Revised 11/20/00 - BidNet

Revised 02/08/16

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

District 8-0 Rest Area and Welcome Center Sites 45, 46, 47, 48, G, and J

Specifications for Electrical Repairs and/or Servicing

A. Purpose:

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, hereafter referred to as PennDOT, requires electrical repair and/or servicing of the areas listed below.

B. Service Period

The first contract period shall run from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. Under this contract

there is a renewal option. By mutual consent of both parties, this contract shall be

Renewable at the price quoted for one (1) year periods for a total of four (4) such


C. Location of Work:

Sites 45 & 46, Penn Township, Cumberland County – Located along Interstate 81

northbound and southbound between the Plainfield and Newville Interchanges. Site

# 45 is the northbound site and Site # 46 is the southbound site.

Sites 47 & 48, Hanover Township, Dauphin County – Located on Interstate 81, 17 miles

north of Harrisburg, Pa., northbound and southbound between the Manada Hill and

Grantville Interchanges. Site # 47 is the northbound site and Site # 48 is the southbound


Site G, Antrim Township, Franklin County – Located on Interstate 81, ½ mile north of

the MD/PA state line along the northbound lanes.

Site J, York County – Located on Interstate 83, 2 miles north of the MD/PA state line

along the northbound lanes.

D. Description of Work:

Electrical Service: Consists of servicing, maintaining and repairing switches, electric lines, various fixtures, motors, electric heat, electric panel boxes and other electrical equipment. This includes replacement of lines and/or parts which are beyond repair.

E. Qualifications of Contractor:

The Contractor's electrician must be qualified to perform electrical work and must have been actively involved in this business for a minimum of five (5) years. Contractor will be required to submit copies of licenses before contract is awarded. All work must be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, and all materials must be UL approved. The contractor, upon authorization by PennDOT, must proceed and complete the work as promptly as possible. In the event of an emergency, the contractor must be prepared to proceed with the work within two (2) hours of authorization by PennDOT. The contractor must be able to perform emergency work on a 24-hour basis.

F. Materials and Payment:

The cost of materials, parts or replacement equipment shall be invoiced at the

contractor’s cost plus 25%. No material purchase in excess of $500.00 may be

initiated at any call out without the approval of the District Roadside Specialist or

designee. PennDot may supply materials for the contractor to install when it is deemed to

be in the best interest of PennDot. Supplier’s invoice is required for all materials costing

$20.00 or more.

All labor and materials used for work performed must be documented on the

“Daily Roadside Activity Report” (Form M-609). This report will serve as the basis

for payment. Copies of all invoices for materials must be submitted along with

Form M-609. Two sets of documents must be submitted with each invoice. Set one

shall contain one copy of the contractor’s invoice, one copy of all supplier’s invoices,

the white and yellow copies of form M-609, and one copy of the OS-501 “Confirmation

of Services” form. This set shall be submitted to Engineering District 8-0, Roadside Unit,

2140 Herr Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17103-1699. Submit the original copy of the contractors

Invoice and one copy of the OS-501 “Confirmation of Services” form to the

COMPTROLLER. Bill to the address on the face of the Purchase order. Failure to

Submit all payment documents will lead to delays in payment of invoices as they will

Be returned to the contractor for correction.

G. The quoted hourly rates included all tools or any equipment necessary to perform the required work. The contractor will not be called to perform work at the safety rest area unless such work requires one (1) or more hours of service. The contractor's attention is directed to the fact that the number of hours on the Request for Quotation Form for Journeyman Electrician and the material amount are estimates. The actual demand may be more or less as determined by the need for electrical services. Therefore, PennDOT reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of hours on this contract.

H. In the event of an emergency and by mutual consent of both parties, the Department may ask the contractor to provide Electrical Repair services in any of the counties in District 8-0 at the unit price quoted for this contract.

I. Insurance Requirements:

The contractor shall provide adequate insurance to cover Property Damage and Public Liability Coverage for any loss that might occur as a result of this operation, in amounts not to be less than $100,000 Property Damage and $300,000 Personal Liability. An insurance certificate verifying coverage specified in the preceding sentence shall be furnished to the District Roadside Specialist prior to the start of work. Insurance policy

shall name PENNDOT as additional insured.

The contractor shall comply with all State and Federal rules and regulations and to OSHA safety requirements.

Except as otherwise herein specified, the contractor shall also be responsible for damage claims as provided in Section 107.14 of the current PENNDOT Specifications, Publication 408.

J. Safety Requirements:

All work shall be performed in a safe and orderly manner with minimum interference to persons using the safety rest area. The contractor shall be aware of the latest Department of Environmental Resources (DEP) safety regulations when entering confined areas. When working in such areas, all precautions shall be taken as required by these regulations.

K. Non-Compliance:

If, for any reason, the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of this contract, Section 108.09 of the PennDOT Specifications, Form 408 shall prevail. In the event that any materials furnished by the contractor are found to be defective, unsuitable or otherwise unacceptable, the materials shall be removed by the contractor and replaced with acceptable materials and installed anew to the satisfaction and approval of the District Roadside Specialist at the cost and expense of the contractor. Repair of any damages caused by poor workmanship of the contractor shall be at the contractor’s cost.

L. Strategic Environmental Management Program

PennDot has implemented a Strategic Environmental Management Program (SEMP)

which complies with the ISO 14004:2004 standard. As part of SEMP, PennDot has

established a Green Plan Policy that can be found at in the Forms,

Pubs & Maps, Pub 754, posted at PennDot District and County Offices. The Green Plan

Policy is designed to protect the environment, conserve resources, and comply with

environmental laws and regulations. The contractor shall ensure that its personnel

(including the personnel of any of its subcontractors) are aware of PennDot’s

commitment to protecting the environment, are properly trained about environmental

impacts of their work and are competent (through appropriate work experience, job

training, or classroom education) to perform the work that they do.


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