
WOW Websites from Seattle Spring 2008Allison WeggThis site provides language arts activities, games, and printables for grades K-8. There is a “Recommend a Book” template, a simile-writing practice game; phonics, spelling, and grammar activities. In addition, there are essay/story writing prompts, proverbs for students to ponder, and vocabulary activities. I specifically liked the “Recommend a Book” template (which is also a printable) and would use this with some my students when we practice writing book recommendations, as it gives them the prompts they need to successfully write one.This website walks students through the process of writing a paragraph. It provides examples, prompts, and tips to guide students through the process. Students can begin by being brief – using words or phrases – and then the computer prompts them to write complete sentences. There are opportunities for revising and editing. I would use this program with some of my students who don’t like writing and have difficulty forming thoughts and organizing their writing. It would provide them with the prompts and examples necessary to write a paragraph on their own..uk/grammar/archive/grammar_games_index_page01.htmlThis website has grammar games for students to practice skills. There are games focusing on suffixes, verb tenses, adverbs, commas, common errors, adjectives, and many other grammar topics. I would use this with students to practice certain grammar skills. site has magnetic poetry for students to arrange to form sentences, phrases, or poems. I didn’t like how students aren’t really creating their own poems – rather they are given specific words to unscramble to make a pre-written poem. I would, however, consider using this though, since the real magnetic poetry is expensive and this is free. site has practice for grades K-8, focusing on compound words, contractions, antonyms, synonyms, and homophones. The activities are presented in multiple choice format, sort of like a quiz, so I doubt my students would enjoy it. However, I could use it as an assessment to see what my students know.This site teaches vocabulary, but also donates 20 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program for each word one gets right. There are different levels of difficulty, so you can personalize the activities for each student depending on their vocabulary skills. Many of my students already use this site and love it. site has numerous interactive games under the following categories: dictionary, vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, word fun, parts of speech, Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss, Captain Underpants, Charlotte’s Web, figurative language, Mad Libs, reading activities and young readers. I have used other sites for Mad Libs activities but I like this one because it gives students examples of words. I’ve found on other sites that when I ask my students for a verb (or noun or adjective, etc.), they never remember what one is so I am constantly having to tell them. This site would give them more independence. site has links to grammar games on Funbrain. The games focus on parts of speech, sign language, verb forms, idioms, plurals, and spelling. I liked the game about idioms – though I’m not sure my students would be able to play independently, I could use the examples of idioms to teach my students their meanings. focusing on sight words, alphabet, crossword puzzles, Hangman, grammar, phonics/spelling, brain gym (activities using the right brain), and typing practice. I might use the sight words games to practice Dolch words, as many of my students have IEP goals to learn Dolch words. Web Tales – These are Mad Lib-like tales. I use this website frequently with my students who love the silly stories. I like this site in particular because they frequently change the stories so it’s not the same ones over and over again, like I’ve found on some of the other Mad Lib sites. website has a plethora of resources. I especially like the interactive plot creator, in which students can choose the setting, character, and conflict. This would be helpful for those students who never know what to write about or who have a hard time coming up with ideas. There is also a plot pre-write worksheet that can be used with the interactive plot creator. The site also has tons of writing prompts, writing lessons, and 6-trait lessons that I can use for lesson ideas. site has silly poems for kids to read and rate. There is also a section called “Poetry Class” that gives easy to follow instructions for how to write funny poems. Additionally, there is a “Fill-in-the blank” poem section with pre-written poems and spaces for students to type in words to finish a line. I would use this for my students who have a hard time writing poetry – this way they can feel a bit of success by writing their “own” poems. site allows you to look up definitions, use a thesaurus, search for rhyming words, use an encyclopedia, and look up quotations. I would teach my students to use the thesaurus to look for more interesting words to use in their writing and for the rhyming words – to use while writing poetry. LEARNS Literacy Assessment Profile can be used to assess students in the five areas of reading (phonics, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and phonemic awareness). You can use it to determine whether a student is an emergent, beginning, or independent reader. There are data recording forms and book lists of books to use with each type of reader. I was really excited to find this – I will definitely use it next year with my special ed. students to assess where they are as readers. I also liked the checklists, which I could use at conferences to show parents what their children are able to do. Rosetta Project – these are antique books that are available to read and listen to online, in several different languages. They are sorted by reading levels. I would use this with some of my low readers so they can read along as the stories are being read to them. Also, the fact that they are translated into several languages is nice, as I have many different languages represented among my students. Screen Actors Guild Foundation – actors read aloud children’s books. I would use this site with low readers – they can read along as someone reads the story to them. There are also activities that can be used to go along with the stories. site has puzzlemaker – which allows you to make word searches, crossword puzzles, and other activities. I might use this to create a fun way to practice or review vocabulary. site has lots of printable worksheets focusing on grammar, phonics, and word work. What I liked about it is that I often find myself spending time creating worksheets on my own that are very similar to the ones here on this site. Now, I can just come to this site and print them off, rather than spending time to create them myself. interactive website allows you to create your own comic strip. There are characters to choose from and you can choose the emotions for each character. You can create talk or thought balloons in English or Spanish. The comics can be printed or emailed. My students would love this website – to create their own original comics, or I could assign a topic for the comic. site has book lists for several different reading skills, such as cause/effect, inferences, setting, making connections, summarizing, predicting, compare/contrast, genre, and sequence. Also, there are book lists for memoirs, fairy tales/fables, and non-fiction. Additionally, there are links to interactive stories online, read aloud book lists by grade level, and themed book lists. I would use this site to find books to use for teaching different reading skills. My school focuses on teaching thinking skills and comprehension strategies and I often find myself struggling to find books to use with each thinking skill. -6858003429005372100228600Outstanding Literacy WebsitesJenni1. website is great for educators. It offers fiction and nonfiction reading activities that correlate with the stories from the Storyworks magazine subscription. Some of these activities include inference, comprehension, and poetry lessons. However, if you do not subscribe to the magazine, there are general templates that you can use or any type of story. I have used these templates in my class often, but have modified them a bit to fit my students’ needs. 2. Time for Kids websites are helpful in many ways. First, the teacher website is helpful as all the current magazines and correlating worksheets are online for easy access. For the kids website, the website is filled with homework help, writing help, and much more. It also has games and activities for the students to explore. These range from themes on their favorite new movie or book, to current issues such as the election. I have used this website for writing mini lessons in my class.3. website offers hundreds of lesson plans for teachers ranging from holiday lessons to literature. It is very easy to navigate. I am excited that I found this website as I plan to use it for my classroom for lesson ideas, bulletin board printables, worksheets and much more. 4. interactive games looked fun and easy to do. It could be used as a station during choice activity or during specific units of study. It has a few games that would tie into my mystery unit as well. This website also has many other resources like holiday cards and seasonal activities. 5. website is fantastic for finding subject and grade level specific lessons. It has an easy format that allows you to search for anything you want. I specifically like the literacy lessons I have found on this website in the past. I know I will use it continually throughout my teaching career. 6. I love this resource! It is a comic creator! It allows students to create a comic strip and use clip art for the drawings. Then they can add the story in afterward. I would use this tool for a class example if I were to use comics to teach literacy. It would also entice those students who have a hard time with these subjects and allow them to have a goal to work towards. This could be use as a reward. 7. it takes so much time to create graphic organizers that fit each specific lesson. This website allows teachers to create them that are lesson specific, but in a timely and organized manner. I plan to use this website for many literacy lessons next year, both with my students as well as to plan for lessons too. 8. site provides many resources such as holiday themed paper, word search templates, leveled book databases and much more! It is a great tool to add to any collection as it provides teachers with resources they would use on a weekly basis. I really look forward to using it in my classroom for the book database as well as the themed holiday materials. 9. ! This website is kid friendly and provides students with great facts on the human body. It explains every question they could possibly think of. I especially like how easy it is for students to navigate and find what they need. It also has fun games that I will use next year for a virtual field trip when we do our human body unit. This site will prove to be a helpful tool for our research project on the human body. 10. will be a great resource for our nutrition unit. It has games, a kids cookbook, and a guide to helping with the food pyramid. It also provides a nutrition guide for students to use. I will definitely use this website to help guide my lessons during my nutrition unit next year. 11. is a fantastic reading resource! It has various types of tools such as book summaries, book lists, author lists and much more. I think this website would be appropriate for any k-6th grade teacher. I know I will use it for the summaries as that is our end of the year writing assessment.12. is a great tool for making an assortment of puzzles. These range from crossword puzzles, to hidden messages and more. I would use this for creating morning warm ups in all content areas. 13. a great tool for students who are learning to read. This allows them to practice reading skills in steps that work up to what I would consider a kindergarten level. Since it is on the computer it will make reading more interesting and fun for those struggling readers. I could have easily used this program when I taught kindergarten. 14. use this website almost every day. It is a great tool for teachers and students alike who want to look up a correct spelling or definition of a word. It is simple to use. Just type the word in the box and all possible definitions appear. Even a pronunciation guide. 15. the writing teacher who is always trying to get his/her students writing, this is the site for you! This website is a list of story starters. This is a surefire way to give your struggling and resistant writers something to write about. And what’s better, they might even like their topic! I will be making a list of these and giving them to my students next year as a resource. 16. great resource for teachers. This website has many articles about the brain and how it connects to learning in different subject areas. It also has brain teasers that could be used in the classroom on a daily basis and games that promote brain strengthening. 17. website includes many completed reader’s theater scripts. This is great on many levels. First it ties in with the fluency piece of reading and allows students to be creative when reading. It also has many fairy tales and fables which ties in to our fiction unit well. I will use this as a major resource for many fluency lessons next year. 18. wish I would have known about this site at the beginning of this year. It is a great way to make writing checklists for revising and editing. You click the category you want, such as conventions, and then write the description or directions in the box below. It has many spaces and allows for a great organized checklist without forgetting any parts. 19. has many wonderful templates that I will begin using right away. A few that I liked were the weekly assignment calendars, the holiday worksheets, and the graphic organizers. It can be used in K-6th grade especially. This website is easy to navigate and fun to use and explore. 20. This has been one of my favorite website databases for years now. It is sorted by subject area as well as grade level. When you search for your topic it will take you to a list of websites that are the appropriate reading and content level based on your search specifications. It goes all the way through high school. You do have to pay for a subscription, but it is well worth the money. I have used it for research projects and found it to be very helpful for the kids. KathleenABC TeachThis website is a good choice for teachers, students, and parents. The website has games, puzzles, mazes, and coloring pages for students. The site has thematic units for teachers to use for activities and reproducible pages. Reproducible pages include shape books and booklets for students. for KidsThis is a search engine students can use to find information and do research.Students can access different news resources such as BBC news and Weekly Newsroom at their grade level to find a variety of topics and information. There are word and spelling games for students to play. the LionsThis website funded by PBS is suited for preK-2nd grade. The site offers online stories and games, music, and video clips to support reading and phonetic skills. Each of the online stories has accompanying word games related to the story to support vocabulary development. ChannelOn this website you can search for activities by grade level or subject in math, science, and technology. The website allows you to create your own customized puzzles, quizzes, and activities. Eleven puzzle makers allow you to create word searches, crossword puzzles, and math puzzles using your own word lists. LearningStudents can use this site to explore content area related subjects. Science is listed by age group and topic. There are a variety of shape book, animal information with animal pictures to label, and content area print outs. Students can choose from animals listed alphabetically for basic research. K-3 teachers can search through subjects listed thematically for related activities and information.Fact MonsterA search engine for students. Students can use the atlas, almanac, dictionary, and encyclopedia for reference. This site offers help with writing projects like how to write book reports and biographies. scavenger hunts online on any theme or topic using this Web page tool. You can post your scavenger hunt online and students can click directly on the links you choose. On this Web page you are also able to bookmark specific sites for students to explore to motivate them and engage them in a topic. Blocks Graphic OrganizersThis website is a good source for different graphic organizers. The organizers can be used for pre and post reading activities and for writing. The graphic organizers include variations of organizers such as K-W-L, Venn Diagram, story maps, etc. Story TrainThese are collaborative stories. That means they are written by more than one kid. They also have pictures to go with each "train car" part of the story. Each story train has three cars and children from all around the world wrote and drew pictures for the site. Poetry FormsHaving trouble writing a poem? This site makes it easy! Just fill out one of the many forms and you’ll have a poem.’s Book ShelfEncouraging student’s creativity in reading and writing is the focus of this website. Student’s can read question and answers with children’s authors and book reviews. Also, students can read other children’s writing and publish their own writing in a variety of genres such as short stories, poetry, and book reviews. Fact CaféA site for elementary students to practice basic math facts. Students can practice flashcards online. Worksheets can be printed out and copied for students by selecting problem types. Teachers can choose the skill that students need to practice. The website gives students immediate feedback on whether their answers are right or wrong when they are doing online practice. is a member website, but it has 50 samples to explore. Young students can read animated books, read and listen to songs and jokes, and play reading and word related games. RickStudents can explore this website for environmental, science, nature, and animal related facts, information, and games. Students can research animal information. The site leads students through the steps of making and keeping a nature journal. is FundamentalReading is fun at this site filled with interviews, book reviews, competitions, on-line stories by top children's authors, and more. This site is for both Kids and Parents. RainbowA great website to encourage student’s love of books and reading. All the Reading Rainbow books are available for listening to online. The site features young writer’s and illustrators and offers a Young Writer’s contest. Student written and read book reviews encourage interest in books and model writing reviews. Webpage provides the tools for teachers to create rubrics or search for rubrics for use in the classroom. website for young readers. The site includes interactive books and phonics games to help K-2 readers develop their reading skills. A good listening and reading center. from the WebChildren aged 8-14 can write their own tales, poems, or book reviews and display them in the on-line gallery. OnlineScreen actors read children’s picture books online. Children can read, hear and see stories before them. Stories are available for many levels of readers. Each story has a list of activity suggestions that students can choose from. Students could choose from this list and respond to the story in a story response journal. The stories read are engaging and would be great as a listening center activity. webpage allows you to collect and annotate website by creating a track. You can also search for tracks created by other teachers. An excellent way to organize website so they are easily accessible to you and your students. of ReadingOn this site, you can read book reviews written by other kids and submit your own too. There are also links to resources about authors and online books. with WritersGet tips from real authors on how to write mystery stories, folktales, biographies and more. Then publish your writing online. for KidsA popular search engine for students. A fun and interactive website for students with resources and references on a broad range of subjects and topics. Students are able to research and play games on the site. JonesMore than twenty GREAT literacy websites for teachers… website is packed full of resources for reading as a resource for parents, teachers, and students. For educational use there are many printable activities as well as online interactive reading games for students. I enjoyed the printable books. Teachers who need resources in Spanish will enjoy the Spanish literacy activities. This website believes that teaching reading is so fundamental and important that instructing reading should be free. With step by step lessons with printable materials this website is a rich resource for a direct, systematic, and explicit method for teaching reading. This website was most useful for helping me instruct my struggling readers. I use this site on a daily basis. 3.You can go to this website and download mp3’s of books being read aloud (think books on tape). There are some books that are for free but most children’s stories cost less than $5 per story. I found this website to be a great resource for connecting students from families that do not speak English with text that is being read aloud to them. I can imagine having these books on MP3 players and the actual book in the child’s hand to create a learning station in a classroom.I-TunesGoing to I-Tune (once the free download is installed on your computer) store and looking at podcasts leads to a wealth of audible and free downloads. Some podcasts are more useful than others, but the ones that are books being read aloud are useful to exposing children to more texts when an adult physically cannot be with them. For teachers it is perfect because most podcasts are free and can easily downloaded for student use. One draw back is that the podcasts only work on a computer with I-Tunes downloaded or on I-Pods. Useful for educators and parents with current research and articles about reading and literacy this website cannot be passed up. My favorite feature about this website is the author interviews. Some have video and others have just have written dialogue, but they are all wonderful for putting a face to children’s favorite authors. I like how it makes authors come to children. Well known and highly published author Jan Brett has a great website to go along with her books. Using her books as a launching point the website has a tremendous amount of supplemental learning activities that go along with her books. Teachers will enjoy that the lesson ideas come from other teachers. Jan Brett characters are charming and students will not get enough of the printable bookmarkers and coloring pages. Lois Elhert’s name hard to pronounce? Do students want to know more about a particular author? This website connects readers with authors. Conveniently compiled information on hundreds of authors this website offers easy, one-stop shopping, access to authors’ biographies and lesson plans. The lesson plans may not be foolproof, but they are a great resource for teachers. you sign up for a free membership you can post your writing to share with the world—next best thing to actually getting published right? I have known teachers who use this website as an incentive for students to create their best work when writing. There is just something exhilarating about seeing something you wrote on the internet. In true celebration of the writer this website can be used to celebrate students’ writing publically. Also, gives students an audience for writing—a very tricky thing to convey to younger students!This is the homepage for the International Reading Association (IRA). You need to have a paid membership to enjoy the full array of resources from IRA but even without one you can still enjoy the reading articles on the latest in reading and what is being done politically for reading. A useful resource for teachers who want to be informed about reading to make sure they are using the best practices when they teach. site’s dual purpose is to reach out to both parents and educators. Mostly offering links to other websites I found that the resources were useful. Personally, the free downloadable books were the most helpful. My low-income students come from households where even going to the library is difficult. I like how this website breaks resources down into age groups as well. Teachers can use this site as a resource for teaching. to the IRA (see number 9) this website wants educators to be informed about reading and not leaving out parents. What I enjoyed most about this website is that they offer resources for struggling readers who are older. Lately, lots of resources aim to focus on the youngest of struggling readers due to research about intervention for struggling readers. I think the content area reading information is helpful for older readers who have to do more reading for math, science, and history. and Are there teacher buzz words that you hear a lot for reading but not sure what they mean? This website offers definitions and backgrounds for those terms. More importantly, there are online videos you can watch (for free!) of teachers teaching and discussing what they are doing. Professional development at your fingertips! I will actually come back to this site a lot because being able to watch teaching happen on my own time is a goldmine! Teachers who are looking for ways to see veteran teachers teach reading should visit this site. is so much I have yet to learn about teaching reading and I am always seeking out resources that are informational. This list is of several (rated on the website) websites that are useful for reading instruction. I found the link to Colorin’ Colorado was helpful because it was about teaching ELL and that is always an area I could use more help with. Many of the websites they have listed are ones I have already listed here. district I teach in is all about balanced literacy and not balanced literacy packaged up in a basal or program but rather balanced literacy based on the needs of the learners. Knowing how teach balanced literacy in this way comes from experience, lots of planning, and collaboration with other teachers. As a new teacher I lack the bulk of experience. This website is helpful for giving me concrete and written (both of which my district does not provide to me) ideas and directions for the elements in balanced literacy. Beyond that this teacher gives you everything (and I mean everything) that she uses in her classroom. For new teachers going to Miss Nelson’s webpage is useful as a resource with all of her ideas. practices for teaching reading have all let us know that worksheets are not the most effective way to teach reading, but sometimes you need a worksheet for those students who learn by doing on paper. This website has printable worksheets for phonics lessons. I would use these worksheets to send home as homework for extra practice. I like how the worksheets include pictures with words which is perfect for students who are learning English. website has fun activities for children to play. The Mad Libs are great practice for students on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and so on. Along with some book activities this site appeals to kids of all ages. This site has kid appeal in the graphics and kids may come to the site to play arcade type games, but they may end up discovering the learning games that are also fun! I would use the Mad Libs with my class by projecting the website and doing the stories together. though the key components of balanced literacy from Regie Routman come from her books or from meeting with her in professional development workshops her website is useful in knowing about her latest developments and resources. If you only have the chance to read a book of hers and not actually meet with her then her website fills you in on the things that her books do not. She strongly believes that teachers need to have a interesting life outside of school to be interesting teachers and she has some samples of what that looks like online. Teachers can use her website as a supplemental material to her books. and Scholastic is well known for inexpensive book prices for students; however, the scholastic website is packed full of teaching resources that are generally connected to literacy. Clicking on the activities opens you up to a vast spectrum of fun games, interactive reading, and much more. Specifically my students have enjoyed content area reading with the “Magic School Bus” activities. Teachers will enjoy the free printables that go along with trade books they may use in their teaching. from teachers across the country to you, this website has a plethora of resources for teaching children’s literacy. I have been using this website for months and every time I go there I find something new. Teachers who need quick and applicable ideas will love the easy access for ideas for practically anything you want to teach. In addition, the free printables are perfect for supporting those activities. Teachers will enjoy resources for Spanish, German, and even Norwegian speakers even. website has free resources for early childhood education and kindergarten. The printable books are a great resource for teachers who need books so that each child has his or her own copy. The lesson plans and ideas are practical and easy to implement in a classroom with pre-conventional readers. Teachers will enjoy that many of the lessons use popular trade books that are popular with children. Even in this age of technology handwriting is still an important skill. Students have to print on many tests and be able to print legibly. Typing is not always an option. Being able to choose the type of handwriting style as well as what words is more than you can get from a book. I like how the worksheets you can custom make have standard writing lines in addition to dots that show students where the placement of the letters go. I use this website to make worksheets with content area words for students to practice not only the words but also how to print neatly. Wendy BurnhamGrammarEnglish Grammar 101 website helps students work through grammar rules. The student can identify the challenge area, and take a pre-test to determine what they know, and what they have yet to learn. This could be used in a classroom to assist the teacher in individualizing grammar lessons to the students. I like this website because rather than just engaging in a grammar lesson, you can select the grammar lesson that is right for each student.Grammar Bites website is user-friendly and inviting. It is organized into different sections including terms, exercises, tips and rules. There are a lot of grammar exercises to help students strengthen specific skills. The website could be used as a group or individual lesson in the classroom.ReviseWise Spelling and Grammar website takes some time to explore and navigate. There are many options in the website. Although there are grammar sections, it also includes options to work within much subject area. to use this within the classroom, you would need a specific step-by-step guideline to get the students to the section that you want them to work on. As a teacher, it is fun to explore and view all of the potential lessons across a variety of subjects.The Wide World of Verbs website organizes verbs into action, helping, and state-of-being verbs. There are tests tosee if you have knowledge of all areas. If you need additional help with verbs, there are activities to help. I would use this when teaching my students their SAT preparation. We work on subject and verb agreement, and I always have to help them review what a verb is. WritingWriting Tips-o-matic is an extremely helpful website. I will definitely use this with my students. The website is straightforward and easy to navigate. There are options to work on sentences, paragraphs, and essays. If you need help writing a sentence, you simply click on sentence and then choose the topic that you need help with.Web Sites for the Write Way is some great information on this site, and there are some expired websites that you are not able to access. What I like is the variety of topics for writers to consider when faced with a free writing. I would use this in my classroom to help my seniors find topics to write about for their free journals for their British Literature class. Writing Ideas that Work website is easy to use and provides a lot of great ideas for writing. I have to say, my favorite part of this site is the joke category. I would not only use this website to help my students with writing, but I would also find jokes to use as transition activities to grab my student’s attention.Creative Writing Process is an extremely helpful website for the needs of my students. this website includes the topics of writing essay, creative writing, graphic organizers, proofreading, writing a book, writing process and writing. I would use this website for many things, but I am especially keen on using the proofreading section to help my students become independent. I do a lot of proofreading for them, and my ultimate goal is that they gain the skills to proofread their own work. This particular site will help them with this goal.Six Traits Resources by Trait website explains the six traits in detail. Each category of the six traits has a variety of activities to help students learn about the trait. I would definitely use this to help my students. This would help them understand the six traits of writing, and how to use the traits to improve their own writing. Structure of the Five Paragraph Essay website provides the basic format for the five paragraph essay. It is a simple outline of the five parts. Oftentimes less is more, and that is the case with this website. I would use this to show students the basic five paragraph essay. LiteratureTeaching Treasures English Projects and Activities is a useful website for primary grades. The website is laid out with a variety of activities that are identified as appropriate for certain grade levels. I could see using this website with my son to work on his writing skills, and he would enjoy story time. There are a couple options for my high school students. There are a few activities that I could share with our Theology teachers to use in their classes, such as a word scramble, and underlining nouns in the Bible.University of Virginia’s Free e-book Library is an amazing resource! This resource offers a selection of over 1,800 books that can be downloaded. Not only is this a helpful resource for students who need to read books for their English classes, but it could be a fun resource for foreign language teachers. You can download books in a variety of languages. NewspaperLet’s Write a Newspaper is a really fun website, and very user-friendly. If a teacher has an interest in the class developing a newspaper, this website will walk you through the entire process from beginning to end. In fact, it lays out the newspaper writing one day at a time. I would definitely use this in my classroom, but would modify it slightly to work with older children. I would use it to help students with their writing, and to make writing fun. I would use it in the form of developing a monthly Academic Resources update. The students could write stories about their accomplishments, we could write about the awards they earned, or any athletic accomplishments. is a helpful resource for my students. They study poetry sporadically during their freshman and sophomore year, but spend an entire semester on poetry their junior year. during their poetry study they are required to research poets. I would use this website to help them with their research.Reference and ResearchInternet Public Library browsing what this website had to offer, I found a section incredibly helpful. I found a section for Getting Learning Disabled Students Ready for College. I will not only use the entire website to help my students with their general research, I will use this specific article to help guide them through the college readiness process.Librarian’s guide to the Internet students are required to write several research papers, and this website will be extremely helpful. It not only breaks down the topics into specific categories, they are alphabetized. This will be an easy site for my students to navigate and access primary sources for their research.A Research guide for Students ; this will be an extremely helpful website for me to use with my students. This website takes you through the research process step-by-step. Not only does it help you find resources, it also provides instruction on citing sources, bibliographies, and all the other subjects that my students find challenging. I look forward to sending my students to this website the next time they ask me to teach them how to write a bibliography. So you have to do a Research Project? is another great and user-friendly tool for students when faced with a research project. This website walks students through the process of writing a research paper step by step. It is user-friendly, and has many categories that you can click on, and you will find yourself linked to awesome information. Whether you need a thesaurus or rhyming words, this website provides it. I would definitely use this in my classroom to help students become independent in their research writing. MLA Citations of Online Information website is a resource for MLA writing. It provides information on how to cite online information. Surprisingly, citing online sources is one of the most challenging things for my students. They will appreciate this website and I will use it in the classroom to help them correctly cite their online sources. OtherGreek and Latin Root skills website provides information about Greek and Latin Root words. There are games such as concentration and word searches, and also flash cards. Knowing the Greek and Latin root words is very helpful for my students before they take the SAT. I would incorporate the use of this website in my SAT preparation. ................

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