APWH Chapter 23 Questions1 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .What factors led to the Latin American revolutions?2 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .How and why did the process of gaining independence vary among different parts of Latin America?3 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .What major political challenges faced the new nations of the Western Hemisphere in the nineteenth century, and how well did they deal with those problems?4 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .How and why did the task of abolition vary among the different nations of the Western Hemisphere? What factors account for the success of the abolition movement?5 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .How did immigration patterns change in the nineteenth century, and how did these changes affect the Western Hemisphere nations that received immigrants?6 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .How did industrialization and economic growth affect the social and the natural environments of the Western Hemisphere countries? seq NL1 1 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .What factors led to the Latin American revolutions? seq NL1 2 seq NL_a \r 0 \h .How and why did the process of gaining independence vary among different parts of Latin America?3. Compare and contrast the revolutionary movements in Venezuela, Mexico, and Brazil.4. Problems associated with regionalism were important in shaping Latin American nations as well as the United States. Compare and contrast the significance of regionalism throughout the Americas.Answers - Enlightenment works and thought, revolutionary documents (Dec. of Ind., Dec. of RMC), Napolean’s invasion of Iberian peninsula, Portugal 1807 & Spain 1808, legitimacy, control of colonies by the Juntas, local administration vs. Spain, nationalism, 2. Brazil – Royal family fled to brazil upon Napolean’s occupation, revolutionary measures not as strong due to king’s presence, king goes back to Portugal and Pedro left in power, sides with elites and declares independence, establishes constitutional monarchy.Mexico – More conservative, starts with poor rebelling against colonial government.Spanish South America – militaristic revolutions eventually leading to dictatorships. Venezuela- Argentina - 3. ANS:Venezuelan independence was initiated by creoles (colonial-born whites), who were large landowners seeking to hold on to their power and wealth. They wanted to retain slavery and keep power from the black and mixed-race populace. Their narrow aims angered most Venezuelans, who broadened the movement, unifying behind Simón Bolívar. Although defeated on many occasions, Bolívar successfully adapted his objectives and policies to attract new allies and build coalitions. Although initially opposed to the abolition of slavery, he agreed to support emancipation in order to draw slaves and freemen to his cause and to gain supplies from Haiti. Bolívar made astute adjustments in his political and military goals and won independence. Mexico was much more conservative and wealthy than other Spanish colonies and also had a higher percentage of Spanish-born settlers. On hearing of Napoleon's invasion of Spain, the wealthiest Spaniards in Mexico feared that the local viceroy would be too sympathetic to the creoles, and so they overthrew him. Establishing a precedent of undermining the colonial government, the revolution spread to the rural and urban poor. It was the news of a military revolt in Spain in 1820 that shattered the conservative coalition. In 1821, Colonel Agustin de Iturbide and other loyalist commanders forged an alliance and declared Mexico's independence. However, this transition to independence was conservative and highlighted by the decision to create a monarchial form of government and crown Iturbide emperor. In 1823, Mexico became a republic. The situation in Brazil was different mainly because of its Portuguese affiliation. When Napoleon invaded Portugal, the Portuguese royal family fled into exile in Brazil. Even after the French in Portugal were defeated, the royal family remained in America. The king returned to Portugal only when a liberal revolt threatened the Iberian government. His son Pedro declared Brazilian independence in 1822 and established a constitutional monarchy with himself as its head.4. ANS:Regionalism in Latin America was very divisive, often splitting nations into competing factions. On a larger scale, it ensured the failure of all attempts at creating federations of states. Students should identify Bolívar's failed attempt at creating Gran Colombia as one example. Within nations, the wealthy jealously guarded their positions and often instigated civil wars or secession movements to safeguard them. This caused more localized divisions, which threatened to split countries apart. Dictators often arose in attempts to unify regions under stronger centralized control. By 1900, every Latin American country had undergone at least one dictatorship. On the other hand, the United States, with a longer British and colonial history of constitutional and representative government, never experienced a violent usurpation of power or rejection of an election. Still, the United States Constitution did specifically try to address regional problems and concerns, which included sanctioning slavery. The problems of regionalism and internal differences were significant enough that they led to the Civil War in 1861. ................

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