Types of RNA - Mrs. Earland's Class Resources - Home

3580130571500Protein Synthesis = Cell ControlAll metabolic reactions are catalyzed by proteins (enzymes), including energy releasing and energy capturing reactions.Proteins offer structure to cells and organisms, such as the cytoskeleton.DNA has the stored information needed to determine the ________________________________ in proteins.There are ___ different amino acidsSome are positive, negative, polar, neutral… so different aa will ________________________ one anotherIf you think of the aa as a chain, then imagine that some of those beads like each other, and others repel, then the chain will fold to form a 3D structure. That is the proteinright46704600-293995408200Remember DNA is in the nucleus and can’t leave – so how does DNA get to the ribosomes?DNA sends _____________________________ to the _______________ in the form of messenger RNA (mRNA).right27241500RNARNA is a ________________.? RNA is made up of a chain of nucleotides (phosphate + sugar + nitrogen base).Different than DNA because:RNA - consists of only a ___________________ of nucleotide The sugar in RNA is ________________.instead of thymine RNA contains the base _______________.In RNA, cytosine bonds to guanine, and adenine bonds to uracil.43992805071800Types of RNARNA are the “workers” for protein synthesis.? DNA provides the workers with the instructions for making the proteins and the workers build the proteins amino acid by amino acid (Remember amino acid + amino acid + amino acid = Protein).3?Types of RNA that makes proteins (Workers in the protein assembly line)mRNA – RNA messenger – brings __________________ from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome.rRNA - __________________ is made up of ribosomal RNA; it binds the mRNA and uses the instructions to assemble the amino acids in the correct order.left42061800tRNA - ___________________ the amino acids to the ribosome to be assembled into a protein.?Transcription5938579700The process by which the DNA message is copied into a strand of mRNA is called transcription.? This mRNA is then used for the construction of a protein molecule.Transcription takes places __________________________ because DNA cannot leave.??The steps:The DNA double helix starts to ______________Once the two strands of DNA separate from one another only ________ strand participates in the synthesis of a ______________________________________.The _________________________________ “made” with the help of an enzyme called RNA polymerase.After mRNA synthesis is complete, the two strands of DNA recouple and the molecules of ____________ to assume its double helix.The proceeded mRNA leaves the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???mRNA carries the instructions that direct the assembly of a specific protein to a designated area on the ribosome.? The instructions are carried in a sequence of three nitrogen bases called a codon.Codon Chart0-317500_________ is the code – needed to convert mRNA into protein language.?? Each codon (3 nitrogen bases) _____________________.? This is the genetic code.? The genetic code is ____________________.64 possible combinations – (see Table 11.1 in book) – Note some do not code for an amino acid, but provide instructions for making a protein (UAA is a STOP codon indicating that the protein chain ends at that point).AUG is a START codon as well as?the codon for methionine.Note that more than one codon can code for the same ________________.?Translation0-127000Once the message has reached the ribosome, the protein is ready to be assembled.? The process of building the protein from the mRNA instructions is called translation.? The transfer RNA (tRNA) and the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are involved in translation.In the cytoplasm, a ________________________ _______________________like a clothes pin clamped to a close line.tRNA is responsible for ______________________ to the ________________ so they can be linked in a specific order that makes up a single protein.? right132981300Each tRNA attaches to _________________________________ How does this happen? One end of the tRNA carries a three-base sequence called an anticodon, which matches up with a particular codon on the mRNA.? They are complementary to each other.??The Translation Process The tRNA carries the first amino acid to the to the mRNA strand The anticodon forms as base pair with codon mRNA. This places the amino acid in the correct position for forming a peptide bond with the next amino acid (Remember peptide bonds bond amino acids together in proteins).?The ribosome slides down the mRNA chain top the next codon and a new tRNA? molecule bring another moleculeThe amino acids bond, the first tRNA releases its amino acid and detaches from the mRNA.? The tRNA molecule is now free to pick up and deliver another molecule of its specific amino acid to a ribosome.? Again the ribosome slides down to the next codon; a new tRNA molecule arrives and its amino acid bonds with the previous one.?? rRNA helps bond the amino acids together to form the final protein.When the STOP codon is reached on the mRNA strand translation ends and amino acid strand is released from the ribosomeAmino acid chains become proteins when they are released from the ribosome. ................

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