|1 |D |Which of the following is increasing? |

| | |Number of students attending College |

| | |Need for higher degrees to get a job |

| | |Amount of financial aid available |

| | |All of the Above |

|2 |A |Financial aid is available for anyone who needs it. |

| | |True |

| | |False |

|3 |C |What form must you fill out by the deadline to be eligible for educational aid? |

| | |FAPSA |

| | |PAFSA |

| | |FAFSA |

| | |PAPSA |

|4 |C |After filling out the required form (from Question3), what type of aid is NOT available to you? |

| | |Grants |

| | |Loans |

| | |Scholarships |

| | |Work Study |

|5 |B |Financial Aid obtained from completing the FAFSA is awarded to a student based on |

| | |Grades |

| | |Financial Need |

| | |Test Scores |

| | |Class Rank |

|6 |G |Which of the following forms of FREE student aid is often awarded to students with the greatest need and does not |

| | |have to be paid back? |

| | |Scholarships |

| | |Loans |

| | |Work Study |

| | |Grants |

|7 |C |Which form of student aid provides you with a job that pays and also allows you a flexible schedule for time to |

| | |study? |

| | |Scholarships |

| | |Loans |

| | |Work Study |

| | |Grants |

|8 |B |The largest financial aid category which provides aid that must be paid back? |

| | |Scholarships |

| | |Loans |

| | |Work Study |

| | |Grants |

|9 |D |Which of the following is NOT true about Federal Education loans? |

| | |You don’t have to pay them back until you graduate |

| | |You have to pay them back if you fall below ½ time enrollment status |

| | |The interest is locked in at a low rate |

| | |You get one based on your grades |

|10 |B |Private education loans are often more affordable than federal loans obtained by filling out a FAFSA? |

| | |True |

| | |False |

|11 |D |Which of the following is a reason NOT to go to college? |

| | |New and exciting opportunities |

| | |Better pay in your career |

| | |College costs are increasing |

| | |None of the above |

|12 |A |Which of the following is true about paying for college? |

| | |College costs are going up |

| | |There’s very little money available to people who want to go to college |

| | |The government does not offer any free financial aid |

| | |Poor people have no chance of paying for college |

|13 |D |Who uses FAFSA to determine if a student is eligible for financial aid for college? |

| | |Federal Government |

| | |States |

| | |Individual Schools |

| | |All of the above |

|14 |B |A FAFSA can only be submitted by filling in the information on the official paper form? |

| | |True |

| | |False |

|15 |C |FAFSA stands for? |

| | |Federal application for Financial Student Aid |

| | |Federal Association of Free Student Assistance |

| | |Free Application for Federal Student Aid |

| | |Federal Application for Free Student Aid |

|16 |D |Which of the following is an easy way to remember to fill out the FAFSA? |

| | |Do it before the Holidays |

| | |Do it after the Holidays |

| | |Do it right after you start college |

| | |Do it when your parents do their taxes |

|17 |B |Which of the following BEST describes federal aid obtained based on information in the FAFSA? |

| | |You must have good grades to qualify |

| | |You must apply to qualify |

| | |You must live below the poverty level to qualify |

| | |You must have high SAT scores to qualify |

|18 |A |Which of the following is NOT a qualification for paying for college by way of Scholarships? |

| | |Financial Need |

| | |Grades |

| | |Athletic Ability |

| | |Leadership Skills |

|19 |B |You can’t have any C’s on your report card to be eligible for the H.O.P.E. Scholarship? |

| | |True |

| | |False |

|20 |D |Which of the following is NOT true about student loans to pay for college? |

| | |Not all loans are based on financial need |

| | |Both bank loans and government loans have to be paid back with interest |

| | |You still have to fill out FAFSA to get a loan from the Government |

| | |None of the above--All are true |

|21 |B |GPA stands for “Grade Percent Average” |

| | |True |

| | |False |

|22 |B |If Marcus has 2A’s, 1 B, 1C and 1F, what is his GPA? |

| | |3.25 |

| | |2.6 |

| | |2.58 |

| | |1.4 |

|23 |C |A student graduating high school with a B average makes him/her DEFINITELY eligible for |

| | |Free Government Aid |

| | |Merit Scholarships |

| | |H.O.P.E. |

| | |Grants |

|24 |D |ANY education after high school needed to give you more career options and usually higher salary |

| | |Post Graduate Studies |

| | |Technical College |

| | |Special Purpose Schools |

| | |Post-Secondary Education |

|25 |B |4-year college degree |

| | |Associate’s |

| | |Bachelor’s |

| | |Master’s |

| | |Doctorate |

|26 |A |2-year college degree |

| | |Associate’s |

| | |Bachelor’s |

| | |Master’s |

| | |Doctorate |

|27 |D |The Military provides which of the following |

| | |Job Training |

| | |Money for College |

| | |Excellent medical benefits |

| | |All of the above |

|28 |B |Education you receive from your experience while working in a career |

| | |Work-based Learning |

| | |On-the-Job Training |

| | |Technical training |

| | |CTAE |

|29 |D |High School programs that give you classroom instruction, out-of-class educational experiences through clubs, and |

| | |class credit for working at a job that pays |

| | |CTAE |

| | |CTSO’s |

| | |Work-based Learning |

| | |All of the above |

|30 |C |What is the BEST reason to pursue continuing education opportunities such as joining professional organizations, |

| | |taking additional classes, reading material related to your career, and attending career-related conferences? |

| | |You must do it to pay back student loans |

| | |Your boss makes you do it |

| | |To keep your career knowledge and skills up-to-date |

| | |It makes you look good |


It has been said that “Education Pays.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why?

Based on evidence in unit materials, student should agree. Reasons may include but not be limited to the following:

1. Working hard in school causes you to develop a strong work ethic that employers value

2. Good grades make you eligible for scholarships

3. Education beyond high school more often than not creates more career options so you can choose the best career

4. Education beyond high school more often than not qualifies you for careers that offer better pay, benefits and working conditions

5. Continuing education can lead to pay raises and promotions

6. Knowledge and skills learned either formally or on the job can lead to promotions or even better paying opportunities working somewhere else


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