Investment Challenge .com

-49530-2857500Investment ChallengeBanking & InvestmentSpring 2013Welcome to Dr. Moss’ Investment Challenge. I have over $50,000,000 that I would like to invest in the stock market. I want to select a hedge fund which will earn me the highest return on my investment. I will give each firm $3,000,000 to invest. You will have 6 weeks to make me as much money as you can. The winning team will get the opportunity to invest the rest of my money. I will evaluate each team based on the following criteria:Acceptable-2Unacceptable- 1/0Did you make me a lot of money?Were your weekly reports informative and accurate? Were you able to answer my questions to my satisfaction?Did your weekly reports/presentations demonstrate a sound investment strategy?Did you seem to work well together as a team?Did each individual portfolio manager meet his/her obligations? You will work in groups of 3. With Your group you should create a company name. Each individual in the company will be a portfolio manager and is responsible for investing a $1,000,000. Your company should decide on its general investment strategy and be prepared to present it to the class. Each person will also play one of the following roles:Hedge Fund General Manager: This person is responsible for the smooth operations of your investment firm. She/he is responsible for making sure all reports are prepared and proper presentations are made to the class. She/He must also assist the financial public relations manager in gathering the data for the weekly presentations.Financial Investment Analyst: This person will keep track on all trades and the amount of money made of lost. This person must be prepared to give this information to the teacher at any time. It is suggested that you create an excel spreadsheet to track all trades. You will also have to post a total Financial Public Relations Manager: This person will present the weekly report to the rest of the class. They must give a detailed account of net gains/losses of stock trades. The weekly presentation must be professional and contain all appropriate information. This must also be able to answer questions from their investor(s) (Dr. Moss).1. Additional “Investment Challenge” rules to individual portfolio managers:Each portfolio manager will have $1,000,000 to invest in the stock market.Each portfolio manager must keep track of purchase/sell of stocks in a stock journal.Each portfolio manager will use 1st 10 minutes of every class to buy/sell stock.You are allowed to sell short.You may place limit orders.You may buy on margin ($100,000 line of credit with 3% interest).Each portfolio manager must buy/sell at least 15 different stocks or mutual funds.Portfolio managers must not invest in the same stock.2. Individual portfolio managers should create a portfolio that displays their work during the “Investment Challenge”. The portfolio should include the following:An attractive cover sheet stating your nameA section which displays your daily transactions.Articles from the newspaper, Internet, magazines, etc… used to research companies invested in.A typed paragraph regarding each company invested in – include the company name, what type of business it is, what products/services it handles, what exchange it is a part of, the purchase price when bought and/or sold, the 52 week high and lowA 1 page summary explaining what was learned from the challenge, any problems encountered, and evaluation of the entire process.Each Investment company must give weekly presentations to demonstrate their progress and discuss their strategy with Dr. e join Carrollton High School 2013 stock market competition! Use the information and directions below to join the competition. Competition ID: CHS2013 Competition Password: trojansPlease go to and create an account.Go to game/chs2013 Enter the competition ID from above into the competition ID text box under "Looking for a private competition". Remember the competition ID is case sensitive, so enter it exactly as it appears. Then press Go.Read the competition summary etc. and click on Join button.Follow directions.Individual portfolio managers will be graded based on the following criteria:Excellent20-19 or 15-14Satisfactory18-15 or 13-9Poor14-0 or 8-0CommentsKept an up-to-date transaction log (15pts)Invested in at least 15 different stock (15pts)Contained research articles from newspaper, Internet, magazines, etc. of reach stock (15pts)Contained a typed summary of each stock (20pts)Contained a one page summary of what they learned from the process (20pts)List of Companies & WebsitesProduct Name Parent Company Web site IMacApple Computer Toy Story 2Pixel PlayStation 2Sony Windows 2000Microsoft PhotoShopAdobe ESPNDisney CNBCGeneral Electric CNNTime Warner NavigatorAmerica Online KFCTricon Minute MaidCoca-Cola DuracellGillette CheeriosGeneral Mills CadillacGeneral Motor PokemonNintendo CrestProcter & Gamble 747Boeing PentiumIntel AthlonAMD NewsweekWashington Post The Wall Street JournalDow Jones USA TodayThe Gannett Co. Research Websites:Yahoo Finance Wall Street Research Net Online Companies Online Financial Network York Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Funds ................

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