Learning to Identify Unhealthy Behaviors and Habits

Learning to Identify Unhealthy Behaviors and Habits




? Understand the difference between behavior, habits, and addictions

? Learn how some behaviors can become compulsive habits

? Learn how compulsive habits can progress to addiction

? Learn about treatment for addiction and how LifeScope can help

Needs, Impulses and Behavior

? Certain basic needs (or impulses) like food, sex, excitement and sleep are internally regulated. When we are thirsty, our internal regulator encourages us to drink, and then signals when we are satisfied.

? This internal regulatory process reinforces behavior which satisfies our basic needs and impulses.

? However, this same internal reward process can also encourage unhealthy behaviors.

The Pleasure Pathway

Pleasure is an important regulating factor in human behavior. Would you eat chocolate again if it were not pleasurable? Because certain behaviors and substances highly stimulate the brain's reward centers, they have a greater potential to become habitual.

Compulsive Behaviors and Addiction

? People often use pleasurable behaviors and substances to change their mood, perceptions, or emotional state

? The route from use to compulsive behavior to addiction appears to be governed by a complex relationship between multiple biological and environmental factors


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