
Description of Softwareleft187134500Window 7 is software systems which still owns well over 50% of the operating system market share as of May 2015 making the best choice of software for PC users across the globe. This was because Microsoft's had a good vision of what update of mechanism they would need. Windows 7 is a personal computer operating system which is developed by Microsoft. This is contacted with Windows NT family which is the operating systems. However Windows 7 was released on 22 July 2009, and became available on 22 October 2009, this took less than three years after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista. What does window 7 do.The Windows 7 OS gives out many new tools and features that linked on things that will improved productivity which will benefit the usability.? This new OS has been used to be more effective and less distracting (which will stop all the unnecessary pop-ups which will notify the user that there is a report for the user).? Users that upgrade to Windows 7 will be in a better position for increased productivity while enjoying many resourcesBenefits of Installing and Maintaining Software?When installing (Window 7) software there are many advantages this will pose, for example you will be able to do new things and possibly work with them. You will be able to do a widespread of procedures this means that the procedures could possibly work better with the intended task. Another benefits will be if you have a few amount of things installed on your computer you can combine them all into only one programme. Finally another good advantage of installing new software (Window 7) is that you will be accessible to new programmes which you can install, since new programmes are always being created to create a better version. For example when vista arrived it was far more better since window 7 came in this has become the most used and favorited amounts computer user since it can cope with more and new tasks.Maintaining software has its benefits some of these are the improvement of development of skills for basic computer hardware and internet use when you are maintaining Software. You will be able to ensure if the budget for the technology is at a standard and sensible rare to suffice the hardware and software which will lead to the support of educational development for students, however another benefits is When your equipment is down, you will end up producing nothing. When your equipment is not to standard the production is slowed and rejects are up .When a compliance item is not met, the entire operation can be closed if the equipment’s breaks down on a Job, the entire operation comes to a halt. Implications of Installing and Maintaining Software?When installing a software (Window 7) there are many implications which could be caused. For example choosing the right time for installing your new software. If you are working in a big business this will caused you to lose a lot of time this is because the computer will stop working at the time of the installation as a result the business could face thousands of pounds. Another implication that could occur is when you install a new software you could lose all your data or anything that is in your computer. To prevent this on happening you will need to make sure that you back everything up. When downloading window 7 many implications could occur for example some of the users are not happy with the new features which is provided, because, they need to buy out additional resources such as a new RAM which they will need to make use of. However some may find It expensive than the previous Microsoft operating systems while others users may face problems such as their system fails or even hangs after installing Windows 7. Lastly if the user has got an HP multifunction printer, and the driver is upgraded to the Windows 7, however this will lead to the printer not to response to the print commands when maintaining software much implication could occur some of these are the fees you pay and the licence you need. Another drawback which could occur is unknown bugs if there are any you will not be aware of them. How Installing and Maintaining Software could Improve Productivity are there any risks?When Maintaining and installing software (Windows 7) this can improve productivity this will allow you to gain access to the latest software making some tasked easier. However there can still be implications and the risk can be unknown some of these risks which could occur are unnecessary bugs Another way installing and maintaining Windows 7 can improve productivity is that the security is much better and the productivity will be at a higher rate which lowers the chance of you getting virus as you would have activate the latest anti-virus software. However another way maintaining Windows 7 improves productivity is that you are able to communicate with the your own computer system even if you don’t know computer language of your computer this means that you won’t have learn how to communicate with the computer as a results you will save money.Window 7 can improve the productivity in a school environment for example when you connect to a network, Windows 7 will automatically locate the area you are in and select the proper printers for your print jobs. However new options will be available and allow you to look for keywords in documents, emails, attached storage devices and can also extend the search to a networked servers and web pages which are designated. Windows XP was one of the best software until Windows 7 came in and now it works even better. With an easy search bar to use, all your files and documents are always going to be available when you need them. Window 7 has better multitasking this is because they are Borrowing a trick from Apple's Snow Leopard operating system, Windows 7 now provides a more pleasing, icon-based taskbar that lets you permanently pin and organize favorite programs on it. The Windows Calculator utility (This productivity is good for school environments) receives a major upgrade in Windows 7 with your calculation history, unit conversion, calculation templates, data calculations, and other brand new features.Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Technology SystemThe introduction to Window 7 has better performance which runs smoother and it is also been designed to be more responsive. Window 7 helps you finds things quickly for example when you want to open a program for example a file all you have to do is type the name in the start menu and Window 7 will find it instantly. Window 7 has also built in features that will allow you to use your PC in new ways for example you can watch TV and use it like DVR. There is loads strength to window 7 the first strengths can be good for business since window 7 is Responsive and ready, it starts and shuts down quickly and the interruptions are minimized as well as faster recovery from problems when they occur. These are good for business because every business has to run smoothly and with these aspects the productivity of the business will run smoothly. The second strength is Window 7 offers a great protection for your online use this has protection from threats which are from the internet browser this helps prevents spyware and other form of software which is malicious, and the window internet explorer 8 helps to protect your data information by delivering a well improved protection against any sort of security and private threats. The third strength is Window 7 now allows its mobile workers to stay productive anywhere this enables you to access and share all your work computer programs, files, and network resources whether you’re at home or abroad. You can even disconnect your network, work to offline, and then have your network files automatically and seamlessly updated. On the other had window 7 also has it weakness the first weakness is that Windows 7 uses a lot memory than XP. It can also be slower, but not significantly slower. However window 7 has a different interface which you might or might not like. It also uses more hard disk space. Lastly Window 7 has less flexibility with the aftermarket security software than XP. Another problem with the use of Windows 7 is that there are so many notifications. Although the number of notifications are not as much as Window Vista but still there are many unwanted notifications. Such as when you attach a headphone with your computer then you will be notified about it. The third problem is that Window 7 has problems where certain users may find that their system hugs after installing to window 7 and also if the user has got an HP multifunction printer, and the driver is being upgraded to the window 7 then the printer does not response to the commands of the printer in this case they would have to resolve this problem by going on the HP solution centre.To conclude Window 7 helps organizations better manage power consumption in their environments. It also provides efficiencies that help reduce the power that organizations consume when running client computers and helps users get more life out of their portable computers’ batteries. Windows?7 also enables troubleshoot issues to become better and also allow operating system from using power as efficiently as possible.Window 7 now allows its mobile workers to stay productive anywhere this enables you to access and share all your work computer programs, files, and network resources whether you’re at home or abroad. You can even disconnect your network, work to offline, and then have your network files automatically and seamlessly updated.Overall window 7 is software which caters for everyone needs and it is one of the most used software across many places.Technology System Software 2What is Photoshop?Photoshop is software which allows you to edit images this software was developed and manufactured by Adobe Systems Inc. Photoshop is taught to be one of the most leaders in photo editing software. The software allows users to crop and resize or even correct colours on digital photos. The software is particularly used by professional photographers and graphic designers.What does it do?Photo shop creates a wide range of things from magazines to animated cartoons or even newspaper. Photoshop is an expensive packages and it is commonly used by professionals. How will it help the user?This will help users create images 3D images or edit videos if they are making a movie because of its unique tools this will edit videos and pictures and make it the best it can be and also Photoshop can be much easier to work with if you know how to use it. Benefits of Installing and Maintaining Software?The benefit of installing Photoshop is that you can almost do anything regarding online media. Even though it started out as a photo processing program, it has been able create and edit video, create 3-D images and facilitate graphic design. However many users don't use the majority of the program simply because they do not work at that specific field. Adobe has begun to provide products which are simpler, for example Photoshop Elements, for users who don’t need the extra feature. Although Photoshop has an intimidating layout to new users, it makes it much easier to work with than any competing programs.Photoshop works well with any other applications. As well as integrating seamlessly with other Adobe products (for example Premiere, Illustrator and many other more products) Photoshop formats are also widely known. However Photoshop can be imported into many other programs such as Macromedia Fireworks, Corel Draw, etc this means that you can use Photoshop on any of the provided programs and see which one works best for you. The benefits of maintaining Photoshop is that you are able to keep it going and make sure it is easy and meets the requirement for the users for example if the user is finding it hard to use Photoshop and there are no instructions you could add one and explain how to use the software (Photoshop). One final advantage of maintain Photoshop is that you can advertise it to any marketing media business since these are the audience that use these sort of Software when it comes to making films or magazines and even newspapers.Implications of Installing and Maintaining Software?When installing Photoshop there are many implication for example When using Adobe Photo shop for the first time, it is very hard to use and you would need a manual or someone to sit with you as you learn, each different version is totally different so for each different version you will have to relearn how to use Adobe Photo shop. It also costs a lot of money to get, along with buying the program and the license that goes with it. Also, like most graphic programs it uses a lot of memory so more memory is needed, which would make the cost go up. However there are a lot of different tools that do allot of things, so it takes time and patience to learn how to use each one of these correctly. Photoshop also takes up a lot of space on your computer, but you can buy a memory for your computer.When maintaining Photoshop there are many implications that could occur for example you have to make sure everything is working and it meets the need of the users it is not an easy task as you think it is because you always have to keep an eye on the software.How Installing and Maintaining Software could Improve Productivity?Installing Photoshop can improve productivity because it will help business progress for example if they decided to create an advertisement the settings and preferences of Photoshop goes a step forward and stores them online in your Creative Cloud account. With all the settings online, you can synchronize them between multiple computers while you are connected to the Internet.Photoshop also improves productivity by having an intimidating layout to new users, it makes it much easier to work with rather than any competing programs.Photoshop works well with any other applications. As well as integrating seamlessly with other Adobe products (for example Premiere, Illustrator and many others adobe products this will improve productivity because there are many software to choose from if you are struggling with the others. Maintaining the Photoshop will improve productivity because you can always install more advance tools features or even edit features sometimes you could even update the software (Photoshop) to make it more advance. Photoshop will provide around several default workspaces, for example Painting. They can be useful for a head start, but when you are creating your workspace to fit your personal project you can improve and speed up the process of your workflow. The productivity workspace should contain all the necessary tools and panels that you are most likely to use while you are working on a specific task. All unwanted or distracting stuff that is not needed should be removed. Photoshop will also improve productivity if you’re doing detailed work for example cloning or maybe even edge refinement, it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. If you’re working at a high zoom level, making you’re way around the document can become tiresome especially when you need to get back to your high-level zoom. The Bird’s Eye View feature, when this zoomed in you should press and hold the H key on your keyboard, and click and drag with your mouse in order to zoom out to a bird’s eye view. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Technology SystemIntroductionPhotoshop is software which allows you to edit images this software was developed and manufactured by Adobe Systems Inc. Photoshop is taught to be one of the most leaders in photo editing software. The software allows users to crop and resize or even correct colours on digital photos. The software is particularly used by professional photographers and graphic designers.3 strengths of Photoshop?Organization: With Adobe Photoshop, you quickly and easily add videos and photos into Photoshop. Once it is imported, everything is organized well on the screen. This will make it easy to handle numerous videos and photos. However, the real organization of the workspace makes it easy to find editing tools and many other features.Quick Editing: Most of the edits on photos can be completed with only a single click. For example, you can automatically whiten teeth or minimise the red eye with the simple click. Lastly no training is needed to complete complex tasks like adjusting the skin tone.Sync Your Settings Worldwide: there are many image editing programs that allow you to save your favorite settings and preferences. Photoshop goes a step forward and stores them online in your Creative Cloud account. With all the settings online, you can synchronize them between multiple computers while you are connected to the Internet.DisadvantagesCost: The main disadvantage of Adobe Photoshop is its too expensive. Adobe Photoshop costs a lot more than most of the other photo-editing software. If you are not going to using the software professionally, it is not worth the a high amount moneyPhotoshop is not for the new User: Despite the fact that its quick-editing features are easy to use, this software was not built for the novice user. It is photo-editing software designed for professionals or even art students or people who are working on the field of designed who edit photos regularly.There are a lot of different tools that do allot of things, so it takes time and patience to learn how to use each one of these correctly. Photoshop also takes up a lot of space on your computer, but you can buy memory for your computer.To conclude Photoshop works with existing images. These include the manipulation of compositing creating new pictures or even editing movies and short clips.-1638300261556500Photoshop is well used in the world of printed media and it is popular with making newspapersand other publishers. Photoshop works well with any other applications. As well as integrating seamlessly with other Adobe products (for example Premiere, Illustrator and many other more products) however Photoshop formats are also widely known. However Photoshop can be imported into many other programs such as Macromedia Fireworks, Corel Draw, etc. Photoshop is so intensive this means that it is not as easy to use it’s not like paint which is far more easy to work your way round this means that Photoshop will take a while to learn all the ins and outs. However the interface is properly laid out and it is quite intuitive. The target market for Photoshop is set out to the professional users or even people working in the media field creating newspaper or magazines or even animated cartoons, and this is why it is so expensive - Photoshop is one of the most expensive packages you can by since it has so many features. Cheaper versions are available (such as Photoshop LE) but lose it is possible that you maylose some of the important features. ................

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