

Digital Scale Indicator




NTEP COC# 99-154

Measurement Canada Approval# AM-5352

REV 10

Index: Pg 1 …………………Specifications

Pg 2 …………………LED’s and Switch Settings

Pg 3 …………………Push Buttons

Pg 4 …………………Configuration

Pg 5 …………………Configuration

Pg 6 …………………Configuration

Pg 7 ……………...… Configuration

Pg 8 …………………Load Cell Wiring And Calibration

Pg 9 …………………Serial Port Wiring and Data

Pg 10 ……………..…Serial String Data

Pg 11 ………………..Ext. Values/ Display Messages

Pg 12………………...Custom Serial Setup

Pg 13………………...Custom Serial Setup cont.

Pg 14…………………Custom Serial Setup&Time/Date

Pg 15…………………Custom Serial Worksheet

Pg 16…………………Custom Serial Worksheet cont.

Pg 17…………………ASCII Control Codes

Pg 18…………………ASCII Control Codes

BT84 Specifications

Power Supply

V input Range 12VDC, 500ma

Input Protection 20V transorb, also provides

reverse input protection.

Max Cells Up to 8 350( cells

Analog System

Analog input range -0.45 to 3.4 mV/V

Load cell excitation 10Vdc +/- 3%

Min. Microvolt/grad. 1.0

Load cell connections +/- Exc., +/- Sig., Shield

Raw Zero Drift < .2 (V/C(

Raw Span Drift < .2 (V/C(

Linearity 0.002% over range

A/D Conversion Method Delta-Sigma

A/D Raw Counts +/- 2,097,152 (+/-21 bits)

Displayed Graduations Up to 50,000

A/D Conversions/Sec. 60 or 50

Display updates/Sec. 10

Computer and Display

Display 6 digit, 0.56” with RH dp

Polarity Indication “-“ sign in left-most display pos.

Annunciator Bars 8

Push Buttons 5

Serial Interface Bi-directional RS232(Tx, Rx, Gnd)

Microprocessor 80c32-1

Speed 16 MHz

ROM Memory 32768 bytes

RAM Memory 256 bytes

EEPROM Memory 256 bytes

Option: Open collector output to drive

solid-state relay LED input.

Rated at 30mA max.


Enclosure NEMA1 Aluminum

Powered Indicator Temp Rating -10.0 C( to 40.0 C(

Max Inside Enclosure 50.0 C(

Min Inside Enclosure 0 C(


Overload is at 103% Capacity

Underload is at –1% Capacity

Minimum amplifier configuration 0.5mV/V load cell can display 5000

grads (1.0(V / graduation).

Page 1


Lbs: weight displayed in pound engineering units.

Kgs: weight displayed in kilogram engineering units.

Setpoint: relay on (future option)

Mtn: scale is in motion.

Zero: weight is at zero with-in +/- ¼ grad

Net: typically the weight of the product in the container less

weight of container.

Gross: total weight on the scale

Tare: lit if tare of container was performed


S1-1: Open: Normal Mode

Closed: Configuration Setup

S1-2: Open: Normal Mode

Closed: Enable Extended Parameters in Setup.

S1-3: Open: Normal Mode

Closed: Front Panel Access Enabled

S1-4: Open: Normal Mode

Closed: Calibration Mode

Upgrade Note: Ver 2.02 (Front Panel access and Audit trail)

• For front panel access turn on S1-3. To allow configuration changes turn on S1-1. To allow Calibration changes turn on S1-4. If a switch is left open the function will be locked out from the front panel.

• To check the audit trail press the (G/N), (UNITS), and (Print) keys at the same time for 3 seconds. AU-C## is Calibration, AU-P## is Configuration. (ZERO), and (G/N) Change your selection. (TARE), (UNITS), and (PRINT) will exit the audit trail.


Push Buttons – Normal Operating Mode


[ZERO]: Will zero scale in gross mode.

[ N/G ]: Toggles the scale between gross and net modes.

[TARE]: Zeroes the weight of a container before being filled and switches scale to

net weighing mode. (Resets weight in Peak hold mode)

[UNITS]: Toggles scale from lbs. to kgs.

[PRINT]: Initiates transmission of weight data via serial port.

Push Buttons – Configuration Mode


Next Last EXIT Next Last

Parameter Parameter CONFIG Choice Choice

Go to the (QUIT) Parameter and press (TARE) to exit and save configuration when the front panel access is enabled.

Push Buttons – Calibration Mode


Dead EXIT Set Digit Digit

Zero CAL Weight Select Increment

Push Buttons – Power Up Functions (Hold Button on Power Up)


[ZERO]: No Function

[ N/G ]: No Function

[TARE]: Holds Display Test (press any pushbutton to test if an annunciator turns

off, the push button functions.)

[UNITS]: No Function

[PRINT]: Initializes EEPROM and calibrates A/D internally. (Use this to recover

from calibration error.)


Configuring the BT84

To enter configuration mode, close switch S1-1. If you wish to see extended parameters, also close S1-2. Hold (G/N) and (PRINT) for 3 seconds if front panel access is turned on with switch SW1-3

Push Buttons – Configuration Mode


Next Last EXIT Next Last

Parameter Parameter CONFIG Choice Choice

Go to the QUIT parameter and press (TARE) to exit and save configuration.

Parameter Name Choices

0 Operating Mode Ind = The Indicator acts as an Indicator

Default = Ind rsd = The Indicator acts as a Remote Display

hides parameters 1 thru 10 when selected

Parameter Name Choices

1 Displayed Grads 5=500 100=10000

Default = 100 10=1000 120=12000

20=2000 140=14000

30=3000 150=15000

40=4000 160=16000

50=5000 180=18000

60=6000 200=20000

70=7000 250=25000

75=7500 300=30000

80=8000 400=40000

90=9000 500=50000

Parameter Name Choices

2 Grad Size 1

Default = 1 2






Parameter Name Choices

3 Decimal Pt. 0

Default = 0 0.0




Page 4

Parameter Name Choices

4 N/A N/A

Parameter Name Choices Updates/sec Sec/update

5 Averaging 1 10 .1

Default = 1 2 5 .2

4 2.5 .4

8 1.3 .8

12 .8 1.2

16 .6 1.6

24 .4 2.4

32 .3 3.2

Parameter Name Choices

6 Tare Off

Default = AUTO Atnr Auto tare with no recall

AUTO Auto tare with recall

Peak Peak hold (Tare disabled)

Parameter Name Choices

7 Auto Zero Capture Band Off

Default = Off .5 grads

1 grads

3 grads

5 grads

10 grads

Parameter Name Choices

8 AZM/PAZ Aperature 1.9 = 1.9% Full Scale

Default = 1.9 100 = Full Scale

Parameter Name Choices

Motion Band Off

Default = Off (display grads) 1






Parameter Name Choices

10 Display Units lb. = Pounds Only

Default = Lb kg. = Kilograms Only = toggle lbs., kg.

Note: Lb.g resolution range is .00001 to .01 Lb. Lb.G = toggles lbs., grams

Lb.Oz resolution range is .0001 to .05 Lb. Lb.OZ = Toggles lbs., onces

Page 5

Parameter Name Choices

11 Serial Setup Co = Continuous Output

Default = Off dE = Demand Print

UPS = UPS transmit

UPS Computer Setup: In your computer go to C:/UPS/Uows/Scale.ini

Add the following information to the scale listings. (Note: You may copy another scale and change.)
















Save scale.ini and then restart UPS Worldship. Then select tools, and system preferences. Click on the Hardware tab. Select the Com port your scale is connected to on your computer. Select the scale then press test scale. If the scales works without errors press OK on the Scale screen and the system preferences screen to enable the scale.

Parameter Name Choices

12 Output Mode Gtn = gross/tare/net output

Default = Gtn (Active in demand mode only) nEt = net or gross only

Parameter Name Choices

13 CR Delay Off

Default = Off (Active in gtn demand mode only) 1 = 1 second

2 = 2 second

3 = 3 second

Parameter Name Choices

14 Baud Rate 3 = 300 baud

Default = 96 6 = 600 baud

12 = 1200 baud

24 = 2400 baud

48 = 4800 baud

96 = 9600 baud

192 = 19200 baud

Parameter Name Choices

15 Serial Protocol 7o1= 7 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit

Default = 7E1 7E1= 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit

8n1= 8data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit

Page 6

Parameter Name Choices

16 String Configuration Std = Standard String

Default = Std Ct1 = Custom String Config.

*** To use custom string configuration, see page 12.

Parameter Name Choices

20 Remote Printing Loc = Local printing from Indicator

Default = Loc Re = Remote print to BT 84XL***

*** The BT84 must be the remote display.

*** BT 84 XL must be thePrimary indicator. The BT84 will remote print out of the BT84XL’s port 2.

*** All keypad buttons are functional on both indicator and remote display.

Parameter Name Choices

30 Time t1 = time

Parameter Name Choices

31 Date dA = date

Parameter Name Choices

32 On/off time and date*** Yes = print time and date

Default = No No = time and date off

***Only works when Parameter 16 is set on Std.

Parameter Name Choices

33 12hr/Military time 12H = Prints AM or PM

Default = 12H 24H = Prints Military time

Note: (Selection is for any time or date print out)

Parameter Name Choices

34 International T & D ENG = MM/DD/YY

Default = ENG INT = YY/MM/DD

Note: (Selection is for short format only)

***For More Time and Date choices, see page 13.

***Time and Date option must be installed for Time and Date to function.

Page 7

Load Cell Wiring

Shield- Connect to the cable clamp on the connector


BT84-Calibration Proceedure

Push Buttons – Calibration Mode


Dead EXIT Set Digit Digit

Zero CAL Weight Select Increment

Calibration Sequence

1) Press the (Gross/Net) key and the (Units) key at the same time for 3 seconds with switches SW4 and SW3 closed. Or with SW 3 Open, Close SW 4 to enter Cal. Display will now show CXXXXX with the “C” flashing, the “X”’s could be any number on initial calibration.

2) Remove all weight from scale and press the[ZERO] button. Indicator should now read [C 00].

3) Apply >10% of capacity in weight to scale platform.

4) Press [TARE] button. The display will now show [XXXXXX] with the “X”’s being a digit 0-9. Press the units button to move the digit to the right and the print button to increment the digit. When you have the display reading the same as the amount of weight you put on the scale, press the [TARE] button again. The displayed weight will now be steady and the “C” will be flashing.

5) Take the weight off the scale and check zero. Then reapply the weight and make sure the meter reads correctly.

6) If everything is correct, press the (Gross/Net) key and you are finished calibrating the scale, or open SW 4. If the readings in step 5 are not correct, repeat steps2-5.

Audit Trail

To View the audit trail hold the (G/N), (UNITS), and (PRINT) for 3 seconds.

AU-C## = Calibration, Number range is 1 – 99 (Returns to 1 after 99)

AU-P## = Configuration, Number range is 1 – 99 (Returns to 1 after 99)

Push Buttons – Audit Trail



Parameter Parameter Audit Audit Audit

The Audit trail increments when meteorological settings are changed and saved.

There is no way to reset the audit trail.

Page 8

Serial Port Wiring and Data

Serial Port Wiring

Common Receive Transmit Plus Minus

C R S + -


RS232 Setpoint

Serial Information:

Port is always in full duplex mode.

1 Start, 7 Data, 1 Stop Bit

Continuous String:

Demand String: (net), Gross Displayed

Demand String: (net), Net Displayed

Demand String: (Gtn), Gross Displayed

Demand String: (net), Net Displayed

Page 9

Serial Data Continued


ASCII Start of text character (02H)

Polarity: Space Character for positive number; a negative

sign (xxH) for a negative number.

7 character number representing the weight. Leading zeros

are spaces and a decimal point is possible.

ASCII space character (20H)

, Two or one character representation of either pounds or

kilograms. This is the units of the number.

One or more character representation of either gross, net or

tare is the weight indicated by the number.

‘ ‘ if none of the following are true:

‘O’ Over/Under range

‘M’ Motion

ASCII carriage return (ODH)

ASCII line-feed (OAH)

Serial Input Commands:

Print (motion inhibited)

Request print data.**WILL PRINT REGARDLESS


Zero weight (must be in gross mode)

Tare weight (automatically switches to net if in gross mode)

Display gross weight

Display net weight

Toggle G/N display

Switch units lb/kg

• Any other data received is ignored.

• The is the only that will respond by sending weight to the host.

• All commands must be appended by a (a can be sent but will be ignored.)

• Commands must be capital letters, lower case will not function.


If 1200 baud is selected with 10 updates/sec., there will be missed serial updates

since the time of transmitting a 14 character string takes about 117 ms., select at

least 2400 baud.

Page 10

Extended LED Values and Display Messages

To see extended LED Values, close SW1-1 and SW1-2 and press the[ZERO] button until you go past parameter 31. The extended values will be displayed with their corresponding LED. To step through these values press[ZERO] button. When finished turn off SW1-1 and SW1-2 and this will return you to normal weighing mode.



Tare Indicates mV/V input

Gross *Full Scale Calibration in mV/V (Write this value down and keep/see note 2)

Net *Dead Zero mV/V(Write this value down and keep/see note 2)

Zero Auto zero mV/V (AZM)

Mtn Zero pushbutton mV/V (PTZ)

Setpt Microvolt/count

Kg not allocated

Lb not allocated


1) mV/V values have .00001 resolution and have the nominal range of

[-.50000, 3.40000]

2) * values can be entered to reclaim calibration.

3) mV/V values are accurate to better than .5%(.2% typical)

4) Dead Zero entry shall clear PTZ and AZM


REINT: EEPROM is reinitialized automatically, one must recalibrate.

INIT: Typical load. (S1 is pressed while powering unit)

VEr x.xx: Firmware version

Btek: A/D initialization is occuring

A2D.Err: A/D Error. Trying to reinitialize A/D

EE.Err1: EEPROM not responding

EE.Err2: EEPROM verify failure

.A2D. : A/D internal calibration running

CAL.Err : Add more than 10% capacity of weight when calibrating.

OL: More than 103% capacity applied

UL: Less than –3% weight applied

A2D OL: Analog input is greater than 3.4mV/V

A2D UL: Analog input is less than –0.45mV/V

Page 11


Parameter 16 is the custom buffer selection in configuration

|DISPLAY |Serial output mode |

|16. Std |Prints out the standard format programmed in the indicator |

|16. Ct1 |Serial Tx1 is custom and will print in gross or net modes. Pressing EDIT buffer shall enter custom tx 1 |

| |edit/view. The buffer has an 80-step capability. |

Press edit buffer to view the buffer. The display has the format “X X - Y Y Y,” where “XX” is the step number from 1 to 80 and “YYY” is the ASCII / Display code value.


Scrolling through configuration:



|PARAMETER |PARAMETER |selected |Std/Ct1 |Std/Ct1 |

When the EDIT BUFFER pushbutton is pressed, the pushbuttons assume the following functions:


|UP |DOWN | |UP | |

STEP UP: Next position in buffer

STEP DOWN: Last position in buffer

SHIFT: Other pushbuttons assume other functions (see below).

VALUE UP: Increase the value of the character/code.

VALUE DOWN: Decrease the value of the character/code.

Shift function:


| |BUFFER | | | |

Page 12



|(Decimal) | | |

|0 |0 |End of Buffer- This must be at the end of the buffer string setup. |

|1 |0-31 |Standard, non printable ASCII codes. |

|32 |32-127 |Standard, printable ASCII codes. |

|*128 |128-135 |Displayed weight |

|*136 |136-143 |Gross weight |

|*144 |144-151 |Net Weight / (Peak weight when enabled) |

|*152 |152-159 |Tare weight |

|160 |160-167 |Not allocated |

|168 |168-175 |Not allocated |

|176 |176-183 |Not allocated |

|184 |184-191 |Not allocated |

|192 |192-199 |Not allocated |

|200 |200-207 |Not allocated |

|208 |208-215 |Not allocated |

|216 |216-223 |Not allocated |

|224 |224-231 |Not allocated |

|232 |232-239 |Not allocated |

|240 |240-247 |Time & date functions, see table on page 13. |

|248 |248-255 |Miscellaneous code functions, see table on page 13. |

Label YYY:

Note: * These codes can be formatted as shown in the table below.

For formatting options, add amount to the base code:

No label: Add 1

No units: Add 2

No CR/LF: Add 4

|Output |Code |

|Gross Wt. –123.456 lb |136 |

|–123.456 lb |137=136+1 |

|Gross Wt. –123.456 |138=136+2 |

|-123.456 |143=136+1+2+4 |


Units: lbs, kgs

Page 13



|CODE | | |Example |

|240 |DATE (format 1) |MM/DD/YY |01/12/00 |

|241 |DATE (format 2) |{month} {day}, {year} |January 12, 2000 |

|242-243 |Not allocated | | |

|244 |TIME |HH:MM:SS | 13:45:59 |

| | |HH:MM:SSAM / PM | 1:45:59PM |

|245-247 |Not allocated | | |

“30 tI” Time, press view (tare) to see current time.

“31 dA” Date, press view (tare) to see current date.

“32 tI” Prints time and date on standard print out if selected yes/no

“33 AM/PM” Selects between military time or 12 hr clock

Keyboard Operation for Time and Date Setup




While setting time or date:



1. Press view (tare) to view a dynamic time or date (T/D).

2. Press select digit (units) to select hours, minutes, seconds, month, date, or year (the selected value flashes).

3. Press value up (print) to increment the flashing value.

4. Repeat the last two steps for the other two T/D values. NOTE: Press done (tare) if not all three T/D values need to be entered.

5. Press exit (tare) to go back to configuration menu.

NOTE: Press ABORT EDIT to cancel editing the T/D, any changes made will not be stored.



|248 |Transmit Status |Single character representation of the status of|, “O”, or “M” |

| | |applied weight | |

|249 |Single character units |Tx’s single L or K for weight units. |“L” or “K” |

|250 |Double character units |Tx’s lb or kg for weight units. |“lb” or “kg” |

|251 |Single character display mode |Tx’s single N or G for the displayed weight. |“N” or “G” |

| | |NOTE: This should be used only with displayed | |

| | |weight codes (128-135). | |

|252 | | | |

|253 | | | |

|254 | | | |

|255 |Transmit CR/LF | | |

Page 14

Custom Serial Worksheet

|Row Number |Code |Description |

|01 | | |

|02 | | |

|03 | | |

|04 | | |

|05 | | |

|06 | | |

|07 | | |

|08 | | |

|09 | | |

|10 | | |

|11 | | |

|12 | | |

|13 | | |

|14 | | |

|15 | | |

|16 | | |

|17 | | |

|18 | | |

|19 | | |

|20 | | |

|21 | | |

|22 | | |

|23 | | |

|24 | | |

|25 | | |

|26 | | |

|27 | | |

|28 | | |

|29 | | |

|30 | | |

|31 | | |

|32 | | |

|33 | | |

|34 | | |

|35 | | |

|36 | | |

|37 | | |

|38 | | |

|39 | | |

|40 | | |

|41 | | |

|42 | | |

| Row Number |Code |Description |

| 43 | | |

| 44 | | |

|45 | | |

|46 | | |

|47 | | |

|48 | | |

|49 | | |

|50 | | |

|51 | | |

|52 | | |

|53 | | |

|54 | | |

|55 | | |

|56 | | |

|57 | | |

|58 | | |

|59 | | |

|60 | | |

|61 | | |

|62 | | |

|63 | | |

|64 | | |

|65 | | |

|66 | | |

|67 | | |

|68 | | |

|69 | | |

|70 | | |

|71 | | |

|72 | | |

|73 | | |

|74 | | |

|75 | | |

|76 | | |

|77 | | |

|78 | | |

|79 | | |

|80 | | |

Page 16




|NUL |000 |DLE |016 |SP |032 |0 |048 |

|SOH |001 |DC1 |017 |! |033 |1 |049 |

|STX |002 |DC2 |018 |“ |034 |2 |050 |

|ETX |003 |DC3 |019 |# |035 |3 |051 |

|EOT |004 |DC4 |020 |$ |036 |4 |052 |

|ENQ |005 |NAK |021 |% |037 |5 |053 |

|ACK |006 |SYN |022 |& |038 |6 |054 |

|BEL |007 |ETB |023 |‘ |039 |7 |055 |

|BS |008 |CAN |024 |( |040 |8 |056 |

|HT |009 |EM |025 |) |041 |9 |057 |

|LF |010 |SUB |026 |* |042 |: |058 |

|VT |011 |ESC |027 |+ |043 |; |059 |

|FF |012 |FS |028 |, |044 |< |060 |

|CR |013 |GS |029 |- |045 |= |061 |

|SO |014 |RS |030 |. |046 |> |062 |

|SI |015 |US |031 |/ |047 |? |063 |

Page 17




|@ |064 |P |080 |` |096 |p |112 |

|A |065 |Q |081 |a |097 |q |113 |

|B |066 |R |082 |b |098 |r |114 |

|C |067 |S |083 |c |099 |s |115 |

|D |068 |T |084 |d |100 |t |116 |

|E |069 |U |085 |e |101 |u |117 |

|F |070 |V |086 |f |102 |v |118 |

|G |071 |W |087 |g |103 |w |119 |

|H |072 |X |088 |h |104 |x |120 |

|I |073 |Y |089 |i |105 |y |121 |

|J |074 |Z |090 |j |106 |z |122 |

|K |075 |[ |091 |k |107 |{ |123 |

|L |076 |\ |092 |l |108 |} |124 |

|M |077 |] |093 |m |109 |~ |125 |

|N |078 |^ |094 |n |110 | |126 |

|O |079 |_ |095 |o |111 | | |

Page 18



1. Slide the cover in the direction marked OPEN (it will only move a half inch)

2. Lift the cover off of the base.

3. Lift the LEFT end of the paper spindle first then remove the spindle.

4. Insert the end of the new roll of paper into the paper slot of the printer mechanism with the paper coming off the roll at the bottom as shown.

5. Use the paper feed switch to advance paper (at least three inches extend above the printer).

6. Place the spindle in the new paper roll with the two round shafts on the left end.

7. Insert the RIGHT end of the spindle in it’s holder first.

8. Snap the LEFT end of the spindle into position.

9. Feed the loose end of paper through the paper slot and locate the cover flush with the base at the position on half inch from the top. (See step 1).

10. Slide the cover in the direction marked CLOSE and snap it into position.


1. Remove the cover as described in steps 1 and 2 above.

2. Use the paper feed switch to advance paper (at least three inches extend above the printer).

3. Press down on the left end of the ribbon (ribbon is marked PUSH)

4. Lift both ends to remove the old ribbon.

5. Turn the knob on the right end of the ribbon as needed to keep the ribbon tight while placing the new ribbon over the extended paper and snapping it down firmly into place.

6. Replace the cover as described in steps 9 and 10 above.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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