Difference Between Push & Pull Marketingby Tanya Robertson, Demand MediaThe primary difference between push and pull marketing lies in how consumers are approached. In push marketing, the idea is to promote products by pushing them onto people. For push marketing, consider sales displays at your grocery store. On the other hand, in pull marketing, the idea is to establish a loyal following and draw consumers to the products. Examples are Porsche and Lamborghini, which no longer need to advertise, as consumers come to them.Push MarketingPush marketing is a promotional strategy where businesses attempt to take their products to the customers. The term push stems from the idea that marketers are attempting to push their products at consumers. Common sales tactics include trying to sell merchandise directly to customers via company showrooms and negotiating with retailers to sell their products for them, or set up point-of-sale displays. Often, these retailers will receive special sales incentives in exchange for this increased visibility.Example of Push MarketingOne common example of push marketing can be seen in department stores that sell fragrance lines. The manufacturing brand of the fragrance will often offer sales incentives to the department stores for pushing its products onto customers. This tactic can be especially beneficial for new brands that aren't well-established or for new lines within a given brand that need additional promotion. After all, for many consumers, being introduced to the fragrance at the store is their first experience with the product, and they wouldn't know to ask for it if they didn't know it existed.Pull MarketingPull marketing, on the other hand, takes the opposite approach. The goal of pull marketing is to get the customers to come to you, hence the term pull, where marketers are attempting to pull customers in. Common sales tactics used for pull marketing include mass media promotions, word-of-mouth referrals and advertised sales promotions. From a business perspective, pull marketing attempts to create brand loyalty and keep customers coming back, whereas push marketing is more concerned with short-term sales.Example of Pull MarketingYou can often recognize pull marketing campaigns by the amount of advertising that's being used. Pull marketing requires lots of advertising dollars to be spent on making brand and products a household name. One example includes the marketing of children's toys. In the first stage, the company advertises the product. Next, the children and parents see the advertisement and want to purchase the toy. As demand increases, retailers begin scrambling trying to stock the product in their stores. All the while, the company has successfully pulled customers to them.PUSH AND PULL MARKETING STRATEGIESPromotional strategies to get your product or service to market can be roughly divided into two separate camps.1. PUSH STRATEGYA push promotional strategy involves taking the product directly to the customer via whatever means, ensuring the customer is aware of your brand at the point of purchase. "Taking the product to the customer"EXAMPLES OF PUSH TACTICSTrade show promotions to encourage retailer demandDirect selling to customers in showrooms or face to faceNegotiation with retailers to stock your productEfficient supply chain allowing retailers an efficient supplyPackaging design to encourage purchasePoint of sale displays2. PULL STRATEGYA pull strategy involves motivating customers to seek out your brand in an active process. "Getting the customer to come to you"EXAMPLES OF PULL TACTICSAdvertising and mass media promotionWord of mouth referralsCustomer relationship managementSales promotions and discountsThe origin of these two terms refers to the supply chain and how the demand for the product is generated.PUSH STRATEGY EXPLAINEDThe term 'push strategy' describes the work a manufacturer of a product needs to perform to get the product to the customer. This may involve setting up distribution channels and persuading middle men and retailers to stock your product. The push technique can work particularly well for lower value items such as fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs), when customers are standing at the shelf ready to drop an item into their baskets and are ready to make their decision on the spot. This term now broadly encompasses most direct promotional techniques such as encouraging retailers to stock your product, designing point of sale materials or even selling face to face. New businesses often adopt a push strategy for their products in order to generate exposure and a retail channel. Once your brand has been established, this can be integrated with a pull strategy.PULL STRATEGY EXPLAINED'Pull strategy' refers to the customer actively seeking out your product and retailers placing orders for stock due to direct consumer demand. A pull strategy requires a highly visible brand which can be developed through mass media advertising or similar tactics. If customers want a product, the retailers will stock it - supply and demand in its purest form and this is the basis of a pull strategy. Create the demand, and the supply channels will almost look after themselves.FINAL WORDSA successful strategy will usually have elements of both the push and pull promotional methods. If you are starting a new business and intend to sell a product through retailers, you'll almost certainly need to persuade outlets to purchase and stock your product. You'll also need to raise brand awareness and start building valuable word of mouth referrals. If you have designed a product around the customer and have considered all elements of the marketing mix, both of these aspects should be achievable.TO DOIdentify the elements of the marketing mix for a current product.Consider how you apply both the push AND pull strategies for this product.Create an eye-catching PowerPoint with photos.Submit via email ................

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