| | | | |
|Framework, Duties and Tasks |Mathematics Content Standards and |Demonstration of Proficiency |Maine Learning Results- |
| |The Eight Mathematical Practices (CCSS) |(Possible Evidence, Project, Performance |Guiding Principles, |
| | |Assessment, Certification etc.) |and |
| | | |Career and Education Development |
|1. Police Ethics and Moral Issues |
|Define the terms ethics and professionalism. |Statistics and Probability: Understand and evaluate |Students are given sets of scenarios and are |Guiding Principles: |
|Identify why the highest ethical and moral |random processes underlying statistical experiments |told to find the actual crime, find the section|B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |
|standards are necessary for law enforcement |(Math.S-IC.A.1 and Math.S-IC.A.2) |of the crime, the subsection of the crime, and |who: |
|officers. | |the page that they fold it on and explain why |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and |
|Define the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and |Statistics and Probability: Make inferences and justify |it is the most appropriate choice |make informed decisions |
|identify how it relates in terms of actions and |conclusions from sample surveys, experiments, and | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |
|performances. |observable studies (Math.S-IC.B.6) | |7. Uses interpersonal skills to learn and|
|Identify how immoral conduct by an officer | | |work with individuals from diverse |
|adversely affects the officer in the performance| | |backgrounds |
|of his official duties. |Standard- | | |
|Recognize those situations within his/her |Model with Mathematics (Math.MP.4), Use appropriate | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |
|jurisdiction which may lead him/her to act in an|tools strategically (Math.MP.5), Construct viable | |who: |
|unethical or immoral manner. |arguments and critique the reasoning of others | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |
| |(Math.MP.3), Make sense of problems and persevere in | |moral courage to sustain it |
| |solving them (Math. MP.1) | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |a. Getting along with others |
| | | |b. Respecting diversity |
| | | |c. Working as a member of a team |
| | | |d. Managing conflict |
| | | |e. Accepting/giving/using constructive |
| | | |feedback |
| | | |f. Accepting responsibility for personal |
| | | |behavior |
| | | |g. Demonstrating ethical behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/ listening |
| | | |j. Dealing with peer pressure |
| | | | |
| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal |
| | | |Success in the 21st Century |
| | | |Students evaluate strategies to improve |
| | | |skills that lead to lifelong learning and|
| | | |success in the classroom, and the |
| | | |achievement of schoolwork, work and |
| | | |career, and personal life goals. |
| | | |c. Critical thinking skills |
| | | |e. Interpersonal skills |
| | | | |
| | | |C2 Decision- Making |
| | | |Students determine and apply effective |
| | | |decision-making strategies for |
| | | |accomplishing short-term and long-term |
| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |
| | | |school-to-work decisions. |
| | | | |
| | | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that |
| | | |Influence Workplace Success |
| | | |Students analyze and evaluate strategies |
| | | |for addressing diverse and changing |
| | | |societal and global economic needs that |
| | | |influence personal decision- making for |
| | | |workplace success. |
|2. Police Power, Authority and Discretion |
|Define what is meant by "police discretion." | | |Guiding Principles: |
|Identify factors which prevent 100 percent | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|enforcement of all laws. | | |solver who: |
|Identify the relationship between the authority | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|of the police officer and the dictates of the | | |define problems |
|community. | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|Identify the factors influencing police | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|discretion and the probable consequences of the | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|use of police authority associated with various | | |the response |
|violations. For example: The high speed pursuit| | |6. Uses information and technology to |
|of a minor traffic violator; the reasonable | | |solve problems |
|belief that a private act of fornication has | | | |
|occurred; the reasonable belief that an act of | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |
|adultery has occurred; the sidewalk solicitation| | |who: |
|of a physically handicapped person. | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |
|Identify the possible alternatives to arrest in | | |moral courage to sustain it |
|each of the situations listed above, which may | | |4. Understands and respects diversity |
|be accepted as proper peace officer action. | | | |
| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
| | | |who: |
| | | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information |
| | | |from multiple sources |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: |
| | | |A3a-j, B2c, B2e, C1c, C3, C4 A3 |
| | | |Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |a. Getting along with others |
| | | |b. Respecting diversity |
| | | |c. Working as a member of a team |
| | | |d. Managing conflict |
| | | |e. Accepting/giving/using constructive |
| | | |feedback |
| | | |f. Accepting responsibility for personal |
| | | |behavior |
| | | |g. Demonstrating ethical behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
| | | |i. Demonstrating safe behavior |
| | | |j. Dealing with peer pressure |
| | | | |
|3. Maine Criminal Law |
|Define: Criminal Law, crime; difference between |Connects to (b.) – Number and Quantity: Reason | A two days course where students have to learn|Guiding Principles: |
|civil and criminal; proof beyond a reasonable |quantitatively and use units to solve problems |how to accurately, within 5 miles an hours, |C. A creative and practical problem |
|doubt; preponderance of evidence; affirmative |(Math.N-Q.A.2 and Math.N-Q.A.3) |gauge the speed of a car throughout 20 visual |solver who: |
|defense; elements of the crime. | |estimate, 10 in a moving mode and 10 in a |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|Recognize circumstances which fall within the | |stationary mode (potentially not hitting |define problems |
|territorial jurisdiction of the state. | |proficiency but at least touching on the |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|Define: Act; omission; possession. | |subject) |relationships that apply to solutions |
|Define: Intentionally; knowingly; recklessly; | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|criminal negligence. | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|Recognize the circumstances which constitute an | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|offense against the person. |Standard- | |the response |
|Recognize the circumstances which constitute a |Reason abstractly and quantitatively (Math.MP.2), Attend| |6. Uses information and technology to |
|sex offense. |to precision (Math.MP.6), Reason abstractly and | |solve problems |
|Recognize circumstances which constitute a theft|quantitatively (Math.MP.2) | | |
|offense. | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
|Recognize circumstances which constitute a | | |who: |
|kidnapping or restraint offense. | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
|Recognize circumstances which constitute a | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
|burglary or criminal trespass offense. | | |real-life situations with and without |
|Recognize circumstances which constitute the | | |technology |
|following offenses against the public order: | | | |
|Disorderly conduct; failure to disperse; riot; | | |Career and Ed: A3g, A3h, B2a, B2c, B2d, |
|unlawful assembly; harassment. | | |B2e, B2f, C1c, C3, C4 |
|Recognize the circumstances which constitute | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
|robbery. | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
|Recognize the circumstances which constitute the| | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
|following offenses against public | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
|administration: Obstructing government | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
|administration; assault on an officer; hindering| | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
|an escape. | | |school, work, and community settings. |
|Recognize circumstances which constitute arson | | |g. Demonstrating ethical behavior |
|or property destruction. | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
|Recognize circumstances which constitute weapons| | |for observing/listening |
|violations. | | | |
|Recognize circumstances which constitute | | | |
|unlawful trafficking, furnishing and possession | | | |
|of drugs. | | | |
|Distinguish between the Civil Law and Criminal | | | |
|Law. | | | |
|Recognize General Sentencing Provisions. | | | |
|4. Maine Motor Vehicle Law |
|Define moving violations in the Maine Motor | | |Guiding Principles: |
|Vehicle Laws. | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|Define equipment requirements of the Maine Motor| | |solver who: |
|Vehicle Laws. | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|Identify violations concerning status of | | |define problems |
|driver's license. | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|Define legal requirements pertaining to | | |relationships that apply to solutions |
|disposition of traffic violation offenses. | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|Demonstrate proper method to complete Violation | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|Summons and Complaint. | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|Define laws related to child safety seats. | | |the response |
|Define laws related to mandatory insurance. | | |6. Uses information and technology to |
| | | |solve problems |
| | | | |
| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
| | | |who: |
| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
| | | |real-life situations with and without |
| | | |technology |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3g, A3h, B2a, B2c, B2d, |
| | | |B2e, B2f, C1c, C3, C4 |
| | | | |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |g. Demonstrating ethical behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
|5. Maine Juvenile Law |
|Define the purpose of the "Juvenile Law". | | |Guiding Principles: |
|Identify the scope of the authority of the | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|Juvenile Court. This will include: Age | | |solver who: |
|requirements; circumstances under which a | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|juvenile comes under the jurisdiction of the | | |define problems |
|Juvenile Court. | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|Recognize the circumstances under which an | | |relationships that apply to solutions |
|officer may take a juvenile into custody. | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|Identify the advisement requirements regarding | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|constitutional rights of a juvenile taken into | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|custody. | | |the response |
|Identify the procedural alternatives open to an | | |6. Uses information and technology to |
|officer before taking a juvenile into custody. | | |solve problems |
|Identify each of the juvenile's rights regarding| | | |
|parent notifications and telephone calls, before| | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
|being placed into detention. | | |who: |
|Identify the requirements pertaining to the | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
|segregation of juveniles from other prisoners. | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
|Recognize the circumstances which warrant | | |real-life situations with and without |
|placing a child in interim care. | | |technology |
|Identify proper procedures to follow in placing | | | |
|a child in interim care. | | | |
|Identify legal restrictions on maintenance of | | |Career and Ed: A3g, A3h, B2a, B2c, B2d, |
|arrest information on juveniles. | | |B2e, B2f, C1c, C3, C4 |
| | | | |
|6. Maine Liquor Law |
|Identify the difference between the | | |Guiding Principles: |
|administrative court and criminal court as it | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|relates to Maine Liquor Enforcement Laws. | | |solver who: |
|Recognize liquor law violations commonly | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|encountered by law enforcement officers. | | |define problems |
|Identify methods to confirm the validity of a | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|Maine Liquor I.D. card. | | |relationships that apply to solutions |
|Identify procedures to conduct sale to minor | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|investigation. | | |builds a case for a best response and |
| | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
| | | |the response |
| | | |6. Uses information and technology to |
| | | |solve problems |
| | | | |
| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
| | | |who: |
| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
| | | |real-life situations with and without |
| | | |technology |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3g, A3h, B2a, B2c, B2d, |
| | | |B2e, B2f, C1c, C3, C4 |
|7. Laws of Arrest |
|Identify the elements giving rise to probable | | |Guiding Principles: |
|cause. | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |
|Recognize circumstances when arrest without a | | |who: |
|warrant is authorized. | | |1. Recognizes the need for information |
|Define arrest warrant. | | |and locates and evaluates resources |
|Identify procedures to follow up on arrest of | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and |
|suspect. | | |make informed decisions |
|Recognize circumstances where a law enforcement | | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |
|officer may release an arrested person. | | | |
|Identify requisites of a summons. | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|Define reasonable suspicion. | | |solver who: |
|Define frisk. | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|Recognize circumstances when a stop is | | |define problems |
|authorized. | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|Define probable cause. | | |relationships that apply to solutions |
|Recognize circumstances when a frisk is | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|authorized. | | |builds a case for a best response and |
| | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
| | | |the response |
| | | |6. Uses information and technology to |
| | | |solve problems |
| | | | |
| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
| | | |who: |
| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
| | | |real-life situations with and without |
| | | |technology |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3b, A3d, A3f, A3h, A3i, |
| | | |B2a, B2c, B2d, B2e, C1c, C4 |
| | | | |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |b. Respecting diversity |
| | | |d. Managing conflict |
| | | |f. Accepting responsibility for personal |
| | | |behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
| | | |i. Demonstrating safe behavior |
|8. Search and Seizure |
|Define Exclusionary Rule and identify the Rule's| | |Guiding Principles: |
|effect on the law enforcement function. | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |
|Define probable cause. | | |who: |
|Define contraband. | | |2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately |
|Recognize circumstances constituting plain view.| | |in communication |
|Recognize circumstances when impoundment and | | | |
|inventory of property is authorized. | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |
|Recognize circumstances when search of premises | | |who: |
|in hot pursuit is authorized. | | |1. Recognizes the need for information |
|Identify procedures for conducting search of | | |and locates and evaluates resources |
|premises in hot pursuit. | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and |
|Recognize circumstances when an exigent search | | |make informed decisions |
|is authorized. | | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |
|Identify the procedure for conducting an | | | |
|emergency search. | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|Recognize circumstances when consent search is | | |solver who: |
|authorized. | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|Identify procedures for conducting consent | | |define problems |
|searches. | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|Recognize circumstances when search incident to | | |relationships that apply to solutions |
|arrest is authorized. | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|Identify procedures for conducting a search | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|incident to arrest. | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|Recognize circumstances when search of a motor | | |the response |
|vehicle without a warrant is authorized. | | |6. Uses information and technology to |
|Identify procedures for searching motor vehicle | | |solve problems |
|without a warrant. | | | |
|Define search warrant. | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
|Recognize circumstances which require a search | | |who: |
|warrant prior to searching. | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
| | | |real-life situations with and without |
| | | |technology |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3b, A3d, A3f, A3h, A3i, |
| | | |B2a, B2c, B2d, B2e, C1c, C4 |
| | | | |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |b. Respecting diversity |
| | | |d. Managing conflict |
| | | |f. Accepting responsibility for personal |
| | | |behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
| | | |i. Demonstrating safe behavior |
|9. Use of Force |
|Recognize circumstances where use of non-deadly | | |Guiding Principles: |
|force is authorized by law. | | | |
|Recognize circumstances where use of deadly | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|force is authorized by law. | | |solver who: |
|Identify non-legal factors to be considered | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|prior to use of force. | | |define problems |
|Recognize potential civil and criminal liability| | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|for inappropriate officer behavior. | | |builds a case for a best response and |
| | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
| | | |the response |
| | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources |
| | | |and seeks results |
| | | |7. Perseveres in challenging situations |
| | | | |
| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |
| | | |who: |
| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |
| | | |decisions and actions |
| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |
| | | |moral courage to sustain it |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3b, A3d, A3f, A3h, A3i, |
| | | |B2a, B2c, B2d, B2e, C1c, C4 |
| | | | |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |b. Respecting diversity |
| | | |d. Managing conflict |
| | | |f. Accepting responsibility for personal |
| | | |behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
| | | |i. Demonstrating safe behavior |
|10. Civil Liability |
|Explain circumstances and legal ramifications of| | |Guiding Principles: |
|using force to control a prisoner. | | | |
|Identify consequences of conducting an unlawful | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|search. | | |solver who: |
|Demonstrate understanding of constitutional | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|rights. | | |define problems |
|Identify advantages and disadvantages of high | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|speed pursuit. | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|Identify circumstances of a police officer’s | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|liability and exemption from liability when | | |the response |
|operating an emergency vehicle | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources |
| | | |and seeks results |
| | | |7. Perseveres in challenging situations |
| | | | |
| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |
| | | |who: |
| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |
| | | |decisions and actions |
| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |
| | | |moral courage to sustain it |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3b, A3d, A3f, A3h, A3i, |
| | | |B2a, B2c, B2d, B2e, C1c, C4 |
| | | | |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |b. Respecting diversity |
| | | |d. Managing conflict |
| | | |f. Accepting responsibility for personal |
| | | |behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
| | | |i. Demonstrating safe behavior |
|11. Firearms |
|Define nomenclature of firearms. |Functions: Interpret functions that arise in |Instructor comes in and talks about bullets |Guiding Principles: |
|Demonstrate proper firearms safety procedures. |applications in terms of the context (Math.F-IF.B.6), |shot from different guns, the different speeds | |
|Recognize proper and safe procedures for loading|Construct and compare linear and exponential models and |of the bullets, decrease of trajectory over |A. A clear and effective communicator |
|and unloading the service weapon. |solve problems (Math.F-LE.A.1b and Math.F-LE.A.1c) |distance, terminal velocity, etc. |who: |
|Recognize proper marksmanship fundamentals. | | |3. Adjusts communication based on the |
|Identify the proper use of cover and | | |audience |
|concealment. |Standard- | |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |
|Recognize circumstances when it is appropriate |Attend to precision (Math.MP.6), Model with mathematics | |(spoken, written and visual and |
|to draw a weapon. |(Math.MP.4), Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |performing including the use of |
|Identify the proper use of verbal commands in |(Math.MP.2) | |technology to create and share the |
|use of force situations. | | |expressions) |
|Identify low light techniques and | | | |
|considerations. | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |
| | | |who: |
| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |
| | | |decisions and actions |
| | | | |
| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
| | | |who: |
| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
| | | |real-life situations with and without |
| | | |technology |
| | | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information |
| | | |from multiple sources |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3g, A3h, A3i, B2a, B2b, |
| | | |B2c, B2f, C1c, C2 |
| | | | |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |g. Demonstrating ethical behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
| | | |i. Demonstrating safe behavior |
|12. Laws of Evidence |
|Define "evidence." | | |Guiding Principles |
|Define the following terms which relate to | | | |
|classification of evidence: Testimonial; Real – | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |
|Documentary, Demonstrative. | | |who: |
|Define the following terms which relate to the | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and |
|effect of evidence. | | |make informed decisions |
|Define the following terms which relate to the | | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |
|introduction of evidence in court: Opinion | | | |
|evidence; original evidence; presumption; | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|hearsay; judicial notice; stipulation | | |solver who: |
|Recognize exceptions to the "Hearsay Rule" that | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|relate to the law enforcement function. | | |define problems |
|Recognize circumstances that fall within the | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|scope of the following evidentiary privileges: | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|Husband-wife; lawyer-client; physician-patient; | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|religious privilege; intake worker-juvenile; | | |the response |
|identify of informant | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources |
|Identify the rule as to who is a competent | | |and seeks results |
|witness. | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3g, A3h, B2a, B2c, B2d, |
| | | |B2e, B2f, C1c, C3, C4 |
|13. Courtroom Testimony and Demeanor |
|Identify the need to maintain harmonious | | |Guiding Principles: |
|district attorney/police relations. | | | |
|Identify the need to confer with district | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |
|attorney prior to testimony regarding case to | | |who: |
|note relevant facts. | | |1. Demonstrates organized and purposeful |
|Identify need to check that witnesses are ready | | |communication in English and at least one|
|for court testimony. | | |other language |
|Identify the need to maintain confidentiality. | | |2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately |
|Identify proper procedure for appearing in | | |in communication |
|courtroom, including attire. | | |3. Adjusts communication based on the |
|Identify proper procedure to present evidence in| | |audience |
|legal proceedings. | | |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |
|Identify proper techniques in providing | | |(spoken, written and visual and |
|testimony. | | |performing including the use of |
|Identify the need to discuss problems regarding | | |technology to create and share the |
|a past case that should be corrected in future | | |expressions) |
|cases with district attorney. | | | |
|Identify the relationship between successful | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |
|prosecution and police reports. | | |who: |
|Identify situations and procedures when an | | |5. Demonstrates flexibility including the|
|officer may testify in court. | | |ability to learn, unlearn and relearn |
|Identify the pre-trial responsibilities and | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern |
|procedures of an officer. | | |for quality |
|Identify non-verbal attributes that affect the | | |7. Uses interpersonal skills to learn and|
|officer's testimony. | | |work with individuals from diverse |
|Identify proper reaction or response to common | | |backgrounds |
|tactics used by defense counsel. | | | |
| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |
| | | |who: |
| | | |1. Participates positively in the |
| | | |community and designs creative solutions |
| | | |to meet human needs and wants |
| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |
| | | |decisions and actions |
| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |
| | | |moral courage to sustain it |
| | | |4. Understands and respects diversity |
| | | | |
| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
| | | |who: |
| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand|
| | | |the interaction and influence of related |
| | | |parts on each other and on outcomes |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3a-i, A4a-c, B2a-f |
| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills |
| | | |Students demonstrate behaviors that |
| | | |reflect positive interpersonal skills and|
| | | |evaluate successful strategies that |
| | | |improve positive interpersonal skills in |
| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of|
| | | |school, work, and community settings. |
| | | |a. Getting along with others |
| | | |b. Respecting diversity |
| | | |c. Working as a member of a team |
| | | |d. Managing conflict |
| | | |e. Accepting/giving/using constructive |
| | | |feedback |
| | | |f. Accepting responsibility for personal |
| | | |behavior |
| | | |g. Demonstrating ethical behavior |
| | | |h. Following established rules/etiquette |
| | | |for observing/listening |
| | | |i. Demonstrating safe behavior |
| | | |j. Dealing with peer pressure |
| | | | |
|14. Crisis Conflict Management/Dealing with Variant Behavior |
|Recognize legal requirements regarding emergency| | |Guiding Principles: A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, |
|detention of a mentally ill person. | | |B2, B3, B7, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, |
|Identify proper procedures to conduct | | |D3, D4, D6, E2 |
|investigation for suicide attempt. | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |
|Identify proper procedures to conduct | | |who: |
|investigation regarding a reportedly mentally | | |1. Demonstrates organized and purposeful |
|ill person. | | |communication in English and at least one|
|Identify proper procedures to transport mental | | |other language |
|patients. | | |2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately |
|Identify proper safety procedures before | | |in communication |
|entering a dispute. | | |3. Adjusts communication based on the |
|Identify proper safety procedures once in a | | |audience |
|dispute situation. | | |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |
|Identify proper procedures to comfort | | |(spoken, written and visual and |
|emotionally upset or distraught persons. | | |performing including the use of |
|Identify techniques to defuse emotionally | | |technology to create and share the |
|distraught situations. | | |expressions) |
|Identify basic elements of negotiating with | | | |
|distressed persons. | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |
|Identify a police officer's responsibility at | | |who: |
|the scene of a dispute; i.e., keep the peace, | | |1. Recognizes the need for information |
|determine if a crime has been committed, provide| | |and locates and evaluates resources |
|safety to individuals and property. | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and |
|Identify inherent dangers to an officer entering| | |make informed decisions |
|the home of a family involved in a dispute. | | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |
|Identify advantages and disadvantages of | | |7. Uses interpersonal skills to learn and|
|separating parties in a family dispute and | | |work with individuals from diverse |
|gathering information from them individually. | | |backgrounds |
|Identify basic psychological responses of a | | |C. A creative and practical problem |
|crime victim such as feelings of helplessness, | | |solver who: |
|lack of control, self blame of blaming others, | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|anger, fear from attack. This will minimally | | |define problems |
|include the following types of crimes: Sexual | | |2. Frames questions, makes predictions |
|abuse of children; rape of sexual offenses; | | |and designs data/information collection |
|racial incidents; crimes against the elderly; | | |and analysis strategies |
|burglary; armed robbery; domestic violence; | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|missing persons. | | |relationships that apply to solutions |
|Demonstrate in a role play, the resolution of | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|conflicts including: Family dispute; | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|landlord-tenant; store clerk-customer; death | | |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|notification; mentally ill persons; crime | | |the response |
|victims. | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources |
|Recognize the goals of mediation, when to | | |and seeks results |
|mediate, and how to mediate. | | |6. Uses information and technology to |
| | | |solve problems |
| | | |7. Perseveres in challenging situations |
| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |
| | | |who: |
| | | |1. Participates positively in the |
| | | |community and designs creative solutions |
| | | |to meet human needs and wants |
| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |
| | | |decisions and actions |
| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |
| | | |moral courage to sustain it |
| | | |4. Understands and respects diversity |
| | | |5. Displays global awareness and economic|
| | | |and civic literacy |
| | | |6. Demonstrates awareness of personal and|
| | | |community health and wellness |
| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
| | | |who: |
| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
| | | |real-life situations with and without |
| | | |technology |
| | | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information |
| | | |from multiple sources |
| | | | |
| | | |Career and Ed: A3a-i, A4a, A4c, B2a, B2c,|
| | | |B2d, B2e, C1c, C4 |
|15. Child Abuse |
|Define the following terms in the Child and | | |Guiding Principles: B1, C1, C2, C4, C5, |
|Family Services and Child Protection Act: Child;| | |C6, E1, E2, E3, E4 |
|abused child; neglected child; mandatory | | | |
|reporting. | | | |
|Identify the criminal offenses applicable to | | |Career and Ed: A3a-i, A4a, A4c, B2a, B2c,|
|child abuse. | | |B2d, B2e, C1c, C4 |
|Identify proper procedures for conducting | | | |
|investigations for: Physical abuse; physical | | | |
|neglect; emotional abuse; sexual abuse. | | | |
|Recognize circumstances which warrant use of the| | | |
|Juvenile Code Title 15 Chapter 5112 3501 | | | |
|(Interim Care Provision). | | | |
|Identify proper procedures to follow in using | | | |
|the interim care provisions of the Juvenile | | | |
|Code. | | | |
|16. Police and the Public |
|Identify the basic guidelines which contribute | | |Guiding Principles: A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, |
|to strong community relations service. | | |B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, C1, C2, C3, C4, |
|Identify the relationship of each of the | | |C5, C6, D1, D2, D4, D6 |
|following police roles, and explain how they | | | |
|could positively or negatively affect community | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |
|relations service: Law enforcement; order | | |who: |
|maintenance; delivery of service; prevention of | | |1. Recognizes the need for information |
|crime | | |and locates and evaluates resources |
|Identify the potential benefits of strong | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and |
|community relations service to each of the | | |make informed decisions |
|following: The officer; his/her department; | | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |
|his/her community | | | |
|Identify the importance of public support and | | | |
|that effective community relations service is | | |Career and Ed: A3a-i, A4a-c, B1, B2a-e, |
|essential to gaining that support. | | |C4 |
|Identify the relationship between crime | | | |
|prevention and police public relations. | | | |
|Identify basic crime prevention techniques which| | | |
|should be used by citizens. | | | |
|Identify factors which determine if a citizen | | | |
|could benefit from a formal crime prevention | | | |
|program. | | | |
|17. Mechanics of Arrest, Restraint and Control (MARC) |
|Recognize circumstances which influence | | |Guiding Principles: A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, |
|strategy/level of force used in effecting an | | |B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, C1, C4, C7, D2, |
|arrest. | | |D3, D4, E1 |
|Demonstrate handcuffing/searching: Compliant | | | |
|subject; non-compliant subject | | | |
|Demonstrate the proper approach, verbal contact | | |Career and Ed: A3d, A3g, A3h, A3i, B2a, |
|and interview position. | | |B2c, B3e, C1c |
|Identify ground defense/ground control | | | |
|techniques. | | | |
|Identify the areas of the body which are | | | |
|vulnerable to physical attack. | | | |
|Demonstrate: Wristlock; escort hold; takedown | | | |
|techniques; escape | | | |
|Demonstrate: Pry; arm bar; escape from suspect | | | |
|mount; escape from suspect guard | | | |
|Demonstrate weapon retention techniques of: | | | |
|Holstered weapon; drawn weapon | | | |
|Demonstrate proper techniques for disarming an | | | |
|attacker, armed with a handgun. | | | |
|Identify whether or not the utilization of the | | | |
|police baton would be appropriate and/or | | | |
|justified in given situations. | | | |
|Demonstrate techniques utilizing physical means | | | |
|for removing a subject from a vehicle. | | | |
|Identify proper procedures/technique for | | | |
|deploying chemical agents. | | | |
|Identify proper procedures to transport | | | |
|prisoners. | | | |
|18. Note Taking and Report Writing |
|Identify factors determining when it is | | |Guiding Principles: A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, |
|necessary to record personal notes based on | | |B6, B7, C1, C6, E2 |
|nature of complaint or situation. | | | |
|Identify the proper method of recording field | | | |
|notes. | | |Career and Ed: A4a, A4c, B2a, B2c, B2d, |
|Identify the need to write concise and factual | | |B2f, C1c |
|summaries of witness and complainant interviews | | | |
|by including all pertinent information. | | | |
|Identify proper method to record location of | | | |
|physical evidence at crime scene. | | | |
|Identify sources of information for written | | | |
|reports. | | | |
|Identify proper content and sequence of | | | |
|information for police report. | | | |
|Identify desirable elements of a complete | | | |
|narrative report. | | | |
|Identify need to proofread written report and, | | | |
|if necessary, make corrections (includes | | | |
|spelling). | | | |
|19. Radio and Telecommunications |
|Identify proper METRO code and procedures to |Connects to (a, j, k, and l) Number and Quantity: Reason|??? |Guiding Principle: A1, A2, A3, A4, C1, |
|check persons and property. |quantitatively and use units to solve problems | |C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, D2, E1, E2 |
|Identify information necessary to check for |(Math.N-Q.A.1), maybe? | | |
|wants/warrants on person(s) through METRO. | | | |
|Identify information needed to check on property| | |Career and Ed: A3a-j, A4a-c, B2a-f, C4 |
|through METRO. |Standard- | | |
|Identify need to speak by radio clearly, |Attend to precision (Math.MP.6), Look for and make use | | |
|concisely, calmly. |of structure (Math.MP.7) | | |
|Identify need to keep radio transmissions to a | | | |
|minimum (keep conversations short and to the | | | |
|point). | | | |
|Identify information which should be included in| | | |
|a person’s description. | | | |
|Identify information which should be included in| | | |
|a vehicle description. | | | |
|Identify proper methods of describing | | | |
|missing/recovered property. | | | |
|Demonstrate verbally, the proper vocal | | | |
|characteristics for microphone speaking, | | | |
|including: Pronunciation; rate; volume. | | | |
|Define fifteen of the most frequently used APCO | | | |
|ten signals. | | | |
|Demonstrate correct vocalization of the ten | | | |
|numerals with proper radio pronunciation. | | | |
|Define all the letters of the alphabet with | | | |
|their prescribed standard law enforcement | | | |
|phonetic alphabet. | | | |
|20. Traffic Law Enforcement |
|Define selective enforcement. |Functions: Interpret functions that arise in |Using skid marks and specific functions to |Guiding Principles: |
|Identify circumstances when it is appropriate to|applications in terms of the context (Math.F-IF.B.4, |determine the speed a vehicle was traveling at |C. A creative and practical problem |
|issue verbal warnings to traffic violators. |Math.F-IF.B.5, and Math.F-IF.B.6) |when they crashed/hit the breaks |solver who: |
|Recognize circumstances when a custody arrest is| | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |
|authorized for a traffic offense. | |OUI detection – two day class about body |define problems |
|Identify circumstances to be recorded regarding | |chemistry, mathematical determination if |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |
|traffic citations for purposes of court | |someone is drunk via size, weight, blood |relationships that apply to solutions |
|presentation. | |alcohol content, breathalyzer usage |4. Generates a variety of solutions, |
|Identify need to explain legal procedures to | | |builds a case for a best response and |
|traffic violators. | |Radar usage |critically evaluates the effectiveness of|
|Identify proper positioning of patrol vehicle | | |the response |
|while monitoring for traffic violations. | | |6. Uses information and technology to |
|Identify factors to be considered to estimate | |A two days course where students have to learn |solve problems |
|the speed of a vehicle. | |how to accurately within 5 miles an hours | |
|Recognize that a traffic violation has occurred | |throughout 20 visual estimate, 10 in a moving |E. An integrative and informed thinker |
|by comparing observed vehicle operation with the|Number and Quantity: Reason quantitatively and use units|mode and 10 in a stationary mode (potentially |who: |
|requirements of the vehicle code, state laws, |to solve problems (Math.N-Q.A.2 and Math.N-Q.A.3) |not hitting proficiency but at least touching |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |
|and ordinances. | |on the subject) |disciplines and learning contexts and to |
|Identify proper procedures to clock speed of | | |real-life situations with and without |
|vehicles using speedometer. | |Introduction to the basics of how to recreate a|technology |
|Define legal requirements pertaining to | |crime scene (most likely will not hit | |
|assessment of driver's capability to operate a | |proficiency but gets an experience) | |
|vehicle. | | |Career and Ed: A3g, A3h, B2a, B2c, B2d, |
|Identify procedure to inspect driver's license. |Geometry: Make geometric constructions (Math.G-CO.D.12) |Recreate a crime scene for the students and |B2e, B2f, C1c, C3, C4 |
|Identify procedures to determine status of | |have the students go and figure it out | |
|driver's license. | | | |
|Identify procedures to check vehicles for proper| | | |
|registration. | | | |
|Identify frequency of OUI violations and | | | |
|crashes. | | | |
|Define general deterrence. | | | |
|Identify relationship between detection and | | | |
|deterrence. | | | |
|List the legal elements of OUI offense. |Standard- | | |
|Define Implied Consent/Duty to Submit law. |Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them | | |
|Describe relevance of chemical test evidence. |(Math. MP.1), Reason abstractly and quantitatively | | |
|Identify case law precedents. |(Math.MP.2), Model with Mathematics (Math.MP.4), Use | | |
|List the three (3) phases of detection. |appropriate tools strategically (Math.MP.5), Attend to | | |
|Identify the tasks and key decisions of each |precision (Math.MP.6) | | |
|phase. | | | |
|Identify the use of a standard note-taking | | | |
|guide. | | | |
|Identify guidelines for effective testimony. | | | |
|List typical cues of Phase One. | | | |
|Identify Phase One cues. | | | |
|List typical cues of Phase Two. | | | |
|Identify observable Phase Two cues. | | | |
|Demonstrate the ability to successfully | | | |
|administer field sobriety tests. | | | |
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