Questions for Sales People Intro Questions – Hook Questions Probing ...

Questions for Sales People

Intro Questions ? Should be asked early in call to find customer pain point

- What do you have? - What do you know, or Do you understand how your plan works? - Have you spoken to anyone about this? - How did you enroll in that plan? (if customer has plan this will help you find out if it was over phone or

local agent so you know what your up against early in the call)

Hook Questions ? should be used throughout the sales presentation to keep the customer engaged.

- How does that sound to you? - How do you feel about that? - Is that fair? - Are you with me? - Do you understand? - Any questions so far?

Probing Questions ? should be asked to eliminate an objection further in the conversation

- Would it be worth it to you to pay a little more for a name brand company like Aetna, MOO, Cigna? - Would you sleep better at night knowing you are with a brand name company?

Give client both options ? Name Brand vs Non Name Brand Price

1. What do you have - Mr. / Ms. _______ What do you have as your secondary coverage now? 2. What do you know? - Mr. / Ms. __________ Do you fully understand how Medicare and your plan works. 3. Who we are and what we do. - Mr. / Mrs. _______ We work with people like you each day in trying to make sure that you are in the best and most cost-effective plan available in your area. We are different than most in that we represent most every company in your area and all products. We can offer you full coverage with any plan that is available to you. Have you spoken with anyone about a certain plan? 4. What do you need? - Mr. / Ms. _______ my goal today is to make sure that we answer all your questions and help you in any way that you need. Now what is it that you are looking for today? If you use these 4 questions in the beginning of your presentation you will get much further and build rapport automatically.


? If I could would you technique. Get the client to say YES!!! o If there was a way that I could make that fit in your budget would you be interested?

Ancillary Questions ? Cancer - Has anyone in your family ever been diagnosed or directly affected by cancer? If so how did it affect them financially? If I could make sure you never had to go thru that would you be interested?

? HIP ? Have you or anyone in your family had to stay overnight in the hospital? How long? How did it affect them financially? o If client has MA - You understand you have a per day copay with your plan? If I could make sure you never had to go thru that would you be interested? o If client has Underage plan ? You understand you have deductibles and copays with your plan? If I could make sure you never had to go thru that would you be interested?


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