AMAGARH INCLUSIVE SCHOOL REPORTPRAYASUpdated forVibha – Help Them Grow Inc21050252829560Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Attendance status PAGEREF _Toc160427411 \h 3Academic activities PAGEREF _Toc160427412 \h 3Student achievements PAGEREF _Toc160427413 \h 4Festivals and events PAGEREF _Toc160427414 \h 5Concluding thoughts PAGEREF _Toc160427415 \h 11AMAGARH INCLUSIVE SCHOOL REPORT(OCTOBER 2010 – FEBRUARY 2011)Attendance status3949700586105CATEGORY OF STUDENTSNO. OF STUDENTS (2009-10)NO. OF STUDENTS (2010-11)Mentally challenged (MR)1214Autistic0202Multiple Disabled (MD)0201Slow Learners (SL)1535Normal8984TOTAL120136Out of the differently-able students, Bushra has not been coming for a while as she cannot sit in the auto due to her physical. We have taken her in our Home-Based Management programme. Another differently-able child, Faizan, is not regular in attending school as his parents go to work and are unable to give adequate attention to him. We are counseling them to ensure that he comes regularly and that his needs at home are met. Younis’s family has shifted its residence to a different area and thus he is unable to attend school at Prayas.Academic activitiesThe teaching methodology and pace of topics covered has been in line with what was planned during the summer vacations in 2010, prior to the 2010-11 session. For the differently-able students, targets for the current quarter (January – March 2011) have been deceided and relevant activities are being adopted to bring about the targetted level of progress.26543006438904533265123825As new topics were taken up, new Teaching Learning Materials (TLM) were developed, often involving the students to help them learn by doing and also imbibe a sense of pride in them for having developed teaching aids used and displayed in class. In October 2010, the second of the three tests as per Rajasthan Board was conducted. The results were as follows:GRADERANK 1 (PERCENTAGE SECURED)RANK 2 (PERCENTAGE SECURED)NurseryFareen (81%)Faisal (77%)PreparatoryShaan Mo. (79.16%)Fiza (78.32%)1Gulistaan (87.05%)Shaheen (82.05%)2Ameerudeen (77%)Shivam (76.66%)3Shayra Bano (85%)Vijendra (80%)4Mansoor (89.09%)Armana (81.81%)5Surendra (98.18%)Mozbeen (94.54%)41338507620Once every fortnight, a Parents-Teachers Meeting is conducted in the school to discuss to the child’s progress, future plans for the child and the child’s activities at home. All teachers and special educators spend the second Saturday of each month in a gathering and training where they learn new methods, share success stories, brainstorm on difficult cases to provide possible solutions.Student achievements442150524130During the Parents-Teachers’ Meeting on 30 October 2010, students were given awards for securing the 1st and 2nd positions in the tests conducted in October 2010. In addition, the following awards were also given:Most Disciplined Student: Om Prakash (Grade 5) 441960038100Best Handwriting: Surendra (Grade 5), Mansoor (Grade 4), Vijendra (Grade 3), Amrudeen (Grade 2), Kanchan (Grade 1), Fiza (Preparatory) and Fareen (Nursery)One who displays the highest degree of moral values: Nazmeen (Grade 5) and Sania (Nursery)Shivam of grade 2 often feels that he should find some form of support to supplement the monthly household income of only Rs. 4000/- with which his parents support a family of 6. While his sense of responsibility is appreciable, we have been talking to him to avoid taking such a step. He is a very intelligent student and always ranks 1st academically in his class. He also takes an active interest in dance and drawing. Thus, we are trying to have some of his drawings and paintings used as greeting cards and the proceeds from the sale of the same would be given to him. In this way he would be able to focus on his studies, further his talent and help his family.Through our interaction with the students, it was learnt that grade 2 student Kasim’s father used to consume tobacco. In line with our counseling in the community, we encouraged Kasim to talk to his father to avoid tobacco to maintain his own health. Kasim discussed this with his father and did not give up. He appealed emotionally to his father whom he loves very much. Today, it has been about 2 months since his father last consumed tobacco. Kasim truly discovered the power of an individual (and such a young one at that) and that he is a true messenger of values.Nazmeen of grade 5 took inspiration from Kasim and undertook an effort to have her mother give up the 10 packets of gutka that she consumed daily. It has been about a month since her mother last consumed the same. ARTS AND CRAFTS414337515494019050154940Students prepared varieties of greeting cards using decorative items. They also learnt how to make huts/houses decorated on festivals. On Sakrant, the kite festival, students learnt the art of kite-making. They have also learnt a new way of painting, Thread Painting and seem to enjoy it a lot, given the various designs that result from it.Festivals and events422275071755On 2 October 2010, Gandhi Jayanti and Shastri Jayanti were celebrated in the school. Students were told about the life and importance of these persons. Students gained much inspiration from their life stories.4219575180975On 8 October 2010, Navratra Stapna was celebrated. Students made an artistic impression of Goddess Durga and prayed to him.On 14 October 2010, World Vision Day was celebrated. Students and teachers discussed the importance of the sense of sight.421957562865On 16 October 2010, Dushera was celebrated. Students made effigies of Ravan, Kumbkaran and Meghnaat and burnt them to symbolize the defeat of evil. Vijedra and Om Prakash dressed up as Lord Ram and Lord Laxman and they set off arrows.On 16 October 2010, World Food Commodities Day was celebrated. Students were told about various food grains and the nutrients that they store. This helped them gain a better idea of a balanced and nutritious diet.4210050104775On 22 October 2010, a dental check-up was organized for all students under the IDA-Colgate Zero Tooth Decay Month.4210050103505On 23 October 2010, a drawing competition was organized for grades 4 and 5 in which Armana (Grade 4) stood 1st. Ravi Kumar (Grade 5) stood 2nd and Mozbeen (Grade 5) stood 3rd.421005069215On 1 November 2010, Diwali was celebrated where students prayed to Goddess Laxmi made various mehendi designs and burst firecrackers.On 8 November 2010, Infant Safety Day was celebrated where students were told about vaccinations, nutrition, care-taking and rights of an infant so that they can ensure the healthy development of their just-born or to-be born siblings.On 10 November 2010, Transport Day was celebrated where students were told about the means of transportation and the rules to be followed while operating them on the road.On 12 November 2010, Children’s Day was celebrated where students were told about Chacha Nehru. Students made a model of Chacha Nehru and learnt the reason for celebrating this day as Children’s Day. Surendra (Grade 5) and Nazmeen (Grade 5) gave speeches.4200525100330On 15 November 2010, Cleanliness Week was celebrated where students were told about the importance of hygiene and health and how to maintain the same. On 16 November 2010, students were told about Iduljahan. Students gave speeches on the celebration and the reason for such celebration.On 18 November 2010, students were told about the life of Shri Kalidas to mark Kalidas Jayanti.4286250200025On 20 November 2010, students played Kabaddi and football on a ground nearby. After the events, they were told about the importance of sportsmanship and being physically fit and active.On 20 November 2010, students were told about the life and thoughts of Guru Nanak Dev to make the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti.On 25 November 2010, World Environment Conservation Day was celebrated where a discussion was held on the conservation of the environment and how one can live in harmony with nature.On 3 December 2010, World Disability Day was celebrated where the students were told that differently-able children are also entitled to all child rights. Students were also told briefly about the types of disabilities and why they are caused. Essentially, it furthered the sensitization towards and acceptance of such children.On 4 December 2010, an English vocabulary competition was held between grades 3, 4 and 5. Students were to write as many words as they could with the letters ‘A’ and ‘B’. Ashraf (Grade 5) stood 1st with 127 words, Ikram (Grade 4) stood 2nd with 120 words and Surendra (Grade 5) stood 3rd with 118 words.4340225101600On 8 December 2010, students were taken to a nearby ground for a race. In the 100m event, Shayra (Grade 3) came 1st in the girls’ race while Vishaal (Grade 4) came 1st in the boys’ race. In the 200m event, Nazmeen (Grade 5) came 1st in the girls’ race while Aneesh (Grade 5) came 1st in the boys’ race.On 10 December 2010, Human Rights Day was celebrated where students were told about basic human rights. Students were asked to neither have their rights violate nor violate rights of others.On 14 December 2010, National Energy Conservation was celebrated where students were told about the conservation of energy.On 15 December 2010, students were told about Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel in light of his passing away on 15 December.On 18 December 2010, students were told about the importance of celebrating Moharram.4330700200025On 18 December 2010, a drawing competition was held between grades 1 and 2. Ruksar (Grade 2) stood 1st, Shaheen (Grade 2) stood 2nd and Shivam (Grade 2) stood 3rd.On 20 December 2010, students were told about the beginning of the month of charity and offerings to the deities as per the Hindu calendar.On 23 December 2010, Farmers’ Day was celebrated where students were told about the rights of a farmer and farming. They were also told that the day is celebrated to mark the birth of Shri Choudary Kishan who played an important role in the development of farmers.4238625142875On 24 December 2010, Christmas was celebrated and students were distributed sweets. On 24 December 2010, National Consumer Rights Day was celebrated where students were told about their right to a safe product and how to check the MRP, expiry date and net weight.423862595250From 26-28 December 2010, art work by Prayas’ students was exhibited in the Chaturth Art AGllery of Jawahar Kala Kendra in Jaipur as part of the Baal Kala Utsav organized by Bodh. On 3 January 2011, the school resumed after winter vacations. Students wished each for a happy new year and exchanged greeting cards.On 5 January 2011, Guru Govind Singh Jayanti was celebrated where students were told about his life.On 11 January 2011, Lal Bahadur Shastri’s life was discussed to mark his passing away.4305300394335On 12 January 2011, Swami Vivekanand Jayanti was celebrated in the form of National Youth Day and students were told about the life and teachings of Swami Vivekanand.On 13 January 2011, students celebrated Lohri and Sakrant at a nearby ground. They made and flew kites with much joy, wrestling in the air to emerge as kite-flying champions. Riyaz (Grade 4) emerged as the champion with 10 severed kite strings to his claim. Md. Hussain (Grade 2) stood 2nd. On 15 January 2011, Army Day was celebrated and students were told of the importance of this branch of the armed forces and how they help protect the harmony and freedom of India.On 19 January 2011, students were told about the life of Maharana Pratap, an important figure in the history of Jaipur.469582588265On 20 January 2011, Students were told about road safety rules and means of transport using a question-answer format in light of the on-going Road Safety Week.On 24 January 2011, National Girls’ Day was celebrated where students were told how girls are no less than boys and that both genders should be treated equally. Stories of inspirational women were shared with them. This gains slightly more importance in a community where the current mindset does not always allow girls to pursue education beyond grade 8.On 25 January 2011, the first ever National Voter Day was celebrated. This was linked to the student elections held in the school earlier in this session. Students were told about the responsibilities of a voter and what one’s vote should be based on.On 26 January 2011, students celebrated the Republic Day of India. After the flag hoisting, singing of the national anthem and cultural performances, sweets were distributed. Members of the community to were invited to attend the day’s celebrations.423862578105On 28 January 2011 and 14 February 2011, students participated in the Kho-Kho and Athletics (100m, 200m and 400m relay) events of the Bal Sena Trophy organized by Bal Bhavan , Jaipur where students from various esteemed private schools participated.On 29 January 2011, Martyrs’ Day was celebrated where students were told about the sacrifice made by freedom fighters. They were also told about the armed forces protecting the nation in the toughest of conditions and how our freedom stems from the efforts of such men and women.On 4 February 2011, World Cancer Day was celebrated. Students were told of the harmful effects of consuming tobacco and tobacco products. Given the fact that most children see consumption of such products in their household and community every day, they found this to be valuable information.On 8 February 2011, students celebrated Basant Panchmi and prayed to the Goddess of Knowledge, Maa Saraswati. Yellow coloured sweets were distributed to the students in spirit of the colour yellow being associated with the festival.4234815177165EXCURSION VISITSOn 2 October 2010, students of grades 4 and 5 were taken to a book fair. They were also shown the Sawai Man Singh stadium and Vidhan Sabha from the outside. Seeing the Vidhan Sabha was in line with the General Knowledge topics and elections conducted in the school earlier.4257675176530On 19 November 2010, students were taken to the Jaipur Zoo. 4257675115570On 2 February 2011, students were taken to the Bird Fair at the Mansagar Lake.VOCATIONAL TRAINING TO WOMEN190502635254076700263525On 23 October 2010, women attending the vocational classes for stitching were taken to the Amrita Haat Exhibition in Jawahar Kala Kendra to expose them to new ideas and develop an entrepreneurial spirit. The 13th batch started in January MUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMME416242530480The agenda of the community meetings held and the work done relates to awareness on education, disabilities, health, hygiene and cleanliness, water conservation and documents (birth and disability certificates, disability pension, widow pension, etc.) required. 105 birth certificate forms that had been previously filled-up were called for by the relevant authorities and the same have been submitted.Our constant efforts to have parents of differently-able students have Disability Certificates made for their children yielded another positive result when Kasim had his Disability Certificate, Railway Pass and Buss Pass made. He too is now eligible to be enrolled as a beneficiary in relevant government aids.On seven separate occasions, the municipal corporation authorities were requested to clean various areas of the community. This was a joint undertaking of the school and the community members.4086225142875In the Parents-Teachers’ Meeting in November 2010, awards were distributed to the family with the cleanest house under the Cleanliness Week. The winners were Nargis’s (Grade 2) family securing the 1st position and Surendra Bunkar’s (Grade 5) family securing the 2nd position.In the reporting period, contact was made with 36 pregnant women and they were counseled about pre-natal, natal and post-natal care and were encouraged to consult a doctor during pregnancy and have themselves registered with the hospital for deliveries. There were 6 deliveries, all normal and healthy children.Concluding thoughtsThe National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) examinations and Final Examinations for Rajasthan Board (the educational board subscribed to by all our school) will be conducted in April and May 2011.We have now approached the forest department for their help in allocating a piece of land. We will keep you informed about the progress.In tandem with the current global economic scenario, India is also affected. There have been a lot of price hikes in the recent past. We have to keep these changes in mind and help our colleagues bare the present situation and wait for better times. The valuable financial support from Vibha will be a step further in providing better services to these children and community. The budget for March 2011 – February 2012 has already been sent on 22 February 2011. ................

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