitiesEnglish ActivitiesOther Subject ActivitiesMondayTTrockstarsDivision and fractions comprehension: Read the comprehension text about a gladiator and answer the questions.Find out more about gladiators here: could even design a gladiator costume!Class Novel: Beowulf (Read by Mr Dorey) : Investigating distance and soundHow does sound travel? Sound vibrations travel in a wave pattern – these are called sound waves. Sound waves move by vibrating objects, and these objects vibrate other surrounding objects, carrying the sound along. Sound can move through air, water or solids.Investigate how distance can affect sound. You could do this in the garden or in the park, and you could try it with just clapping or with the instrument you made last week!TuesdayTTrockstarsUnderstanding fraction notations: Find out about collective nouns. A collective noun is the name for a group of objects. For example: a herd of cows, a flock of sheep, a bunch of grapes.See if you can find out the collective nouns for the following:CrowsMeerkatsFishPugsHedgehogsBeesUnicornskittensowlsFind out the collective noun for your favourite animals!You can also complete the printable worksheets in the year 4 folder.Class Novel: Beowulf (Read by Mr Dorey) : What ceremonies do Hindus mark in the journey of life?Hindu religious practices and beliefs are based on a set of Holy Scriptures (the Vedas). Hindus believe that life is a journey from one body to another and each life itself a journey from birth to death. Hindus believe in reincarnation.Watch the clip to find out the video, we find out about karma and Hindu beliefs about the importance of doing good deeds.Find out about a famous Hindu, Gandhi, and his good deeds. There is an information sheet attached or you could use the internet to find out about him.WednesdayTTRockstarsNumerators and denominators: Watch the short film ‘Catch It’: are the animals sleeping?Describe the landscape around them - what is their natural habitat?Writing: Write a description of the setting of the African plains. Class Novel: Beowulf (Read by Mr Dorey) : Rock and roll gymnastics. This two-minute video gives you ideas for activities you can easily do at home.: Watch the video about Andy Goldsworthy and think about how his style is different to Henri Rousseau: Goldsworthy uses natural objects to create his artwork and often makes temporary artworks. Collect natural objects ready to make a 3D shoebox jungle next week. You could collect leaves, stones, twigs, pine cones etc.ThursdayTTrockstarsUnit fractions: Watch the short film ‘Catch It’: the vulture and meerkats could talk, what do you think they would be saying to each other during this film?Writing: Re-write the story from the vulture’s point of view.Class Novel: Beowulf (Read by Mr Dorey) : Learn how to say the colours in French: some French games here:: Find out about how the internet and search engines work by following this BBC Bitesize lesson: a bar model to show fractions: Find out more about meerkats, including where they can be found, their habitat, diet and predators.Writing: Write a report about meerkats.Class Novel: Beowulf (Read by Mr Dorey) ................

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